URGENT! MILITARY INTEL: The Whistleblower Tsunami: 2024 and the Unveiling of Military Secrets – Trump’s Devolution Plan and Blue Sky Ops – The Deep State’s Grand Theft $100 Trillion Over 75 Years
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In the shadows of secrecy and the echoes of undisclosed truths, a cascade of events, foretold by the enigmatic Donald Trump, has unraveled, painting a vivid portrait of a world veiled in deception. While some revelations have surfaced, others linger in the cloak-and-dagger realm, unfolding silently like a ticking time bomb. Brace yourselves for an exposé that goes beyond the ordinary, revealing the startling events that have shaken the foundations of power.
In the annals of contemporary history, whispers of covert undertakings and undisclosed agendas often linger at the periphery of public consciousness. Donald Trump, a name synonymous with controversy and revelation, has once again thrust the nation into the spotlight with his cryptic announcements. From historic November events to clandestine military operations, the intrigue surrounding these revelations has intensified.
The Historic November Event
The air was thick with anticipation as Donald Trump’s proclamation of a historic November event hung in the political ether. Yet, the details remain shrouded in secrecy, a cryptic puzzle that has left the public yearning for answers. Sources suggest that top-secret military operations, meticulously planned and executed, are still in progress. The stakes are high, and the clandestine nature of these operations has raised eyebrows, leaving many to question the very fabric of our nation’s security.
The Surrender of Biden’s High-Ranking Officers
December 1, 2023, marked a seismic shift in the political landscape as two deputies, three colonels, and a general, all once loyal to Joe Biden, turned their backs on the administration. Their dramatic surrender to military prosecution sent shockwaves through the corridors of power. These high-ranking officers, driven by a shared conviction that Biden is a thief and an imposter, willingly subjected themselves to lie detector tests. The results, a resounding confirmation of their truthfulness, set the stage for a legal battle that could reshape the nation’s destiny.
GITMO Trial and the Shadow of the Gallows
The stakes couldn’t be higher for the renegade officers, now detained at Guantanamo Bay and awaiting trial in January 2024. The gravity of their actions looms large, as the possibility of facing the gallows hangs over them. If their alleged misdeeds resulted in the loss of human lives, the consequences are as dire as the hangman’s noose. However, if proven otherwise, the officers might find themselves locked away, free but forever marked by the events that transpired on that fateful December day.
Behind the veil of intrigue and military posturing lies the human element—a tale of betrayal, conviction, and a quest for justice. The renegade officers, once staunch supporters of the Biden administration, have emerged as unlikely heroes or villains, depending on one’s perspective. Their decision to forsake allegiance for what they perceive as the greater good adds a layer of complexity to an already convoluted narrative.
As the nation grapples with the fallout of these revelations, the tone is undeniably dramatic and aggressively assertive. The very fabric of trust in political institutions is torn asunder, leaving citizens questioning the integrity of those in power. The events of December 1, 2023, are a visceral reminder that even the highest echelons of authority are not immune to the corrosive forces of deception and betrayal.
The Whistleblower Chronicles
For far too long, the public has been fed a narrative of denial, misinformation, and false hearings regarding the existence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP). The puppet masters orchestrating this elaborate ruse? None other than the military-industrial complex, with Lockheed Martin and the deep state pulling the strings.
The narrative began to crumble when courageous CIA whistleblowers stepped into the light, revealing a shocking truth—the Pentagon had been concealing over 9 UFOs/UAPs in its possession. This bombshell directly contradicted years of denials and deceit, sparking a wave of anticipation for what lies ahead.
The Whistleblower Tsunami: 2024 and the Unveiling of Military Secrets
Hold onto your seats because 2024 is slated to be the year of reckoning. Major whistleblowers from the Pentagon, CIA, and various military sectors are gearing up to blow the lid off the UFO cover-up. This is not a drill; this is the real deal—a game-changing expose that will send shockwaves through the corridors of power.
Behind the scenes, a strategic chess game is unfolding, guided by Congress, the Senate, and Attorney Generals—all under the watchful eye of the white hats in the military. The stage is set, and the trap is laid, as these operations aim to activate the RICO Act, exposing the deep state’s corrupt organization in ways never before imagined.
Remember when former President Donald J. Trump denied the existence of aliens, UFOs, and extraterrestrials in June 2017? The enigma behind this denial becomes clearer when viewed through the lens of covert military operations. Trump’s seemingly dismissive remarks were, in fact, part of a grander plan orchestrated behind the scenes.
Congress, the Senate, and Attorney Generals, guided by military intelligence, are setting up an intricate web to entangle the Pentagon, CIA, and the deep state military-industrial complex. The RICO Act, the linchpin of this operation, will connect all the dots, leading to open military intervention and occupation—a move that will redefine the laws of war and invoke Department of Defense military protocols.
Unveiling the Deep State’s Grand Theft: $100 Trillion Over 75 Years
Prepare to be outraged as the layers of deception are peeled away, exposing a dark underbelly of corruption that spans decades. The deep state, in cahoots with the CIA, has allegedly pilfered over $100 trillion from the pockets of United States citizens and the government itself. These clandestine operations, never sanctioned by Congress or sitting presidents, have operated in the shadows, leaving a trail of financial misdeeds and covert projects.
This revelation sheds light on one of the key motives behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. JFK’s desire to expose the CIA’s shadowy regimen, dark projects, and missing funds marked him for elimination. The truth behind JFK’s untimely demise, intricately tied to human trafficking and depopulation plans, is a dark chapter that the deep state has desperately tried to keep buried.
The Devolution Plan: Trump’s Installation and the Battle Against the Cabal
Behind the scenes, a war has been raging—bluesky classified operations against the satanic cabal, true satanic forces that manipulate wars, human trafficking, child exploitation, and more. The installation of Donald J. Trump was not a mere political event; it was a strategic move in the larger chess game of devolution.
As the deep state’s powers crumble, the devolution plan, orchestrated by the military, gains momentum. Trump’s role is pivotal, and the SKY-BLUE military operations, connected to Q and military intelligence dating back to biblical eras, play a crucial part. This covert battle transcends time, encompassing Tesla’s technology, advanced military operations, and civilizations beyond our comprehension.
BOOM! Try Nikola Tesla’s Divine Code “369” for 30 Seconds & Watch What Happens Next…
The Unveiling of Truth and the Dawn of a New Era
As we navigate the labyrinth of secrecy, deceit, and covert operations, the truth begins to emerge. The UFO cover-up, the deep state’s financial malfeasance, and the battle against the cabal—all intertwine in a narrative that challenges our perception of reality.
The countdown to 2024 ticks away, promising a revelation of unprecedented proportions. The whispers of whistleblowers, the coded messages in sky-blue attire, and the covert military operations all converge to herald the dawn of a new era. Brace yourselves, for the storm is coming, and with it, the collapse of deep state powers and the rise of a truth long suppressed. The devolution plan is in motion, and the unveiling of a cosmic truth is imminent.
The Shocking Truth Behind Trump’s Devolution Plan and Blue Sky Events
In the clandestine world of military operations, deep-state conspiracies, and hidden technologies, a gripping tale unfolds behind closed doors. A tale that encompasses the activation of Trump’s Devolution Plan, the exposure of covert CIA and military operations, and the impending Blue Sky Events set to shock the world. Brace yourselves for a journey into the heart of the unknown, where reality and secrecy collide.
Behind the Scenes: Trump’s Devolution Plan and Blue Sky Ops. As the curtains of secrecy draw back, the revelation of Trump’s unprecedented move to grant full power to the military, signing top-secret classified operations, comes to light. These actions, veiled under the umbrella of Blue Sky Operations, led to the closure of Cheyenne Mountain—a symbol of the hidden world now surfacing.

The Future Unveiled: Trump’s Testimony and the Deep Dark Projects
Fast forward to the future, a landscape painted with military tribunals, where Trump is set to testify. His shocking revelation: the deep dark projects were concealed from him. The man-made alien projects, UFOs/UAPs, and underground UAP facilities at Eglin Air Force Base—all hidden from the commander-in-chief. The narrative unfolds, weaving a web of intrigue around 16 major U.S. dark deep operational sites housing groundbreaking technology.
Exposing the Nexus: CIA, Military Contractors, and Infinite Energy
At the heart of these revelations lies a nexus connecting the CIA, military contractors like Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon Company, and General Dynamics Corp, to super-advanced and hidden technologies. Infinite energy, zero-point energy—the keys to free energy, levitation, and a global societal restructuring. The Devolution Plan, activated by the military and implemented by Trump, becomes the linchpin in this intricate web.
2024-25: The Unveiling of Blue Sky Events
The year 2024-25 looms on the horizon, promising real events that will shake the foundations of our understanding. Blue Sky Events, a phenomenon that will illuminate the sky and uncloak hidden entities, leaving the world in awe. Prepare for the extraordinary, as the ordinary becomes a mere facade.
White Hats in Action: Unmasking Deep State Operations
Present-day reality unfolds with white hats in Congress, the Senate, Attorney General’s office, and direct military guidance exposing the deep dark operations. The RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act becomes a powerful tool to bring the illegal criminal organization—referred to as the [ds] Cabal—into the light. Soft tribunals, U.S. archives, and court documents serve as the stage for this monumental unveiling.
CIA Whistleblowers and the Denial Game
Even within the secretive corridors of the CIA and Pentagon, whistleblowers emerge, challenging the denial of UFOs and UAPs in their possession. The narrative gains depth as the layers of deception unravel, revealing a system built on untruths and hidden agendas.
Infiltration Instead of Invasion: The White Hats’ Decades-Long Struggle
The resilience of the white hats shines through as decades of infiltration into deep-state operations unfold. From the 70s, 80s, and 90s to the present day, white hat sleepers are awakening within the very fabric of influential institutions like WEF, WHO, JP Morgan Banks, and more. Safety measures are in place, and exposure becomes the name of the game.
The Great Awakening: More Than You Know
In the midst of this revelation, a powerful message echoes—The Great Awakening. A collective realization that transcends the boundaries of secrecy and deceit. “You have more than you know,” a cryptic phrase that resonates as the curtain lifts on a world hidden in plain sight.
NCSWIC (Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming): A Rallying Cry
Amidst the chaos, a rallying cry emerges—NCSWIC. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. A call to action, a declaration of resilience in the face of revelations that threaten to reshape our understanding of reality.
This journey into the unknown reveals a narrative woven with intrigue, exposing the hidden machinations of the deep state and the military-industrial complex. As Blue Sky Events approach, the world braces for the shockwaves that will reverberate through the very fabric of society. The Great Awakening beckons, and with it, the promise of a truth more profound than we could ever have imagined.
The White Hats INTEL Shadow War: All Evidence of Military Special Ops Protecting President Trump, CIC – The Great Military Game! (Must See Video)
In the labyrinthine corridors of power, where shadows dance and secrets abound, an enigmatic force is at play. It’s a force that defies conventional understanding, a force that weaves its way through the fabric of history, and a force that is poised to reshape the destiny of a nation. Welcome to a world where reality and conspiracy intertwine – a world where we explore the covert operations of military special forces protecting none other than President Donald Trump, the Commander in Chief (CIC).
What lies ahead in this complex web of intrigue?
Join us as we dive deep into the heart of this mysterious narrative.
Read the full article here: https://amg-news.com/the-white-hats-intel-shadow-war-all-evidence-of-military-special-ops-protecting-president-trump-cic-the-great-military-game-must-see-video/
ALSO: U.S. Military Covert Operation: The U.S. Military’s Continuity of Government Devolution Plan Since January 20, 2021, Under Donald Trump’s Command – https://amg-news.com/u-s-military-covert-operation-the-u-s-militarys-continuity-of-government-devolution-plan-since-january-20-2021-under-donald-trumps-command/
Military Intelligence! Trump’s Ace Card: Military Operations Propelling the United States Towards World Superpower Status – Ground Command and Global Martial Law – https://amg-news.com/military-intelligence-trumps-ace-card-military-operations-propelling-the-united-states-towards-world-superpower-status-ground-command-and-global-martial-law/
URGENT! MILITARY INTEL: Elon Musk, Trump, and the Secret Power Behind Cheyenne Mountain; Directed Energy Weapons, Global Geopolitics, Military-Industrial Complex, National Defense & General Q Charles Q. Brown Jr. – https://amg-news.com/urgent-military-intel-elon-musk-trump-and-the-secret-power-behind-cheyenne-mountain-directed-energy-weapons-global-geopolitics-military-industrial-complex-national-defense-general-q-char/
– Elon Musk comments on Pizzagate exposing the truth about it to his 165 million followers on X. Musk replied to tweets reporting that John Podesta’s pal was arrested on child porn charges and a post pointing out Media Matters founder, David Brock, dated James Alefantis who is the owner of Comet Ping Pong — the pizza joint at the center of Pizzagate.
– The FBI confirms that pizza is a pedophile code word in a College Station, Texas child porn case. I explain how authorities and the Department of Justice have also confirmed that pizza is a pedophile code word and that investigators have been able to bust child sex predators because they used pizza as a pedophile code word to procure children for sex acts and/or child porn in online forums. . .
READ MORE HERE: https://amg-news.com/boom-vampire-hunter-emergency-episode-pizzagate-goes-mainstream-liz-crokin-video/
ALSO: The Hillary Child-Sex Tape Is Worse Than You Can Imagine | The SATANIC SYNDICATE (Graphic/Disturbing Content) – https://amg-news.com/boom-the-hillary-child-sex-tape-is-worse-than-you-can-imagine-the-satanic-syndicate-graphic-disturbing-content/
1 Comment
GOOD THING its only “Monopoly money” (fiat) — as the ‘advertising PROPAGANDA’ clearly sets forth in recent Christmas game advertising ‘ALL’S FAIR IN MONOPOLY’ — and what is the DS ‘game’ ??? — MONOPOLIZE THE WORLD !!!
They’re going so far now in DISCLOSING their Agenda — the “FOREIGN RELATIONS” quarterly magazine (that used to be available only to select ‘Insiders’) is now available on the Checkout Counter Magazine displays (Whole Foods Markets +);
AND — the Propaganda that eating a TWIX candy bar is like Eating People — they’re both CHEWY, CRUNCHY, AND DELICIOUS … are you ready for your “SOYLENT GREEN” (remember the movie) meals … ???