Terrence Howard Drops a Bombshell: “This is The Best Kept SECRET in The ENTIRE WORLD!” You Won’t Believe This Must-See Video!
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Terrence Howard exposes the shocking truth that will make you question everything you thought you knew about science and reality. Don’t miss this explosive must-see video as he reveals ‘The Greatest Secret in the World’—prepare to have your mind blown!
Terrence Howard’s Shocking Revelation: The Greatest Lie You’ve Ever Believed
What if everything you thought you knew was a lie?
What if the world’s most basic truths—those taught to you since childhood—were built on a foundation of falsehoods?
Terrence Howard, Hollywood actor turned revolutionary thinker, is here to rip the veil off reality. He claims to have uncovered the best-kept secret in the world, and his discoveries could dismantle the way we see science, mathematics, and existence itself.
His ideas aren’t just bold—they’re earth-shattering. Howard isn’t interested in sugarcoating or coddling; he’s here to disrupt, to challenge, and to force you to question the very fabric of reality. The only question is: can you handle the truth?
The Fatal Flaw in Mathematics: The System That’s Holding You Hostage
For centuries, we’ve trusted mathematics as the ultimate language of truth. But what if that trust is misplaced? Terrence Howard argues that our current mathematical systems are nothing more than a house of cards—flimsy approximations masquerading as absolute truths. He takes aim at one of math’s most basic principles: 1 × 1 = 1.
Howard doesn’t mince words. “This is nonsense,” he declares. Multiplication, by definition, should result in something greater. How can you multiply and end up with the same thing? He calls this a glaring contradiction, a deception that’s been shoved down our throats for generations. If Howard is right, this isn’t just a small mistake—it’s a monumental failure that undermines the entire system of mathematics.
And it doesn’t stop there. Howard’s challenge to this fundamental principle could force us to rewrite everything: from basic arithmetic to advanced physics. Are we ready to admit we’ve been wrong this whole time?
Chemicals and Elements: The Universe’s Great Illusion
Howard doesn’t stop with math; he goes straight for the jugular of modern science. According to him, everything we know about chemistry is dead wrong. He believes that chemicals aren’t distinct substances but are simply the motion of electricity or magnetism. It’s a radical simplification that shatters the illusion of complexity we’ve been fed for centuries.
Even more shocking, Howard asserts that elements—the so-called building blocks of life—aren’t unique entities but pressure conditions that repeat. Think about that. Everything we see, touch, and interact with is just a variation of the same pressure state, playing out in a predictable cycle. It’s not chaos; it’s not random. It’s a carefully orchestrated pattern, and we’ve been too blind—or too arrogant—to see it.
This revelation doesn’t just challenge science; it calls into question our entire understanding of the physical world. If Howard is right, then modern chemistry is little more than a smoke-and-mirrors act.
The Flower of Life: A Code Hidden in Plain Sight
Howard’s most compelling evidence is the Flower of Life—an ancient geometric symbol found in cultures across the globe. To most people, it’s just a pretty pattern. But to Howard, it’s the key to unlocking the universe’s deepest secrets.
This symbol, he says, represents the fundamental principles of expansion and contraction—the rhythm of the universe itself. From the growth of galaxies to the cells in our bodies, everything follows these principles. The Flower of Life isn’t just art; it’s a blueprint for existence.
Think about that for a moment. The answers to life’s greatest questions have been hiding in plain sight for thousands of years, etched into temples and ancient manuscripts. And yet, modern science has ignored it. Why? Because admitting its significance would mean admitting they’ve been wrong all along.
The Limits of Human Perception: You’ve Been Lied To
Here’s the cold, hard truth: you don’t see the world as it really is. Howard reminds us that humans perceive less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum. That means 99% of reality is invisible to us, completely outside our grasp. We’ve been sold the lie that we’re masters of the universe, but the reality is we’re fumbling in the dark, oblivious to the vastness around us.
Howard’s message is brutal but necessary: we’re blind. And this blindness isn’t just physical—it’s intellectual. Our so-called experts are content with their incomplete understanding, too afraid or too lazy to confront the truth. It’s time to stop pretending we know it all and start acknowledging the limits of our perception.
Life, Death, and the Eternal Cycle: The Truth They Don’t Want You to See
One of Howard’s most radical ideas is his take on life and death. He compares death to sleeping, describing it as part of an eternal cycle of existence. This flies in the face of everything we’ve been taught to believe. We’re conditioned to see death as an end, a finality—but Howard argues it’s just a transition, a momentary pause in the never-ending rhythm of expansion and contraction.
This isn’t just philosophy; it’s a direct challenge to the fear-based systems that keep us in line. Religion, science, and culture have all profited from our fear of death, but Howard is here to expose the truth. Death isn’t the enemy—it’s a natural part of existence.
The App That Could Change Everything
Howard isn’t just talking; he’s taking action. To prove his theories, he’s created an app that allows users to visualize the geometric principles he describes. This isn’t some abstract academic tool—it’s a weapon in the fight against ignorance. Through this app, you can see the patterns that govern the universe, patterns that Howard believes are the true language of existence.
This app is more than just a gadget. It’s a challenge to the establishment, a way of showing the world that the truths we’ve ignored can no longer be denied. By putting these ideas into the hands of ordinary people, Howard is empowering us to question, to learn, and to see the world as it truly is.
A Direct Challenge to the Experts: Prove Him Wrong
Howard isn’t afraid to throw down the gauntlet. He’s openly challenging scientists, mathematicians, and other so-called experts to prove his geometric proofs wrong. This isn’t just bravado—it’s a call to arms. Howard is daring the establishment to confront the flaws in their systems, to face the uncomfortable truth that they might have gotten it all wrong.
This isn’t just about science; it’s about power. For too long, the gatekeepers of knowledge have dictated what we can and cannot believe. Howard’s challenge is a threat to their authority, a demand for accountability. Whether they accept it or not, the message is clear: the era of blind trust is over.
The Stakes Couldn’t Be Higher
If Howard’s claims are true, the implications are staggering. This isn’t just a tweak to our understanding of the universe—it’s a total upheaval. Mathematics, science, philosophy—everything would have to be reevaluated. The systems we rely on for education, technology, and progress could be fundamentally flawed.
But Howard’s ideas aren’t just about tearing down the old; they’re about building something new. He’s offering us a chance to escape the illusions that have held us captive for centuries. It’s an opportunity to see the world as it truly is—to embrace a new paradigm that could unlock humanity’s true potential.
The Time for Action Is Now
Terrence Howard’s discoveries aren’t just a curiosity—they’re a call to action. He’s exposing the lies we’ve been told, challenging us to question everything we think we know. This isn’t the time for complacency or denial. It’s time to open our eyes, to face the truth, and to demand a better understanding of the world around us.
As Howard himself says, “This is the best-kept secret in the entire world.” The only question is: are you brave enough to uncover it?
Ce que veut dire Howard n’est que le sommet de l’iceberg. Ses démonstrations sont effectivement claires, mais elles font , de ce que je comprends que le petit tour d’horizon du concept.
Tout est dans tout est s’interpénètre pour donner un rythme et un engendrement de vie à l’infini. Les formes et les déplacements ne sont rien sans un système perpétuel en énergies, fonctionnant selon le degré de compréhension de chacun, et la capacité à chacun ou chaque chose s’ordonnance à l’infini. Raison pour laquelle les principes d’enseignements donnés à l’humanité, ne sont rien que des contes pour enfants.
Le corps humain est composé de cellules dans lesquelles des mondes vivent, et où les circuits d’énergies alimentent le fonctionnement du tout. C’est la même chose pour l’univers lui même.
Croire que l’on est dans une matrice, n’est que l’illusion de notre propre compréhension, limité au fonctionnement de notre cerveau.
Nous sommes Yin er Yang dans notre fonctionnement, et c’est seulement lorsque les deux énergies fusionnent en nous au niveau de nos deux hémisphères de notre cerveau que la compréhension de l’univers s’ouvre et s’éveille. Ensuite c’est à nous d’explorer toutes les possibilités et découvrir par nous même les directions de notre désir de vivre en expansion de conscience.
Bon voyage aux confins de l’univers, et de l’expansion de conscience. C’est ainsi que vivent les êtres de lumière qui peuplent les galaxies, et les mondes parallels, et l’Univers…. Pour cela il faut avoir lâcher prise avec nos petits désirs, blocages, envies, laideurs, et voler comme un goéland, libre de tous concepts cartésiens, base de cette classe de l’humain en devenir , où l’illusion est un père noël peut-être nécessaire pour évoluer et grandir.
Merci Médée
This is false, whatever our level of consciousness, it is always the algorithms of the universe (god for believers) who will always have the last word. At least as long as we consent to it. Our role is to consent and submit to it as the norm because it is divine, because it is god or because it is the divine supreme consciousness. However, as long as there are algorithms above us, we will remain locked in a “matrix” (name given to make it clear). If the owner(s) (whom we will probably never know) of the places were able to create this matrix, it means that we have the potential to create one or more ourselves with our personal algorithms (our divine laws) and supplant the existing ones which are too restrictive and liberticidal for my taste.
Xillis, prouves le ! Le peux tu ?Non…. D’autres le peuvent.
Parts de la cellule de ta conception, la Fleur de Vie, et accomplis le parcours des énergies depuis cette Fleur jusqu’à l’infini, alors tu comprendras que si tout est mathématique, il correspond aussi a un ordonnancement de vie en perpétuelle transformation, grâce à cela. Il y a des apprentissages dans la matière qui nous montrent le chemin. … à nous de prendre le bon.
Il n’y a aucune soumission à accomplir, ou à subir, juste à grandir et apprendre en conscience. Le reste lié à l’intellect n’est que la théorie, afin de faire fonctionner la vie sur tous les plans.
Tout est simple, c’est l’humain qui est compliqué… Alors tu rencontreras ou du moins tu trouveras tes réponses et la surprise qui t’attends est fabuleuse….
Tout est dans tout, et nous sommes tous dans le Divin, afin de montrer notre accomplissement ou apprentissage…comme à l’école ou l’université.
Plein d’Amour et de lumière à toi,
The proof? It’s simple. Everything starts with observation: Observe the spiritual laws, study them and you will have the trigger that everything we do is subject to universal mathematical algorithms that will check if the conditions are true or respected to allow or not access to powers, information and others. The problem in all this is that this “divine matrix” wants to impose itself on everyone without allowing anyone to emancipate themselves from it (apparently) freely without consequence. And the spiritual rules strangely remind us of the social credit system observed in China with a score of good or bad points according to our behaviors and levels of consciousness. So what about those who do not want to merge with the whole? Those who do not want to “learn”? Nor participate in the games of the creation of the universe? Nor “evolve” according to the demanding criteria of the universe? These people are led to end up with the label of demon and end their life in the lower astral to “learn”. All this is very suspicious and I want to free myself from this system as quickly as possible. God demands a lot from us: he puts us to the test, throws us “lessons” that we are forced to accept, on the other hand, we have no way of putting God to the test to verify his legitimacy, his transparency, but especially his intentions.
Re- Xillis,
Non il n’y a rien de tout cela, mais par contre il y a beaucoup de confusion dans tes explications ou du moins des incohérences.
Dieu comme tu l’appelles ou le Divin, n’exige rien de nous, la vie qui a été créée, Père-Mère ou yin et yang et l’a été en amour, pour la beauté, et pour créer, non pour travailler. Celui qui est en harmonie ne peut souhaiter rester à l’écart de la création, sinon pour établir un besoin de recherche hors de la création a ses risques et déséquilibre. Cela s’appelle non pas des démons, mais des êtres incomplets, ayant besoin de plus d’informations ou d’apprentissages supplémentaires pour se réaliser.
La lumière ne peut pas exister dans des endroits incomplets et obscures. Mais celui qui le souhaite peut évoluer non pas hors concept, mais en harmonie avec le concept. Question d’équilibre.
Lorsque nous choisissons notre manière d’évoluer, il est important d’en accepter les règles, non pas en opposition avec la partie en face, mais avec nous même. Ce que nous vivons nous le faisons en accord avec nous même. Il n’y a aucune sanction du côté du Divin, uniquement dans la mesure ou cela met en péril le fonctionnement de l’univers et de la vie.
Ressentir quelques choses de suspect, sans en connaître tous les paramètres, s’appelle un jugement. Or lorsque nous jugeons les autres, c’est nous mêmes que nous jugeons. Les autres ne sont que le miroir de nous mêmes. Chaque fois que nous émettons un jugement ou rejetons les autres, c’est en fonction de notre regard sur nous-mêmes.
Grandir, évoluer, c’est normal, cela fait partie de notre évolution et chacun le fait en fonction de lui-même, pas en fonction de règles établies par ce que tu penses être le Divin.
Peut-être as tu vécue des moments durs, troubles et déconcertant pour être dans ce genre de réflexions, mais en aucun cas, la révolte qui gronde en toi n’est le reflet de la vie et de l’ordonnancement en conscience de l’univers. Ceci dit, tu est libre de penser comme tu le veux, et le Divin de faire selon son rythme.
La Fleur de Vie correspond au développement des cellules à partir d’un spermatozoïde et d’un ovule, et chaque cellule est composée elle même d’énergie, de systèmes comparables à notre système solaire, fonctionnant en synchronicité avec les énergies des autres cellules.
Effectivement cela crée des champs basés sur des rythmes, et toutes fréquences parfaitement en harmonie avec l’organisation de la vie. Mais en aucun cas cela ne peut être parfait, si le rythme du tout n’est pas en équilibre. C’est une question de logique, non de choix au niveau de notre petite personne.
Bonne route et réfléchis bien sur la question de l’équilibre ou du déséquilibre, et fais ton choix….tu es libre.
Bonne route….
We are always told the same thing with this on many news-age sites. We understood that we lived inside a matrix, perceived as “divine” by some and this code does nothing more than show us the instructions for its use. We have already moved on to chapter 2, we are not even interested in the instructions anymore, we want to recover the source code to create our own personal matrix with our algorithms.