BQQQM!!! The Pascal Najadi Disclosure: Unveiling the Secrets of the Space Force, Global Conspiracies, CERN, Julian Assange, Donald Trump Verdict and Beyond – VIDEO
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BQQQM! Uncover the shocking revelations of Pascal Najadi on the Mel Carmine Show, from fake solar eclipses and CERN’s hidden agenda to Julian Assange, Trump’s verdict, and the Galactic Federation. Dive into covert military operations, the truth about the flat earth theory, and more as we prepare for the imminent disclosure event. Leave your ego at the door and embrace the possibility that everything you know might be an illusion. Read on to discover a new reality.
The Great Disclosure: Pascal Najadi’s Revelations on Global Conspiracies and Hidden Realities
The Unmasking of Truth. In a world clouded by deception, Pascal Najadi steps into the spotlight, ready to tear down the veils of secrecy that have long obscured the truth. This is not just another conspiracy theory; it’s a call to awaken from the slumber of ignorance. As a former Swiss Air Force Officer and Investment Banker, Najadi brings a unique blend of credibility and audacity to the table. In a recent interview on the ‘Mel Carmine Show,’ Najadi drops bombshell after bombshell, touching on topics that most would dare not whisper in the darkest corners of the internet.
From a fake solar eclipse to the Galactic Federation, nothing is off-limits. Brace yourself for a journey into the heart of the covert global military operations that have been unfolding since 2016, and prepare for the next phase of disclosure.
The Man Behind the Mission: Pascal Najadi. Pascal Najadi is no ordinary whistleblower. With a background in both military and finance, he possesses an insider’s perspective that lends weight to his revelations. Najadi served as an officer in the Swiss Air Force before transitioning to a successful career in investment banking. This dual experience has equipped him with a keen understanding of both the strategic and economic dimensions of global power structures. Najadi’s involvement with the Space Force marks a significant turning point in his journey, positioning him as a key figure in the ongoing disclosure movement.
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The Mel Carmine Show: A Platform for Truth. The ‘Mel Carmine Show’ has become a beacon for those seeking unfiltered truths in an age of misinformation. In his latest interview, Najadi wastes no time diving into the heavy topics that define our era. He urges viewers to leave their egos at the door and embrace the possibility that everything they know might be a carefully constructed illusion. Najadi’s message is clear: remove the word “impossible” from your vocabulary and start believing in the mantra “I’m Possible.”
Fake April 8th Solar Eclipse: A Cosmic Deception. One of the most shocking revelations from Najadi’s interview is the assertion that the April 8th solar eclipse was a staged event. According to Najadi, this cosmic spectacle was a meticulously planned hoax designed to distract the public from more pressing issues. He provides compelling evidence that the eclipse was a joint operation between various global powers, leveraging advanced technology to create an artificial celestial event. This revelation begs the question: what else have we been deceived about?
CERN: The Gateway to Other Realities. Najadi’s discourse takes a darker turn as he delves into the activities at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. He claims that CERN is not merely a scientific research facility but a gateway to other dimensions. The experiments conducted there, Najadi suggests, have the potential to alter our reality in ways we cannot yet comprehend. He warns that the manipulation of fundamental particles could open portals to unknown realms, unleashing forces beyond our control.
Julian Assange: A Pawn in a Larger Game. The saga of Julian Assange has captivated the world, but Najadi offers a fresh perspective on the WikiLeaks founder’s predicament. He posits that Assange is a pawn in a larger game of global dominance, used by powerful entities to further their own agendas. Najadi calls for a reevaluation of Assange’s role in the broader context of information warfare, urging the public to see beyond the surface narrative and understand the deeper implications of his imprisonment.
Trump’s Guilty Verdict: A Turning Point. The guilty verdict against former President Donald Trump is another focal point in Najadi’s revelations. He argues that this verdict is not just a legal outcome but a strategic move in the covert military operation that has been in progress since 2016. Najadi claims that the military is in complete control and that Trump’s downfall is a prelude to a larger disclosure event. This event, he asserts, will reshape our understanding of governance and power.

General Flynn: The Silent Patriot. General Michael Flynn emerges as a silent patriot in Najadi’s narrative. Despite facing legal and personal battles, Flynn has remained a steadfast advocate for truth and transparency. Najadi credits Flynn with playing a crucial role in the covert operations that have been steering the course of global events. He highlights Flynn’s resilience and dedication, portraying him as a key ally in the fight against the hidden forces that seek to control our world.
Flat Earth and the Fake Moon: Challenging Accepted Realities. Najadi does not shy away from controversial topics, including the flat earth theory and the notion of a fake moon. He challenges the accepted scientific consensus, urging people to question the information that has been fed to them since childhood. While these ideas may seem far-fetched, Najadi argues that they are part of a broader effort to keep humanity in a state of ignorance and compliance. He encourages open-mindedness and critical thinking as the first steps towards uncovering the truth.
The Galactic Federation: Allies from Beyond. Perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of Najadi’s interview is his discussion of the Galactic Federation. He claims that this interstellar organization has been in contact with Earth’s military forces for years, aiding in the covert operations that are now coming to light. Najadi describes the Federation as a group of benevolent beings committed to helping humanity achieve its full potential. This revelation adds a new dimension to the disclosure narrative, suggesting that our future may be intertwined with that of other civilizations.
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Reptilians and Other Entities: The Hidden Players. Najadi’s revelations extend to the existence of reptilian entities and other non-human players in the global power game. He asserts that these beings have been influencing human affairs for centuries, operating from the shadows to shape the course of history. Najadi’s insights into the interactions between humans and these entities challenge our understanding of reality and call for a reevaluation of the forces at play in our world.
Preparing for Disclosure: What You Need to Know. As the next phase of disclosure approaches, Najadi offers practical advice for those looking to prepare. He stresses the importance of keeping two weeks of food on hand in anticipation of potential disruptions during the rumored martial law period. Najadi assures the public that the US military, composed of “the good guys,” is in complete control and that a wonderful new reality awaits us. He emphasizes that all will be explained during the disclosure event, and urges people not to fear but to embrace the changes that are coming.
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Conclusion: The Dawn of a New Reality. Pascal Najadi’s interview on the ‘Mel Carmine Show’ is a clarion call to awaken from the slumber of ignorance and embrace the possibility of a new reality. His revelations about the fake solar eclipse, CERN, Julian Assange, Trump’s guilty verdict, General Flynn, flat earth, the fake moon, the Galactic Federation, and reptilian entities challenge our understanding of the world and compel us to question everything we have been taught. As we stand on the brink of a new era, Najadi’s message is clear: the time for disclosure is now, and we must be ready to face the truth, no matter how unsettling it may be.
@Donny Diamond — Pascal Najadi is a descendent of EGYPTIAN ancestors who migrated to Europe to found Switzerland 1,000 years ago. JESUS said in the Book of John, Chapter 8, the “JEWS are not human,” the “JEWS are offspring of Satan,” the “JEWS worship the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN (Baal, Lucifer, Moloch). You HATE Truth!
To enlighten your Lilliputian brain, JEWS have published in newspapers, books, conference speeches, and letters to world leaders for the past 100 years “we came to genocide humanity and destroy Earth” … toward a 6,000-year agenda that ends in the coming 79 years. Whether YOU are a JEW or not, the eradication of JEWS on Earth began years ago, worldwide.
YOU are WICKED. YOU are a LIAR. YOU divide people who share the same righteous values and beliefs. YOUR behaviors are PROFILED in PROVERBS 6:16-19 as a warning to humans. Therefore, YOU are SATAN’s morning toilet dump shot from his rectum. YOU truly are a “stinker!”
FLYNN::::::::::: is T R A I T O R # 1 ::::PASCAL AGAIN A WRONG STATEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@SirRod — BEWARE. There are “masked actors” dividing humanity against each other, worldwide. LEARN to DISCERN. When in doubt, pray to Father God Jesus for confirmation / Truth.
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VĚŘÍM V GALAKTICKÉ FEDERACE…již před mnoha lety jsem pracoval v jednom výzkumném ústavu a když jsem viděl,co tam je za idioty,kteří nemohou nic samy vymyslet,tak jsem začal věřit v něco,co přináší pokrok na Zemi….Praktiky,které se dnes používají znám a mám je zakodované…Jsou to praktiky ZLA a IDIOTŮ.kteří nemají jinak šanci na přežití než dělat šlušným lidem takové podmíky,které potom mohou využívat pro svou existenci….Myslím si,že právě nyní se otvírá brána reality na Zemi…Memorandum,které podepsal ministr zahraničí v ČESKOSLOVENSKU JSOU PDEPISOVÁNY V MNOHA STÁTECH…..To všechno jistě souvisí s přípravou na NESARU-GASARU a vyhlášení EBS….Těžko by se obyvatelstvo na úrovni vědecké obce v našich končinách smiřovalo s tímto systémem života v REALITĚ…bez předem připraveného scénáře vypracované v GALAKTICKÉ FEDERACI…jpn
@Jan / John — You said, “I BELIEVE IN THE GALACTIC FEDERATION…many years ago I worked in a research institute and when I saw what kind of idiots there are who can’t invent anything by themselves, I started to believe in something that brings progress to Earth….Practices that today I know they use them and I have them coded… They are the practices of EVIL and IDIOTS. who have no other chance of survival than to make decent people such conditions that they can then use for their existence… I think that the gate of reality on Earth is opening right now… The memorandum signed by the foreign minister in CZECHOSLOVAKIA HAS BEEN SIGNED IN MANY STATES…..All of this is certainly related to the preparation for NESAR-GASAR and the announcement of EBS….It would be difficult for the population at the level of the scientific community in our region to reconcile with this system of life in REALITY… without a pre-prepared scenario worked out in the GALACTIC FEDERATION…jpn”
Jan / John, I completely agree with your research findings! Thank you for posting your experience with us.
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If there is a firmament how do other races come from different dimensions?
@Kevin — There are SPECIES from our Milky Way GALAXY, and there are SPECIES from other GALAXIES, and INTER-GALAXIES. The other species were created long before human species. They enter Earth by PORTALS. Are you familiar with CERN ? Those who used to work at CERN were evil … not supportive of human species living on Earth, rather, CERN workers were supportive of other species to genocide human species, and then, seize Earth for other galactic and intergalactic purposes.
As the expression reminds us: EVIL IS, THAT EVIL DOES. Read PROVERBS 6:16-19. Therein is the PROFILE of seven (7) evil behaviors that define “other species” behaviors from Earthly human species’ behaviors that Father God Jesus warns His “beloved offspring humans” against “imitating” or be punished “dying daily in Hell for an eternity.”
Humanity must return to reading its USER MANUAL, the Holy Bible. Consider a “study bible” such as ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION (ESV) to quickly comprehend Father God Jesus’ Truths from Lies of the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN (Baal, Lucifer, Moloch, et al.).
Dear Meedea.
As you are searching the truth you could check first this… They are quite good making this synthesis of just SSP, as it’s very complex. And yes very old histoyry of Terra and humanity genesis with stellar origin. Lot of info/gems in the “univers of internet”… Lol
Extract :
…This is the big daddy of all secret space programs and luckily, one that is intent on saving mankind. It is like the Earth Alliance but exists completely in outer-space and has direct contact with many alien species. It is even rumoured that these guys have a seat on the Galactic Federation which is made up of them and lots of different alien races.
The goal of this program is to reveal all the knowledge around space to the public to save us from the Draco and free our minds. They believe this will then usher in a new golden age where we can exist both here and in space with no fear. It is though that they in effect control all the other space programs such as the Earth Alliance.
As you can see, there are many reported secret space programs that may be happening as we speak. Although it is hard to say whether they exist or not for sure, if they do then it would be quite a shock for us all. The only way to truly tell will be with time!..
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