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Dr. Charlie Ward:
🔷 Q phone contains Q wallet, quantum voting system, quantum education system and all quantum technologies.
American notebooks are not operational yet, and the ones that are working now are big and very important.
However, at the moment, we all know that Russia, China and India have gold-backed currencies.
🔷 Germany is somehow trying to finance its energy bills.
Germany pays its energy costs in gold, but it remains to be seen whether this is the legal way to do so.
It could have been done inside Russia, not Europe.
🔷 I asked the Quantum team if there is a platform that can handle other destination guarantees and retroactive trading if India, China and Russia are trading gold-backed currencies. .
I was told no. No other platform can handle gold-backed transactions.
So by default they are definitely using the QFS platform. ⇒ QFS: THE NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM – Step Out of The Matrix and Into The Golden Age!
🔷 There will be something bigger than COVID in America.
I do not know what it is.
Something huge has to happen this week because they have to block the election.
ALSO: Dr. Charlie Ward: “86 Countries Will Be Under Martial Law In The Next Three Weeks”
🔷 The cabal is trying to manipulate the election.
But they are being watched and followed.
Everything is underrated.
The other, of course, is that America needs to wake up.
This is certainly the case in England and elsewhere.
There is something called Election Day.
It’s election day in America. But who bought this rule that you can vote a month in advance?
Martial Law is happening now in some places. And it’s done very carefully. not to scare people
🔷 Derek Johnson was pointing at the national flag symbol. That’s why people like Derek are so precious.
Because most people can’t understand.
Sometimes it has 17 flags, sometimes 13 flags behind, sometimes with a border.
Sometimes they have different colors, symbologies and geological flags.
🔷 The military bought and prepaid Ibis and several other chains literally a year, two years, three years ago.
So it’s very interesting to see who’s there and what’s going on.
🔷 This is a complete one-shot.
Now is the time to relax with popcorn. And watch so you don’t get caught.
Avoid riots and problems.
Get up to do what’s right.
But don’t get in trouble.
🔷 Be sure to vote today!
It’s election day. Election Day, not Election Week or Election Month.
So cheating won’t work. Because if you vote on election day, they don’t know how many votes it takes to turn things around.
Let’s make it difficult for them to cancel the election if they vote on the day.
If you are going to vote, vote in person on the day.
🔷 What I understand is that Elon Musk was originally a black hat and turned to the white hat side.
Many people have betrayed from black hats to white hats.
He has his own phone, a Tesla Fire, but I’m told it’s not a Qfone.
Q phones are already being made by the military. That doesn’t mean it will be his only cell phone.
So far, once the US Navy has released the Q-Phone, it should come out and be deployed very soon.
And once permission is granted, medical beds will be deployed. It is very important to recover. It ‘s about getting your spiritual side on the right frequency.
Prepare now spiritually. You are in a good place. Then, the rest is very easy.
Brace Yourselves…The Storm Has Arrived! You Just Have to Know Where to Look!
Government Shutdown – 911 Tribunals at GITMO – White Hats in Control – Comeback Bigger Than Setback
The news cycle is so wild I’m about ready to vibrate into a different dimension this is getting so exciting. Check out the September timeline, was Christ born on September 11th? Don’t miss Great Awakening Video compilation to help you make sense of what is going on right now!
9/11 Tribunals at GITMO Media invite first time ever, will this expose CIA & Mossad for 9/11?
What’s this a new movie on Diana called Spencer? List of vaccine nasty ingredients exposed on CDC website.
Read The Full Article HERE:
Also: Brace Yourselves… A Storm is Coming! You Just Have to Know Where to Look! –