Top Secret and Underground Facilities: There’s Way More Than Just Area 51 and the Legendary Dulce Base
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There is absolutely no doubt that the world, right now, is a dangerous place – an extremely dangerous place.
Our relations with the Russians are at an all-time low.
Things aren’t going well with the Chinese.
And, the actions of North Korea aren’t helping. In light of all that, an important question needs to be asked – and answered.
If war comes – and it turns nuclear – will “our leaders” quickly head deep below the surface of the planet, only to return years later to claim what remains of the planet and human civilization?
Such a thing is not at all impossible. In fact, there are significant signs that plans are indeed being made to ensure that the underground will be the place to be if the apocalypse occurs.
But, as is usually the case, it will be the controlling elite who will be calling the shots, rather than the rest of us. Let’s take a look at some of the highly-classified installations that exist on our planet and how “they” may make use of them if the unthinkable happens. We’ll start with Russia.
Given the fact that Russia amounts to a huge area of land, there are plenty of areas in which secure, underground facilities can be built – and which have been built.
The U.S. Intelligence community has known for decades that at least two, massive facilities exist – and which have the ability to survive nuclear strikes, chiefly as a result of the fact that they are built deeply into almost impenetrable mountains. Those same mountains are Mount Yamantau and the Kosvinsky Mountains.
As for Yamantau, it stands at in excess of 5,000 feet and is the highest mountain in the Urals. As far back as the 1990s, the Russians began the construction of a massive facility within Mount Yamantau, primarily to provide the controlling elite with a secure place in which to survive a nuclear exchange between the super-powers.
American spy-satellites have confirmed massive digging on the mountain, suggesting that huge, hollowed out sections of the mountain now exist – and which have been turned into the perfect locations for literally hundreds of thousands of people to survive an attack. And make no mistake, the Yamantau facility is gigantic.
Studies undertaken by American intelligence agents suggest that its size is that of Washington, D.C.’s huge Interstate 495, which surrounds the capitol of the United States. Taking into consideration that I-495 has a circumference of more than sixty miles and that will give you an idea of the immense scale of the Yamantau facility.

As for the Mount Kosvinsky installation, that is equally almost impenetrable. Built well into the heart of the mountain – which is located in the northern Urals – it is protected by around 1,200-feet of granite and, just like the Yamantau base, is designed to provide housing for the elite in the event of a nuclear attack – and also to allow for some form of continuation of government.
Presuming, of course, there is anyone left to be governed after a major nuclear exchange between the most powerful nations on the planet. All that’s really known for sure is that the construction of the base was completed by the mid-1990s and that it, like Yamantau, can house thousands of people – with a near-indefinite supply of food, water, medical supplies and all the provisions needed to survive underground not just for months but for years. Some intelligence estimates suggest possibly even for decades.
Moving away from the Urals, but still focused on Russia, there is Kapustin Yar, which is situated in Astrakhan Oblast. Construction of the installation began back in the 1940s – with the intention being to create the ultimate facility for building and testing new and novel rockets.
The first such rocket launch took place in October 1947 – it was a test using a captured Nazi A-4 rocket; one of a number that the Russians got their hands on when the Nazi regime collapsed in 1945.
As the base grew in size and scope, yet further rocket tests were undertaken and by the early 1950s atomic-bombs tests were carried out in close proximity. Spy satellites of the United States’ National Reconnaissance Office have noted that in the last few years massive digging has been afoot at Kapustin Yar, all of which suggests that the base is no longer just used for rocket and missile tests; but that it may be being refurbished on a gigantic scale – to essentially turn portions of it into a huge, underground bunker, one designed to withstand the terrible effects of a nuclear war.
Now let’s take a look at China.
The most visible of the various installations that U.S. intelligence suspects have been converted into massive, bunker-style facilities is the Sanya installation, as it has become known; although, its official title is the Yulin Naval Base – Sanya being a nearby city which is home to around 700,000 people. Essentially, the installation, located on Hainan Island, is one of China’s most important submarine bases.

Not only that:
U.S. military spy satellites, using ground-penetrating radar systems, have been able to confirm evidence of huge excavating within the hills that surround the base. In other words, while the submarine base certainly still exists, it is being expanded on – specifically with the creation of fortified facilities buried deep within the depths of the local landscape.
What all of this demonstrates is that two of the world’s most powerful nations – Russia and China – are taking careful, rapid and secret steps to create huge underground installations which may provide some degree of survival for the elite. All of which now brings us to the matter of the United States. Is it, too, constructing such secure bases in the event that nuclear war erupts?
The answer is a decisive “Yes.”
Make mention of “secret bases” in the United States and the first thing which springs to mind is Area 51 – the world’s most well-known secret installation, which is perhaps the ultimate oxymoron. For decades, the military and the CIA have test-flown all manner of weird and wonderful aircraft at the Nevada-based installation, including the U-2 spy-plane, the SR-71 Blackbird, and both the Stealth Fighter and the Stealth Bomber.
Of course, it’s the claims that the base is home to a number of crashed and recovered extraterrestrial spacecraft and dead alien bodies that interest and intrigue most people.
While Area 51 is the title that it is most associated with, the official name of the installation is far less infamous and far more bureaucratic: The Nevada Test and Training Range. It’s located on a dry lake bed called Groom Lake, which has been converted into a highly-classified – and decidedly off-limits – facility, one that is supplemented with huge airstrips, runways, hangars, and, so the rumor-mill goes, deep, underground installations that stretch for miles.
Access to the base is near-impossible; unless, that is, of course, one has the relevant, top secret clearance to do so. The airspace above Area 51 is officially designated a no-fly zone, to anyone and everyone except those attached to the base. Trying to drive to the installation is a pointless task, too: motion-sensor equipment and armed guards dominate the desert terrain, ensuring that no-on can get even within miles of the base.
Try and do so and you run the very real risk of being detained, arrested, jailed, or, worse still, shot dead. No wonder the base has become steeped in conspiracy theories and tales of UFO-themed secret programs. But, what of Area 51’s underground? The few, overhead, satellite photographs of Area 51 that are in the public domain show very little evidence of massive facilities: just extensive runways, hangars and a few other buildings, and that’s about it.
The undeniable sparse imagery has led to suspicions that the bulk of Area 51 is situated way below the surface of the Nevada desert. That is almost certainly the case.

In an article titled “How Area 51 Works,” Jonathan Strickland and Patrick J. Kiger say: “Some allege that what you can see on the surface is only a tiny part of the actual facility. They believe that the surface buildings rest on top of a labyrinthine underground base. Others claim the underground facility has up to 40 levels and that it is attached via underground railways to other sites in Los Alamos, White Sands and Los Angeles.”
Moving on:
The origins of the Area 51 facility date back to the 1940s. It was in early February 1942 – and in the wake of the events at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii – that then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt passed a degree that effectively handed over to the War Department more than 100,00 acres of Utah land – on which what is now the Dugway Proving Ground would be built. And the War Department set about not just constructing the base itself, but significantly-sized underground bunkers and facilities, too.
The goal was to create for the United States’ Government the ultimate base for the study and development of chemical warfare agents. As the years progressed, so did the size of the Dugway Proving Ground. Thirteen years after President Roosevelt gave the go-ahead, close to 300,000 additional acres of Utah land was handed over to the military. Today, the figure is in excess of 800,000 acres. And the work of the DPG has expanded too – yes, chemical warfare is still a big part of the base’s mandate. As is, now, research into biological warfare and deadly viruses.
In a thread at the Above Top Secret website, one commentator said that they had heard “…stories about installations being built to the South of Wendover, Nevada which is West of Dugway and also very, very remote. There are stories of a 17-storey building underground out there.” Others speak of deep and massive tunnels that link the Dugway Proving Ground with a variety of Utah-based military facilities.
Former employees talk about huge elevators that transport people to lower-levels of the base; the rumors are that there no less than eight levels below the surface area – all engaged in highly-classified work and all having the ability to withstand a nuclear strike, even a direct one.
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William Ross, in an article titled “What Lies Below Pine Gap, Australia?” that, “The facility bores 28,000 feet deep or 5.3 miles into the ground where a massive underground antenna array is positioned to create gigantic standing wave fields around the entire planet and to play havoc with the inner earth.” He continues: “From Pine Gap there is a 1400 mile long tunnel to North West Cape Submarine Station where Submarines can travel deep in the interior of Australia in Pine Gap to refuel.
The Pine Gap base has 9 underground levels and an escape tunnel for workers. The base is designed to survive three nuclear weapons strike making it the number one target in Australia which it will be when the time is ripe. The base also houses a Nuclear weapons construction factory and also has nuclear missile strike capabilities.”
What all of the above tells us is that all across the planet – from China to Russia and from the United States to Australia – there are massive, extensive underground facilities. Each and every one of them falls under the control of the likes of the military, the intelligence communities, and the governments of the respective nations.
More importantly, these same underground installations are overseen by some of the most powerful figures in officialdom. While they most assuredly don’t want to have to fight a nuclear war, if the unthinkable really does happen, they will most definitely have the perfect places to hide out in, and survive the radioactive nightmare that will undoubtedly ravage the vast majority of the world above.
With the human population all but wiped out, and when the government survivors finally resurface – and after the radiation levels are no longer of fatal levels – we just might see the irradiated, sick and starving survivors pleading with them to help us. What a world we live in.
Raven Rock: The Story of the U.S. Government’s Secret Plan to Save Itself – While the Rest of Us Die
Hiding in secret underground bunkers, eating wild birds and pets and saving secretaries but not wives: How government elites planned to survive a nuclear attack.
- The US has a secret network of bunkers primarily built during the Cold War era to protect government officials in case of an atomic bomb.
- Presidents Kennedy, Eisenhower, Roosevelt and Truman knew there was only enough room for an elite few, but still assured citizens they would be safe in the event of a nuclear war.
- There is a bunker for officials under the White House, near Camp David and several scattered around the US.
- The wives of public officials would not be admitted to the elite hideout but secretaries would.
- There was also a plan to survive off rabbit meat, wild birds and civilian pets when food rations ran out
- President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice were ushered into the bunker under the White House on 9/11
In a plan as brutal as it was logical, the President and his inner circle would be saved while tens of millions of ordinary Americans would be incinerated. Realizing that there was no way to save the population, the conclusion was that ‘the government would protect itself and let the rest of us die’ writes national security expert Garrett M. Graff. read more HERE: