UNINSTALLING DEEP STATE: LOADING 77%. The Final Battle for America’s Future: Rise, Patriots, and Take Back What’s Rightfully Ours!
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UNINSTALLING DEEP STATE: LOADING 77%—America’s final stand is here. This high-stakes article exposes the deep state’s grip on our nation and rallies patriots behind President Trump for the 2024 election. Together, we’re reclaiming freedom, restoring power to the people, and driving out corruption. Hold the line—victory for America is within reach!
The Final Battle for America’s Future: Rise, Patriots, and Take Back What’s Rightfully Ours
This is it. The breaking point. The moment when all of America’s true patriots must rise, fists clenched, with fire in our hearts. Our country has been betrayed, dragged down by a corrupt machine that has sunk its claws into every level of power. But we won’t stand for it any longer.
This is the final battle, and we are prepared to take back what’s rightfully ours. We are on the brink of a new America, one where the voices of patriots rise above the whispers of corruption, one where freedom reigns again. Stand strong, hold the line, and trust in God and President Trump. This is the moment. This is our America to reclaim.
Enough is Enough: It’s Time to Take Down the Deep State
Patriots, we’ve been patient long enough. The deep state—a sinister web of elites, manipulators, and power-hungry bureaucrats—has had its day. They have orchestrated lies, they’ve stolen power, and they’ve stripped us of our freedom, one quiet act of betrayal at a time. But no more. This election isn’t just another vote; it’s a full-out war. We’re not voting for just a leader; we’re rallying behind a cause—a mission to finally drive these elites out and return America to its rightful owners: us, the people.

They want us tired. They want us beaten down. But patriots don’t give up. We’re ready, standing shoulder to shoulder, and every vote we cast is a bullet fired against this corrupt system. With Trump leading the charge, we’re not just fighting; we’re WINNING. This is our declaration: America will be restored.
The Deep State Exposed: We See the Enemy Now
The deep state is no longer hiding in the shadows. We see them for who they are: a cabal of power-hungry, unelected elites who pull the strings behind the scenes, crushing anyone who dares to stand in their way. They feed on control, banking on us to remain quiet and complacent. But now, America is waking up. We are wide awake, our eyes open to the truth.
This invisible enemy controls the media, dictates the narrative, and dares to manipulate the free people of America. But we’re onto them. They’re getting nervous, and they should be. We’re coming for them—one election, one vote, one voice at a time. We’re uninstalling the deep state, and soon, their empire will collapse like the rotten house of cards it is. America is taking back the power that is rightfully ours.
Freedom is Coming, Whether They Like it or Not
The deep state is running scared because freedom isn’t just a slogan; it’s a way of life that we’re willing to fight for, tooth and nail. Patriots, remember this: freedom isn’t handed down from the government. It’s earned. And right now, it’s something we’re fighting to reclaim. Every delay, every obstacle, is the deep state’s way of clinging to power, hoping we’ll get tired and give up. But they’re dead wrong.
We are relentless. We know the price of freedom and we’re willing to pay it, over and over, until America is free from their corruption. Trust in Trump’s leadership—his strength, resilience, and commitment to pulling this country out of their clutches. Freedom is our birthright, and together, we will reclaim it.
The Line in the Sand: Trusting God, Trusting Trump
The deep state has underestimated the power of faith, unity, and American resolve. While they spread lies and stir chaos, we are a force of strength. In God, we trust, and in Trump, we see a leader who has taken their punches and still stands tall, a leader who is not afraid to face the lion’s den of corruption.
ALSO: How True Patriots Can Defend Their Family and Faith from This Latest Attack from The Deep State
They have tried everything to break our spirit. They’ve slandered, manipulated, and even weaponized the very institutions meant to protect us. But we’re stronger than they’ll ever understand because we have faith in something bigger than their control. Trust in God fortifies our courage, and together we move with conviction. They cannot silence a movement driven by God, by patriotism, by an unbreakable American spirit. This is war, and we are in it to win it.
The Message is Clear: America First, Deep State Last
The deep state has pushed their globalist agenda down our throats, telling us to give up our freedom for “safety,” to sacrifice our beliefs for “progress.” But we know their game. It’s about stripping America of its strength, of its sovereignty, of its very identity. Patriots, it’s time to end this cycle once and for all.
In 2024, we are choosing to fight for an America where we come FIRST. Our borders are protected, our freedoms are sacred, and our government works for us—not the other way around. We will no longer allow our country to be bled dry by elites who sneer at our values. America first. Deep state last. This isn’t just an election slogan; it’s the very heart of our movement. We will put an end to their agenda and restore a government of the people, by the people, for the people.
Uninstalling the Deep State: We’re Almost There
Patriots, imagine it: a country free from the dark, invisible chains of the deep state. We’re getting closer by the day. This massive, corrupt machine is finally being torn apart, piece by piece. We can feel it. The loading bar of freedom is at 77%, and every day we push a little further, getting closer to a full reset of our government.
Every battle fought, every truth uncovered, and every patriot standing up has brought us here. We’re on the final stretch. This is not a time to relax; it’s a call to arms. Push harder. Stand stronger. The deep state’s grip is weakening, and they know their days are numbered. We won’t stop until we reach 100% and the swamp has been drained completely.
Thank you for your patience, patriots. This fight is paying off, and soon, our country will be truly free once more.
President Trump: The Fighter America Needs
President Trump is the warrior at the front lines, enduring relentless attacks, yet never backing down. This is a man who understands the stakes, who knows that victory isn’t just about winning an election but about dismantling a corrupt empire. He’s taken their insults, their lies, and their deceit—and he’s still standing. He’s still fighting for us.
There’s a reason we trust him. Unlike any other politician, he’s a leader who fights for freedom, not fame. Trump has shown that he’s willing to go to war for the soul of America, and we are ready to go to war alongside him. His resilience is a beacon for every patriot in this nation. He fights for our future, for our children’s future, and for the legacy of a free America. We stand by him, knowing that he is the fighter we need to take down the deep state and restore the American dream.
Our Call to Action: Rise and Reclaim America
Patriots, this is the moment. This is our line in the sand. We are not just voters; we are warriors, fighting for the very fabric of this country. Every tweet, every vote, every voice raised is part of this final offensive. The time for patience is ending, and the time for action is here. America is under siege, and it’s up to us to fight for its liberation.
We are done with being told to sit down, shut up, and let the elite run the show. Our nation belongs to us. We, the people, are the heartbeat of this country, and we’re taking it back. Spread the message, rally the troops, and let the deep state know that their time is up. This election isn’t just about Trump; it’s about every patriot standing shoulder to shoulder, making a choice to reclaim our future.
This is a call to rise, to stand united, and to make sure that every single American knows the truth. We’re done waiting, done hoping. Now, we’re taking action. Patriots, let’s fight, let’s vote, and let’s WIN.
Conclusion: Victory is Within Reach
This is our moment, patriots. The dawn of a new America is here. We are not going back. With faith in God, trust in Trump, and an unbreakable will to see this battle through, we will be victorious. America will be restored to its people, and the deep state will fall.
This is more than an election; it’s a revolution. Stand strong, stay vigilant, and never doubt that the freedom of America lies in our hands. We are patriots, and we are taking back what is ours. America’s freedom is coming. Hold the line.
Yes, dear.
Human beings shall do EXACTLY as Father God commanded in numerous Books of His HOLY BIBLE: “FEED EVIL BEINGS TO CARNIVORES AND LEAVE THEM IN THE FIELDS AS DUNG.” Oh, yes, evil beings shall primal scream into their deaths as they tumble and “die daily in Hell for an eternity” as Father God promises! The flies shall eat DUNG into particulates that Father God’s winds distribute over Earth. Human beings shall then enjoy peace and prosperity on Earth while they WALK-ON, SPIT-ON, PISS-ON, AND POOP-ON EVIL BEINGS until Father God comes to Earth to live among His “beloved off-spring humans” (White, Brown, Black).
The Father God veneration was not even a thing until the1600’s Prior it was the Divine Feminine and all the artefacts had the breasts & pregnant bellies were cut off and they masculinised the same artefacts. King James was a Mason and wrote a book on demonology and witchcraft prior to writing his version of the Bible. His scribe told him on many occasions the translation was not accurate. Yet, he still authorised. We know too many books of the Bible were removed in 1775 including the books of Enoch, Boof of Thomas, Books of Magdalena just to name a few. I think at best we can use the Bible as a guide but definitely not as 100% factual.
Voting feels pointless. The last 3 elections have been flat out stolen. I personally saw vote flipping in the 2008 election. Votes for McCain got flipped to Obama. This happened in Mohave County Arizona. Poll workers said they had zero control over the machines, nothing they could do.
There is so much talk about the EBS, QFS, global financial reset these days. It has gone on so long it makes one wonder who is really in charge. Sometimes it feels like all the hopium is just a Deep State op. I wish they would shit or get off the pot.