Turkish Police Recover Stolen Jewish Torah Scrolls Decorated With Satanic Illuminati Symbolism (video)
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
(RT – Russia Times) Turkish Police arrested four former fighters of Faylaq al-Rahman and a Turkish citizen who were trying to sell two rare, gold-plated Jewish “Torahs” in the northwestern province of Bilecik on May 8, the Russian TV network RT:
The Turkish newspaper Daily Sabah said that Police had confiscated the two ancient Torahs during the arrest. According to the newspaper, the town ancient artifacts worth a total of $1.86mln.
Syrian opposition sources confirmed that Faylaq al-Rahman fighters had stolen the ancient Torahs from a historical 2,000 years old synagogue in the Jobar district, east of the Syrian capital of Damascus. The district was under the control of the US-backed group Faylaq al-Rahman from 2013 until March 2018, when it was finally liberated by the Syrian Arab Army (FSA).
After the liberation of Jobar, Syrian pro-government activists revealed that many of the district’s historical Jewish synagogues had been looted and destroyed by Faylaq al-Rahman fighters, who even dug tunnels under the historical sites in an attempt to find “Jewish treasures”.
This was the second scandal involving Eastern Ghouta “opposition” groups after their withdrawal from the region. On March 5, the Iranian news agency Fars revealed that the political leader of Jaysh al-Islam Mohammed Alloush had stolen $47m from his group before resignation from his position.
The scroll is said to have been constructed with embroidered gazelle leather and multiple ruby and emerald ornaments of various sizes.
After investigators carefully unraveled the scroll, they reportedly discovered something strange on one of the panels – a picture of a ram’s head inside what appears to be a pentagram…
There are more Torahs found in Syria in 2018 featuring plenty of more Satanic symbolism such as the demon Baphomet, Illuminati triangle with the all seeing eye, blood libel, serpents, kabbalah hand signs, owls and many other things.
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This discovery is similar to how two hundred years ago, German officials first found out about the Illuminati when some of their secret internal documents were intercepted by one of their couriers by ‘sheer accident’, or more likely God’s hand.
Read John Robison’s 1798 book Proofs Of A Conspiracy for more information on how the judeo-masonic conspiracy was first revealed to the world.
And then 100 years later, that conspiracy was confirmed when the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion were leaked, which is well documented in the essential book Waters Flowing Eastward by L. Fry (aka Paquita de Shishmareff).
And the occult has always been an “integral part of Judaism” — with satanic elements born out of the mystery religious cults of ancient Babylon which have nothing to do with the Old Testament or Christianity except as deceptive window dressing to fool the public into tolerating our so-called “spiritual elders” the Jews, along with their satanic-kabbalistic plans for world domination:
Jewish Torah Scrolls Decorated With Satanic Illuminati Symbolism!
And the occult has always been an “integral part of Judaism” — with satanic elements born out of the mystery religious cults of ancient Babylon which have nothing to do with the Old Testament or Christianity… pic.twitter.com/LULgL0lJnV
— Medeea Greere (@GreereMedeea) October 18, 2023
Proofs of a Conspiracy
Although Robison was very much an advocate of science and rationalism, in later life, disillusioned by the French Revolution, he became an ardent monarchist. In this work, Proofs of a Conspiracy, Robison laid the groundwork for modern conspiracy theorists by implicating the Bavarian Illuminati as responsible for the excesses of the French Revolution. The Bavarian Illuminati, a rationalist secret society, was founded by Adam Weishaupt in 1776 in what is today Germany.

They had an inner core of true believers, who secretly held radical atheist, anti-monarchist and possibly proto-feminist views, at that time considered beyond the pale. They recruited by infiltrating the numerous (and otherwise benign) Freemasonic groups which were active at the time on the continent. Necessarily they had a clandestine, compartmentalized, hierarchical organizational form, which has led some modern conspiracy theorists to identify them as the original Marxist-Leninist group. However, this is most likely simply a case of parallel evolution.
Since we don’t have convenient access to the source documents of the Bavarian Illuminati we have to rely on Robison and the Abbé Barruel’s Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, both in the ‘opposing views’ category, for information on this group. The Illuminati have today become a byword for a secret society which hoodwinks its junior members and puppet-masters society at large. This reputation is in no little part due to Robison’s book.
However, reading between the lines, it becomes obvious that the Bavarian Illuminati were what the American Old Left called a ‘talk shop,’ barely able to organize a picnic, let alone the Terror. Instead, it seems, they were only expressing views widespread in intellectual circles of the day. They were not, as Robison claims, the fuse that lit the downfall of the French Monarchy. Nonetheless, this book make fascinating reading, and in conjunction with other historical accounts of the French Revolution, helps dimensionalize the period for students of history.
Production Notes: This text was scanned from the retypeset 1967 Americanist Classics reprint, and the page numbering is from that edition. The 1967 edition modernized the typography systematically, except on the dedication page (particularly, substituting ‘s’ for ƒ) but left the original spelling intact. Note that the 1967 edition makes no additional copyright claim on Robison’s text (only on their modern introduction, which I have omitted).
US copyright law requires extensive creative changes to a public domain text to allow a new claim of copyright. I have corrected in the usual way a few obvious typos (which may have been introduced in the 1967 edition), but all of the non-conforming spelling has been tacitly preserved. I have also added a (public domain) translation of the Latin epigram on the dedication page.
1 Comment
Occult has nothing to do with Torah. I think you meant to refer to Talmud. The interest in such was born from Egypt and the talmud. Torah is pure word, talmud is lucifarian akin to the worship of all the Egyptian deities.