The Defense Production Act: Donald Trump Vs. Joe Biden Battle!
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Unveiling the mystery and the might of a Cold War relic: The Defense Production Act and its dramatic influence on the U.S. during the unprecedented era of COVID-19.
Be sure to read slowly and click on all links. Then read it again in the chronological order it’s in.
The 47 U.S.C. 606 “media” says “Biden” has ‘invoked’ the Defense Production Act 8 times.
January 2021 – Covid supplies
September 2021 – Wildfire crisis
December 2021 – Virginia-class attack submarines
March 2022 – Critical mineral supplies
May 2022 – Baby formula shortage
June 2022 – Green energy
March 2023 – Hypersonics industrial base
March 2023 – Printed circuit boards and advanced packaging production capability
Weird, because the Defense Production Act only shows 2 in the WHOLE Chapter 55 of the Title 50 United States Code titled Defense Production with “Biden.”
One is an Act established and signed by Donald John Trump and the other shows the Secretary of Defense and Secretary of Health and Human Services approved the mission which supports the Military Occupancy, Federal Continuity Directives, the War Powers Resolution Act, and the Executive Orders under all those which made Donald John Trump a Wartime President by bipartisan legislation, laws and orders.
The 40,000 feet airplane view is this:
1. Military Occupancy – Law of War Manual
2. Federal Continuity Directives – 3 Branches of Government in a COOP (COG) – Continuity of Operational Plans / Continuity of Government to perform their National Essential Functions as defined in the directives
3. War Powers Resolution Act – war declared in Section 1550
4. Defense Production Act – national essential functions
5. Executive Orders and National Emergencies
With the Military Justice Act of 2016, passed in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act of 2017 Fiscal Year, clarifying Military Courts are separate from Civil, President and Commander-in-Chief are separate, and Commander-in-Chief is separate from Federal Government. Therefore Military Laws and Orders are separate and are before Federal and Civil.

National Essential Functions are the foundation of ALL continuity programs and capabilities and are the primary focus of the Federal Government before, during, and after a catastrophic emergency.
Federal Continuity Directive 1, January 17, 2017:
Bullet Point III:
This FCD rescinds and supersedes FCD-1, Federal Executive Branch Continuity Program and Requirements, February 2012.
Operational Dates: 2018-2022
Federal Continuity Directive 2, June 13, 2017:
Bullet Point III:
This FCD rescinds and supersedes FCD-2, Federal Executive Branch Mission Essential Function and Primary Mission Essential Function Identification and Submission Process, dated July 2013.
Operational Dates: 2020-2024
Which means start with these two as your NEW FOUNDATION. And inside those outlines the NATIONAL ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS of all 3 branches of government, states, local, and tribal.
There’s FIVE key issues of FCDs under those two umbrellas. The MOST RECENT is April 2023. The MOST RECENT Law inside of it… December 2020 = Donald John TRUMP.

Continuity Guidance Circular, April 2023:
When the Federal Government is under a COG, the other power, the first power in the United States, is in control, the United States Military, hence the Law of War Manual being the Department of Defense Manual.
The War Powers Resolution Act of 1973 is where the President and Congress can declare war. That’s where the ORIGINAL Order will be. This is the key legislation to find in ANY Act.
So, let’s look at the LAST AMENDED SECTION of the War Powers Resolution Act:
1550: Reports and briefings on use of military force and support of partner forces
Executive Documents under it says:
Memorandum of President of the United States, July 19, 2021, 86 F.R. 39939, provided:
Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby delegate to the Secretary of Defense the authority and functions vested in the President by section 1285(a) through (e) of Public Law 116–92 [50 U.S.C. 1550(a) to (e)] on the use of military force and support of partner forces to the Congress.
Look at the keywords:
The President of Section 1550
Look at Section 1550:
“Not later than 180 days after December 20, 2019, and every 180 days thereafter, the President shall submit to the congressional defense committees, the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on actions taken…”
180 days plus December 20, 2019, is June 17, 2020.
On March 2, 2020, the Defense Production Act of 1950 was enacted August 13, 2018, and amended to TERMINATE on September 30, 2025.
DPA 2018:
On March 13, 2020, CIC Trump issued Proclamation 9994 and a verbal National Emergency as did FEMA.
On March 27, 2020, CIC Trump federalized 1,000,000 Reserve Components to Active-Duty which a DIRECT COMMAND from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and made it a Federal Order which falls under the Occupancy and FCDs, WPA, DPA, in Executive Order 13912.
Note: all of the above happened in that first 180 days in Section 1550.
The President is the ONLY who can Federalize National Guard and Reserve Components to Active-Duty.
10 U.S.C. 12406:
That’s once again DIRECT MILITARY ORDERS meaning until rescinded or mission accomplished, it’s active along with federal orders that have not met a resolution and termination.
Other Presidents have federalized National Guard. But it’s key to look at the language in how they did so which can separate a Federal Corporation President from a Wartime President acting with multiple layers on legislation backing the Constitution.
After CIC Trump became a Wartime President under the War Powers Resolution 1550 on December 20, 2019, and the Federalization of 1 million Reserve Components, he signed Executive Order 13919, April 30, 2020, which specifically says this:
“Section 1. Activation Authority. The Secretary of Defense is directed to order to active duty for not more than 365 consecutive days….”
Other Presidential Federalizations reads:
“I hereby authorize the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Homeland Security with respect”
The Secretary of Defense is directed to order to active duty…
Then Section 1550 says, “and EVERY 180-days thereafter” which proves the above paragraph, because there are not any amendments with resolutions and terminations, and there’s visual evidence daily of the Military carrying out those orders especially all the support partner forces with their aircraft in our Nation daily.
Then it ends on “…during the preceding 180-day period.” Meaning all of the things specified not later than 180 days (first 180), then “every 180 days thereafter,” which the actions taken “during the preceding 180-day period” which means this is continuous until there’s a clear END aka resolution, termination, and militarily speaking, mission accomplished.
So, once you know the canopy / umbrella, you work your way down to the orders under the foundational order and this is where you come.
“Media” and Optics under the Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government require distractions.
Hence why one of the Chapters of the FCDs is ‘Devolution.’
Devolution is the transfer of power by a central government to local or regional administrations.
Hence CIC Trump’s famous January 20, 2017, quote:
“We’re taking the power from Washington D.C. and giving it back to you the People.”
And hence the titles in the Federal Continuity Directives: State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Governments.
The governments of the 50 states are reserved a broad range of powers in the U.S. Constitution, and most of their laws cannot be voided by any act of the U.S. federal government. The District of Columbia, by contrast, is constitutionally under the sole control of the United States Congress, which created the current District government by statute.
So once one comprehends how a Chain of Command looks from the Military all the way down, plus how Legislation works on all levels, where and how Acts, Codes, and Executive Orders fall under the canopy…
It’s easy for those to see that “Biden” has not done anything from what the 47 U.S.C. 606 “mainstream media” reports. They’re under a Wartime Code as well hence the title of the 47 U.S.C. 606 = War Powers of the President.

47 U.S.C. 606:
“Upon proclamation by the President that there exists war or a threat of war, or a state of public peril or disaster or other national emergency, or in order to preserve the neutrality of the United States, the President, if he deems it necessary in the interest of national security or defense, may suspend or amend, for such time as he may see fit, the rules and regulations applicable to any or all stations or devices capable of emitting electromagnetic radiations within the jurisdiction of the United States as prescribed by the Commission, and may cause the closing of any station for radio communication, or any device capable of emitting electromagnetic radiations between 10 kilocycles and 100,000 megacycles, which is suitable for use as a navigational aid beyond five miles, and the removal therefrom of its apparatus and equipment, or he may authorize the use or control of any such station or device and/or its apparatus and equipment, by any department of the Government under such regulations as he may prescribe upon just compensation to the owners. The authority granted to the President, under this subsection, to cause the closing of any station or device and the removal therefrom of its apparatus and equipment, or to authorize the use or control of any station or device and/or its apparatus and equipment, may be exercised in the Canal Zone.”
“…or to authorize the use or control of any station or device and/or its apparatus and equipment,”
As President Trump also said in March 2020, that first 180-days, about what’s going on:
“Same scenario, different war than WW2”
Same scenario = War Power Laws and Acts
(d) Suspension or amendment of rules and regulations applicable to wire communications; closing of facilities; Government use of facilities
Why were you told the “Fence” around the Capitol was for the “Inauguration of 2021” yet the fence has remained? 🤭
Wouldn’t you consider the Capitol a Government Facility? If it ain’t, what is? 🤣
Why did a Fence go around the Federal Reserve Building in late 2022? 🤭
Why is “Biden” and “Press Secretary” using a constructed and fake James S. Brady Press Room? 🤭
Why do people justify cognitive dissonance versus look at the legislation that stacks up in a chronological order of the Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government that’s draining the swamp and going to make all our lives better?
Maybe because 54% of the adult population has a level below 6th grade literacy? 🔥
Insensitive because I’m direct and straightforward? Try harder. Read more. Study longer. 🤷🏽♂️🔥
The ONLY TWO things with “Biden’s” name in the 50 U.S.C. Chapter 55, titled: Defense Production is:
Baby Formula which would be a National Essential Function. And here’s what was reported:
“Due to the urgency of the situation, the Secretary of Defense approved U.S. military aircraft for this mission on Friday evening,”
BOOM! Discover what the Government doesn’t want you to know:
Jean-Pierre said, explaining the decision was made after commercial aircraft were unavailable.
OF COURSE it would also say “Biden” signs a law and OF COURSE they would put it in the DPA… because if they didn’t… and if they left the President blank… they would be telling you and wouldn’t have a strategy with the Occupancy and COG… pretty logical thee for the 46% of you with above 6th grade levels who can think black and white and by the book not because you’ve been a dumb liberal most of your life.
The OTHER entry in the Defense Production Act by “Biden” is the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2018.
The year says it all.
Who was the President in 2018?
Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2018 was signed by none other than yours truly, CIC Trump.
“Biden” hasn’t done anything. He’s a Commonwealth Act #671, WW2 History repeat, one of those ‘same scenarios’ as WW2 from CIC DJT’s March 2020 quotes.
Every single Act, Code, and Executive Order falls under the Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government in the order of procession.
And just one more example… let’s take one from above to prove “Biden” is a COG outside of all the other evidence especially his 3 Cannons Military Funeral on January 20, 2021… let’s look at the December 2021 Virginia-class attack submarines, especially since this is Military related to prove “Biden” isn’t in charge much less the real Joe:
NOWHERE in the Defense Production Act of 1950 is this listed.
It was posted as a Memorandum on White House dot gov. but not in the very place it should be… the Defense Production Act.
If you’ll read the title it says, Section 303. Section 303 is 50 U.S.C. 4533 which was already in the DPA lol.
Bullet Point 2 says: (2)without Presidential action under section 303 of the Act, United States industry cannot reasonably be expected to provide the capability for the needed industrial resource, material, or critical technology item in a timely manner; and
Well, too bad the War Powers Resolution Act amended December 20, 2019, already shows who’s in charge long before this in December 2021…
The Memo in the Executive Documents under Section 1550 of the War Powers Resolution Act delegating the Secretary of Defense to listen to Donald John Trump is July 19, 2021, LOL
Now look at the Department of Defense article:
Says “the President” signed. You’re not seeing who’s ACTUALLY signing these. Joe Biden’s signature has changed and his appearance. Those have already been proven to those with IQs and willing to listen. The Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government are on CURRENT Legislation and in Laws and Orders. They’re all valid and provable for those who read and comprehend what they’re reading.
Now click on the links in the article:
The “more about the DPA found here” goes to an ‘Error 404’ page.
Error 404:
And the “presidential determination” goes to the White House dot gov page when it SHOULD take one to the 50 United States Code Chapter 50, titled the Defense Production, which is the actual Act, and it doesn’t.
See, the DPA was amended on March 2, 2020, to be extended to Sept.
Military aircraft arrives in U.S. with baby formula from Europe amid shortage 78,000 pounds of formula landed in Indiana on Sunday after President Joe Biden authorized a program to import such products from abroad.
2025, which happened in that first 180-days of the War Powers Resolution Act Section 1550, which specifically shows in Section 1550 and in the Executive Documents that the Secretary of Defense is to adhere to THE authority and THE functions vested in THE President of Section 1550 which is Donald John Trump.
The Secretary of Defense is directly under the Commander-in-Chief. There is only ONE CIC. And the Military Justice Act of 2016, clarified by the United States Supreme Court before CIC DJT’s nominations, and bipartisan passed, clarified the CIC and President are separte and the CIC and Federal Government are separate.
The Baby Formula classifies as a National Essential Function. The Foreign Risk Investment classifies as Donald John Trump’s Act. There’s NOTHING else in the DPA for “Biden” – ole Commonwealth Act 671 puppet for the Federal Corporation of the District of Columbia.
And just for skittles and giggles, guess what else took place on December 20, 2019, when the War Powers Resolution Act was amended and declared war via legislation standards:
Space Force was founded and established
Space Force History:
Uniform Code of Military Justice (Military Law) had its first overhaul since its establishment in 1950 with new laws
UCMJ Amended:
Courts-Martial Manual Amended
Courts-Martial Manual:
It’s all very clear and straightforward when you have and know the ORIGIN of the canopy of Legislation, Laws and Orders, and work your way from there.
Donald John Trump is your Commander-in-Chief in a Military Occupancy with support forces cleaning out the global deep state swamp.
Enjoy the process. 🦾
BOOM! Game Theory Military Operations – White Hats, Donald Trump Indictment, Deep State, and the Shocking Revelations That Shook the Nation!
An unflinching look at the intense chess game of deep state maneuvers, white hat strategies, the role of big tech, and shocking allegations against leading political figures.
The latest indictment against President Trump could turn the tide, offering him the opportunity to re-litigate the entire 2020 election and reveal fraud allegations through newfound subpoena power. . .
Read the full article HERE:
Also: Get Ready for Military GESARA and NESARA Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS):
The further this site develops, the more lies in this whole information. Pages are updated every day. Where all these comments disappear is unclear. It is impossible to exchange opinions with readers and this is done on purpose. Biden and, in general, all political and any other elites have been gone for a long time. They were replaced with doubles. Any person can be changed in medbeds. Therefore, executed politicians and oligarchs can be replaced in these beds with people from the military Alliance. I have long been dissatisfied with the actions of the White Hats and the Alliance. I understand that behind them are other more highly developed civilizations than people. But the methods of reformatting humanity are chosen primitive and all this resembles a stupid provincial circus. Although I understand that only a few hundred people on the flat earth in our electromagnetic greenhouse see and understand this. But personally, all this total stupidity depresses me a lot.
This endless display of holograms, CGI, photoshop is so stupid. The discussions of the executed politicians on TV and their social media accounts are made so primitively. People do not understand that they are communicating with AI bots and neural networks. With this whole primitive circus, the White Hats want to wake people up? They will only make more people fall asleep
This looks like Derek Johnson’s work. Are you two collaborating?