Revealed: The Shocking Truth Behind the NESARA Act and the Global Currency Reset: NESARA Act, GCR, Federal Reserve, IRS, Rothschild bankers, White House siege, Bill Clinton, President Donald Trump and GESARA!
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In a historic battle against financial tyranny, American farmers stood up against the illegal land grabs perpetrated by banks, leading to a Supreme Court ruling that unveiled a web of corruption stretching back to the early 20th century. This article uncovers the dramatic saga of the NESARA Act, a law that promised to return stolen funds to the people but was met with resistance from the highest echelons of power.
In the annals of American history, few tales rival the audacity and intrigue of the NESARA Act. It’s a story of grassroots rebellion against entrenched financial powers, of clandestine maneuvers within the hallowed halls of government, and ultimately, of betrayal at the highest levels.
The Genesis of Injustice: The Farmers Union Case. It all began with a legal battle waged by the Farmers Union, a group of hardworking agriculturalists whose livelihoods were threatened by the avarice of banks. These financial institutions, emboldened by their unchecked power, had been illegally seizing land from farmers, leaving devastation in their wake.
Years of tireless litigation culminated in a landmark ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, a verdict that sent shockwaves through the corridors of power. The Court’s decision exposed a dark underbelly of corruption, revealing that the privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS, puppets of the Rothschild banking dynasty, had been siphoning funds from the American people for decades.
The Triumph of Justice: NESARA’s Promise. In the wake of this damning revelation, hope flickered on the horizon in the form of the NESARA Act. Conceived as a beacon of justice, NESARA aimed to right the wrongs of the past by returning stolen wealth to its rightful owners – the American people.
But the road to redemption was fraught with obstacles. Despite the Supreme Court’s ruling, President Bill Clinton, beholden to the interests of the elite, turned a blind eye to NESARA’s call for restitution. His reluctance to act spoke volumes about the stranglehold that financial oligarchs had on the levers of power.
The White House Showdown: A Moment of Reckoning. It was against this backdrop of betrayal that a daring act of defiance unfolded on October 10, 2000. Elite operatives from the Naval Seals and Delta Force, acting on the orders of courageous military generals, stormed the White House with a singular mission – to compel Clinton, at gunpoint if necessary, to sign NESARA into law.
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In a scene reminiscent of a Hollywood thriller, the Secret Service and White House security personnel were rendered powerless, forced to stand down and bear witness to history in the making. And as the ink dried on the document that would change the course of American destiny, it seemed as though justice had prevailed.
The Broken Promise: Clinton’s Betrayal and Subsequent Presidents’ Apathy. Yet, like a cruel twist of fate, Clinton’s signature proved to be little more than a hollow gesture. Despite the solemn oath he had taken to uphold the Constitution, he reneged on his commitment to implement NESARA, leaving the hopes of millions dashed upon the rocks of political expediency.
And so it was that subsequent presidents, ensnared in the same web of corruption and complicity, followed in Clinton’s footsteps, consigning NESARA to the dustbin of history. For years, the American people languished under the weight of financial oppression, their cries for justice falling on deaf ears.
Trump’s Gamble on GESARA. But just when all seemed lost, a glimmer of hope emerged from the unlikeliest of places. In the form of Donald J. Trump, a brash and unconventional leader unbound by the shackles of political correctness, America found a champion willing to take on the forces of darkness.
In a bold move that sent shockwaves through the global elite, Trump not only embraced NESARA but also introduced a companion legislation known as GESARA, designed to extend the promise of financial liberation to nations around the world. It was a gambit fraught with risk, yet Trump, undeterred by the naysayers and skeptics, pressed forward with unwavering resolve.
NESARA implements the following changes:
1. Cancels all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debts due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare: a “jubilee” or debt forgiveness.
2. Eliminates federal income tax.
3. Eliminates the IRS. IRS employees are moved to the US Treasury’s national sales tax division.
4. Creates a flat 14% sales tax revenue on non-essential “new items only” for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will used items like old houses. That 14% will be shared with state governments.
5. Increases benefits for seniors.
6. Returns constitutional law to all courts and legal matters.
7. Reinstates the original peerage amendment. Hundreds of thousands of Americans under the control of foreign powers will lose their citizenship, be deported to other countries, and barred from re-entry for the rest of their lives. And millions of people will soon find that their college degrees are now worthless paper
(Judy Note: The US Department of Education was run by the Vatican, which has been pushing a false narrative that fits its Deep State agenda. From what I understand, NESARA will provide free and truthful education to the public).
8. Schedules new presidential and congressional elections within 120 days of NESARA announcement. The interim government will lift all “national emergencies” and return us to constitutional law.
9. Oversee elections and prevent illegal election activities by special interest groups.
10. Create a new U.S. Treasury, a “rainbow currency” backed by the precious metals gold, silver and platinum, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
11. The U.S. Department of Transportation prohibits the sale of American birth certificates as property bonds.
12. Establish a new U.S. financial banking system consistent with constitutional law.
13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the interim period, the Federal Reserve is allowed to work side-by-side with the U.S. Treasury for one year to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
14. Restore financial privacy.
15. Train all judges and lawyers in constitutional law.
16. Stop all aggressive military actions by the US government worldwide.

The Battle for Economic Freedom Continues
As we reflect on the tumultuous journey of the NESARA Act, one thing becomes abundantly clear – the struggle for economic freedom is far from over. In a world where the powerful prey upon the powerless with impunity, it falls upon each and every one of us to stand up and fight for what is right.
The legacy of NESARA serves as a reminder that no amount of corruption or deceit can extinguish the flames of justice. And as we look to the future with hope in our hearts and determination in our souls, let us never forget the sacrifices of those who came before us, nor the promise of a brighter tomorrow that beckons on the horizon.
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1 Comment
“The Court’s decision exposed a dark underbelly of corruption, revealing that the privately owned Federal Reserve and IRS, puppets of the Rothschild banking dynasty, had been siphoning funds from the American people for decades.”
I read years ago that Hitler made an agreement with European leaders in an agreement on territories.
Can’t remember what Europe was supposed to give to “the cause” but Hitler got the school system.
This article makes me wonder if perhaps Europe and the US were under the same leadership? Or tyranny?