The Israelites Named in the Bible are NOT Israel of Today – A Call to Rethink the Biblical Narrative and the Concept of the God’s “Chosen People”
Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!
The 10 Tribes, Israel were captured by the vast Assyrian Empire in 722 B.C. and dispersed among the nations throughout the world. They were never and will never be Jews. They have different identities and nationalities now as Gentiles. Before the 10 Tribes were conquered by Assyria in 722 B.C. they were known as the Northern Kingdom, Israel, Ephraim, and Samaria. The Northern Kingdom of Israel, the Ten, and The Southern Kingdom, the Two were in constant unrest and even civil war.
The Southern Kingdom was known as Judea and Jerusalem. That is where the term Jew was established. After they were taken captive by Babylon in 597 B.C. Judea returned to Jerusalem as a small nation in 536 B.C. after Cyrus’s edict in 538 B.C.
The Jews/Judeans rejected Jesus Christ as Messiah. They had Him crucified. The Bible foretold this would happen through the Prophets. Christianity spread throughout gentile nations and up until today Christ is still rejected by the Jews and in extreme cases they blaspheme Him in their religious writings.
People, please if you want to make the argument that the Jews alone are God’s “chosen people” please go and read your Bibles.
Also, God’s promises to Abraham were to all of his descendants, that includes his firstborn son Ishmael, who is the forefather of the Arab nations. They have just as much, if not more validity to live on the lands God promised to Abraham, because they can prove that they are Semites, and also Hebrews. The modern-day Jews who are Ashkenazi and Khazars, have trouble showing their lineage. They are imposters.
Does anyone ask what happened to Esau’s descendants, the Edomites? Jacob pretended to be Esau, his brother, to receive the firstborn birthright from their father Isaac. Maybe Esau’s descendants are now trying to pretend they are Jacob. Just a thought to ponder over.
My last point is that none of this matters, regardless of what race, ethnic group, etc. you are. We are all equals before God. He shows no favor, and there is no such thing as God’s chosen people. We are all His people, even if there are people who believe in a God or not.
Zionist indoctrination over the past 100 years have blinded Christians to excuse the State of Israel of any and all wrongdoings, including this current genocide on Palestinians who were robbed of their homeland. The Scofield Study Bible played a major part by distorting Scripture, and modern-day Pastors with enormous followings like John Hagee and Greg Locke who serve their Zionist masters, not their congregations or Christianity.
Gaza as can be seen on the map was never part of any Israelite or Judean kingdom. Biblical Israel and the State of Israel are not the same. You can take the position that all I just mentioned is fiction. The reason I share this though is just to prove that the current validation by some for the State of Israel’s abhorrent behavior has no basis. Not in ancient writings or anywhere else.
There are some extremists who believe that the rightful heir to the throne of David is the British King, king Charles, who believes they are the direct lineage of David’s offspring. Look up the Stone of Scone to see that myth. People around the world will make ridiculous claims for the sake of power. If you lie, lie big.
Modern day Israel has as much claim to the land as Micronesians have.
In the times we are living in this rhetoric of “God’s chosen people” sounds similar to “The Master Race” and we all know how that turned out.
Thank you for reading and please research my work and hold it up to scrutiny. I also ask kindly if you would share my work which will help get the truth out during these times. My gratitude to all my readers.
ARTICLE SOURCE: Daniel Prinsloo
There is MORE information about the Key of David and David’s throne. God told David someone would be sitting on that throne until the return of Jesus Christ to this earth! His son, Solomon sat on it then. When the Jewish people returned from Babylonian captivity, Jeremiah was the prophet in that day. The prophets in the old testament of the Bible or the Hebrew Bible recorded everything. The Jews were in charge of the Oracles of God then not Israel because Israel had already gone into captivity over a hundred years earlier by the ancient Germans (Assyrians). They went further NORTH and WEST and yes, even into ancient England at that time and later came out of England and colonized the New World, which became the U.S. Imagine that?! Jeremiah the prophet took that throne of David along with one of the daughers of King Zedekiah of Judah, who had his own sons killed in front of his own eyes by the King of Babylon and then his eyes were gouged out and he died in prison in Babylon. But his daughters were save. Jeremiah took the one daughter of King Zedekiah on a ship and sailed into the Mediterraneon Sea and Atlantic Oceans and came upon the Isles and landed in Ireland! That throne of David went from Ireland to Scotland to England and before Queen Elizabeth II died she gave that throne back to Scotland in the 1990s. The stone under that throne housed The Stone of Scone – the very pillow that young Jacob put his head on to sleep. God promised David that someone royal would be sitting on that throne until the return of Jesus Christ to this Earth to reign forever. People don’t believe the Bible. They want to think it’s a fairy tale. Well, it’s not. Great Tribulation will be coming soon from the ancient Assyrians or Germany today because it will rise again in the 7th rising of the Holy Roman Empire. Hitler’s was the last. The next rising will be far more deadly than his! Our country and others need to get on our knees and repent of all the evil and sins that have been happening for decades. This includes the military industrial complex, trafficking children as sex slaves, drinking adrenochrome from children, killing innocent children in Satanic ritual sacrifices, controlling weather, forcing vaccines on people to kill people, controlling people in what they think, eat, brainwash young people into LGBTQ. God sees all this eveil. He is biding His time. He will help us if we seek Him in prayer and repent. Our nations are crumbling because of this evil. The Gentile nations are getting stronger as American and Britain get weaker. This is all prophesied to happen in these ‘latter days’. Read Daniel, Red Jeremiah. People don’t want to believe the Bible but it is the sure word of God. There is none like Him because He prophesies the ‘end from the beginninger’. He knows how everything will turn out His Way. We need the Truth more today than ever before. May God Have Mercy On Us All! Christ will return and return the Earth and we will follow God or we won’t live again!
In an effort to double check some of the information provided, I attempted, several times and in different ways, to open the link to: ARTICLE SOURCE: Daniel Prinsloo – and it cannot be opened. I received the following message, each time:
Microsoft Office Word
Unable to open https//twitter,com/Daniel7Primsloo/status/1790295613562573145
Cannot download the information you request
So, just how “accurate” is the entire article??
Asked by inquiring minds.
Of course, after posting my comment[s] I attempted “Just-one-more time.” – – – –
to open the link and it opened!! With all the ‘wonders’ of internet, sometimes I “wonder” [?]
Ahhh well, on to the next ‘what if!!’
The whole story was invented by the Jesuits. We cannot know anything before the 11th century AD. Before that there were dark ages. There was no writing then. There is more truth in fantasy novels than in all these made-up stories. There was no ancient Egypt, no ancient Greece, no ancient China or ancient India. It was all invented by the Jesuits. Stone cities began to be built only in the 11th century. Fired brick was invented in Italy in the 15th century. The entire history of ‘ancient’ Egypt was invented by antiquarian transgender Freemasons from London in the 18th and 19th centuries. They came up with the design of the pharaohs, priests and came up with stories about them. They visited Egypt, made tombs and sarcophagi there, where the pharaohs were supposedly buried. They mass-produced various artifacts and then sold them in Europe. The mummies are all embalmed from corpses stolen from cemeteries in Europe. The oldest mummy is about 250 years old. We live in a satanic world of lies. All public people even have their gender changed.
When will the mass arrests and executions of all these transgender Satanists begin? I’m tired of reading all this nonsense for 4 years now.
You have it all wrong, sorry. After Solomon’s death, his son took over, Rohoboam who taxed the people even more than Solomon. The nation of Israel (both Israel and Judah TOGETHER than was under the control of King David and King Solomon, split under Solomon’s son, Rohoboam. It was King Jeroboam II who ruled the separate kingdom of Israel (north) and Rohoboam ruled the Kingdom of Judah! Then the Assyrians (Germany today) conquered Samaria the capitol of Israel. Then later under King Zedekiah of Jerusalem in Judah was attacked in the 500 BC era and taken into captivity by the Babylon Empire of Nebuchadnezzar. Abraham had 2 sons, one to Hagar, Ishmael and another Isaac by Sarah his legal wife. Hagar was a concubine. God CHOSE ISAAC over Ishmael but said that Ishmael would become a great nation but God also said the people Ishmael would father would be a WILD PEOPLE with these people against other peoples. People need to dust off their Bibles and really read it thoroughly to understand properly what God says about the Wild ones today. God prophesied all this about Ishmael and his descendants. Abraham was the father of many nations but he, his son Isaac and Isaac’s son, Jacob, who name of changed to Israel which takes in all 12 tribes (the sons of Jacob, including Joseph, whose own sons born in Egypt received God’s blessings to later on in history become The United States of America (Manasseh) and The United Kingdom (Ephraim). The U.S. became the greatest single nation in world history. The United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales) the greatest empire in the world. Ten of those tribes never obeyed God, always rebelled against God even complaining about Moses when they were leaving captivity in Egypt and throughout the Bible even under King David after Absalom tried to take over his father’s house when David was king of Israel. We are still to protect the Jewish people and not the muslims who are against the Jews and want to wipe them off the face of the earth! God gave the U.S. and Britain great power because of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel) . People do not understand that Israel and Judah are truly ‘brothers’ because their ancient patriarch, Jacob (Israel) fathered ALL of them. We in America and Britain are ‘brothers’ because we are the descendants of ancient Israel. All Jacob’s sons were brothers! Read in Romans 2, verses 26-29 what Paul says here. He is not a Jew which is one outwardly, neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh. But he is a Jew which is one inwardly and the circumcision is that of the flesh. But he is a Jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit and not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of God! The word Christian is never mentioned in either Old or New Testaments. Paul was a Jew from the Tribe of Benjamin. He persecuted those who followed Christ the Messiah until Christ blinded and changed him forever on the road to Damascus. People who are so-called Christians who celebrate pagan holdays like Easter, Christmas. These man-made holidays are not Biblical. They go back far before Christ’s birth. As it says in Roman 2 in the verses I mentioned above, To follow Christ we are to become ‘spiritual Jews’ and follow His true Holy Days. The land in the middle east, Palestine, Israel/Judah was given to the Jews by God HIMSELF. Iran is behind all the evil happening in Palestine and other muslim nations right now! God brought the Jews back from Babylonian captivity by King Cyrus himself of Persia because God put it in his heart to do this because of Daniel the prophet. Israel and Judah were brothers no matter the split that happened between them ancidently. Just like the U.S. and Britain are brothers and were anciently the sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh. We received God’s blessings because of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whom God changed his name to Israel and that takes in All OF ISRAEL INCLUDING JEWS, who are the ones who kept and keep to this day the Oracles of God Himself. Everyone needs to protect little Judah that everyone calls Israel today in the middle east. We are those descendants of ancient Israel in the U.S. and Britain. We are destroying outselves now with evil in our country, with LGBTQ, and Obama has been behind it all because he is a muslim and HATES the Jews. Iran is the one who is evil and sending weapons to Gaza, Hamas, Isis, the Hurthis in the Mediterranean and Red Sea. These people are trained to HATE THE JEWS from the time they are born into this world! All these colleges calling for ‘death to Israel’ are sick and brainwashed by the MSM, communist professors and others. We need to stand with God and not man. Anyone who puts their trust in any man and not God Himself is a fool. We all need to wake up and understand this Truth in the Bible. It is Jesus Christ in print. We need to stand with the Jewish people at all costs. God gave this land in the middle to them for a reason. God stated Ishmael would become a great nation. They have. But that they would be a WILD people with their hands against everyone and other people against them. They have become radicalized and filled with HATE. I speak what God has said in the Bible itself. Read it and hopefully it will open your eyes to God’s Truth.