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I have learnt more in the last two to three years than I have in my lifetime up until the advent of COVID, both informally through my analysis of data, observations of people in society and most importantly through collaboration with some of the most incredible minds in the world, and formally through the curricula of science, history and politics that I have obliged myself to study to establish my knowledge scaffolding.
If I could (wrongly) reduce it to a single tenet, it would be that, during the Common Era (for the most part since it is better chronicled), society has been formed around the premise that territory and resources are scarce and can only be acquired and protected through force. Subsequently, to protect oneself and for the establishment of peace, society should be organised in a hierarchical fashion with power/control being centralized at the top whereby permission to live is filtered down to the rest.
Attention: The US is Facing The BIGGEST Threat Of The Century. . . An Event That May Leave 290 Million Americans Dead in its Wake!
This has always been achieved under the notion that this kind of organisation facilitates the best protection against foreign threats. As a result, whether territories be empires, fiefdoms or sovereign states, emperors, kings and now heads of state (and their appointed “elites”) rely on the “common good” of offering protection against a host of potential threats (war, famine, ill-health) in order to maintain their position of control.
For thousands of years, the common person – the plebs, serfs and modern-day tax-payers – has overlooked the fact that the organisational structure they adhere to is typically a greater threat to their liberty, health and fulfillment than the threats it ostensibly purports to defend them from.
However, every few hundred years, for whatever reason, the commoners are compelled to rise up and overthrow the “elites” that illegitimately govern them. These reasons could be due to the failure of the hierarchical structure to actually protect them from the threats they claimed to or quite often because the elites overplay their hand.
I believe that such a time is upon us once again.
It is different from past revolutions because both the elites and the commoners are more sophisticated. It is easy to stir up civil unrest when there is literally blood on the streets or no food on the table. As we have witnessed with COVID and other eugenics programs, the elites can kill millions without the majority of society even realizing. Similarly, it is easier to overthrow a regime if your arsenal can be equally, if not better equipped, than the regime. Here I am talking technology as opposed to military might.
But, as we edge closer to the implosion of the modern monetary system due to unsustainable levels of national debt ($98 trillion worldwide!) and hyperinflation, the collapse of allopathic healthcare infrastructures, and the realization that the elites’ self-interest is much greater than the “common good” trickles ever further down the chain of ignorance, there will come an inflection point in society that will trigger another revolution, reminiscent of the past centuries.
As a potential catalyst for this event, I am becoming more and more convinced that decentralized technologies will play a major part. Much more than sophisticated means for members of society to conduct their affairs with each other more efficiently and securely, they represent the potential replacement of the current paradigm of organisational structure.
1 Comment
As far as, we humans, on good vs. evil, we, the good, have no problem wining this revolution. The question is, we have no idea about the extraterrestrial side. All we can do is hope the good are more powerful.