Phil’s Intel Bulletin! The Event: EBS, NESARA and GESARA, Med Beds, GITMO ,VIP Arrests, BRICS, QFS – The World Teeters on the Edge of a Cataclysmic Event!
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I’ve been watching all this BS about Phil. The people who are jealous about what Phil has accomplished have nothing for that exact reason! Because they are jealous they can’t hear what great advice Phil has given us over the years. I have listed to him and many more and I have been able to make some very strategic moves without giving Phil a dime. He doesn’t care if I use his resources or my own resources. What I realized from what Phil has said I had much of it already in place, I just did more of it. Thanks Phil! Thank you, Phil and congratulations on all your success!! I truly mean it from the bottom of my heart. ♥
How long will EBS last?
48 hours to 72 hours. I don’t know yet because it depends on some uncertainties. But at least 48 hours. I don’t think it will go below 48 hours.
When is EBS?
It’s in the middle of this month. A lot of people are listening to it on DLive. You are right about that. The system is in order.
Nothing prevents you from flipping the switch. Why hasn’t it been switched on yet? That’s a question for the military. This is a question outside our area of expertise.
As I said a long time ago, I take a very roundabout view of the matter. you can’t see anything It would be so?
So your view is through me, but mine is a distant, zoomed out view, and it’s limited.
So I know what some people don’t know. I can’t give you a specific date, but I can tell you that it’s happening, and that when it happens, what we wanted will happen.
Phil, please… stock up on pet food and rations while we shut down at EBS.
Oh, of course. That’s a really nice point, especially when it comes to the subject of EBS.
I keep dehydrated food in a large 5 gallon jug.
Since the year before last, when we started talking about EBS, when we started talking about stockpiling food, securing food and water, and so on, we’ve been stockpiling.
Whether it’s meat, milk, bread, or anything else, fresh food is perishable and needs to be replenished every week or two, right? So freeze-dried or dehydrated ones are much better for this situation.
Will the GITMO trial air on EBS?
I’m glad you asked that question. Let me tell you what I know about it.
There is a heated debate among the White Hats. Are you going to broadcast this stuff publicly? That discussion is about children.
Want to show your kids what’s going on? EBS is the time when you are not watching anything else on TV. I don’t play Fortnite on PlayStation either. I’m not even watching YouTube.It’s like you’ve only seen this. Devices are no different. Many young kids now have iPhones and other devices.
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So, do you want your children to see and hear these things? That’s the discussion. It’s not a matter of hurting the public or being afraid to show it to the public. If something like this happens, they don’t care.
But they are afraid of what their children will see. I really don’t know what they decide. So I have no choice but to watch it.
What drives EBS? Nuclear scare or VIP arrest?
Ah, a VIP arrest. Big, big. When that arrest gets everyone’s attention, EBS starts.
What is life like after EBS?
What will life be like after EBS? Get well, get well is a very simplistic expression, but our world, our country, not only America, but Australia, and the whole world is run by the Cabal.
So you have a banking system that mandates that you pay 50% of your income to the IRS and other tax authorities. In some countries it’s even less, but if you’re a high-income American, you’ll pay half of your income to the IRS.
The IRS is the collection agency of the Federal Reserve Board (FRB). The Federal Reserve Bank is a privately owned bank. Located in the United States and owned by a foreigner.
So half of your money is basically going to foreign participants. That’s the world you live in. The people who own that banking system also own the media.
Everything you see on TV is made the way you see it. you don’t watch the news You see only what they want you to see.
And if you don’t want them to see what’s on TV, just turn off the TV. Construct a story that is the exact opposite of the truth. That’s the world today. work for pennies.
Work hard and long hours for that change. have to pay taxes. If you want to get a mortgage, you have to pay interest. to the same people.
It’s a terrible world. there is poverty There are also homosexuals to heterosexuals. We are taught that we must hate each other.
There are religious wars. There are also racial wars. There is also crime. we live in a bad world. You might protect yourself from it, ignore it, and focus on the little bubbles you can control.
But what will the world look like after EBS? I think about what the world is like now. There are false flags. Look at all the false flags we’ve experienced in the last century. Titanic, JFK, Benghazi, 9/11, and NASA, the biggest false flag.
I think the world will improve dramatically. There will be no central bank. Hopefully all taxes can be eliminated.
Eliminate hatred and division. Focus on unity with God. That’s what life looks like after EBS. Not just for us in America. For everyone in Australia. And for people around the world.
Who Are the VIP Arrests Kicking Off EBS?
Good question. I expected that question and decided not to answer. I’m sorry, but I can’t answer that. i know who it is This is not information that can be answered at this time.
Can I use my cell phone during EBS?
Mobile phone functionality is limited. I mean, you can use your phone, but if any of you are still using mobile browsers, like safari on your iPhone, or android, I have to pray for you tonight. You won’t be able to do anything with your mobile phone.
Email communication will be blocked. Texting would still be fine. Phone calls are possible in terms of making phone calls. One potential problem, however, is that providers see overloaded calls. Everyone will call their loved ones like crazy.
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Power outages may occur, as on 9/11. That was in 2001. So the capacity of the network is improving. But even though the connection may be difficult, it still works. There is no problem functionally.
When EBS starts, will there be a time when everyone has to go home or not?
You will be given the following instructions: Go back to your own homes. Wherever you are, get back there now. So you can’t stop anywhere.
For example, let’s say you’re at the grocery store. You can’t go to the mall after going to the grocery store. If you go to the mall, you are ordered to go home.
Just… hang around outside, run errands… Oh, but I have to go to the post office. No, you don’t have to go Don’t go to the post office. Not today. For a while.
It will be the same as during COVID. don’t go anywhere Stay home. And basically, wait for the next instruction. Now, a lot of the questions that come from this question are, what if I’m not home? What if I was at a relative’s house?
What if you’re on vacation? A home in that sense is a place to stay. Even if you were vacationing in Florida, you couldn’t predict that you’d bother coming back to Texas, New York, or wherever you live. So that moment becomes your “home”.
If you’re staying at a relative’s house, stay there. But it’s too far to go where you need it. Massive airline cancellations are expected during EBS. So when I say “home,” don’t think it’s your home.
Where you are staying at the time and where you have your supplies. People with truck driver CDL licenses are actually guided somewhere. That place is actually set now.
I don’t know if you’re aware, but some people who drive for work will be homeless. Then what do we do? Where are you going? do not worry. It covers that too.
Hospital employees, doctors, nurses, practitioners, whatever. You don’t have to worry about doing what you have to do. We have a team to deal with that. What if I get sick?
What happens if I get sick during EBS? I can’t live anymore because the power goes out or something explodes. The measures are perfect. So just listen. This EBS does not harm anyone. No such thing is intended.
It’s about catching bad guys and teaching them why and how they got into this predicament and how they’re trying to get out of it.
Question 2
What are the benefits of NESARA and GESARA for us? Debt gone and more money in our pockets?
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the kick-in has already started, so to speak. I mean, look around and see how many things have changed from five years ago.
I mean the bank that went bankrupt earlier this year. More banks have failed this year.
And the big financial crisis that the media always likes to talk about. mortgage crisis. mortgage bubble.
Many movies have been made about it. big short. We got Ben Bernanke. There is also Hank Paulson. There’s also Tim Geithner. Big guys at the Fed and Treasury. And, of course, there are Bushes who don’t know what’s going on.
It started around that time. It really started in the early 2000s. That’s when it really started. 911 was caused by the announcement of NESARA.
When Trump was in the Vatican in 2017, when he toured the world, the first thing he did immediately after taking office was to travel the world and meet world leaders in person.
Especially in the Vatican, where he returned with 650 planes laden with gold. No one knows how it was actually used.
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I don’t remember what year it was… when the money was confiscated. Was it 1913? I had gold about 100 years ago, but I had to let it go. They took my money. I couldn’t have it anymore. They passed Congress.
It was Nixon who let it through, and in fact he couldn’t have the money he once had, his money. he had to return. So where did this nugget go Where did he go? There are many in the basement of the New York Fed.
There are many in the Vatican. One of the main things Trump did immediately was prepare to take over the financial system. He started it in 2017.
To be honest, I think it started long before that. We just needed someone to come out on top. We needed a president to actually do it.
Instead of following the Cabal and their demands. So to speak, it happened. We got a gold nugget. I know where the confiscated gold is, the gold the Nazis stole, and the gold they claim. And now, countries around the world are grappling with this problem.
This has been going on for a long time. I know Bixware said BRICS is just fiat currency. No such thing. They are due to announce their gold backing on August 22nd. I agree with most of what Bix Ware says, but not on this topic.
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I know Brick has an NDA. I don’t know, but all I can say is that the kickoff is just around the corner and the implementation of that announcement will be immediate. The bullet points in NESARA are literally instantly implemented.
Now the currency changes more than the dollar you have. Let’s say you have a wad of cash. Suppose you have a box here filled with dollar bills, $100 bills, or fiat bills. This is obviously not in the bank, right? There are no dollar bills or anything in it, so that’s what I’m using.
But you know. If there was money there, it’s obviously not in the bank, right? So it has to be converted into a new currency somewhere. That’s why there’s a currency switch. The scariest thing is when you have money in the bank. It’s the bank going bankrupt. This just happened this year.
It happened in Silicon Valley in 2008, and it happened again. Silicon Valley Bank is trying to get the money back from the FDIC. it won’t come true. The Federal Reserve Board (Fed) won’t give us our money back. On social media, I see posts all the time. All people have not yet received their refund.
Will BRICS be announced after or before EBS?
Regarding the BRICS announcement, I said earlier that it would be August 22nd, right?
And now you’re trying to get me to specify the day, before or after EBS.
I won’t go into the BRICS announcement and the Goldback case on the 22nd as it doesn’t necessarily happen on the 22nd, but it makes sense that the BRICS announcement would come before that. So before EBS, I think it’s necessary.
If the BRICS have anything to do with NESARA AND GESARA (which I strongly believe) and if it’s the same thing, just called something different now hey.
If these countries were to release gold-backed securities, gold-backed currencies, rainbow-like currencies, they wouldn’t have enough gold.
You cannot back your own currency with gold. I don’t have enough money. How can you say it’s not enough? Because it is an official document. You should actually check how the gold is stored.
They cannot back up their currency with gold. So do you know who has enough gold?
We (America) So was the Vatican, but not now. America alone can secure the whole world with a gold-backed currency.
So, to answer your question more directly, I think the announcement must absolutely be made before EBS. Because after EBS, there’s a lot more to focus on than finance—meaning big changes in finance.
Will Financial Meltdowns and Stock Market Crashes Come Before EBS?
It’s going to be one way or the other, but it’s almost certain that on August 22nd there will be a Goldback Security announcement via BRICS like they’re talking about.
This will almost certainly be done before EBS. But what about meltdowns, possible crashes, and whatnot? First of all, nobody knows what will happen here.
I’m no expert. I’m not even going to give financial advice. I watch the news and just repeat what I see. Listen to smart people.
I have some other knowledge, but I am by no means an expert. But looking at this question, can we predict EBS before and after a meltdown or market crash?
I think EBS is ahead. I think EBS is one of the main causes of meltdowns and stock market crashes. I think that EBS will cause the Japanese market to drop significantly.
The post-EBS market, the post-NESARA market, the post-GESARA market will not be what it is today. I think it will be something completely different. It’s about the stock market. Evil, fraud, injustice, and crime are rampant and corrupt now.
Will XRP and XLM be used to move funds through the QFS when NESARA is implemented?
I know XRP is a money transfer mechanism so to speak. I’m talking about white hat XRP.
XRP has no value as a cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is so hard to understand, I don’t know if it’s called Bitcoin, XLM, XRP, or all Dogecoins and Dogcoins, or what they’re called.
It has no value as a currency, but it has value as a mechanism. The software and technology used in XRP makes sense.
I think it’s worth sticking with what you have. you won’t be able to use it. But worth it. I don’t know about XLM.
I know XRP is a hot topic. I’m not saying buy XRP. My point is that silver and gold are needed in this market.
If the bank goes bust, will we still be paid Social Security checks?
If you are entitled to social security, you will be paid. And if a bank failure like the one at the beginning of the year happens at the bank I mentioned earlier and some others, you still get Social Security.
This is a government system and you can receive it if you are eligible. There are now many different qualification schemes. However, this program will not affect your Social Security. It used to be credited to my bank account, but after the QFS it will switch to a new currency.
They just send money in the new currency. No more money will be sent in fiat dollars, it will be sent in the new currency. It makes sense.
So you can still receive it, but you don’t have to switch anything. replaced by those in power. Security administration, new government, that’s all.
You guys will know by now. Why is it taking so long?
Why is this idiot still pretending to be president? And why hasn’t this man returned to being president yet? (points to the picture of playing cards behind Phil)
All these questions, what are we waiting for? So, do you have any idea how this all works together?
When you start talking about NESARA/GESARA, Social Security, banking, exchange rates, and whatnot, this is a huge operation. Can you imagine coordinating something like this in secret with nations around the world?
I see what you are doing. We say we’ll cover it, and it’s a very delicate operation that’s being carried out without the media intervening.
why is it taking so long First of all, it was supposed to be announced by this guy (Trump) in January 2021. That’s the reason. That’s why everyone dismissed him.
That’s why I fear he will be president again. If the central banking system collapses, the Cabal will cease to function. they don’t have money They go bankrupt instantly, overnight.
Trump and his patriots have set out to end central banks around the world. Central banks, yes, central banks. The Federal Reserve Board of America is the central bank. Owned by a foreigner.
Owned by Rockefeller, Kissinger, Rothschild and others. It used to be J.P. Morgan. He sold the bank and founded a bank.
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Why? Because it makes more money. Bank of Canada Central Bank of England Central Bank of India. Central Bank of Brazil. They are all owned by the same people. In the world.
And the same people own your telephone network. And those same people own all of the major media networks.
Rupert Murdoch of the world. they have everything they have all the power. Blackrock, Vanguard. they own everything. Disney too.
They control the stock market. They control the rogue ComEx where silver now trades at $22 or so. They also collect taxes.
You make $1 million a year. If you do, you will instantly have the highest tax rate. Do you know how to pay taxes to the IRS?
About $500,000. I made $1 million and now have to pay the IRS $500,000. Do you know the National Tax Agency? Internal Revenue Service? You think he works for the Federal Reserve, so he doesn’t pay the government even though he collects taxes.
But your tax, income tax is not paid to the government.
Roads and parks will not be maintained. Whatever the country can offer.
In other words, they don’t get what the state is supposed to provide: better roads, better parks, better things. No protection from the military.
Such things can easily be financed by other sources. Income taxes are collected by the IRS, passed to the Federal Reserve, and the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Kissingers, and others rule you.
Control what you watch on TV. Control mortgage interest rates. They control credit card interest rates.
If we don’t destroy the central banking system, we will forever be slaves. We are always slaves. It’s a modern story. It’s modern day slavery.
It’s not like the days when there were planters and slaves worked the farms. No, it’s worse. You are a slave and you don’t realize it.
And I hope that makes you angry that your hard earned money is being taken from you and given to foreign banks.
Question 3
A Med Bed?
Now you need to call the hospital if you have a problem, whether it’s something serious like cancer or a heart problem or something minor like a broken arm or toe. You live your life thinking that there is. Make an appointment, go to the hospital, and see a specialist. how do you normally do it? If it’s an emergency, go to the ER and get treatment there. But that doesn’t give me access to the medbed. It’s not.Med Bed does not require a specialist.
You don’t need a doctor with a degree to tell you what’s wrong or give you advice. Med Bed is such advanced technology and we have had this technology for a long time. The Med Bed is so advanced that you just walk in and sit on the bed and it immediately, within minutes, tells you everything wrong. As far as I know, there are two types of medbeds.
One is a diagnostic medbed. It basically scans the whole body. It points out diseases you know or don’t know about. It could be a knee sprain. Could be a pituitary problem. It could be an ear infection. blind, blind, or deaf. The diagnostic version of Med Bed will tell you everything in minutes.
You don’t need to be poked by a doctor by throwing x-rays or radiation all over your body.
I don’t need that. Is it because of how we’ve lived so far that we think so? No such thing. That’s a lie too.
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The medical community is telling another lie to exploit your precious income. Trying to pay for health insurance. Pay the deductible. Trying to pay the insurance premium.
Med Bed diagnoses you and there is a second version of Med Bed that treats you.
it does amazing things. We use the energy that is always abundant everywhere around us.
Let me tell you something good. I went to a heliopathic specialist yesterday. They specialize in energy and crystals and whatnot, and I sat there for an hour and had the treatment. I felt like I was floating.
I saw color. I could see the shape. Totally relaxed and detached from everything.
Where in my body did I feel the negative energy?
This lady has been doing it for 50 years. She has every kind of qualification you can think of. energy. frequency. vibration. magnetic. We are electric beings.
We are ruled by magnetism on this earth. And everything on this planet is governed by magnetism, including the sun, moon, and our daily lives.
We just don’t know it. So your diagnostic machine will be the first step in Medbed. Healing machines use powers that we already know. Activate what is in our body. and cure you
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Can I grow my hair out?
From my understanding, yes.
Somebody please think of a cure for hair loss if there are no hair follicles. That’s what I want to talk about. I don’t want to talk about thickening my hair. What about the hair I lost? Like here. Do you understand?
Here is still Do you know why I can’t live here? That’s because there are no hair follicles. So if you find a way to regrow hair in follicles that are no longer there, please let me know. No way, I don’t think you’re going to pull out the hair here and grow it here. Yes, it works for a while. and fall off.
Why are you talking about my hair loss? Im kidding. It was just a little teasing. But I don’t think it can’t be cured.
Is it possible to regenerate organs and limbs?
The answer is yes.
Will it grow teeth?
Yes, Med bed regenerates teeth. limbs and organs. This technology exists. It sounds crazy, but it’s always been there.
The only reason I can only think of it as madness is because the Cabal was hiding it. They control the media and control everything. It even dominates the big tech companies.
Trump said he would make Med bed free. Really?
Nothing against it. I believe the Med bed will be provided free of charge to anyone who needs it. No reason to charge. I don’t use expensive machines.
Just get on the well thought out machine. It doesn’t need to be built, and it doesn’t cost billions of dollars. That’s not the problem. It’s not like that.
People might say
“Oh, then everyone would be healthy, nobody would die, and the planet would be overpopulated. ‘.
All the people on the planet right now, 8 billion, 9 billion, all of them could fit in South Carolina, USA. So don’t call it overcrowded. If you don’t like where you live, move.
I have another place to live. Not overpopulated. Anyone in the world can live in this state. And I just want to say this. Twice as many people in the world can fit in South Carolina. One state, one country, double. So don’t call it overpopulation. It’s a Cabal scenario.
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What will be the process leading up to the operation?
I don’t know the answer. I know there are a lot of medbeds. So there is no shortage. There are no long lines. So you can access Medbed wherever you are.
No matter how you do it, this is crazy, but there is a process. Why make such a foreigner president? Why are we still putting up with the Cabal, the mainstream media, and whatnot?
Phil talks about the conditions for receiving NESARA and GESARA payments here.
As for humanitarians, it has to do with NESARA and GESARA. Participation in humanitarian events is one of the requirements for NESARA and GESARA benefits. It’s a lot. very important.
People in this world need help. they have been ignored. they have suffered. It has been oppressed by all members of the Cabal. forever. those people need help.
They need to be involved in various humanitarian events. Participation is mandatory. Everyone can participate in some way, regardless of age, health or location.
And it is required to receive the benefits of NESARA and GESARA.
It is not run by the government.
No, I think it will, but it’s not the way we think government is now, everything has changed, and we, as a nation, as a race, as a human being, forget our religion and forget our skin color. Forget about whatever you believe.
We are all human. We should all be kind to each other and help each other when we need help. why can’t it?
So you have a vast humanitarian network of people helping people. And that is a necessary condition. And if you’re sitting there and oh I wouldn’t do that Shame on you.
First, it is shameful not to help when you can. And two, organizations like the World Alliance have something like this ready and tell you how to do it.
If you’re ignorant and you’re not going to do that and you’re just going to give me the money, go away. That’s a bad attitude. I’m sorry, but you’re still sleeping.
Question 4
Scare Event
Will Hawaii be the beginning of the Scare Event?
I’m talking about Hawaii. There is no evidence that this was controlled by black hats. Honestly at this point I’ve been trying to find it for days and I may be wrong or I just haven’t come across any information or info yet but an accidental flameout I think.
This kind of thing happens a lot in Hawaii. About 100 acres of land burned in a brush fire last month just south of Hawaii, just south of Lahaina.
Yes, Oprah owns land there. Yes, Maui has been bought up by billionaires for some time now. But there is no evidence that the Maui tragedy was directly caused by energy weapons.
A fake nuclear scare event?
Most people think so. Especially when Biden or Ukraine or China or Taiwan or whatever happens. You’re thinking, ‘We’re going to get into a nuclear war.
Like the Cold War in the 80’s and 90’s. There is absolutely no information that a nuclear war will occur. there is nothing. I know you think so, so I’ve done all I can to get that information for you.
Demolition of 34 Satanist sites/buildings worldwide?
For those who don’t know, there is a place in the world dedicated to Satan.
As he said, there are about 34 places.
I saw the Georgia Guidestones destroyed with direct energy weapons.
I don’t know if you remember the video, but they said it was destroyed by a bomb or something.
That’s bullshit. That image hit from the sky… hit that stone… and it collapsed. Blown away. So the idea here is that the horror event is all these diabolical places.
One thing to keep in mind is one thing that will happen after all this hype is over and EBS and all that stuff is in place. One of the things that will happen is that there will be a great emphasis on God and the Creator.
Because we are so far away from it. I teach evolution in school. Blaming God in the streets, burning Bibles… From now on there will be a great emphasis on returning to God. And we need it.
When we talk about these Satanic places, would it be scary if suddenly all of these places had direct energy weapons? are you scared? I would be delighted. So are you.
But for those who don’t know this, and those who are still asleep, it must be pretty scary. Because the world will be destroyed in sync. It is interesting.
I asked the same question about nuclear scare, but got no answer. But that doesn’t mean it’s always right…
Looking at the clues surrounding us, the Georgia Guidestones have already happened. There were several others.
Somebody said they saw the same beam going to Maui. I don’t think that is an accurate photo. I think it’s an old photo. So the information I have is currently doing the opposite.
Does it have something to do with China’s invasion of Taiwan?
could be. I don’t know why it’s scare. It must be scary for people in China and Taiwan. But are you afraid of it? Or for those on the other side of the world.
First of all, it was written in the Q drop, but if you read it continuously, it doesn’t necessarily say that “horror events” will occur.
And personally, I think that horrifying event has already happened.
You are living through that horrific event. When Q said “horror event”, I think he meant “now”.
An impostor sits as President of the United States. If America collapses, how do you think the world will collapse? Like toppling dominoes.
I don’t want to say that the world is going to total destruction, but it’s like the Hunger Games, and the dominoes of America are solidifying here.
But once there is a man at the top, once he takes control of Congress, takes control of the presidency, and takes control of the courts, the dominoes quickly fall, loosen, and fall. If that happens, everyone in the world will fall.
If America collapses, so will the rest of the world. So I’m afraid of what’s happening now, not China or Taiwan or nuclear weapons or diabolical places around the world. I think the scary event is your present.
Every day, or at least once a week, or at least once a month, do you wake up and fear what the future might bring?
The horrifying event is that the Cabal plotted to take over America. It was a terrifying event.
Look back at the Q drop. I have done something like this many times.
maybe someone can tell me. But when you go back to the Q-board and search for a scary event, don’t just read that post, read all the other posts surrounding it.
And be sure to read all the other posts that mention scare events.
I guess you could summarize that scare event was to steal the 2020 election.
I’m sure you think so.
What are the chances of Kamala becoming president?
No, it’s nothing to be afraid of. Rather ridiculous.
Alien invasion?
Yes, everyone is snorting and talking about aliens. First of all, for those of you who haven’t heard me say this, I’m sure most of you have, but look at the spelling of the word Alien. Look, the first four letters, forget the N, ALIE,
Alie n = A Lie (lie)
these are lies. Many people like aliens, and there are many who doubt that there are other creatures in The Land Beyond (a.k.a. Terra Vista).
Anyway, I’m not an astronaut. Are there demons? Of course he has demons. But they’re not aliens. It’s not tiny green creatures on highly-engineered spaceships from a galaxy far, far away.
Trump’s Devolution: The Most Astonishing Military Operation of All -Time! Unprecedented Warfare!
The Hidden Chronicles of The Devolution Plan: Declassifying Secrets, Unraveling Truths, Military Might – The Last Line of Defense (video)
Amid the shadows of geopolitics, a tantalizing narrative is emerging – the classified U.S. military operation known as the Devolution Plan. Woven with strands of high-stakes strategy and brimming with covert power dynamics, this clandestine maneuver, designed to preserve President Donald Trump’s administration, is a story yet to be fully told. Read on, and dare to glimpse into a world shrouded in secrecy, where whispers of democracy’s survival and declassified revelations echo!
The covert world of the Devolution Plan is an intricately designed labyrinth that reaches far beyond the realm of your average military strategy. Secretly crafted by the U.S. military, this operation was ostensibly concocted to safeguard and uphold President Donald Trump’s administration against unforeseen threats and dark machinations. However, what truly lies beneath the surface of this classified strategy? Why were figures like Ezra Cohen Watnick given such unbridled authority? These burning questions are merely the tip of the iceberg!
Read the full article HERE:
Also: Delving Into the Depths: Haiti, Clinton, Mossad, Obama Gate, FISA-Gate and The Perfect Storm of Global Intrigue –
Game Theory Military Operations – White Hats, Donald Trump Indictment, Deep State
BOOM! Game Theory Military Operations – White Hats, Donald Trump Indictment, Deep State, and the Shocking Revelations That Shook the Nation!
An unflinching look at the intense chess game of deep state maneuvers, white hat strategies, the role of big tech, and shocking allegations against leading political figures.
The latest indictment against President Trump could turn the tide, offering him the opportunity to re-litigate the entire 2020 election and reveal fraud allegations through newfound subpoena power. . .
Read the full article HERE:
Also: Get Ready for Military GESARA and NESARA Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS):
The Final Stages of Military Operations is Taking Place.There is NO Coincidence!
There are no coincidences in life, just like there’s no room for indifference in the face of reality. The most intense storm of the century is brewing, a metaphoric tempest that’s set to shake the bedrock of our society, to reveal the lurid shadows that have long held sway in the hidden echelons of power. The covert labyrinth of the deep state, the perfidious cabal and their abhorrent deeds, is being unearthed, and we are at the precipice of a cataclysmic revelation.
This is not an article you come across casually while scrolling through the internet. This is a call to arms, a rallying cry for all free-thinking individuals, a demand for truth and transparency. We are at the cusp of the final stages of an unparalleled military operation that promises to reshape our world and its conventional narratives. . .
Read the full article HERE:
Also: The Final Showdown: The Deep State’s Death Sets the World Ablaze! Brace for Impact! –
1 Comment
This article was going great for me and then, S___t hit the fan. Is this your comment or Phil’s….this guy (Trump)…!!!! Then as you continue, you include the Patriots. I am a patriot who loves this country. So are you equating Trump with being an extension of the Cabal? fyi…aside from this seemingly controversial or your assessment of our so called financial ignorance, that is if you are a true Christian, this is NOT heaven. Search the bible scriptures as to who is running earth. Salvation is in Jesus.
If I have misunderstood, I am opened to your clarification. Prior to this article, I have always appreciated your work.
ps….like giving candy to a kid and then hitting them over the head