Hillary Clinton SNAPS after INTERRUPTED mid speech over refusing to call out Joe Biden for getting us into WWIII
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
In a recent public appearance, Hillary Clinton found herself at the center of a storm, as a passionate young man confronted her over her refusal to call out Joe Biden for his alleged role in escalating global tensions toward World War III. The encounter shed light on a deeply divided nation, with Clinton’s response drawing criticism for its perceived arrogance and lack of accountability.
As we delve into this contentious issue, it becomes evident that the American people are demanding answers and accountability from their elected officials.
The American people are yearning for leadership that champions unity and accountability. Yet, in a recent incident, it appears that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton missed the memo entirely. A brave young man dared to interrupt her mid-speech, urging her to address the growing concerns about Joe Biden’s actions potentially leading the nation into World War III.
What followed was a confrontation that showcased the deep divisions within the nation. Instead of engaging in a constructive dialogue, Clinton’s reaction left many astonished. She continued her speech without acknowledging the young man’s concerns, reinforcing the perception that she seeks the limelight without accepting responsibility for the pain she has allegedly caused to the citizens of the United States.
One of the most striking aspects of this incident was the apparent double standards applied by some politicians. Shouting over others, using shrill voices, and attacking opponents are tactics that have become disturbingly common in today’s political discourse.
However, when confronted with passion and a challenging question, Clinton suddenly decided to take the high road, dismissing the approach as unsuitable for a conversation. This behavior echoes a pattern seen not only in Clinton but also in other prominent figures like Barack Obama.

One cannot help but wonder whether this reaction stems from a desire for control. Politicians like Clinton often appear unwilling to collaborate unless there is significant financial gain involved. This attitude, some argue, reflects the dark side of the political elite, who prefer to stand on pedestals and shout down at the very people they are meant to serve.
The phrase “We the People” embodies the essence of American democracy. It signifies that power ultimately rests in the hands of the citizens who entrust their leaders to make decisions on their behalf. However, the recent incident with Hillary Clinton highlights a growing sentiment among Americans. Many feel that their elected officials, including Clinton, have not endured the same hardships or paid the same taxes as the ordinary citizens who bear the brunt of their decisions.
The American people have made countless sacrifices to uphold their nation’s values and ideals. It is a nation that values peace, prosperity, and unity, yet the actions of some leaders seem to be pushing the country towards a darker path. As tensions rise globally, it becomes increasingly crucial for elected officials to exercise their leadership with wisdom and responsibility.
Accountability is the cornerstone of effective leadership. When leaders refuse to take responsibility for their actions or decisions, the trust of the people erodes. The incident involving Hillary Clinton underscores the urgent need for leaders to be answerable for their roles in shaping the nation’s destiny.
The United States, like the rest of the world, is grappling with complex challenges. The specter of World War III looms large, and the American people are rightfully concerned about the decisions being made on their behalf. It is a pivotal moment in history when leadership should be characterized by humility, open dialogue, and a genuine commitment to the well-being of the nation.

In a time when the world is on edge and the American people are anxious about the future, the incident involving Hillary Clinton serves as a stark reminder of the importance of leadership and accountability. The nation looks to its elected officials for guidance and protection, and it is essential that they rise to the occasion.
We must demand answers, seek accountability, and work together to ensure a brighter future for our country—one that is defined by peace, unity, and prosperity, rather than the specter of war and division.
Hillary Clinton SNAPS after INTERRUPTED mid speech over refusing to call out Joe Biden for getting us into WWIII pic.twitter.com/X5YsXDOXTq
— Medeea Greere (@GreereMedeea) October 25, 2023
Also, I am noticing that some Prophets are also conveying the moments we are in as well. There are a few of them out there doing great work, a powerful one I am following at the moment if you would like to check her out is Julie Green Ministries on Rumble. No, I am not affiliated with them nor have anything to gain by referring you to them. It’s just powerful info that I am sure you can see for yourself. It starts to make the hair on your neck stand up when they talk prior about specific things to happen, then days, weeks or months later, low and behold, they come true. Things about specific people, where you really can tell, there’s no way anyone would have known that prior! Let’s see if this site will let me post a link to her daily (weekday) videos. Even if you aren’t a believer in the Lord, you may find it hard not to start believing once you start seeing things come true. Here’s the link:
As a side note … Julie is indeed a woman of God … yet when we look to her insight, remember, it is not her, but rather the ONE she represents with whom we must be seeking … JESUS CHRIST LIVING GOD.
Following the EBS with global martial law, I believe the awakening addressed will be a global revival – and there is only ONE truth that has been projected to the world since the resurrection of Jesus as the lie … while everything else propagated as truth or potential of being truth, such as evolution – aliens – time travel – and man-made religions, all founded by one man only – whereas the irrefutable Christian faith was brought to the world by way of 40+ God-inspired authors, with works within museums to see for ourselves.
In closing, said Christian faith, especially leadership, has much to learn and change if the humble heart will allow them to dispose of their denominational pride (not scriptural) and self-titling named ministries – all responsible for the confusion caused, bringing the Christian church, undeniably, to where it is today … fulfilling the devils desire and God’s warning as found in Galatians 5:15 leaving said faith as the most hated and misunderstood faith on planet earth – when in fact it is the only and ONE truth man needs.
Galatians 5:15 (NLT)
But if you are always biting and devouring one another, watch out! Beware of destroying one another.
Do we think?
Julie Green is a lying-ass whore from the depths of Hell.
Gee . . . Why don’t you tell us what you really think? I think I smell an evil troll??
I’d have to say you’re seriously overexaggerating, not to mention judging another, whom I’m guessing, to you is a fellow patriot you disagree with!
Luke 6:37 (NLT)
“Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn others, or it will all come back against you. Forgive others, and you will be forgiven.
Could Julie have spoken, or be mixing her own words with words of prophecy claimed to be of God, thus making her a liar? That is a possibility, and 98% of Christians today would never know, because they are too unfamiliar with the entirety of the living word; sad but very true … and even then that title is one not to be tampered with.
I pay very little attention to those who claim the ‘Prophet or Prophetess’ title, for it is a very dangerous path and the living God has not, will not, and never will take lightly to those who say what is not of Him.
There is a vision statement I have felt to be from God in place on a Post-PlanDemic website I created for the world to be released as noted, after disclosure of the evil that has locked the world down and turned it into chaos and confusion unlike any other time in history – – – – but I do not claim to be a prophet, nor will I, ever; merely a man after God’s own heart, driven by inerrant and infallible truth that man is in dire need of, sooner than later – and the Christian and the church must stop playing games as a result of denominational pride and self-ministry titles.
Everyone, if you put your critical thinking hats on and wonder why she’s an actress sometimes, it’s probably because the Military has asked her to go with a temporary narrative to help the cause. What is the cause? Well, to me, the cause is to keep civil unrest, not just here, but everywhere on the globe, from going full blown riots. Why do you think they want us to stay inside for 10 days to watch three 8-hour videos all day long during that time? We will probably need to watch all the videos because I am sure they will cover 3 things (that I feel would quell me from wanting to take to the streets and protest, which will probably only get those people shot when on possible marshal law), will probably cover 1. All the evil that we have had to endure for the last 100+ years. 2. Who was responsible for all of it, and 3. what they are doing or have already done about it, so that everyone knows that they shouldn’t be upset but probably rather grateful to those who have been rescuing humanity (especially all the children). This is what I gather anyway from observing Medeea and other sites keeping us in the loop. So stay strong, stay united, pray for those at the front lines and all the way up who are working to set our planet free from tyranny and enslavement. I’m not happy on some of her posts where she kind of flips the script, but perhaps there are good reasons at the time. Just know God always wins. And God is wielding some interesting people who have stepped forward to be his David against the Goliath. Stay strong and keep praying to the very end!
This indeed can be very confusing, seeing a woman like Killary, long deceased, executed by Military Tribunal … yet as soon as the Deep State leaders are removed, they are replaced by either doubles or clones.
If you visit RealRawNews.com and enter clone or clones in the search bar, you should find a few interesting articles; while not forgetting that said site covers its own backside to appear as satire or parody, do not allow said need to fool your from knowing truth, anymore than the pharmaceutical, AMA, FDA clowns to enforce 100% natural products to post NOT APPROVED BY THE FDA upon every product they make.
Just saying!
Is this a Hillary Clinton look-a-like or a clone, since I did read that she was HANGED?! This has gone on far too long. When are ‘we the people’ going to see Trump’s return?! This year? Next year? I know God moves in mysterious ways and we have to wait until His time. But I can understand people thinking that things might be lies because we have been waiting so long and trying to be patient, but it’s hard for the rest of us to keep going along with this narrative. It’s hard to understand that your country has been little by little being corrupted from the beginning of the 20th century to today by elites controlling the narrative. Hope things change soon because many are tired of the constant wars, inflation of everything. May God have mercy on us all. We want to see justice to those like the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bushes, the MSM, FDA, CDC, Moderna, Pfizer who have killed so many innocent people around the world. May God have mercy on us.
Then go live life instead of believing this made-up bullshit.
Or waste your life waiting for “soon”…..whatever the fuck that means.
Ya’ll been slinging this bullshit for 7 years now.
What the fuck is wrong with ya’ll ?
Hello Meedea, I have been one of your most faithful followers and have continually shared your presentations. Recently, however, I’ve been seeing many presentation from you being “fear porn” and others containing content that you must KNOW is misinformation and untruth. Now this one which is clearly misinformation. It’s no wonder the people are totally clueless as they are continuously bombarded by misinformation, lies and propaganda. Why are YOU contributing to this type of crap?? Is there some reason / purpose that I just can’t see? Bob Davis
You have been writing here for three years now about how Hillary Clinton was executed in Guantanamo, how she was resuscitated in the hospital in order to then be executed. Now you are showing these stupid holograms of her. Who else believes you here?
Just visit RealRawNews.com and enter clones in search …
Stop barking at a fellow patriot determined to share what truth she can possible know; no it’s not all happening as we would like … myself more than you could know trying to deal with TWNations in dire need, always having nothing but God … and we here in FWNations always have EVERYTHING but God.
Give yourself a rest from self-inflicted frustration; just a thought!