Powerful Message From Jim Caviezel – “Sound of Freedom”! Sex Trafficking Coming Out of Film & Mass Arrests (Must-See Video)
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
The film “Sound of Freedom”, which was scheduled to be released on Friday, July 29, 2022, but was postponed for an unknown reason and whose release date was unknown, will finally be released worldwide.
There was also information that it was scheduled to be released on July 4, 2023, Independence Day, but it was announced at Angel Studios that it will be released on May 11.
It tells the story of former US government agent Tim Ballard, who quits his job and dedicates his life to saving children from a global sex trafficker.
As the subject is “child trafficking”, it is a very sensitive content, and it is likely that there was a lot of resistance behind the scenes before it was released to the public.
The day after Biden’s arrest, on Wednesday, May 10?

The following day, May 11 (Thursday), the film “Sound of Freedom” will be released worldwide, with the theme “child trafficking”.
No coincidence.
What is “Sound of Freedom”?
This film sheds light on one of the most terrifying criminal industries in the world: child trafficking.
The film stars Jim Caviezel ( The Count of Monte Cristo, The Passion of the Christ ) as Tim Ballard, who worked as a special agent for the Department of Homeland Security for over a decade.
The Sound of Freedom highlights one of its first missions to free dozens of children from trafficking and sexual exploitation. It’s a story of fighting for freedom and hope, even in the darkest of places .
Sound of Freedom | Exclusive 9-Minute Preview
“I can honestly say, this is the best film I’ve done since The Passion of the Christ. . . “

When will the movie ” The Sound of Freedom” be released?
May 11
Sound of Freedom , a new Angel Original, is a thriller based on the incredible true story of a former government agent turned freedom fighter who embarks on a perilous mission to rescue dozens of children from modern day slavery.
This emotionally riveting narrative is a powerful story of heroism and is a testament to the tenacious spirit of those who refuse to let evil triumph.
Angel Studios Illuminate Annual Event
Angel Studios’ annual Illuminate event is almost here! Live on May 11, Angel employees, filmmakers, fans and investors will join us in person in Provo, UT, and online to celebrate what’s to come for Angel Studios in 2023.
Angel Studios’ biggest event of the year includes huge announcements! One of these announcements will be the official release date for Sound of Freedom.
Watch Illuminate via the Angel Studios app livestream on May 11 at 7 p.m. MT.#angelilluminate #angelstudios #amplifylight pic.twitter.com/5yAFhltmUg
— Angel Studios (@AngelStudiosInc) April 28, 2023
Another work on Tim Ballard’s hit “Operation Toussaint”
Join us as Tim and his Special Forces infiltrate Haiti to bring justice to sex traffickers who have been released from prison for being bribed.
Mass Arrests: Prince Richard/Macron/Kissinger/Zelensky…
Mass arrests:
May 8 (Mon) UK: Prince Richard (member of the British royal family) arrested by the Q Army
Charges = treason + child sex traffickingMay 8 (Monday) France: Edgar Macron arrested by Q forces
Accused of treason + child sex traffickingMay 8 (Mon) California: Edward Murdoch arrested by Q Forces
Charges = Cheating + Child Sex TraffickingMonday, May 8 Vermont: Jim Sanders Arrested on
Army Charges Q = Cheating + Child Sex TraffickingSunday, May 7 London: Jonathan Rothschild, key member of the Rothschild family , arrested by Q Forces, transferred to Nevada Maximum Security Prison Charges
= TreasonSunday, May 7, New York: Ryan Kissinger Arrested for Q Forces
Charges = Cheating, Child Sex TraffickingArrested in Ukraine by Dimitry Alekseex, leader of the largest human trafficking ring in the world, and his associates, the Q forces responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands
of innocent children
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Military arrests Obama-era pawns for treason :
United States Navy Jag Investigators on Friday arrested an Obama-era stooge on the charge of treason after a criminal investigation revealed he had been lurking in the shadows and advising the current regime on how to funnel federal tax dollars overseas without drawing public scrutiny, a JAG source told Real Raw News.
He said a particular name, Jack Lew, surfaced several times while JAG traced the billions of American dollars the criminal regime had furtively sent to Ukraine over the past 15 months.
Lew is an American attorney who served as the 76th United States Secretary of the Treasury from 2013 to 2017. His political career began in 1995, when he worked for the Clinton administration as a special assistant to the president. He faded into political obscurity when Trump in January 2017 assumed his rightful place in the Oval Office.
His disappearance, JAG said, was an illusion; Lew had been instructing the current Treas. Sec., the criminal Janet Yellen, on the art of embezzlement. He thought so highly of his exploits that he bragged to Yellen about how he had, at the bequest of Clinton, misappropriated $4 billion to fund Bosnian freedom fighters in response to Serbian atrocities against Bosnian civilians. The $4bn was exclusive of what Congress had approved–$23.5bn toward “peacekeeping” operations in the theater. Lew also boasted he had, this time for Hussein Obama, given Iran $70bn U.S. tax dollars, a down payment for Iran’s promise to abandon nuclear weapon ambitions, which Iran reneged on.
JAG learned of the deals via telephone conversations between Lew and Yellen that were intercepted by U.S. Army Cyber Command. Lew, our source said, was incredibly proud of his exploits.
In March, ARCYBER intercepted another call on which Yellen told Lew she had to surreptitiously send Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy an added $4.2bn without Congress’ knowledge. Lew replied that the answer was simple: siphon the money in aggregate from multiple cabinet-level departments to disguise the withdrawals. Lew recommended pilfering $1bn each from the Treasury Department, the Department of Veteran Affairs, the Department of Education, the Department of Labor, and the Department of Agriculture. Lew told Yellen that the heads of those departments wouldn’t oppose the thefts because they represented a minuscule amount of their annual budgets.
“No one will notice at all,” Lew told Yellen. “That’s the way we’ve done it for decades.”
Our source said Yellen is a mathematical dunce who, like Lew, is a relic of the Clinton administration. The difference is that Lew understands finance and how to cook the books, whereas Yellen is a “yes woman” who has been living in Ukraine since October 2022—to avoid being caught by the White Hat partition of the U.S. military.
“Dozens of Biden’s people fled overseas to hide from us,” our source said. “You know what, there’s no statute of limitations on treason. We’ll get the bitch Yellen just like we got Lew.”
JAG investigators, he added, caught Lew outside the Fairways Inn strip club in Smyrna, Delaware. Investigators on location saw Lew, a married man and proclaimed Christian, shell out $16k in lap dances and drinks during the 12 hours he spent in the club.
“He was giving strippers money hand over fist,” our source said.

A JAG detective tapped an intoxicated Lew on the shoulder as he stumbled to his vehicle in the parking lot of the club. When shown a military arrest warrant, Lew reportedly laughed, blurting that Barack Obama had given him “lifetime immunity” against prosecution. He tried to slug the JAG officer, who dodged the strike and delivered a haymaker to Lew’s jaw, breaking it and sending him to the pavement.
“Let’s see if Barack answers your phone call from prison,” the JAG official told Lew.
Lew, our source said, has been taken to GITMO, while JAG decides whether to try him there or send him to Camp Blaz.
In closing, RRN asked our source why Lew was sent to GITMO, if JAG is now holding tribunals in Guam.
“You’re [sic.] misreporting isn’t our problem,” our source said. “Yes, certain prisoners are going to Guam, and Adm. Crandall’s skills are needed there, but some prisoners will still have tribunals at Guantanamo Bay”.
The White Hat Military Alliance captured most of the top Deep State thugs: Murdoch, Biden, Pelosi, Zelensky
International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenal Harvest Rings: Adrenochrome.
Philippines: 1,200 Indonesian children freed from trafficking by Russian military Ukraine: Russian military rescued over 10,000 children found in cages.
74 underground tunnels were destroyed, 678 child traffickers were killed and 3,876 traffickers were arrested.
Kansas and Missouri: Q Army rescued 760 children from human traffickers.
7 underground tunnels destroyed . 78 traffickers killed. Many top secret documents were uncovered.
CALIFORNIA: On April 27th, in Hytheville, CA, two DUMBS used for child trafficking were destroyed by Q Army, causing multiple earthquakes in the area. 140 children were saved. 37 traffickers were killed .
Q Mystery Book | Where We Go One, We Go All! Do you want to know Who Is Behind QAnon? According to the New-York Times, using machine learning, deep learning, stylometry, and statistics on Q texts, two separate teams of NLP researchers from France and Swiss have identified the same two men as likely authors of messages that fueled the QAnon movement.
First the initiator, Paul Furber, a South African software developer and then Ron Watkins took over, who operated 8chan website where the Q messages began appearing in 2018 and is now running election for Republican in Arizona.
Does America really have a national security “deep state”?
Is “deep state” is a real thing?
There are parts of the US government that wield real power outside the conventional checks and balances of the system!
Is there a case for a more robust deep state, especially when the power of the American presidency keeps growing? Is it necessarily bad to have an alternative check on the executive?
For the Deep State, Trump Was Never President ?
Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/must-watch-q-1776-drain-the-swamp-we-the-people-maga-mega-the-best-is-yet-to-come-hold-the-line-buckle-up-ncswicn/
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