Bombshell!!! UPDATE 2025: DECLAS, Indictments, Arrests, and Executions – Unraveling the Deep State Agenda – ‘We Have It All’ ~Q”
Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!
BOOM! The date is January 5th, 2025, and it’s time to unveil the monumental update you’ve all been waiting for: The List of Indictments, Arrests, and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles for the Entire Year of 2023! This is not just another report; this is DECLAS at its finest, the Great Awakening in full swing.
With Trump firmly in control of the nation, the wheels of justice are turning like never before. Military tribunals are packed to capacity, delivering verdicts on treason of the highest order. The guilty now face the fate they have long evaded, and the storm is hitting with unrelenting force.
Stay tuned—this explosive update will leave no stone unturned. The truth is here, the reckoning is now, and the Deep State’s time is up. Welcome to the Awakening!
All Royalties Have Either Been Removed, Arrested, Or Executed Around The World
All Prime Ministers Have Either Been Removed, Arrested, Or Executed Around The World
Start Looking For An Honest Conservative To Elect Prime Minister In Your Country
In a world shrouded in secrecy, where hidden powers have manipulated and controlled the course of history, a seismic revolution is unfolding beneath the surface. The fall of the Cabal, an elusive group that has held humanity captive for decades, is not a spectacle for the masses, but a covert operation that will forever change the course of our world.
Welcome to the age of truth, where the secrets are unveiled, the traitors are exposed, and justice is served – even if the world remains unaware of its own transformation.
The darkness that has loomed over humanity for far too long is finally being dispelled, revealing a sinister network of conspirators who have orchestrated crimes against humanity on a scale unimaginable. As whispers of treason and covert operations circulate, a list of indictments, arrests, and executions emerges from the shadows, offering a glimpse into a realm previously hidden from the public eye.
The list stands as a testament to the heinous deeds committed against the innocent. Those who once wielded power with impunity now find themselves facing the consequences of their actions. This compilation includes figures once revered by society – politicians, celebrities, and influential individuals whose crimes have rocked the very foundations of trust.
Unveiling the Justice: Arrests and Executions
The wheels of justice may turn slowly, but their momentum is unrelenting. The revolution against the Cabal has resulted in a wave of arrests and executions that have sent shockwaves through the deepest corridors of power. The intricate web of betrayal is being meticulously unraveled, laying bare the true nature of those who swore to protect and serve.
In the darkness of the clandestine operations, a whispered deal emerged – a pact with those who possessed damning information. In exchange for divulging critical intelligence, a promise of a merciful end awaited them. Death with dignity or a life confined to a cell, the traitors were left with a choice that would seal their fates.
No one is safe from the reckoning that is sweeping across the globe. Even the most powerful figures, who once believed themselves untouchable, have been unmasked and held accountable for their actions. The revelations expose the extent to which the Cabal’s influence extended, reaching into the heart of governments and institutions.
As the walls close in, even the most iconic figures have been brought to justice. A notable example is the shocking unraveling of Michelle and Barack Obama’s legacy. The betrayal and treachery that lay beneath the surface were exposed, leading to a series of events that ultimately sealed their fates.
The shadowy world of clandestine operations took an unprecedented turn with the activation of AI clones and doubles. The deep state’s minions, once puppets in the hands of the Cabal, now find themselves at the service of an unexpected leader – former President Donald Trump. This surreal twist in the narrative marks a turning point in the revolution.
Decoding the Truth: DECLAS and the Awakening. As the masses remain blissfully unaware, a grand spectacle unfolds before their eyes – a carefully orchestrated performance meant to expose hidden players and unveil a reality previously obscured. The DECLAS initiative serves as both a testament to victory and a revelation of the intricate power dynamics that have shaped our world.
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“Crime of the Century”: Reclaim Your Natural Immunity: Rise Against Mandatory Vaccines, Toxic Food, Contaminated Water, and Crush Big Pharma’s Tyranny – Reclaim Your Health Now!
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Guides and Angels: Embracing the Presence of Spiritual Guides in Our Lives!
How does Melania Trump stay beautiful? All the First Lady’s beauty secrets REVEALED!
Do you Remember George H.W. Bush’s Funeral?
Do You Remember When all The Members of The Cabal Were Handed Envelopes?
A New One Theory Just Surfaced…
We are watching a movie! Enjoy the show!
Conclusion: A World Transformed
The revolution against the Cabal is a testament to the power of truth, justice, and the indomitable spirit of humanity. As the secrets crumble and the darkness lifts, we stand on the precipice of a new era – an era defined by transparency, accountability, and the unyielding pursuit of justice. The crimes against humanity will forever serve as a reminder of the lengths to which some will go to retain power, but they will also stand as a testament to the triumph of light over darkness.
There will be no civil war and patriots have no colour! United We Are Strong! Thank you for reading, like, comment, subscribe. Please join the conversation it’s free!
The End of the World as we Know it – The Fall of the Cabal: ‘Arrests and Executions’. “We Have It All” ~Q!
Terrific article
Honestly just this am on my way to work a local radio show in Orlando had a talk show going and the quest was speaking about his long research into the parks and ALL the missing people and how so many were not accounted for, meaning they were just missing with out any clues to where they disappeared to. They were talking about many of the state parks, that they keep the list secret, meaning they would have given the list up for over a million dollars to this person doing the research. They also spoke about the fact that many of these people seemed to just vanish even when in a group. There were a number of missing people who were of course accounted for but then there was the huge list of those not. In some cases some people were found GET THIS, in a horrible state and it was stated that they looked like they had lost their SOULS. the Radio show host flat out asked if it could be Satanic in nature the disappearances. The guest said it was possible. so….. it is seemingly coming to light on the playing field if you would…
They are either actors or clones/possibly CGI. Don’t panic. The ending is almost here. Oprah is doing what she’s told to avoid execution. All the Royals are gone in the U.K. except for Prince William.
I’m really confused. There was a two hour interview last night with Oprah and Meghan Markle and Harry. The list states Oprah is under house arrest and both Meghan and Harry have been executed. Was this recorded earlier? Were all three being played by actors? I didn’t watch it because I can’t stand any of them, but my wife did. I want all this crap to be over!
You people who don’t believe this … research D.U.M.B.S (Deep Underground Military Bases) wait till you find out what’s down there! Things are truly not as they seem in reality because the bastards have been hiding so much from the world. This isn’t just happening in the USA, this is worldwide and has been going on for many centuries…..
I have declassified Government Documents on Roswell (Area 51) if people knew what we are about to deal with you will die from fear!
Marjie, could you share or point me to the right place for the Area 51 declass?
I just saw a news trailer saying that Gal Gadot she was welcoming the 3rd child and Alec Baldwin just welcomed a baby in their family. I did a quick search on Adam Sadler and he was reported dead, but several posts down the search says it’s a cruel FB post. Wish it were true though!!
Lots of silly little pitiful pansies on here who doubt this because they’ve never been in the U.S. military and have no clue what true justice looks like or how it transpires with the military in control.
So, they staged a shooting and a dognapping just so they could put Lady Gaga’s AI Clone on TV to offer a 500k reward for their safe return? Why would a dead Lady Gaga want her dogs back? Why would they take the risk of the public finding out that Gaga is really dead and that it was just her clone on TV? Oh yea… fake news – I saw it on NBC not Info Wars so it must be fake and Lady Gaga is dead and well.
Gag- was no “lady” rather a ladyboy, always in character!! there were no missing dogs.
Who put out this list?
Will Farrell in there twice:
Once as Farrell William
then again as Will Farrell
Unless there is a Farrell William, which I couldn’t identify when I looked.
Some names here misspelled as well – this list needs to be edited if it’s to be taken seriously.
We want to know the truth, not be scammed yet again.
Hard to trust this list with so much spelling error in it.
Will Farrell – actor
Pharell Williams – singer – does “Happy” song
Maybe he means both?
Clone PERSON digital recordings-EASY now with the way CGI etc has been advanced that the People of the World were not privy to! We ARE the SHEEPLE-The ELITE WEALTHY have KNOWN since 1950s how ADVANCED OUR Technology IS! We are still living in the Times where we KNOW what THEY Want us to KNOW! 1930s? 1940s? technology slightly advanced…….They HAVE controlled the WORLD!
For one small moment, I wished half the names on this list believed in karma. As I researched the names to find out those I knew nothing about some of them just dropped off the planet nowhere to be found. I hope this is true, it’s time for those who thought they where the powerful be taken down. For too long, people forgot to respect one another and greed mattered more than honesty. We should not let those with the power control our lives.
I believe that people are being arrested and executed. I’m not sure about all on this list however. For instance, you can get still get tickets to a Celine Dion concert this year—but she was supposedly executed? Is there someone else who looks like her, and also sings like her? Is that even possible with a clone? I would like some verification too.
Does anyone know what Gal Gadot did?
Well, I am awake and believe. I have done a lot of research and it took me awhile, but I have finally seen some of this first hand. Kamala Harris’s clone or look alike was taking pictures with many fans and they didn’t even know. Someone had recognized that it wasn’t Kamala and called the clone out. She left real fast and did not deny it. I also believe JFK Jr is still alive. But I am not sure about some of the other famous people that are such as Princess Di or Michael Jackson. I have researched but do not find anything definitive, but I can always hope. George Floyd is still alive and well and he should be in jail for sure for all the hell he has put this country through!!!
How do you know this?
Thank you for confirming AMG
I’m going to lose my mind going back and forth between this is true, this is not true. Everytime anybody makes a statement, they should say why they believe that or what facts do they have. Also when you do research how do you know what’ s true. I mean, I pride myself that I do have common sense and discernment and I always weigh all sides. I guess I need to learn how to truly research before I lose my mind. Our comments between each other sure help us to sort out. I am grateful for that. Any of you got suggestions? Sure would appreciate.
If this list is always being updated, why are there exactly 260 people on it, every time I check? How are these verified? Who with? And why is this the only place on the internet where this info can be found? What does AMG stand for?
Wow you are in the dark the list is on other places on the net. There are/were videos on youtube. The first one I watched was removed, so I searched further. There is a lot of information should you choose to look for it. Adrenochrome, military tribunals, deep state are all good words to search for. Hope this helps. Be careful what you watch you will never be able to unsee it.
Hey guys
As i was reading through the comments remembered sth. to answer those who asked how to know if it’s true coz some r on tv, i just remembered that I’ve seen couple of vids of the nasty filthy queen of england around whom children and animals were so scared & trying to escape. Can’t this be a clue?
U know animals have special ability to sense weird phenomena, have u seen any of the names mentioned around any pet??? Do they have any photos of pets with them??? Or do they avoid animals???
Some animals keep the evil away
Anybody know how they “clone” or “double” voices, though?
Computer software.
LOL, Y’all know this is fake, right?
is it?
Sabrina show are made almost a year in advance. The Rock could have been arrested a month ago. They are only saying the list started Nov. 4th. They are adding to the list everyday. Execution is if they committed something so horrendous that that person would be dangerous to society and never could be rehabilitated.
He always used to say- “can you smell what the Rock is cooking “? I can guess.
this is about cannibalism. and farming, and harvesting of children. is it not?
can these arrest be proven so much lying going on I like a way to verify this
Having read this I thought it was really informative. I appreciate you taking the time and energy to put this article together.
I once again find myself personally spending a
significant amount of time both reading and posting comments.
But so what, it was still worth it!
Dwayne Johnson was just seen in an interview with his mom singing together. he held her hand and she gave him a kiss on the cheek. How do you fake that? and what about his new show coming out ‘young rock’? Are you saying he did something so horrible he was executed? then why continue with a new show? why not have him fall ill of covid and die or have an accident? why the elaborate hoax to make him seem fine and continue to endear fans to him? seems very wrong.
What are the babes in the woods even doing on this channel? If you’re new to this information and absolutely refuse to consider its validity, you’re so far behind the 8-ball you’ll never catch up. This is merely one strand of a monstrous spider web. Grow up or go back to your cartoons.
You purposely ignorant trolls, I certainly understand why you’re here. You’re being paid minimum wage by the cabal. Pathetic, really.
You honest and diligent seekers of truth, I salute you. WWG1WGA-WW.
“Paid minimum wage by the cabal.” LOL. Now you’re pathetic.
You’re either a fool or an unprincipled
THERESA 77: your explanations are great, but obviously there are many here who are a long way from being ready to accept!I read comments on many platforms, my concern is that there is a growing number of patriots who are growing ever more frustrated with nothing concrete happening that is visible to the public. I see more & more comments about marching, supporting/backing up the NG or military… it seems the last thing we need is a bunch of guys with guns going “rambo” & creating all kinds of mayhem. I assume that DJT & Gen Fly & other s are keeping a finger on the frustration pulse of the nation??? I am awed by the dedication & effort that has to have gone into this operation! Praying for all involved.
next mk-ultra bullshit? if this were true we see robots on tv….stop spreading such a crap!
everybody who believes this must be extreme degenerated!
What would happen to these clones afterwards? Kill them all?
They never last for more than six years, then they die.
Is there any proof of these claims of executions – Like, ACTUAL proof ?
There is never any proof. Just like the deep state always telling you that the “source” of their information is an anonymous source, these people will tell you that this is a secret military operation so don’t expect any proof. I’d love to believe this is happening but I think with so many clones on the loose this is obviously bull shit.
Yes McBacon there is proof. If you go to the GITMO site there’s a fairly long tutorial that explains the need to build bigger prisons so quickly there at GITMO. I haven’t checked there lately but the site still exists.
It shows the beds and the whole rooms along with straps to hold them for executions.
This is a long video that talks about how Hillary said, “You can’t kill me, I’m Hillary Rodham Clinton” right before she was hung. It’s worth a look.
Carol, true again, President Trump was there for her execution!
I am praying that every satanic Luciferian Pedaphile will be arrested and executed! May God assist all our brave military men who are cleaning up the child sex traffickers, and arresting them and saving the children. This has to be stopped and all offenders prosecuted! Those in politics who are in step with the globalists and communists, and corrupt Illuminati, Jesuits, Free Masons and One World Order people need to also be brought to justice. They are Traitors, and SEDITIONISTS. May God protect those who identify with justice, and truth!
Their being neutralized as we speak.
I was going to go to the Federal Courts site called “Pacer” and see if there are indictment list on the criminal division, but why waste my time? I was told the indictments were sealed. Wont do any good to search for them.
I can believe the corrupt politicians being on this list but many of the celebrities? That is a bit hard to swallow. Although, I can see Tom Cruise on this list because he is a nut case Scientologist who is totally insane. I know Scientology is a crazy cult.
It doesnot say, but nr 21 on the list, Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard, was our former queen of the Netherlands 33 grade Free masonist.
The recent queen, wife to our king Willem Alexandee, Maxima Zorrigueta, daughter of a secretary of state under Argentine’s dictator Vedela, is on this list of executed too. Willem Alexander was/ is now head of the Free masons in Europe since queen Elisabeth’s official demise. He is asli member of the mighty freemason Bilderberg group. His grandfather ex ss-er Prince Bernard, was the founder of this group after WW2. All those executed people are replaced by clones. Or actors with masks. You can see the differences. Compare recent pictures with ones from before 2020.
Anyone who believes this nonsense needs to be put in a mental ward.
This whole planet is a mental ward
Half of you qrazy Q’s were devastated when when Joe Biden was sworn in and Trump, your Messiah did not save you. The rest of you are just batshit crazy. What are you guys going to do when March 4, 2021 comes and goes and nothing happens? Do you all REALLY believe this bullshit? LOL.
Enjoy Biden and your life ahead
@stupidamerkin, thanks! I enjoyed it when Obama was president, and I’m already enjoying seeing and listening to a competent President in office. No, no, you don’t need to respond. I know what you all think of Biden. Who cares. LOL.
Only pedophiles enjoyed the Obama presidency.
Your dear Obama caught a bullet in the back of the head. Look it up for yourself.
Carol, you are so right and they also took out big Mike, his (wife) born Mike L Robinson. Yes he was a dude, they had a picture of him in the Gitmo jail with a beard.
I have heard an urban legend that Joe Biden is AI.
Akio Seki who is Mr. Urban Legend claimed that thing.
If this urban legend is true, how should Suga the Japanese prime minister meet him?
It is up to you if you believe in this urban legend or not.
The reason why Donald Trump had to build a border wall is to protect South American children from a human trafficking organization.
Recently, police officers in Tennessee rescued 150 missing children from a human trafficking organization.
Trump didn’t have to run for President, he was chosen by the Marines because he was the only man the Marines trusted, and because he was so rich they KNEW he couldn’t be BRIBED! THIS IS WHY THE ELITE HATED HIM!
The elite understood if they couldn’t kill off Trump they couldn’t institute their NEW WORLD ORDER. Only two classes, the ELITE and the very poor. This was the brain child of George Walker Bush. If you remember Barbara Bush died first, then George left a bomb shell when he died. At his funeral the elite guests guilty of crimes against humanity, were given a special card inside the program with a small card saying “I’m sorry, they know it all.”
The looks on their face were priceless. Actually if you pull up George Walker Bush funeral on U-tube you can see their faces when they got the bad news that Trump and the Marines knew it all …. and the jig was up!
In case of emergencies in our country or our government the Marines are automatically the voice of the president, until the unrest is abated.
LOOK IT UP ANYWHERE, everyone who pays attention at all to our government knows this is a fact. Hundreds of thousands subpoenas have already been served and the parties picked up. The thing is it’s global, from every corner of the world the filthy and ungodly criminality is being eradicated as we speak.
Georgie was a heartless criminal, and so was his wife, sons, and daughters in law. They have been executed in one of the first waves of come upance! George Walker and his son George admitted EVERYTHING.
Carol-Oh I have so loved all these little movies!! The faces were priceless..
A la lecture de, Edward Philippe et Macron sont sur la liste ! Est-ce vrai ? S’agit-il d’un carnet de « nettoyage » prévu et seulement prévu ou y-a-t-il déjà des exécutions d’hommes aux pouvoirs ou de leurs doubles comme le prétend le document ?
Alors que le document présente en ligne 206 Pope francis arrested & Executed, les rencontres et qui seraient de samedi 6 février et de ce jour lundi 8 février laissent entendre que ce serait une fake news, à moins que l’exécution du pape ait eu lieu aujourd’hui après la réunion !!
Il se pourrait qu’il s’agisse d’un calendrier prévu et non exactement exécuté ! mais alors pourquoi cette information fausse ?
Bonnes questions… et puis pourquoi laisser des doubles ou des clones continuer à faire la même politique destructrice dans les pays sans changer d’orientation en vu de la libération du peuple de tous les autres corrompus au gouvernement ?
Gosh, I wish I had an interpreter so I could talk to you
i too like everyone else am undecided about all this but i did a little digging myself , i seen that john mccain was arrested and executed yet it was reported he died of a brain tumour cancer. so i dug a little more and found a clip from tv where former ohio gov kasich slipped up in a interview saying mccain had been executed go find it , everything is available if you look hard enough.
Meghan Mc Stain also slipped and made that same inference.
Wow, anyone who believes this is true is seriously gullible. Sad.
You should see the video of the pope CGI,. To those watching I bet they see real in their eyes…but is it? No, but go tell them it wasn’t real…they’ll call you a kook as he was there and just saw it…Don’t be deceive.
A five year old believes the actors in the movie he sees and believes its real. But is it? To him it is, until someone shows and tells them.
If this is truly real, then I am afraid that this is ushering in the coming of Satan in the form of Jesus, promising peace and prosperity, with “wonderful” technology, and a new financial system, that will require people to swear an oath to buy and sell, also known as the “mark of the beast”. This will begin a purge of “Christians” that see through this false “Christ”, as the true return of Christ will be at the end of the largest war on the planet, to pass judgement on Humanity. So keep your eyes open, get right with God, and do not be fooled by coming events, for if this is true, it is your eternal soul on the line.
I think system will be used to purge Christians. Remember Muslims, Hindus, Buddhism, etc. are in the system too.
ML- Its one thing to make an honest living. Its another of what you do with it,for good or evil. There is nothing wrong with money,never has been. Its only about the evil thats connected to it,used improperly.
I’ve done “research” regarding all this lunacy. Yes, sex trafficking, pedophilia, adrenochrome, Satan worshipers, etc. is real. However, proof of executions is still needed, otherwise sounds hollow.
Trump is going to be back, I read that SCOTUS is reconvening, the timing was wrong before now it won’t seem that they are meddling in politics. I also read that there will be a pushback on Bidet when he gets us into an economic depression. Let’s help him there, buy all the food you can. My reason is different I want all patriots stocked up. After March if I pull this off you won’t be able to buy food in supermarkets, grocery stores etc. That’s only if Trump has trouble.
You say “I read”, “I read”, what are you reading? Do you realize you are reading garbage that some person made up? The only evidence that you have is what “I read”. ZERO proof.
Really? Did you study History in school? Did you believe it? What about Astronomy? Physics? How do you know you weren’t lied to? By the way… you WERE. You demand evidence but are too overwhelmed by the Q movement to follow what they suggest, which is to RESEARCH AND THINK FOR YOURSELF. People who don’t bother getting their head out of their ass will never see proof of sunlight either. You sound like a dumb and lazy troll to me.
Troll I am. Dumb and lazy I’m not. LOL.
They why are you here? If you do not like it or do not believe there are many places on the net you can go.
All documented, video put on tv by JAG. We will see it all. Wake up sheep.
Ha ha ha! You gave me a happy face!
So go elsewhere. Nobody is keeping you here, your comments are not enlightening anyone.
I’ve heard about this and even seen some of the indictments so I don’t doubt it. With all the LIES we’ve gotten wouldn’t it be nice to get some truth for change?
I am living in Germany, and I can assure you, that Angela Merkel is still alive and
she is certanly NOT a clone, or an AI-double, or something like that.
Also, I think that there had to be a lot of clones (especially among the politicians and royals),
if they were indeed all dead…
Something must be wrong here, or at least very strange – think about it !!!
I also live in Germany, on TV there has been a double/clone of her often appearing. Don´t trust the MM / inform yourself.
WELL… When something is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE… it usually is!
The Old FU@# ROBERT DENIRO… jsut seen making a MSM appearance on ‘TODAY’ or one of those kinds of talk shows, with another group via ZOOM or something… was a LIVE broadcast. If memory serves me correct, wasnt jsut 2/4 or 5, – Thurs, r Fri.
Actual proof would be nice seems little far fetched at the moment actual people tried and now clones to hummm how can this all go on and not be actually not noticed and even news channels that are good don’t report it,, no way this can be kept secret with out someone leaking it,, which we all know media would either discredit or run with it,,, yeah proof please, this is the kinda stuff thats messing this country up please list links that actually prove this stuff Thank You
Thank you. It’s insanity.
Let’s say Obama and all the other government officials and people in Hollywood (over 260 so far) are dead and replaced by CGI, holograms, AI clones & body doubles. This would mean that over 260 entire families would have to also go along with it without telling anyone: their 10 year old kids, their parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles & grandparents would all have to go along with it. What about their friends & neighbors… if a person was killed and replaced somehow, wouldn’t their best friends know? What about their doctors & dentists that have their medical history, x-rays and charts. The doctors don’t say anything about the body double’s medical information not matching the records? That would be considered insurance fraud at minimum and they could lose their license. Overall, that is A LOT of people that would have to keep quiet.
Someone is playing a terrible trick on many people who actually believe this stuff. They must be getting a great laugh. Wake Up !!! You are intelligent people, aren’t you??
I think Q is some bored precocious teen in his mother’s basement, laughing at all the stupid, gullible people that fall for this garbage. I can’t even with Q people.
Serenity-Alaska is also going to get hit with a big earthquake,,,put that feather in your cap. I dont know how old you are-but apparently your spiritual discernment hasnt kicked in yet…better get your bucket of popcorn ready-its gonna be a doozy. Definition of intelligent=having the ability to learn and understand. Does not necessarily mean book smart either. I’m 63.I read volumes. I reflect and contemplate what I’m reading. I understand,and I can also spell,which is more than the average reporter can do these days…I can also chew gum and walk at the same time.
Obama and his significant other were secretly killed years ago and now they use body doubles, CGI, AI clones & holograms to make it look like they are still alive… why not just stage a car crash with them both inside and be done with it? We already know they can’t be clones because clones have to be born and raised so a clone can’t possibly be the same age as the person they got their DNA from. How did they pull off Obama’s recent zoom meeting at a bookstore where they were talking about the inauguration and other recent events? Why would they even take this chance of him “appearing” on the zoom meeting and opening up the opportunity that the public might realize it wasn’t him? Obama Zoom link:
Charlie- Are you aware of how much people, during the course of a regular day do not pay attention to details???????? There are many many,too many to count. I showed hubby when I paused the tv,and showed him an older picture of Biden. Well,you may get gray hair or go bald,but your dam ears dont change their length or shape,amongst other things….
This looks more like a wish list to me…
I just tediously constructed a reply at the bottom of the page and it came back saying, looks like you already said this. Did not. Now its lost. I am so disappointed. I probably could never remember it all again. I thought it was good.
Clinic psychosis of conspiracy theorist. Pathological liars who find out they can earn a living or sway large groups of people to follow them. Those are the people who come up with this crap. Followers add their little lies. When they tell you to research the crazy delusional fiction on your own, they are basically telling to spend months on even more delusional pages and videos. Their modus is to first combine you that the media companies, 10,000s of local and international newspapers are all fake. The have a way to draw you in sentimentally by concocting sick and pike laden stories about child trafficking fir adrenaline. Pedophilia, child trafficking, sex trafficking, child abuse, ritual murders are all 100% real. Anyone who is capable of spreading false information against the real people out there trying to save kids and women is beyond clinical and psychological redemption. The conspiracy theorist lure you in deeper by using Christian Bible verses of the apocalypse to make fictional and imaginary enemies purported to be satanic worshippers. They purposely mostly concentrate on Jewish, Islamic or Atheist believers and non believers as the deep state. If you are liberal, moderate, fair and balanced individual you are immediately considered to be deep stare or sheeple. If you argue for proof. They claim you are fast asleep. If you pretend to believe the hogwash, you are wide awake. Trumps criminal associates have used their wealth to seize on the Qanons and invested heavily in using the cult to lure followers into their army.
Your comment is just as “conspiracy theorist “ as this post. I’d argue even more. This is a tough time to find actual truth with all that’s came out the past 4 years. One thing that is true is that trump has been working non stop to take out some very very bad people. Child trafficking is real. Celebrities and politicians are sick evil people. This is true. Not All, but a LOT. We live in an evil world. You believe that in our history man has sacrificed and killed children? So what makes you think that mysteriously stopped happening in “modern times”? History repeats itself, people don’t change. Only the dates change and technology advances. The sooner you learn and accept this the better off you will be.
You may be right… But you don’t really really
Seniors that lived a long life have experience that comes only with time. We’ve gone through the good times as well as the bad. We have the advantage now though because we’re able to see and understand the larger picture after living through them in real time.
We’ve gone through many administrations and watched first hand exactly how their decisions have impacted our government and the world. I can assure you that what happened sixty or seventy years ago is still relevant today. This doesn’t mean I know everything, but it does mean is older folks better understand what we’re facing today.
In the fifties their were hushed voices of our decline in relationship to our government and society. Things were moving swiftly and party sides were taken. During the Eisenhower election folks held public meetings in schools, churches or town halls to debate (with manners) how best to choose our new candidate for President. Little did we know thirty years later that our government had become a corrupt money driven machine.
Searches of our past will reveal the secrets of today if you care to look. Read about Madelyn O’Hare who deprived our children of prayer in school. Also who supported her, and who didn’t.
Read up on the assassinations that stopped good men in their prime because they dared to speak out.
Those days in the fifties were the good old days of innocence after a world war. The reality is the filth, lies and coverups were simmering just below the surface.
The sexual revolution and welfare dollars broke up many families that were already scarred from the horrors of war … it cost our children a deserving future.
Take an afternoon to go back, find an older person if you need to, but for the love of God, LOOK! The truth is our country was robbed of it’s glory by the very people our Marines are after today!
Shaman. That’s a good one. Shaman.
Classic form of the enemy attack…those that want to brush the info off. Not the human being, (Shaman), but the spirit inside the human.
This is the bottom line IMO
White vs Black
Truth vs Lies
Good vs. Evil
Light vs dark
God vs satan…and on and on.
Being here, on earth, means both exist. There is always an opposite to the Right…its left and wrong.
We exist here for one reason, To be and know the Creator, our father Jehovah God, Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
As for the comments, Theresa 77, sums it about up. Its no wonder I am seeing the same stuff we are discussing. We who invest in understanding our Father, seem to have a special advantage in knowing Truth.
We, as, I stated at first, also have been schooled in the attacks that come by the enemy. Not Flesh and Blood, your not the enemy, but those powers that are real, but typically unseen.
Now, that said. Due to the REAL experiences of events in my life. You, anyone, can’t take that from me, you weren’t there. You didn’t hear, see, feel what I have absolute truth too. I’ve seen healing with my own eyes, like short legs grow, teeth filling turn to gold, twice. Experience an old nagging injury just go and has never come back. On a night of healing for the sick.
Other events happened from the other side too. Cuz they are real. The spirit literally talked in an unknown tongue that both my wife recorded. This happened with her brother while I prayed in our heavenly language. I was asked to pray all the way home on a trip we had completed. Visiting relatives. Four hour drive home. Holy Sprit said, within my thoughts so to speak, I WANT YOU TO PRAY ALL THE WAY HOME. in my eyes, that was crazy, never understood why until this event I talk about. Crazy eh! In my driveway, another day, talking to brother about PURITY, y’know the sex thing Purity. All of a sudden he blurted out in a deep, raspy, guttural voice…way different than his voice…”YOU’LL NEVER WIN” this obviously in English. The brother quickly cupped his mouth and sat there stunned collecting his thoughts and then slowly said….”I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THAT COME FROM, I DIDN’T SAY THAT. To which i replied after about two seconds to compose myself, as that surprised me also. I agreed with the spirit that I would never win, and this because I didn’t have too. YOU”RE RIGHT I’LL NEVER WIN.
because JESUS Christ had already defeated you already. Told bro, lets go, and we exited the car and pleaded The blood over him and our property and home. Took 2 minutes.
If you wanna read with an open mind and accept this, Great!! But there is no need to go down the road of ridicule and mock. YOU WEREN’T THERE.
Research from here, Oliver, BC Canada, we find the same. Its almost so obvious, it astounds us of those who can’t see it. The evil.
We love you guys, we pray that your eye of understanding, open to see TRUTH. What is TRUTH?
Who wouldn’t wanna know TRUTH.
LloydlL- I totally believe you! I sit with my bible next to me,and take in a page or 2 each day. I’m learning to meditate sitting still,instead of my usual bopping around with a still mind. I’m making sure nothing negative is on tv,usually its instrumental music during the day. I’m now working with my Chakras. I will not allow my daughter to speak negatively of herself anymore. As soon as she starts in,I cut her off. If she doesnt like it then hit the door. She even had the gall to tell me not to use the word God around her! I told her since its my house she’d have to put up with it or hit the door. I am also open enough to say “Our creator”,but dont you tell me I cant say it…anyways the healing sessions are very much real,they are whats really real-this movie we are in,is not….its all about the spirit.
I see some people “do research” on these things. How do you do that really? You spend long nights watching bunch of other videos, and looking for other articles like this that would hopefully say the same thing? But if you find those, how do you know they are true? This process would last forever, and you would still not know anything for sure. It is always “some sources” that the info is coming from.
You can`t research this! Only time will tell, but nothing of this seem reasonable or real to me. I may be wrong, I may be right, but that`s the thing, I can only speculate, like everybody else.
I have a hard time believing this list is true.
All our life we believed the news on the tv Was true when they said “ our sources”. Truth is no one knows what’s true or not. We are finding out our entire realities have been false and we been lied to. This is a difficult time to find actual truth. At this point I don’t believe anything. All we can do is research everything and trust what our gut says. Intuition is the best source for truth right now.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one seeing this for what it is.
You’re not only wrong, you have your head in the sand. I’ve researched these bastards ever since 9/11. It took a whole new turn when Trump came down the escalator. It takes time, effort and critical thinking skills to do proper research. You don’t seem to have any of those. Go back to your football game.
Confirmed? By whom?
Actual documents?
Arrest records and actual court documents?
I am not a troll. I just want to say I have not seen this information elsewhere. I noticed you say it is confirmed. Can you give us a source?
I too want more information! I’m sick of being lied to.