Restored Republic via a GCR as of June 14, 2023
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Compiled Wed. 14 June 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”
The Storm Has Been Unleashed
Trust the Plan
As Banks Went Down Worldwide an Emergency Alert System Was About to Announce a Black Swan Event in the Form of a Global Market Crash That Would Usher in a Global Currency Revaluation (GCR), including NESARA/GESARA for 209 Nations.
It’s only wise to have at least a month’s supply of food, cash, water and essential items on hand.
“Let Us All Press On in the Work of the Lord.”
March 19, 2023 – #4879 Music & the Spoken Word (
Recently a family had their hearts broken by one of their own. Trust was shattered and feelings were hurt. Sadly, it wasn’t the first time. They felt helpless, hopeless and so turned to the Lord in humility to seek His peace.
From Him through humble prayer they learned to set boundaries and take precautions to protect themselves, though did so with merciful hearts and not with intent to punish, or retaliate. They humbly sought to walk with God, to do what they felt He would want them to do.
They were inspired by words of a favorite hymn of the Tabernacle Choir: “Let us all press on in the work of the Lord, that when life is o’er we may gain a reward. In the fight for right let us yield a sword – the mighty sword of Truth. Fear not, for the enemy deride. Courage, for the Lord is on our side. We will fear not what the enemy may say for the Lord, the Lord we will obey.”
Let us all press on in the work of the Lord, confident we will receive help from above and reassured that God will be with us as we do our best to do what’s right.
Judy Note: Some Patriots need your prayers tonight, such as a Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor and her young boy in the Netherlands who were still being abused by Satanic worshippers, a brave Special Forces Patriot who was behind the arrest of hundreds of SRA perpetrators in Cache County Utah who was now being pursued by the Cabal and Ammond Bundy who just yesterday was threatened with arrest and jail time by the County Sheriff for saving a baby from being kidnapped by Child Protective Services.
These same deep-rooted powers were behind NATO, the UN, Human Trafficking, World Wars, the Military-Industrial Complex and their control of Global Banks, but the evil empire now faced an inevitable downfall as terabytes of corruption were unleashed, demanding the Alliance Global Military take down International Child Trafficking Rings, Illicit Weapons Trades and Global Drug Cartels.
- Global Banking Collapse: The GCR and NESARA GESARA are Upon Us! The Imminent Global Currency Reset: Black Swan Event, QFS, EBS, The Insolvency of 9 Nations & Global Market Crash – American Media Group (
- Prepare for the Unthinkable: Prepare for the Unthinkable: Trillions of Dollars in U.S. Treasury Bonds are Flooding Back to Europe and 110 Nations, Unmasking Hidden Connections, War Crimes, and the Dire Fate of Global Finance – American Media Group (
- General Flynn: “Yes, the Storm Has Arrived” – A Battle Between Wokeism and The Unyielding People’s Will – American Media Group (
- CIA Plan a Presidential Takedown as MSM Turns on Biden & Biden Family Corruption: BOOM! Senator Chuck Grassley Unveils the Biden Deception: The Tangled Web of International Bribery and Secret Recordings – 17 “Insurance Files” – American Media Group (
- The Storm Unleashed: Military Protocols Activated – American Media Group (
- All of Southeast Quebec Covered by Manmade Fire in Deep State Plan to Steal the Land, While Yellow Metallic Smoke (not from Canada) Covers New Jersey, New York.
The nation of Israel finds itself in dire straits as it hurtles towards an imminent collapse after throughout it’s existence, concealing the true state of its markets and banks fabricating gains.
A Global Banking Collapse that has been underway for over a year and a half, was finally unmasking the Deep State’s cover-ups and exposing their false market reports. The U.S. Corporation was already teetering on the brink of insolvency, which will send shockwaves throughout Europe and beyond.
The colossal collapse of SVB Banks in California sets off a catastrophic domino effect rippling across multiple countries, while Epstein’s web of international ties was unraveling, while world courts launched far-reaching investigations that could shatter the global banking system. The banking collapse serves a higher purpose: to topple world banks, dismantle the IMF, and expose the sinister connections that extend to the WHO, Gates Foundation, CDC, and beyond.
Governments worldwide teeter on the brink and their Military courts, along with the Alliance, silently monitor the collapse knowing that it will lead to military intervention.
The Great Awakening, a multi-staged process encompassing declassifications, covert operations, overt military intervention, tribunals and the cleansing of corrupt establishments worldwide, was reaching a critical juncture.
Get ready for a seismic shift that will reshape the global financial landscape and forever alter course of history. A grand design is being set in motion.
… David Wilcock
Please Pray for Patriot Hero Ammond Bundy and his family.
Prayer Warriors are needed to plead to Heaven in behalf of Patriot Hero Ammond Bundy and his family. They’ve sacrificed so much for ALL of We the People and the cause of Liberty. The police have recently tried to arrest him:
It all started when Baby Cyrus was kidnapped by CPS and Meridian Idaho Police – the entire Baby Cyrus Kidnapping story:
Ammond Bundy simply voiced his opposition to the baby being forcefully taken from the arms of its young, loving mother. As a result, the petty tyrants involved decided they didn’t like their evil deeds being exposed, so they arrested him for “trespassing”.
Ammon didn’t hurt anyone, nor did he damage the property of another. He peacefully, yet publiclyexpressed his distaste for what had just happened.
Ultimately, due to the actions of Ammon and other good neighbors, the CPS case fell apart, Baby Cyrus was returned to the arms of his loving parents and the charges against all others involved were dismissed – except for Ammon. Ammon’s charge of “trespassing” was not dropped, and he is now facing the loss of his freedom and (another) extreme hardship on his young family.
If Ammond is arrested and convicted, he faces up to a $10,000 fine and losing a year of his life in jail; away from his own young family. Does this sound like the “justice system” you want? Is this a wise use of your sacred tax-payer dollars; spent prosecuting innocent people, having nothing but goodwill for their neighbor?
Please give a special prayer tonight for Ammond and his family.
Global Currency Revaluation:
As the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Israel, UK, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand teetered on the brink of in-solvency, Peoples of the Worldstood on the brink of a Global Market Crash that would usher in the much-anticipated Global Currency Reset (GCR), NESARA/ GESARA and Quantum Financial System (QFS):
- On Fri. 9 June Michael Reuben, Head of the US Paymasters, sent out contracts to 28 Paymasters – who were told they would be paid within 24 hours after signing their contract.
- “On Sat. 10 June the RV started in Zurich.”…Wolverine on Charlie Ward’s Insider Club
- Over last weekend the Admiral’s Group began releasing funds that were destinedfor Tiers 1, 2, 3 and 4.
- On Sat. 10 June the Iraqi Parliament approved their budget, Article 68 stating, “This law shall be published in the Official Gazette and implemented as of January 1, 2023.”
- Large Church and Indian Nations Groups were set to have liquidity in their accounts sometime between Tues. 13 June and Thurs. 15 June.
- Tier4B would go on Thurs. 15 June.” …Wolverine on Charlie Ward’s Insider Club
- Tues. 13 June Bruce: On Mon. 14 June some very reliable sources indicated that Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) would receive notification to set redemption appointments sometime between Tues. morning 13 June to Thurs. morning 15 June. NESARA/GESARA would be activated on Fri. 16 June. Social Security increases would begin in June. Restitution Allowances would also start in June.
- Head of the Global Redemption Committee, Dr. Charlie Ward, agreed with people on his show that Tier4b notification would come after the EBS – which was expected to begin at any moment.
- “Activation of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) will trigger Martial Law and the Global Currency Revaluation.” … Free Inhabitant
- On Mon. 19 June 2023 the Bank of England migrates to the International Payment System ISO 20022.
- The first part of July the new Quantum Financial System will be completely interfaced in computers around the World that would be coordinating currency transactions through the International Payment System ISO 20022.
Tues. 13 June 2023 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe ( 667-770-1866, pin123456#
- Yesterday Mon. 14 June some very reliable sources indicated that Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) would receive notification to set redemption appointments sometime between Tues. morning 13 June to Thurs. morning 15 June.
- Redemption Staff would be working for two weeks after that notification was received.
- Banks needed to be Basil III compliant when the GCR began on Thurs. 15 June.
- NESARA/ GESARA would be activated on Fri. 16 June.
- Social Security increases would begin in June.
- Restitution Allowances would also start in June.
- Those 62 and older would be paid out their Restitution Allowance in a lump sum.
- Others would be paid out their Restitution Allowance in monthly payments.
- Obtaining Med Bed appointments would be based on need.
Restored Republic
- On Tues. 13 June Donald Trump faced charges in a Florida Federal Court, after which he was scheduled to make an important announcement.
- “Activation of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) will trigger Martial Law and the Global Currency Revaluation.” … Free Inhabitant
- Dr. Steven Greer’s National Press Club 2.0 Event presentation by Whistle Blowers. A big legal assembly consisting of lawyers and others in different countries are taking out corporate entities, their global Military Industrial Complex and Shadow Governments, along with confronting a long list of crimes committed. Dr. Steven Greer – YouTube
Brunson Cases Update:
- The Loy Brunson Case before the Supreme Court was set for Conference (not a hearing) on Thurs. 22 June. Brunson asks why Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence and over 300 members of Congress voted against investigating 50 allegations of voter fraud and foreign interference in the 2020 Election that had been formally presented to Congress.
- The Raland J. Brunson Case before Federal Court Judge Jared C. Bennett asks why Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson supported enemies of the Constitution by voting against hearing the Brunson case, which regarded Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and over 300 members of Congress who voted against investigating allegations that there was foreign interference in the 2020 Presidential Election. Will Bennett hear the case, or will Raland Brunson be compelled to appeal his case to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals?
- The Brunson Case was Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s Sledge Hammer held over the heads of DOJ Jackbooted Thugs seeking to illegally prosecute Trump. …Twitter, Rob Cunningham
- If you want your voice to be heard go to:
- Your Letter is Mightier Than a Sword, Brunson: Loy Brunson NEW SCOTUS RULE 11 CASE #22-1028 ~ Your Letter is Mightier Than The Sword ! (
- Patriots are asked to send letters to the Supreme Court Justices in support of hearing the Brunson Cases. “We encourage everyone who supports our efforts to go to to easily send a letter to the Supreme Court. You can also find more information about the case at and to order a copy of the petition!” Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…
- NEED MIRACLES? Raland Brunson of the Brunson Brothers Supreme Court Cases is now shipping out copies of “MIRACLES: In God We Trust” and “A More Perfect Union” manufactured by Raland’s duplications company To support the cause you can order your copies of these important Liberty Education DVDs for a donation of only $25 – which includes FREE shipping and TWO FREE pocket Constitutions. Donate here:
- Super Patriot Liberty Library – perfect for Home School Education, or as a legacy gift to children and grandchildren. Educate to Save America. The package is full of valuable materials including free garden seeds. It is still offered at only $450, but with $60 worth of added value items: Only-450
- At any time the EAS and Martial Law was set to activate worldwide.
- In June 2023 the General Public would have access to Med Beds.
- On Thurs. 1 June at 8:00 EST the Quantum Financial System’s Fed ISO 20022 activated – a universal language for global financial networks to communicate with each other. The 209 major countries now had their new gold/asset-backed currencies live on the Quantum Financial System.
- On Sun. 4 June the new Iraqi Dinar Rate (the Kingpin of the GCR) settled on Bank Screens.
- On Mon. 5 June the NY Stock Market began a Death Spiral as it reacted to the announcement of a new US $36 Trillion Debt Ceiling with no way to borrow the money – causing the US Treasury to drop bonds.
- On Fri. 9 June Global Currency Revaluation monies were released to Paymasters.
- Tues. 13 June Q’s Timeline: (30 days from Mother’s Day) MOAB attack on the King and Queen. …Q
- Sometime between Tues. morning 13 June to Thurs. morning 15 June Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) would receive notification to set redemption appointments. On Fri. 16 June NESARA/GESARA would be activated. Social Security increases, Restitution Allowances and access to Med Beds would all start in June.
- Thurs. 15 June collapse of IRS and all tax orgs; Marilyn Monroe to come out of hiding.
- Sun. 18 June GESARA/NESAR A announced during EBS Disclosure implementation.
- Wed. 21 June Special Counsel John Durham to testify on his report to House Judiciary Committee (1788 became law on June 21). This was also the Satanic worshipper’s Summer Solstice, one of the most important Satanic Holidays of the year celebrated with sexual orgies using both adult and child victims, followed by a human sacrifice of any age, male or female. Six year-old Jenny Hill’s witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite on June 21 1965 in Garden Grove, California: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice – YouTube
- Thurs. 22 June Supreme Court to consider whether or not to hear the Brunson Case – that could take down the Biden Administration and all of Congress for not investigating allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 Election.
- July: Judgment in July, White Hat Intel: EBS White Hat Senior Intel Revealed! When & Trump Special Report! June 2023 | Prophecy | Before It’s News (
- Sun. 23 July Inauguration of Pres. Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr, a celebration where those in the World Protection Program would come out.
- Tues. 25 July Queen Diana’s Coronation.
Global Banking Collapse – connections to Elite War Crimes & Tribunals, David Wilcock
- Prepare for the Unthinkable: Trillions of dollars in U.S. Treasury Bonds are flooding back to Europe and 110 nations, revealing the alarming truth that the U.S. Corporation is teetering on the brink of insolvency. Brace yourself for the impending catastrophic COLLAPSE that will send shockwaves throughout Europe and beyond.
- France’s brazen act of pilfering its citizens’ wealth has ignited widespread riots and civil unrest, while hyperinflation in Germany is decimating the metal industry, crippling weapons production, and pushing corporations to the edge of bankruptcy.
- The Deutsche Bank’s entanglement with Epstein’s dark connections and its web of international ties, including Estonian banks, is unraveling, as world courts launch far-reaching investigations that could shatter the global banking system.
- Israel’s Descent into Chaos: An Unfolding Catastrophe: The nation of Israel finds itself in dire straits as it hurtles towards an imminent collapse. Concealing the true state of its markets, banks are fabricating gains as civil unrest spirals into full-blown riots.
- The colossal collapse of SVB Banks in California, resulting in a mind-boggling loss of $10 trillion, sets off a catastrophic domino effect rippling across multiple countries.
- This Banking Collapse, underway for over a year and a half, is finally unmasking the Deep State’s cover-ups and exposing their false market reports.
- As the Biden administration trembles, governments worldwide teeter on the brink, and the Military courts, along with the Alliance, silently monitor the collapse knowing that it will lead to military intervention.
- The intricate web of connections between governments, worldwide money laundering operations, bio-weapon creation, and incitement of proxy wars through the U.S. heralds an era of potential war crimes, crimes against humanity, and a global Plandemic.
- The Global Event – We Stand at the Precipice of Chaos: Massive chaos looms on the horizon, as citizens around the globe remain shockingly unprepared for the impending Collapse Event. The Great Awakening, a multi-staged process encompassing declassifications, covert operations, overt military intervention, tribunals and the cleansing of corrupt establishments worldwide, is reaching a critical juncture.
- Brace yourself as the deep-rooted powers behind NATO, the UN, human trafficking, world wars, military-industrial complexes, and control over global banks face their inevitable downfall.
- Jeffrey Epstein, who is only beginning to reveal the dark secrets he holds, and the military intelligence with access to McAfee’s servers, unleash terabytes of corruption connecting world child trafficking rings, illicit weapons trades, and global drug cartels.
- Unveiling Secret Alliances: Poland’s Shocking Deal with Russia and China: While the world watches Germany’s strategic alliance with China and Russia, an even more astounding revelation emerges: Poland’s covert pact with these global giants. This clandestine agreement, involving Italy, France, Austria, Hungary and more, sets the stage for their banks to merge into a powerful EU BRICS subsidiary system after the impending conflict.
- The Masterstroke – Unmasking the Hidden Hand: The banking collapse serves a higher purpose: to topple world banks, dismantle the IMF, and expose the sinister connections that extend to the WHO, Gates Foundation, CDC, and beyond.
- Get ready for a seismic shift that will reshape the global financial landscape. Hold on tight as the world hurtles towards an unprecedented climax. Brace for impact as the tides of change sweep across nations, forever altering the course of history.
- They Can No Longer Hide: Behind closed doors, a grand design is being set in motion.
- Trust the plan. …Q

Global Banking Collapse
- “The UBS (UBS is a multinational investment bank and financial services company founded and based in Switzerland) has completed takeover of Credit Suisse (Credit Suisse is the world’s largest bank and is based in Switzerland).” …MarkZ Mon. 12 June
- “The US Corporation went bankrupt. What we are watching now is corporate BS” …Fulford
- Deutsche Bank, Europe’s biggest bank, has predicted a major recession.
- JPMorgan Chase reaches tentative settlement with sexual abuse victims of Jeffrey Epstein after weeks of embarrassing disclosures about the bank’s longstanding relationship with him.
- US’s biggest bank, the Bank of America, has collapsed and been bought out by a smaller bank.
- Wells Fargo Bank is in full control of the White Hats.
- Tens of thousands of small banks have closed across the world. The banks that did not sign onto the new Quantum System are collapsing or being bought out.
Biden Crime Family:
- Marjorie Greene Unveils What She Read In Explosive Biden Bank Statements:
Trump Indictment:
- Kash: “This is going to be the most publicized trial in the globe’s history… and we have to be able use that process, not to dismiss the case right away, but to show the American people… the prosecutorial corruption that they engaged in…”
- The Grand Jury which indicted Trump was never told about the Presidential Records Act, or the Clinton Socks Case, both of which exonerates Trump of any wrongdoing.
- Trump Pleads Not Guilty, No Conditions Imposed:
- In response to Trump indictment, JD Vance says he’ll hold up DoJ nominees indefinitely. “We’ve got to show Merrick Garland there are consequences to using the Department of Justice in this way”
- “A corrupt sitting president had his top political opponent arrested on fake and fabricated charges, of which he and numerous other presidents would be guilty, right in the middle of a presidential election in which he is losing very badly.” …Trump on Tues. 13 June
Treason Unveiled: Trump Mission on Telegram
- The CIA’s Downfall, Military Coups, and a Storm of Corruption!
- Prepare yourself for the shocking revelations that will shake the very foundations of power. We’re on the brink of dismantling the notorious CIA, along with the FBI and the deep state military intelligence apparatus that shield the elite’s heinous pedophilia rings and their corrupt banking systems.
- Enter the heart of the storm, where Trump’s relentless pursuit of justice is just getting started. Brace yourself for an explosive expose that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew.
- And let’s not forget the enigmatic figure at the center of it all—Epstein. His connections and knowledge of the dark underbelly of the elites will send shockwaves through the corridors of power. But that’s not all—remember the late McAfee? He possessed crucial information that could blow the lid off this entire web of corruption.
- Hold on tight, because a whirlwind of events is about to unfold, and it’s set to rock the world like never before. Stay on high alert as the truth emerges from the shadows.
The Real News for Tues. 13 June 2023:
- Breaking: Biden’s Press Secretary Busted Violating Law | Patriot News Network
- FBI Reveals That Joe Biden Is ‘Currently Under Investigation for Bribery.’ There were tapes of the bribery and the FBI knew there were tapes. The FBI redacted text about the tapes, under the guise of “sources and methods.” The FBI was withholding pertinent information that belonged to the American People to cover for Biden. This alone confirmed that the FBI was compromised.
- Trump Vows to Appoint ‘Real’ Prosecutor to Go After ‘Most Corrupt President In History’:
- Biden Admin Arrests Donald Trump | The Daily Caller
- Canadian Fires: The Donnie Creek Fire in Alberta, Canada is now officially over 1,000,000 acres.
- Last week in Canada massive fires suddenly began to burn with no real source for the fires. Military insiders pointed to unseen Energy Weapons. The yellow smoke that covered New York and New Jersey apparently was not from Canada. Reports from New York and Jersey say that the “smoke” had a metallic taste to it.
- 5-G Towers: These occultic technocrats have found a way to broadcast their black magic via technology. These 5G Towers are actually Psi-₩eapons, they have nothing to do with high speed internet, they specifically target part of the brains nervous system that they want in order to make you feel more docile, angry, sad, or anxious, depending on the situation and the outcome which they desire. They have been using these ₩eapons for a very long time, even prior to WW2, they have been using it to break the spirits of their enemies, where these frequencies can become too much to handle. Combine this, with blue beam technology, and you might start hearing and seeing Jesus Almighty.
- Hunter Biden Ordered to Prison, But Has a Way Out:
White Hat Intel:
- Climate Change was the next Plandemic
- Musk closer to being indicted. The Deep State DARPA, Rockefeller’s CIA Regime, was on a full attack to bring down Musk – in order to bring Twitter back into control of the Deep State. The White Hats have operations and counter measures in place.
- Musk is part of a White Hat trap for the purpose of exposure. Musk knows where the dead bodies are buried – important intel that will bring down the Deep State, including information on 9/11 and the Deep State Military classified weapons used in 9/11. Musk has knowledge about very important Key Events and knows the corruption of the Deep State from LLC corps, to Deep State Military Industrial Complex Systems, to full operations of CIA DARPA controlled social media system.
- The Deep State Military is trying to get ahold of Musk servers, computers, data storages and full operations connected to underground facilities in California, Texas and Florida that house super computers and quantum computers that is unknown to public and the newest most advanced computers that operate Space X.
- Musk knows the Military Technology that was used to bring down the Twin Towers during 911 were Tesla Energy Weapons (Zero point Energy Weapons).
- Zero Point Energy Weapons isthe same energy that surrounds you in everyday life, atoms, molecules, atomic level structures that carry infinite energy cannot be seen by the physical eye as sound, taste, touch, smell and thinking vibrate our lives and destiny. It is also so that Infinite Energy cannot be seen with the physical eye in many weapons that are used today to create earthquakes, or warm the planet, or particle weapons. Many energy weapons can be seen as lasers and such as Rods of Gods classified projects.
- Dr John Hutchisons experiments and projects in the 70s brought him to Tesla Zero Point Energy and Antigravity projects that shocked his colleagues. The Military was well aware of these energy points and Antigravity technology dating back to the 50s.
- Hutchinson’s projects brought him into Electrostatic, Magnetic fields, RF Generators that could melt steel in a second, or even turn steel into jelly for a moment. His experiment with Zero Point Energy could ignite wood with no visible evidence, or destroy metal structures down to dust in a second.
- 9/11 Towers fall and turn into dust instantly. The false lies that the heat of the place crash was so strong it melted the steel iron is a lie as you can visibly see people standing in the hole left by the plane and next to the iron steel columns before the collapse. The millions of tons of steel used to create the Twin Towers were missing and mostly ash was left behind.
- Musk has knowledge of what happened. Inside sources say the Military White Hats he is working for intentionally installed Military Secrets and classified projects into his data base. Musk has already started slow disclosure through subsidiaries sources and contacts. He has been giving Declas on certain Events and Deep State projects and agendas since 2016.
- This means Musk was funding projects in different countries to bring in Declas on Deep State Cabal World Agendas, including exposure of the Death Vax and Plandemic.
- The Deep State is well aware that Musk has created a fake Hologram System.
- This was the same fake Hologram System that was created in the early 50s by the Military Industrial Complex projects. These hologram systems can create fake military planes, space shuttles or alien UFOs or even planets in the skies. China CCP also has the same holographic systems.
- Suddenly massive fires in Canada began to burn with no real source for the fires. Military insiders point to unseen Energy Weapons.
- The Deep State was trying to silence Musk as a fake Alien invasion using Holograms came closer and Twitter spread the word that the government was hiding fake and real UFO technology.
- For years Musk has played the bad guy for certain reasons and was pushing for disclosure of projects that have been present in the World since 2016.
- You have more than you know _Q
WARNING: Fake Ice Cream
- Buyer Beware: GMO ice cream is here. To be clear, these fake ice creams are NOT PLANT-BASED. They’re SYNTHETIC. The fake ice creams are created in a lab using an unregulated, extreme form of genetic engineering called Synthetic Biology.
- And because all new methods of genetic engineering have been deregulated and the new sham GMO labeling law that went into effect this month exempts synbio, these fake ice creams will have no GMO labeling.
- Patented lab-created proteins that mimic cow’s milk proteins are the basis for these products. There are no safety studies required, nothing at all to make sure they’re actually safe with no short or long-term health risks. Without long term safety testing, there is no way to know the potential adverse impacts on health over time. There are already concerns about allergenicity.
- How do you identify this fake ice cream? Look for something on the label that says “Made with Perfect Day”. It could be a logo, or just the words.
Must Watch Videos:
- Tues. 13 June Situation Update: Judy Byington: When You Feel Like Nothing is Happening – GET READY! Special Intel Report & Situation Update For Tues. 13 June 2023 (Videos) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Mon. 12 June Situation Update: Situation Update: Secret Plan To Evacuate Americans Out Of Taiwan! NATO “Air Defender 2023” Exercise, Fears WW3 Trigger! Message From JFK Jr.! Freeway Sabotage? – WTPN | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News (
- Tues. 13 June Trump Intel Decode, SGAnon: New SGAnon File 52: Trump Intel Decode – UFO Declas – FISA Assange Coming – Wagner Flag in Israel – June 2023 | Prophecy | Before It’s News (
- Tues. 13 June Major Intel, Mahoney: David Mahoney: This is MAJOR Intel, Folks!! It’s Going Down NOW!! (VIdeo) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
- Mon. 12 June X22 Report:
[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]
Updates for the Week Prior:
Restored Republic via a GCR as of June 13, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of June 12, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of June 10, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of June 9, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of June 8, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of June 7, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of June 6, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
Restored Republic via a GCR as of June 5, 2023 | Operation Disclosure Official
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