The GCR: All In ONE. . .
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
The Global Currency Reset (GCR) refers to the 209 countries in the Alliance going to a gold-backed currency, and all these currencies will be valued at 1:1
1. A new Quantum Financial System (QFS) has replaced the old Central Bank system and will be “switched on” soon, so that all banks will eventually disappear.
The digital currency in the QFS is represented by digital gold certificates. Each certificate has a serial number that corresponds to a specific gold bar. When a transaction is made (like me paying you), the gold certificates representing the transaction amount are instantly moved from my QFS account to your QFS account completely bypassing intermediary banks.
The Federal Reserve Notes will be replaced with new US Treasury Notes called rainbow currency. Thus, old money will gradually be withdrawn from circulation.
2. The Revaluation (RV) mainly refers to the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar and the Vietnamese Dong. These are real coins that are being used today. Many years ago these currencies were devalued.
Now, as part of the revaluation of the currencies associated with the GCR, these currencies will be revalued, which will increase their value. In anticipation of this revaluation, many people bought these two coins, looking to make a lot of money when the coins go back up in value.

3. Zim refers to Zimbabwean money. Years ago, the corrupt Zimbabwean government did not print so much money that it became useless. Having no value, Zim is no longer in circulation.
Zim is exclusively associated with humanitarian projects. As part of NESARA, the Alliance will give huge amounts of money back to the people where it belongs. However, the Alliance, specifically the Chinese 5 Elders, understand that giving so much money to people all at once will destroy the economy and create great harm.
Therefore, they decided to give large sums of money to true humanitarians who will then flood the earth with money in a more controlled manner to create great prosperity and abundance for all.
They decided to use Zim as the way to identify who these true humanitarians are and then put the money in these people’s hands. Contrary to Fleming’s claim, Zim is not an “investment”. So Zim Redemption is completely different from VR and has nothing to do with it.
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4. Levels refer to groups of people or organizations. For example, the US government owes money to various groups of people due to lawsuits, such as farmers. As part of NESARA and the GCR, all of these groups have to be paid.
Tiers represent these various groups (tiers 1-5), and money will be distributed to these groups according to their tiers. If we are to believe the many “gurus” who claim to have “special contacts”, levels 1-3 and 4A have been paid and level 4B is at the limit. This tier includes the RV and Zim Redemption.
I personally don’t believe we’re still there because I don’t believe the DoD is in charge of the GCR and the RV. I believe the Alliance is in charge, particularly the Chinese Elders, and they demand full disclosure (EBS) before they release the tier 4B money. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Level 5 represents the general public. This is just transferring the money from your bank accounts to your new QFS accounts. All the money you have will convert 1:1 so you don’t lose money.
5. Nominations refer to Exchange Commitments for Dinar and Dong revaluations, and Zim Redemption Commitments. The general public will likely not need to set commitments to move their money into their new QFS. But there are so many details that we still don’t know.
Once the war is over, all details will be communicated. I hope this will help you.
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Quantum Financial System (QFS) Blockchain Watermark Explained
1 Comment
I wonder who is in the GITMO, if John Kerry visited the World Economic Forum? Where is real John Kerry? Was he arrested or the List of Arrested and Executed is a fiction?