Med Beds Quantum Healing Covert Regenerative Medical Technology – The Best Is Yet To Come ~Q
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The following information reveals how the medical pods work, what they look like, and how they are used in the advanced medical field of technology with 3D anatomical imaging devices. Information is also provided on how the medical pods can resurrect humans, heal illnesses, heal wounds, remove scar tissue, and apply an age regression.
The holographic medical pods are automated medical stations where a medical expert selects the type of medical procedure to be performed from the computer database, then the patient lays down in the pod, and the machine performs the medical operation or procedure, then the lasers locate the access points close where the procedure was performed.
These types of holographic medical pods have features such as an Airtight Operating Shield, Comfortable Limb Restraints, a Laser Scalpel, Laser Mirror Arms to Remove Scars, Computer Controlled Robotic Surgical Arms, Liquid Spray Anesthesia, Vital Sign Sensors, and all these features are set up on an Adjustable Titanium base.
The Med Pods (aka Med Beds) allow users to diagnose, treat and perform a wide variety of surgical procedures with the ultra-fine laser cuts guided by 3D anatomical scans. The 3D scan has refractive lenses that make live scans of the body to perform various medical procedures.
The 3D anatomical scanning lens and the laser technology enable complete diagnoses of all body systems, including neurological factors, treatment of infections by concentrated antibiotic injections, detoxification of the body to cure diseases such as cancer, basic or advanced wound repair, limb regeneration by reconstruction of cellular DNA, and scar removal.
Other procedures can also be done, such as appendectomy, laparoscopic ablation and caesarean section. The Med Pods can also regenerate dying cell tissues in the body to restore cells to health, as well as revive neurons, protons, stem cells, etc. This is done in order to cure diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, etc.
Within a year’s time most hospital procedures are obsolete
President Donald Trump said on June 14, 2020 to the nation,
“within a year’s time or so almost all hospital procedures will be obsolete.”
Every city will have many medical beds and Tesla chambers capable of healing and repairing DNA along with curing all ailments. Like Age regression, up to 30 years.
No more Cancer, Autism, Alzheimer, Fibromyalgia (fi·bro·my·al·gi·a) a condition that causes joint pain all over the body, sleep problems, fatigue, and often emotional and mental distress, and many other deficiencies.
The advanced medical pods have micro laser technology and multi-refractive lenses that can manipulate the body’s natural chronometer and perform age regression procedures through DNA modification or even cross hybridization between human DNA and ET genetics, or mixing animal DNA with it. human genome to create stronger and healthier kinds of people.
There is advanced holographic supercomputer software that can create different types of memorygrams that can be imprinted into people’s brains through light spectrum visual images to create false or altered screen memories. Also, injections of drugs are administered to suppress memory so that people cannot easily recall memories that are blacklisted. These procedures are often performed in the SSP programs while a person is being treated in the Holographic Medical Pod before their contract is up and they are administered the age regression protocol.
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Interactive supercomputer software that can encode memory engrams in the brain during the process of the age regression protocol. Some of the Med Pods are equipped with biomimetic gel that creates healthy and young cell tissue in the body to replace the cells that die and can no longer regenerate themselves. The biomimetic gel is also used to prevent third degree burns from leaving scars on the body, preventing scar tissue from building up on the skin. This gel also removes any germs or bacteria that can cause infections in the human body.
Medical Lab for Holographic Medical Pods: The Holographic Medical Pods are usually located in medical labs on space stations, planet bases or on starships. These medical pods can be installed just about anywhere as they don’t require much power to operate. “The Reatomization process, when the body is in it, there’s an algorithm and there’s a computer database and it actually identifies your DNA in your body and it does a complete internal analysis. clearly showing in a 3D format of a human life, how your organs, where your organs are, how they function.
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It analyzes your blood and it also shows any damage or disease or condition in the body that is not normal, then it will come back through voice communication.” It will ask you: Do you want a complete reatomy of your body or do you just want this one take control of the area? It will give you that option. If you want to have the whole body reatomiced, you lie there, you go into a deep sleep, there is no injection, no needles or anything.
The Riatomizer runs over the body and involves tachyon particles, tachyon energy and also plasma energy. For example, if you want to recreate a banana from scratch, you can do that.
With a computer database and asking the computer for a banana or water that tastes like bananas, it’s up to you, and you have it instantly.” The soil, the atmosphere, the water, everything is plasma energy, everything, and the universe is plasma energy, it’s just a different shape by vibration frequency. The idea of the replicator is that whatever you want, you will get. “It reconfigures molecularly structured and identified by the computer in the database of what you really want. The Med Bed looks at the body and corrects imperfections.
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Let’s say if you had a DNA defect, which some of us have. We pick up 10% of what our parents give us, in other words if we have some genetic abnormalities, we get 10% of our diseases, 90% is lifestyle 10% is inherited so it gives people a good idea of how much more important it is to take care of yourself.
When you’re in this Med Bed you’re not going through pain, or radiation. It’s not some evil event. You wake up and you look in the mirror and the white hair is now the color it was when you were in your 20s Your creepy skin is gone, your sight, your hearing, your taste, your smell, everything like a 20 year old.
Let’s say your thyroid has been irradiated, which is what the allopathic industry does, they irradiate your thyroid and your thyroid is now useless and you have to take pills for the rest of your life because they killed it.
Reatomization revitalizes that organ and returns it to a healthy, young state.
Let’s say you had your gallbladder removed and the doctors say your liver will take over and you’ll be fine. That’s not the case, it causes other problems in the body.” But when you go through the reatomization process, the gallbladder regenerated. So your gallbladder is regenerated and brought back to life. It’s like our immune system is free to do what it was designed to do, keeping us young and vitally healthy.
The problem is that the allopathic system and the corruption on the surface of the earth tells doctors to take this pill for this, and this pill for that. And because those pills or foreign entities are put into your body, the side effects of bleeding follow, nausea, diarrhea, constipation and death.
When you look at all those things, you start to realize that your immune system is attacking those chemicals because they are foreign substances. As time goes by, your immune system is under constant attack so it never has time to attack your teeth, skin, hair and to renew vision, so that your body slowly but surely deteriorates and becomes compromised.Your immune system becomes so compromised that it cannot recover, because it is constantly fighting with abnormalities that you have to introduce into your body.
The fear factor is played into it by saying, you know Ms. Johnson you have to take this pill because if you don’t take it this is going to happen. You’re going to have side effects, but they’re going to be good. But because of the side effects of that pill, Ms. Johnson did we have to bring you back we have to give you another pill because this area was damaged from taking that pill so we have to give you another pill it’s going to continue like this because you are a dollar sign in the current system .
You are kept alive artificially, actually life expectancy has dropped in our country with all these so called wonderful pharmaceuticals.” With the Med Bed your body is healthy and new again but your mind is not, because you have lived those years and you become guided to become much more aware of naturopathy, ayurvedic, herbalism, crystallology and so on, the various applications of how to keep yourself healthy in a natural way so that you don’t need the Med Bed anymore.
The Med Bed will be available when the powers that be, even hidden, we’re not talking about the big ones because they’re being brought down, we’re talking about the many that are in cities and different towns across America who aren’t good people . They are miniature versions of DC and so what happens is they try to stop you and then do bad things. We have to be very stealthy when deploying the Med Beds. We can’t just go and evict them like morons. We have to have manufacturing, crews, high level security, production facilities with a clean assembly line meaning completely medically clean rooms to put the parts together and get them working.
We have plans for an infrastructure that we’ve built over the years to introduce the technology of the Med Bed. The whole idea of that is to help the serious, who are really bad, if you’re going to die in 2 weeks, people who have severe forms of diabetes, for example.”We have a long list of people, but we have to do it safely and so we’ve put together a plan to do that and to get to as many people as possible, to certain areas of the planet and then start the treatments for people and to have enough units so we can do a lot of people at once.
Imagine if it gets out we are overrun and overwhelmed and probably killed by the frenzy of the human race wanting to be fixed, the dark side of human nature. They want it now and they will do anything to get it It would be nice if everyone was benevolent, loved everyone and everything was wonderful.” There are many talented people who have so much to offer and of course we will appeal to the universe and the Creator to bring those people forward. so we can get things done.
One mispronounced word can cause a lot of attention and you are dealing with organizations that would rather not have this Med Bed technology out there. That is why it has belonged to Humanity. “My attitude along with others is that Humanity does not care should have to worry about the disease, should be financially ready for the rest of their lives, so that those factors completely disappear, and that’s coming now. You will not be constantly stressed about health and financial condition.
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This is long term, of course it’s not going to happen in a few months, but just like most people have a fridge in their house, I want the Med Bed in everyone’s house. “There are no doctors or anything, we don’t need them, no matter how much of the old guard would like to think that the human race is a bunch of useless eaters, means nothing and they are all garbage, since the human race is a high level of intelligence and consciousness that it can make, constant miracles happen, but that’s our long-term goal.
There will still be natural doctors who can help people in certain situations, but we won’t have a conventional hospital structure where you go in and worry about dying. In this country alone, the third leading cause of death is staying in the hospital, sometimes for ordinary, normal procedures. There are so many stressors on the human race that it is amazing that they have survived until now, so making the Med Bed available to everyone is our goal, one of the most important humanitarian projects.
Hi! Are the med beds available in Canada now? Can people use it now? Is there contact for using the med beds in Canada?
Hello Sandra
Just to clarify a couple of things
1. The correct term is 5th density and not dimension love. Density as we are talking about vibrational concepts and to get to 5th it more a healthy body and mind are required together with genuine self love and gratitude
Overlaid by the willingness to do good for BOTH you and humanity
Then off you go, to develop even further
The medbed and 5d is only the beginning ❤️
With pure
I agree with John.
Also I can’t find anything about the 5th dimension in combination of the medbeds.. Isn’t that a must have before using a medbed? If you do not believe in the power of the medbeds, they can’t heal you??? I’m confused
The conditions for using this level of technology do not currently exist at all. I am thinking here of the social, political and economic situation.
What chance is there of using such technology for general purposes when humanity is fighting wars (currently 30 wars worldwide)?
Worldwide cartels, corruption.
Deliberate economic and banking crises are being forced by giants such as BlackRock, Vanguard, -combined with the WEF, WHO’s ideas of world domination.
In this world environment I can’t imagine when this will become a reality.
Just as I can’t imagine what sudden and massive change would have to happen for that to happen.
How many years or decades or more will it take?