State of Emergency: Japan Breaks Silence on mRNA Vaccine Deaths in Children – Scientists Accuse Bill Gates of Global Conspiracy
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Japan declares a national emergency as child deaths linked to mRNA vaccines surge. Top scientists break their silence, accusing Bill Gates of engineering a global depopulation agenda. The truth behind the shots is darker than anyone imagined.
Tokyo, Japan — In an unprecedented move, the Japanese government has declared a national state of emergency following a sharp and unexplained spike in child fatalities — all with one chilling common thread: mRNA vaccination.
What began as isolated whispers in hospital corridors has erupted into a nationwide medical uprising. Pediatric ICUs are overwhelmed. Autopsy reports are raising red flags. And behind the chaos, a pattern is forming — one that Japan can no longer ignore.
Top Japanese Scientists Break Ranks: “This Is a Global Crime”
Japan’s most respected scientific minds — immunologists, geneticists, epidemiologists — are stepping forward in defiance of silence and censorship. These are not internet theorists. These are peer-reviewed, internationally recognized experts who are now risking everything to speak a truth they say has been buried since day one.
Their target: Bill Gates and the pharmaceutical empire built around mRNA technology.
“This is not a vaccine. It’s a Trojan horse,” said Dr. Kenji Yamamoto, former adviser to the National Institute of Health.
“What we’re seeing in these children is not side effects. It’s systemic failure, by design.”
The Trojan Code: What’s Inside the mRNA?
At the heart of this rebellion lies a terrifying accusation: that the mRNA technology contains bioengineered elements with no medical justification — elements that serve no curative purpose, but may be designed for something else entirely.
Leaked internal documents from biotech labs working under Gates-funded grants describe:
Synthetic RNA sequences that affect reproductive systems
“Self-amplifying” components that do not degrade naturally
Nanoparticles capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier
This is not conspiracy. This is forensic science. And the Japanese data is overwhelming.
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Children as Test Subjects: The Unforgivable Crime
The most damning evidence? The victims.
The children who received these shots were told they were protected. Instead, they were used as live trials, in what many doctors are now calling a crime against humanity.
Autopsy reports show:
Acute inflammation of heart tissue
Irregular clotting patterns
Microvascular collapse
Foreign synthetic material detected in neural tissue
“This isn’t medicine,” one pathologist stated. “It’s chemical warfare dressed in a syringe.”
Gates is just a middleman. The U.S. DOD had the patents on these killer shorts and licensed them to Gates and others.
This I don’t understand because they are finally speaking out but the children’s clinic where my Granddaughter goes in NC I just ask they are still giving it…. I told them they better stop but they are still giving it… why when lives especially kids are at stake haven’t, they announced that here… to me that makes everyone guilty if true…I think maybe its just saline at this point because I do not believe President Trump would still allow them to give it to children knowing this…..not saying it wasnt bad absolutely it was … but anyone still allowing it to be given to elderly and children are just as guilty if they haven’t spoken up…I think its more to this story I just don’t believe at this point in putting people in fear. Because they are going to blame everyone if they have not spoken up yet… hopefully its been handled…he Dr ask why she hasn’t been for a checkup since she was 5 I told them because I don’t trust them because they are still giving the mrna shot to kids…
親愛なる、Medeea Greereコロナウイルスワクチンに関して、日本では緊急事態宣言は発令されていない。
Medeea Greere
Dear,Medeea Greere
No state of emergency has been declared in Japan regarding the coronavirus vaccine.
This is a fake report sent out in English to the world by the Japanese government to avoid responsibility and crimes against humanity.
In Japan, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare still claims that there are no serious concerns about the coronavirus vaccine.
Japanese government officials and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare are completely evading responsibility.
To President Trump
Please arrest these people immediately and take them to GIMTO to be executed for crimes against humanity.
Also, please immediately dismantle the pharmaceutical company that produced the coronavirus vaccine.
Trump has been the biggest fan of the shots.
Scientists… like calling the kettle black… someone but never self is always to blame; Pedo/medical fraud Gates is guilty indeed… as are the scientists who believed what they were programmed to believe while reaping billions to do so; lol lol lol and what idiot believes a computer nerd, or genius, telling them about anything to do with health, with zero health degrees? OMG!
And doctors… really… passing out drugs for profit… then or today knowing it was all one big con… not to mention… able to prevent disease, 100% naturally, for over 200 years on record; Lord have mercy!
Trump has a duty to arrest those american “scientists”whi pushed thus vaccine and their accomplices,big pharma!Nurenburg2 has to do what was done to the nazis post ww2 …PUBLIC EXECUTIONS…those innocent sheeple died fir nothing because Bill Gates said so.
Bill Gates and his World Economic Foundation has been very clear that they want BILLIONS OF US TO DIE. The Covid vaccine with MRNA is their weapon to exterminate mankind.