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SHOCKING PHOTOS: Hollywood Exploited Brooke Shields at Age 10
Normalization of Pedophilia Goes Mainstream, Child Molesters Rebranded as ‘Minor Attracted Persons‘.
As the Deep State is further exposed for their role in PedoGate, we can expect more counterattacks such as the legalization of pedophilia.
A campaign to normalize pedophilia claims individuals who fantasize about raping children should be accepted as their own sexual orientation.
In a disturbing attempt to normalize pedophilia as a mainstream “sexual orientation,” pedophiles are rebranding themselves as “Minor Attracted Persons,” with the hope that they will be accepted as part of the LGBT community.
A website has been established called “The Prevention Project,” which sports the tagline “Everyone deserves support,” and attempts to push two disgusting ideas — that there are different classes of “pedophiles” for different ages of children that should be accepted by society, and that “non-offending pedophiles” should be praised for the fact that they have yet to molest a child.
The Prevention Project defines a “pedophile” as an adult who is attracted to pre-pubescent children, and claims that there are different classes of “pedophiles,” based on the age of the child, which include infantophiles (pedophiles who are attracted only to infants), hebephiles (pedophiles who are attracted to pubescent children), and ephebophiles (pedophiles who are attracted to post-pubescent children).
The website then went on to argue that in the case of the fictional character “John,” his sexual attraction to children, aged 6-12, was justified because he had yet to harm a child or to act on his sickening desires, and anyone who believed John was in the wrong was simply influenced by “religious beliefs.”
The Prevention Project stated:
“First, let’s be clear. “John” is actually not a child molester nor is he a sex offender. The term “sex offender” is a legal construct that one receives as the result of being found guilty and sentenced in the criminal justice system for sexually abusing someone. Instead, “John” has an attraction to children and he wants help to ensure he is safe in society.
“He is also committed to preventing child sexual abuse by speaking out against it and by showing his support of global child sexual abuse prevention programs on his social media. Why would “John” not deserve support via therapy? After all, isolation and depression are known to increase one’s risk of doing something they might regret.”
Launching into a conversation on NOMAPs or “Non-Offending Minor-Attracted Persons,” the Prevention Project argued that individuals should feel safe sharing their sexual attraction to children without being worried about the recourse from individuals in society because “research also indicates that someone can be attracted to a child without inevitably sexually abusing them.”
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While the website does not cite this “research” it claims to quote, it does provide a link to the blog of a man writing under the name “Ender Wiggins,” who claims that he is a “non-offending, anti-contact pedophile.”
He argues that pedophiles should be treated the same as members of the LGBT community and that pedophilia should be accepted as an additional sexual orientation.
“Most people these days are very sympathetic with the struggles of young homosexual teens, and luckily in a lot of environments, they receive the acceptance and support that they need and they have plenty of role models that have led the way in past rougher times to look up to. That is hardly the case for young boys and girls who discover — typically in horror — that they’re sexually attracted to younger children,” Wiggins wrote.
He claimed that many pedophiles realize their sexual desires when they are children and that “the process of discovery is pretty much the same as with any other sexual orientation — including heterosexuality.”
The one thing that is not addressed by either the Prevention Project or by this author who claims to be a “Non-Offending” pedophile, is the issue of consent.
When a boy is going through puberty and he realizes that he is sexually attracted to girls, consent is still required for him to initiate any type of sexual contact. The same goes for boys who are sexually attracted to boys, or girls who are sexually attracted to girls.
However, when an adult is sexually attracted to an infant or a child, he or she is admitting attraction to an individual who does not have the ability to consent — thus why the concept is deemed wrong in society. If a child is molested or raped, it results in long-term physical, emotional and mental problems that will go on to affect the child for the rest of his or her life.
In a left-wing op-ed for The Independent, one therapist noted that “many pedophiles do not accept that there’s anything wrong with having sex with a six-year-old,” and that even when she read statements from the victims that detailed “the terror, the free-floating anxiety, the years of bed wetting, the suicide attempts, an inability to trust adults and have any intimate relationships,” to the pedophiles who were responsible for the abuse, they were “unmoved” and continued to justify their horrific actions.
The Normalization of Pedophilia in Hollywood
Here is a full list of people who are being actively investigated for crimes against children. Many say that arrests have already taken place but no one can confirm this. Something to ask yourself as you review this list…. if these were false allegations, wouldn’t someone have stepped up by now?
With all the money they have, wouldn’t someone have filed a lawsuit for slander by now? It makes you wonder. What is really sad is that anyone who becomes famous becomes a target.
Some are born into this secret society, some are sold into it by their parents, some are drugged and blackmailed, others are rewarded for participation in the cult by getting leading roles in movies. It’s anyone’s guess as to the specific story for each actor.
TEDx normalizes pedophilia
These are just some of the headlines that you will find online and on mainstream media websites:
The idea that these monstrous individuals, who ruin the lives of children for the sake of temporary gratification, and then find nothing wrong with their actions, would ever be accepted by society may sound absurd now.
But the process of desensitization starts by attempting to normalize the individuals who have not yet committed the heinous acts — yet they still fantasize about it and openly promote their desires — by claiming that their sick disorder should be accepted as a form of sexual orientation.