While Some Fight Hard To Expose The NWO And Great Reset, The Sheep Are Indoctrinated Into Them Like A Cult
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Secret Societies; we have all heard that term, but just what are they?
Some smart acres say, “well, if I heard of them then they ain’t so secret are they?”
Well, I say just because you have heard of them does not mean you know neither all of their secrets nor exactly what they are really all about. Then on the other hand, there just may be some that we have not even heard of and that makes them very secret societies.
Fine Dictionary puts it very simply this way; “a society that conceals its activities from nonmembers” while Wikipedia adds a bit more to that,
“A secret society is a club or an organization whose activities, events, inner functioning, or membership are concealed. The society may or may not attempt to conceal its existence. The term usually excludes covert groups, such as intelligence agencies or guerrilla warfare insurgencies, that hide their activities and memberships but maintain a public presence” which better explains why the guy in the first instance is incorrect.
The proposed plan is to cover different societies in coming instalments while this first column is an overview of them in general. While we are on the subject of what a secret society is, let us also look at what it is not as the second description covers and add a bit to that.
Groups like BLM and Antifa do not qualify as a secret society but act like them and do count as covert warfare or insurgency agents while the World Economic Forum and the Council of Foreign Affairs may not be either although they are governed as one and operated by secret societies and perhaps they include operatives that are secret enforcement or activation groups (like BLM and Antifa) that may also be secret societies.
Again, let’s look at what Wikipedia says to help clarify that a bit:
“The exact qualifications for labeling a group a secret society are disputed, but definitions generally rely on the degree to which the organization insists on secrecy, and might involve the retention and transmission of secret knowledge, the denial of membership or knowledge of the group, the creation of personal bonds between members of the organization, and the use of secret rites or rituals which solidify members of the group.”
There seems to be an abundance of them on college campuses and in business dealings and political systems. One must look at the difference between what faith in Christian religion exemplifies and what faith in the ‘rational’ mind of Man is. Faith in our Creator is natural; it is good because there is a higher order that overcomes the weaknesses in man, while the basic idea behind the secret societies is that of the satanic idea that man is in and of himself the god(s).
President John F Kennedy gave the following speech on Secret Societies:
One results in the higher or nobler laws that are immutable, everlasting and supreme while the other is determined by the vagaries and impersonal and deviant desires of very fallible men. Please note that the execution of those higher laws and ideals are not well followed, while the execution of the grosser ‘man is supreme’ ideas are always fatally realized.
As we shall see in later columns there are also many groups that disguise or hide inside of or are extensions to religious systems as well and that is why the pure Christian ideal is rarely if not at any time realized, although the teachings of the basic Hebrew Ten Commandments and the much greater Sermon on the Mount are the foundation of rational as well as spiritual life for those that would live happily and fruitfully.
“Rational” is a term that Miriam-Webster’s more applicable definition is that “having reason or understanding… relating to, based on, or agreeable to reason” and “Reason” is “a statement offered in explanation or justification… the thing that makes some fact intelligible… the power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking especially in orderly rational ways… treatment that affords satisfaction” and it is agreeable to reason that what makes life easier to contend with and allows people to be safely sociable and more anxious for peace, justifies a life well lived and creates satisfaction with not only oneself but those you love and is made eternally binding and non mutable is the one to seek after.
On the other hand, the idea of the Gnostics that there is a greater understanding of the world derived from mans own logic or rational thought than that given by the Creator of that same world. They rely on their own devises and ideas as to what the world is, how it is run, how to use or manipulate and control it and therefore that God who created it is of no importance.
Yes, I understand that is not what is taught in our universities about it, but that is my take away from my own studies. Evil is the satanic revolt against divine authority, and therefore the rejection of that divine wisdom and substituting and implementing you own theories is the very basis of such evils as the Marxist theories, “woke” culture, hedonistic destructions, our modern New World Order and the evil force behind the “Great Reset” and the basis of what those Secret Societies are comprised of.
BibleTools.org says it this way,
“Gnosticism is difficult to define because it comes in so many flavors and interpretations. By itself, it is not a separate denomination or religion but a religious philosophy. It is a framework from which to explain the nature of God, creation, good and evil, man, and the purpose of life…;
The Gnostics spoke extensively about a species of non-physical entities called ‘archons’, who can posses human bodies and manipulate them to their personal gain. In the Bible, we know them as devils; those who are well-versed in the ET intervention on Earth understand them as non-physical aliens. You can read more about the archons.
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The Gnostic concepts are typically traced back to the religions of Persia and India (Zoroastrianism and Hinduism), but they have been added to and modified over time, especially as they became entrenched in Greek culture. As Plato’s writings are full of Gnostic concepts, he furthered the cause of the Gnostics tremendously.
Today, Jewish mystics practice a religion known as Kabbalah, a Gnostic version of Judaism…” and in Genesis 3:1 speaks of “Satan sows seeds of doubt as to whether God can be trusted. Satan’s very first words were, “Has God indeed said…?”
Spoken or not, this sentiment that God is untrustworthy, and that His Word is suspect, has been a regular feature in mankind’s relationship with God ever since.
The Gnostics were no exception — in fact, they are a prime example.” Gnostics trust their own selves and do not trust in God and that is what makes them anti-God and never to be trusted. This concept is the very basis of secret societies appeal to the worldly and weak of faith and of mind. Our second video covers some of the ways that secret societies prove you do not love God and that you are in the bitterness of evil if you reject this warning.
“A core issue of the Bible is whether we submit to God’s governance or try to form a government based on our own perception of what is good or what works. God’s way results in eternal life, but it comes with the obligation to submit ourselves to God. It requires keeping all of His commandments and overcoming our human weaknesses that do not rise to that standard. Satan, conversely, seeks to persuade us to do our own thing and to usurp God’s prerogative in defining right living. He encourages us to be enlightened, to have our eyes opened, by doubting God and rejecting His way.”
Cain can be seen as the creator of the first secret society in that he hid his crime of murder for the sake of taking his brothers goods because he was jealous of him because God honored Abel and not him.
Why is explained in the Bible in Hebrews 11:4 “By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh”, but if God had respect for Abel’s sacrifice and not Cain’s we can logically assume that Cain did not sacrifice in the manner given of God or not in the right state of heart and mind while Abel’s was meaning that Cain sacrificed for his own gain and not for obeying Gods words.
When looking at the story of Lamech it appears there may have been some kept secret oath of silence by his wives about the murder of that young man and therefore some sort of conspiracy involved. I have wondered if that same idea applies to Cain and his situation as the sentence pronounced by the Lord if anyone came after them to kill them means that their stories were more similar than mentioned.
Other readings translated from other languages and older scripts gave me the idea that this may be so, which means that the very first secret societies were created by man to hide the evil act of cold blooded murder for gain, and that is also a fitting definition of what many secret societies are made for.
Many are just that and history is full of them. The result is that the secret society is one of the very oldest constructs created by man (or Satan!) and predates most written history even back as far as just after the fall of man from Gods Paradise in Eden. And they have never been organized for the betterment of Gods children but for the gain of those involved alone.
The Catholic church said of secret societies that the “judgment of the Church on secret oath-bound associations has been made abundantly clear by papal documents. Freemasonry was condemned by Clement XII in a Constitution, dated 28 April, 1738. The pope insists on the objectionable character of societies that commit men of all or no religion to a system of mere natural righteousness, that seek their end by binding their votaries to secret pacts by strict oaths, often under penalties of the severest character, and that plot against the tranquility of the State”. This particular document also goes specifically over the Catholic leaders ideas on the Masons and some other secret societies.
The Lutheran church said “The Synod observes with sorrow that many Christians in this country have gotten mixed up in secret societies such as the Odd Fellows, Freemason lodges, etc., and are still mixed up in them. The Word of God is clearly against this” giving one major reason as “Matthew 5:33-37 forbids us to swear by any creature of God or any thing in general” and that “Matthew 6:25-34. is transgressed by someone who joins these secret societies. For by not avoiding their company for the sake of receiving physical support, he declares that he does not turn to his God and provider in times of need and death, but to human fellowship and Mammon”.
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For reference, go back to my explanation of why Gnosticism is not of God and that it is indeed a slap in the face of our Creator. That seems very clear, and there are far more religions that forbid belonging to any secret society than a book sized article could contain. And not just in Christianity alone but in many religions all over the world. The fact remains that secret societies and many brotherhoods can be described as churches in their own right and are against God’s commandments to be a part of. What is worse is what they do to the Children of God and the world in general.
Is a Cult a religion or sect of such or a secret society? A cult is a “a system of religious beliefs and ritual” while a sect is a “a religious denomination… a religious denomination… regarded as extreme or heretical” (definitions from Merriam-Webster) and there can be some very vague separations although generically we can say that a cult is a sect, a separate organ and usually a version or ‘dialect’ of some religion while a secret society is a very secret or selectively secret club.
Please do not make the mistake that just because one religion does not meet you own specific ideals does not make them automatically a cult, they just have different beliefs than you.
Also, ones cult is another’s religion, and ones religion may be another’s secret society so we need to use good judgment in determining what is what and even that can often be incorrect. But as we shall see, secret societies are often based on and sometimes constitute or institute a religion of their own much the same as a cult is.
There really are many similarities although the primary difference seems to be that the cult is primarily religious in nature while the secret society is primarily political or (and) criminal in nature (which suggests political parties are related to both cults and secret societies).
And because secret societies originated in religion and operate under many versions of governance and have so many aspects of a religion (or more accurately, cults) the lines can become very blurry. To be sure, there are religions that are thought of as cults by many and the same holds true with secret societies.
Cults and secret societies can have distinct specific and even intoned beliefs, rituals, dress, and even language determined by their own intrinsic utilization of their own terms. Yes, they have a lot in common.
Perhaps one of the major differences is in the fact that religions and sects have what is seemingly secret things but are better classified as sacred, not secret. Sacred means Holy; one does not ‘toss ones pearls before swine’ as the Bible says, and one does not make light of nor profane the holy and sanctified by public or off handed references to holy matters.
Secrets are those things that are forbidden because of the harm it can bring to those making those things secret, like the slaughter of the ‘young man to Lamech’s hurt’. The Eucharist and baptism of the Catholic and other churches is holy, the Passover meal and coming of age rights in the Jewish traditions (and the ancient temple rites), the installation of a priest in the Buddhist religion, and so on qualify as sacred and are not to be profaned by common discussion.
But the secrets in many cults or societies or brotherhoods and the like are punishable by death of not just yourself but many times of your entire family as seen on various organized criminal gangs and ‘mafias’.
Concealed or secret is not the same thing as sacred. This distinction is very apparent in the study of the great secret societies that we will be looking at soon.
They play a huge role is what we are witnessing in our world and have played in our history and that of many other cultures, and we will look more particularity at those that affect us the most because our very existence may be at stake with the recent developments cause by those secret societies and their correlation with prophecy.
6 Billion People Humans To Be Killed By The Elite – NWO Depopulation Agenda
Back in 2015 reports of the suspicious deaths of holistic doctors who exposed the many deadly dangers of vaccines and the correlation to austim began. The mysterious deaths of holistic doctors continue, without any mainstream media reporting, as many of the deaths have “plausible deniability”, which is the top facet of all mass media manipulation and deception.
Since 2015, there has been a major campaign to disprove all of these deaths as “conspiracy theories.”
I knew back then that these holistic doctors were killed to silence their voices regarding the dangers of vaccines and the increasing rise of autism. But there may have been another reason. Once the COVID-19 “scamdemic” was launched these doctors would have been screaming at the top of their voices.
Hello there, beautiful souls! It's me, Medeea Greere, and if we haven't crossed paths before, let me assure you it's no coincidence that you've landed here today. I've spent every sunrise and sunset of my life on a tireless quest, seeking out the radiant essence of truth in this vast, dazzling universe of ours. You see, life is a cosmic jigsaw, a symphony of mysteries that sometimes seem so complex, it's hard to grasp. Each piece, each note, is a fragment of the story - a vibrant thread in the tapestry of existence. But fear not! It's been my life's work, my singular passion, to weave these fragments into a narrative that not only makes sense, but fills your heart with hope and your soul with purpose. That's exactly why this website was born. Together, let's unravel the mystery, and embrace the Victory of the Light! With all my love, Medeea Greere
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