UPDATED: John F Kennedy Jr. Returns!! CONFIRMED!!
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
There is a lot of buzz around JFK Jr returning. A lot of clues being put out. A lot of what look like current photos!

S. RES. 157; Whereas it is with profound sorrow and regret that the Senate has learned that JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY JR., his wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, and her sister Lauren Bessette have been missing since the early morning hours of Saturday, July 17, 1999.

Weckage of JFK Jr’s plane..

JFK Jr’s twitter.. CONFIRMED

And this one.. CONFIRMED

JFK Jr redacted documents, why he had to dissapear..

Wow! What a delusional site! Some of you are truly insane.
ALL of us WHO KNOW this to be true ~ would like you to come back & apologize for being ignorant, after OUR GREAT PRESIDENT TRUMP announces his 2024 running mate JFK Jr ~ soon
Soon as pigs fly out my ass I’ll never have to buy bacon again.
Pingback: Restored Republic via a GCR as of April 22, 2023 - best news here
I have wondered about the signs & symbols of Trump! But it is also my opinion & my opinion only that he is the wolf in the Alluminatti/Mason org. How THE are you gonna catch the corrupt bastards???
I believe John F. Kennedy, Jr. Is alive no doubt about it. He and President Trump are finishing the final clean up with the deep state. The Galactic Nation and light people are doing so much. To think we were the only life form is just ridiculous. I’m a true Patriot and I’m from Massachusetts, 40 mins from Cape Cod…Camelot 107 us Mass boys will always stick together. My Grandmother s maiden name is Kennedy..Facts…The crazy thing down the family tree Abraham Lincoln is my family s Uncle. That’s another Fact..Got all the proof..Not to many President s have come to my part of Massachusetts and I really wish Trump would on his Presidential campaign. I don’t want to say my city but we have the best commercial fishing port..We also have history here…I would love to contribute myself to the team or operation..
Jay Pacheco ~♡~ Interesting family history. Thanks for sharing.
God Bless you and your family John, this is the best news I read. I did read things before that you were alive, but still wasn’t sure. I just can’t wait till you come out, so my brother doesn’t think I’m kicking the can down the road. GOD BLESS AMERICA
Cmon already.
“any day now” in 2020, its time to have a reality check maybe?
And all this hail Trump stuff is not healthy.
Healthier than Clinton/Obama/Biden -i grant you that, but Trump no less devil worshipper than them, so take it easy.
Look at the symbolism in all of Trumps stuff, theres a lot of things as blatant as day.
TUrn the sigils of Space Force upside down and take a deeper look at the rest of Trumps symbolism and you see it clearly