EXPOSED: This Is How The Deep State and The Military Industrial Complex Pulled All Their Black Operation Behind the Black Curtain
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Howard Hughes was the world’s richest man in the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s. An oil man, inventor, movie producer and founder of numerous aerospace and hundreds of other companies worldwide. But, he became too BIG for the Military Industrial Complex in this country and soon he found himself heavily medicated by his “assistants” as they exploited his wealth and established bank accounts and companies globally by using fraudulently obtained Power’s of Attorney.
When his “public* death was announced in 1976, the Deep State Cabal had already begun the same manipulation of his son, Daniel Vincent Hughes, Jr. D.V. Hughes, Jr., raised by a surrogate family outside of Atlantic City, NJ became a rich and powerful inventor in his own rite, oblivious of his genetic heritage until several years ago.
In the interim, D.V. Hughes, Jr. created companies such as Hughes Oil & Gas, Hughes Construction, Hughes Masonry and Hughes Medical. D.V. Hughes, Jr. holds numerous patents and has served in numerous capacities with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and throughout the U.S Department of Defense.

This cooperation eventually led D.V. Hughes, Jr. to his discovery, that over 3600 bank accounts in his name containing monetary values exceeding human imagination were being used to launder Deep State Black Operations as they profited from commodity sales, including weapons, drugs, human trafficking and even Adrenochrome.
D.V. Hughes, Jr. Is utterly disgusted by this personal exploitation and the degradation of this country by those in the world that seek the dissolution of the United States. D.V. Hughes, Jr. issues this public appeal to President Donald Trump and JFK, Jr. to intervene in this matter. D.V. Hughes, Jr. is a fighter and has been battling this innate corruption virtually ALONE all his life.
It is time for the White Hats, White Knights and all good men to realize THIS is the apex of the financial corruption in this world.
God bless this country. We need you now more than ever.
The Patriots that Support D.V. Hughes, Jr.

The Fall of the Cabal: ‘Arrests and Executions’. “We Have It All” ~Q!
The End of the World as we Know it – The Fall of the Cabal: ‘Arrests and Executions’. “We Have It All” ~Q!
I know this post could get me in trouble, considering the power of the entities that I am writing about, but it’s important for me to share this anyway. I have long had a problem with them, culminating with their surveillance of me in my private life and attempts to censor my writings in various platforms. If they are under the delusion that I am going to shut up due to their intimidation and harassment, they have thought entirely wrong.
Read the full article HERE:
Also: GITMO: Which Presidents Are Going? Deep State, Treason, Military Tribunals, Official Documents, List of Indictments –
Don’t feel bad about not owning real estate. I have, and the UN socialist, communist town governments in American small towns simply confiscates it & destroys it anyway.
I believe it is possible that JFK Jr. is alive. If that’s the case, it is his and his wife’s opportunity to make JESUS CHRIST the LORD of their lives.
The United States of America MUST repent as a nation for several things if we want to be healed and restored by ALMIGHTY GOD, our Creator.
The demonic spirits of sexual perversion, homosexuality, lesbianism, sodomy, beastiality, pornography, pedophilia, human trafficking, satanic ritual abuse, rape, strip clubs all fall under the category of sexual sins.
God destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah in the Bible for sexual sins.
America has not been destroyed or crushed yet. God has been merciful to us.
Walt Disney, who was a pedophile and Freemason are responsible for distributing movies/films and cartoons with sorcery, witchcraft and subliminal sexual images to people all over the world. If you look closely you can see them.
Those films make God and America look bad all over the world.
The USA cannot continue in sexual sins or tolerate sick political ideologies like Islam, which believe that rape and sexual abuse of women and children is ok.
IT IS NOT OK with God Almighty, the Lord Jesus Christ or with those of us who respect God, marriage and human life. Those who practice sexual sins must renounce and repent of their sins.
IF the majority of people in America truly love and honor this nation, God, humanity, the Constitution, the Holy Bible and all of God’s creation, then we must be serious about change.
God is love. HE is forgiving, but the Bible says the day is coming when HIS kindness will turn to being a jusr God and sending people to hell for eternity because they refused to accept the LORD JESUS CHRIST and repent for their sexual sins.
THE CHOICE IS OURS and God won’t force Americans to do right.
He is there to help us, deliver us and heal us of our wounds, worries, sins, hurts, bad habits and curses.
“AND do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil for Thine is the Kingdom, the power, the glory forever and ever. AMEN.”
I have to read the D.V. HUGHES Jr. Article after I finish this.
I’m sorry for whatever that man had to suffer. May GOD bring vengeance on his enemies and bring them to repentance and restore blessings to Mr. Hughes.
I’ve been living in my car for 40 months. I now know that it is definitely not all my fault including bad financial decisions that I made and the fact that I should have bought real estate that I would own.
There are people who wanted me to fail, including friends and family.
I will come out of this VICTORIOUS soon.
I voted for President Donald Trump. I do believe he wants to help our beloved AMERICA. I believe the intent of his heart is good.
John F. Kennedy Jr. What happened to him? Was he in hiding with his wife for years?
My concern is that really JFK’s son? He said something about reptilians, other beings and grays. HONESTLY, Not sure I believe that.
I love God Almighty, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost deeply and IF They are a part of our country’s leadership and decisions, it would make our nation stronger and better against the forces and powers of evil, darkness, the BLACK Awakening and against Satan.
The truth is that IF GOD is not part of our nation and all aspects of it, things won’t go very well.
“Choose ye this day who you will SERVE. CHOOSE LIFE and Blessings or death and cursing.”
Whats the saying….”thats a no brainer!” Choose life.
GOD ALMIGHTY, THE LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST and HOLY GHOST are REAL. I couldn’t think of America without God.
DEATH is real and where you spend eternity is your choice. You choose.
Heaven is real and so is hell.
You don’t want to go to hell. There’s no way out and it’s eternal damnation.
Don’t let anyone deceive you or tell you otherwise. Read the HOLY BIBLE for it is truth.
Ask God for wisdom and discernment. It is of the utmost urgency that you ask for God’s wisdom and ask Jesus Christ to forgive you for your sins and to be YOUR Lord and Savior please.
God bless you.