Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of April 1, 2023
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Compiled Sat. 1 April 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities”
It is only wise to have at least a month’s worth of food, water, cash and essential items on hand.
Love Thy Neighbor: A Special Tabernacle Choir Event – YouTube
Judy Note: “This Nation Under God shall have a new birth of freedom – and government of We The People, By The People, For The People, shall not perish from the Earth.”…Trump Database, Telegram Fri. 31 March
- One Person Can Change the World “It isn’t the Size of the Fist. It’s the Size of the Dream.”
- The World appeared to be weeks, days, or perhaps hours away from a Global Financial Collapse…
Global Currency Reset:
Judy Note: Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) notification to set appointments could come at any time.
Fri. 31 March MarkZ: “Nader (from Iraq) did tell us and I think it’s very important, he says the process has started, and I couldn’t agree more. I am hearing this from all my sources that it has started…It cannot be pulled back…It is well underway. None of us know exactly the timing. We know that Kuwait did indeed RV during Ramadan. No matter what we have a few interesting weeks ahead. …Folks are just waiting to move forward. … A number of sources are still saying April 1st through the 3rd is a “go”...I did speak to one contact from the redemption side. They are planning on working this weekend. …A number of military reached out to me on Thurs. to let me know they are on notice for massive things over this weekend. It’s all coming together.”
A High Up Contact: Global Currency Reset Projected Timeline as of Fri. 31 March 2023:
- This weekend: Nesara/Gesara Announcement.
- Mon. 3 April, Tues. 4 April: Release of Fines and Penalties Funds.
- Wed. 5 April: Announcement of Gold/ asset-backed world currencies.
- Thurs. 6 April: Activation-liquidation of Dubai 1 working capital funds under the QFS ISO2002020 operating system. Funds will be moved into specific Sovereign Buyer accounts that will in turn issue Non Disclosure Documents and Agreements to 23 Mega package sellers.
- Mon. 10 April: Dubai 2 groups of Sovereign Buyers will start contracts with various trusts and large file sellers.
- Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) have created new Gold/asset-backed currencies to challenge the fiat US dollar, of which the new Gold/ asset-backed US Treasury Note goes into effect on Sat. 1 April 2023.
- This 209 Nation Global Currency Reset officially began on Sat. 25 March.
- By Wed. 29 March the Iraqi Dinar had revalued in-country and was trading internationally on the Forex as a gold/asset-backed currency.
- US Dollar Changes April 1:
- The Entire World Economy Could Collapse at Any Moment, Gregory Mannarino:

If you were reading this Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset as published on Dinar Chronicles/Operation Disclosure Official, please understand that it has been redacted. For a full and un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the report’s end.
Restored Republic:
- Banking Updates and Birth Certificates, Charlie Ward:
- The World appeared to be weeks, days, or perhaps hours away from a Global Financial Collapse…
Global Financial System Collapse:
- Slowly Then Suddenly . . . Our World Is Replaced (Video) (
- BANKING COLLAPSE connects to Tribunals and WAR CRIMES – American Media Group (
- Billionaires Sergey Brin, Thomas Pritzker, Mortimer Zuckerman and Michael Ovitz were issued subpoenas this week by the US Virgin Islands as part of its lawsuit against JPMorgan over the bank’s relationship with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Brin is a co-founder of Google and sits on the board of parent company Alphabet. Pritzker is executive chairman of Hyatt Hotels. Ovitz is a venture capitalist and co-founder of the Creative Artists Agency (CAA). Zuckerman is a real-estate billionaire and owns US News and World Report.
Collapse of Global Financial System, Ben Fulford:
- The collapse of the Western financial system is a mathematical certainty because recent rate hikes created at least an $8 trillion loss for financial institutions. Governments have been trying to foist this on the people. Revolution will be the result. This is why unprecedented unrest is overtaking France, Germany, Pakistan, Israel and many other places.
- Since the bankruptcy of the Western Khazarian mafia ruling class is the cause of the political turmoil, let us first look at the latest developments on this front. The basic story is that no matter how hard you try to avoid reality, eventually, it finds a way of catching up. The KM started avoiding reality first by allowing banks to lend $100 for every $8 they have; these are the so-called “BIS rules.” This is dangerous because it means more than ten times leverage. Then, since this was falling apart, Bill Clinton Rockefeller upped the ante by allowing 1000 or more times leverage, This turned most of the Western financial system into a giant hallucination known as derivatives with countless $ gazillion (an imaginary but very large number) being batted around inside bank supercomputers.
- The Rockefellers, Rothschilds etc, began extorting even more money from the European and American people,
- For example, they blew up the Nordstream pipeline to force Europeans to buy LNG from the US at four times the price they paid Russia. That is why the EU’s total LNG imports from the US increased 154 percent in 2022 compared to 2021. Needless to say, European living standards dropped accordingly. This is one of the reasons why Europe is now in flames (more on that later).
- The biggest extortion now is coming from the privately owned FRB hiking interest rates. As a result of recent rate hikes, the Indian Express Newspaper estimates US banks have lost at least $2 trillion while banks outside the US have lost $6 trillion in investments in interest-sensitive assets since 2022.
- Against this conservative $8 trillion loss estimate US banks insured by the FDIC have nearly $24 trillion in assets while the FDIC only has $125 billion in its war chest. Even this $125 billion is gone because US banks borrowed $153 billion at a punitive 4.75% against collateral at the discount window. This is more than during the Lehman crisis of 2008. This does not even take into consideration the $ quadrillions losses the banks have on derivatives gambles. In a sign this time even central banks are going down, the Dutch central bank lost close to half a billion euros last, year, its first loss since the great depression of 1931. This is just the beginning.
- This financial crisis will lead inevitably to the collapse of the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS and most international financial institutions as well as many governments.
- What is happening now has never happened before in human history. We are witnessing the first-ever world revolution. The riots in France, the US military disobedience of fake President Joe Biden, the unification of the Muslim people, the collapse of Credit Suisse and many more events around the world are all interconnected signs of this. It is all part of the overthrow of a hidden ruling class that has presided over the planet for thousands if not tens of thousands of years. The final result will be both mind-boggling and liberating for humanity and earth life in general.
- In the Middle East, for example, the various countries of the region, including Egypt, Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia have decided to stop handing over their oil to the Khazarian mafia in exchange for numbers on bank computers. That is why fake President Joe Biden has been forced to drain the strategic oil reserve.
- The same is happening with China and other Asian countries who are now demanding payment in real things like gold and physical products from the United States and other Western countries.
- In Africa, a large group of countries has asked for Russian help to stop the French Rothschilds etc. from stealing their resources.
- This Alliance between the global south, the global east and Western White Hats is leading to an implosion of the Western financial system and regime change in a variety of countries.
- The collapse of Credit Suisse is a reflection of this. Notice how none of the so-called mainstream news articles about Credit Suisse talk about the real reason why it is collapsing and why take over by UBS and a Swiss government bail-out will fail. Let there be no doubt, it will fail and bring down with it the Federal Reserve Board, the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank, the UN etc.
Must Watch Videos:
- Fri. 31 March X22 Report:
- Thurs. 23 March Deep State Crash: Dave XRP Lion Discusses the Deep State Crash & the Quantum System With Nicholas Veniamin! – Video | Economy | Before It’s News (
(Note: Only financial related content was included in this report. You can view and download the full report on Operation Disclosure Official. ~ Dinar Chronicles)
Source: Operation Disclosure Official
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1 Comment
Once everyone realizes this is not a political war its spiritual!! Its time to stop wasting our time & energy on all these political issues & start reading the book of Revelation & Daniel. All of this has been prophesied. Let’s not make the same mistakes the apostles made the 1st time Jesus came. Let’s get to know Jesus Christ better than we know anyone else by reading His Word to prepare us…for the time is at hand