Restored Republic via a GCR as of September 11, 2023
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 11 Sept. 2023
Compiled Mon. 11 Sept. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities”
It’s 9/11
US Constitution Hanging By A Thread
Morocco Earthquake Destroyed a Child Trafficking DUMB?
17 US Cities To Follow?
Black Swan Event: Maui Massacre
Evidence Chinese Communist Party Satellites Overhead Maui At Time of DEW Attack
DEW Attack on Maui, US Military Base An Act of War Leading To Military Intervention.
White Hats Shoot Down FEMA Plane
2,000 Missing Maui Massacre Children Believed Safe
Hawaii To Be Kingdom of Hawaii as 50 Indigenous Nations Unite To Begin a New Earth.
Please Sign Petition to Restore Hawaiian Lands to Hawaiian Hands:
Malama Lahaina – Pūpūkahi i Holomua
In GOD We Trust
With TRUMP We Stand
We Trust The Plan
It is only wise to have a month’s supply of food, water, cash and essential supplies for yourself and to share with others.
“Once again, I won’t be participating in the 2023-2024 Wuhan Flu Games. I don’t qualify. My IQ is too high.”
A Higher Perspective
September 10, 2023 – #4904 Music & the Spoken Word (
If you have ever climbed to a mountain top, either physically or spiritually when trying to overcome challenges, and then rest to look over the terrain, you can see things from a higher perspective.
From that higher perspective we can think more clearly, see more accurately and understand truth and goodness with a sharper focus. Problems that once seemed imposing, suddenly look a little smaller, more manageable.
We may not be able to remain at such an elevated position forever; life, after all, must have it’s ups and downs. But once we’ve seen things from above, we tend to approach life on the ground differently. We’re a little kinder, more forgiving and more compassionate with others… and with ourselves. We hold on to hope and faith a bit longer, even in the face of heartache and difficulty.
Most of all, we can turn our hearts more readily to the Lord, having glimpsed our life, if only briefly, from a perspective a little closer to His.
Judy Note: In 2020 when the Election was stolen, the Military took control of Washington DC and fenced it off. That meant Washington DC was no longer under control of The Crown. Now the Washington Airport doesn’t even call itself DC anymore. Everything on all the airport signs, documents, apps and websites says Washington, not Washington DC. The foreign territory formerly known as District of Columbia has fallen. It is now fully under White Hat control where Biden is an actor and you’re watching a movie. Wait ‘till you see how this Trump indictment thing turns out.
- BOOM! Soon, at any moment, a turn of events will trigger the unbelievable. Our entire government will be invalidated. Attacks were going strong. There was a plan in motion. 160 TOP SECRET FILES …Trump Live on Telegram Sat. 9 Sept.
- Sun. 10 Sept. CDC, FBI, Congress, HHS, 17 US Cities On High Alert:
- Sun. 10 Sept. The Enigmatic Chinese Elders in the Global Currency Reset: White Hats Alliance, Q Global Team, GCR Conspiracy, QFS, Secret Alliances, BRICS and Illuminati Bloodline Families – American Media Group (
- At Walmart the self checkout registers now say Notes and not US Dollars! The White Hats now control and own all Walmarts! Gold backed currency and NESARA should be announced soon!
- US Concentration Camp Hiding in Broad Daylight:
- The United States Department of Defense Operations and military Forces are now giving Public DROPS that the elections of 2020 was stolen and monitored.
- 8,300 Med Bed Centers in US Ready To Open Upon Global Currency Reset This Week:
- Jan Hayes was part of the Department of Defense and now was hitting Patriot channels and Q supported networks giving clear information that the Military knows the 2020 elections were rigged and the military from different divisions have Task Force that collectively monitoring the U.S. citizens and wait for the right time to intercede with military intervention and the best way to avoid civil war.
- In Dr. Hayes’ interview with Nino Rodriguez she said they actually kept tabs on ppl’s awakening process and now they think 80% to 20% are awake and they don’t care about 20% anymore.
- Hayes also says the removal of Pelosi was a Military Operation and the coming indictments of Trump could lead to INTRODUCING EVIDENCE OF ELECTION FRAUD /STOLEN ELECTION.
- Sat. 9 Sept. New hurricane model predicts the merger of all three major cells creating the largest storm the East Coast has ever seen.
- Highly Destructive Natural Disasters Suddenly Striking Areas Across the Globe:
- Morocco Earthquake Destroying a DUMB?: The government of Morocco does not fully meet the standards to eliminate Child Sex Trafficking in their country, but is making a significant effort to do so. Earthquake – no, Tunnel destruction – yes.
- Five Months before his assassination, President John F. Kennedy issued an executive order that would give the American currency back to The People by printing money based on a Silver Standard, taking away the power of the Federal Reserve Banking Cartel. Many argue this is the reason that JFK was assassinated.
- “My fellow Americans, this is a Storm of absolutely historic and destructive potential.”…President Trump Tweet Sept. 8 2017
- In the DUMBS they found food and drink hidden by the cabal for consumption that could feed the WHOLE WORLD for the next 150 years. 14.2 billion tons of high quality food. They have been analyzed. The samples did not contain toxic substances that are normally released in the general population.
- Sun. 10 Sept. Red Pill Time: Lies, Damn Lies. . . Exposing the Greatest Lies of Our Time! – American Media Group Exposing the Greatest Lies of Our Time! (
- Where’s the CIA coming from? The CIA has used US Taxpayer monies in a Black Budgetto fund school shootings in order to disarm The People, fund international Child Sex Trafficking, Drug Cartels and Gun Running, while using their Project Mockingbird to control the Mainstream Media narrative.
Judy Note: If you were reading this Update on Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that some information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official.
Global Currency Reset:
Judy Note: The below is a summary of recent Intel of TNT, Wolverine, Bruce and MarkZ: Overnight Thurs. 7 Sept. monies began moving. By Fri. 8 Sept. in Zurich, Yellow Dragon Bonds were paid out, while in Reno the Admiral put in the Redemption Codes and gave the green light for Whales to be paid. Kurdistan received $500 billion to pay out on Sat. 9 Sept. This past weekend the ATMs, new coins and monies activated in Iraq, in the US and it was assumed, throughout the World. News of that GCR activation was scheduled to come out sometime between now and Tues. 12 Sept, at which time all other tiers would begin to be paid. Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions were to be completed by Sun. 1 Nov. when the US Federal Dollar would be considered worthless.
- Sat. 9 Sept. TNT: The three letter agencies say that everything is done and that the time frame is from Friday to Tuesday morning for all of this to finally be over. The new ATMs, new coins and monies will be activated this weekend. So from Friday night until Tuesday morning is when they say this will all be finished. Everyone is excited about this weekend…on both sides of the “water” (here in the USA and in Iraq). They have been “dragging” that Kurdistan was supposed to receive $500 billion to pay everyone last Thursday and now they say they will receive it on Saturday 9 Sept. On Wednesday they told us that this weekend was going to be very important and things are moving… so starting at 4 pm Friday 8 Sept. until Tuesday morning 12 Sept. is when the three letter agencies say that we can have news. I don’t know when it will happen. I just hope it happens now. That’s what they tell us: that these days, all this is supposed to be finished.
- Wolverine: On Fri. 8 Sept. in Zurich, Yellow Dragon Bonds were paid out, while in Reno the Admiral put in the Redemption Codes and gave the green light for Whales to be paid. Everyone else will be paid on Monday 11 Sept. and Tuesday 12 Sept.
- Thurs. 7 Sept. Bruce: International Upper Bond Contacts in Geneva say that monies began moving overnight Thurs. 7 Sept. with funds to be used for NESARA/ GESARA and Bond Holders. Email notification to Tier 3 Bond Holders would be sometime Sunday into Monday 10, 11 Sept. Bond Holders to get access to their funds Monday evening 11 Sept. Tier4B (us, the Internet Group) should get notification to set appointments on Monday 10 Sept. and could start exchange appointments Monday afternoon into Tues. 11 Sept.
- Fri. 8 Sept. TNT Call: The three letter agencies say that the RV should be started between Fri. 8 Sept. and Tuesday 12 Sept. morning. Citizens of Iraq were told that the new coins and lower denominations would be activated this weekend.
- Wed. 6 Sept. Evening MarkZ: Group, Reno and other redemption sources say its anywhere from now until Sat. 9 Sept. Military sources say that they are pushing for exchanges to be completed by Sun. 1 Nov. and that our current US Federal Dollar would be worthless by then.
- Forbes Converter Zim to USD:
Restored Republic:
Help Save Our Constitution – It’s Hanging By A Thread: (VIDEO 1.08.46) Flight of the Brunson Brothers – A Nick Alvear Film (
- Brunson SCOTUS Hearings, Juan O Savin:
- Another Brunson Brothers Petition to make Congress adhere to concepts of our Constitution by investigating allegations of voter fraud in the 2020 Election has been refused a conference at the Supreme Court. You can add your letter of support to the ongoing Brunson Petitions by going to: SCOTUSLetter.pdf ( Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…
- For over five years Barbie and Ken Cromar have been battling for our right of Freedom from Harassment of the privately owned US Inc.’s Goliath IRS. The IRS took away their fully paid for home and all their possessions even after they had won their case in a federal tax court that ruled they owed no monies to the IRS.
- Where’s The Crime? FBI Arrests Cromar, IRS Confiscates His Home After He Proved in Court He Owed No Monies. Where’s The Crime? FBI Arrests Cromar, IRS Confiscates His Home After He Proved in Court He Owed No Monies. | Crime All-Stars | Before It’s News (
- Freedom of Parents to Have Control Over and Raise their Own Children: Ammon Bundy, Diego Rodriguez and Tom Fairbanks were battling a corrupt legal system including Child Protective Services who were ripping children away from their parents without a legal basis to do so.
Donations were Needed in these Battles for our Freedom – But you get COOL Liberty stuff! All try to help each other financially by sharing donations that pay for the printing, postage, travel, mailings and service of legal documents to the criminals and courts. Your donation can help to make miracles happen! See what cool stuff a Miracles donation can get you. Shopping page:
- On Feb. 4 2021 the Bankruptcy of the U.S.A Corporation was finalized, the paperwork filed in Tallahassee, Florida.
- On Fri. 1 Sept. 2023 full integration of the Quantum Financial System took place after the US National Debt of close to $33 Trillion was paid off. This triggered the Global Currency Reset.
- On Thurs. 7 Sept. Executive Order 13848 was extended for a year by Biden. The order was originally signed by President Trump and regarded imposing certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in US Elections. The word “foreign” is in reference to US Inc. that was formed as an illegal corporation government residing on foreign soil in the ten square miles of the District of Columbia, or Washington DC.
- Fri. 8 Sept. monies were moving for the Global Currency Reset. In Zurich, Yellow Dragon Bonds were paid out, while in Reno the Admiral put in the Redemption Codes and gave the Green Light.
- On Sat. 9 Sept. The two day G20 Summit began in New Delhi, where the Cabal made major economic changes, among them was announcement of their digital fiat currency activation in Oct. 2023:
- On Mon. 11 Sept. An Event – good or evil? – was believed to be planned for 9/11.
- Fri. 15 Sept. EBS?: Donna C “I have a friend in SC works for the convention center. Said the employees have been told that the EBS will go off on 9/15 & all communications will be turned off. I trust this person with my life. Just a heads up.”
- On Sun. 1 Nov. Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions were to be completed, at which time the US Federal Dollar would be considered worthless.
- On October 4th, the Cabal has planned a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System.
Mon. 11 Sept. Maui Massacre Update:
- The over 2,000 missing Lahaina School District children of the Maui Massacre were still unaccounted for. The Hawaiian Governor won’t even admit they’re missing.
- Yet, twelve school busses full of children were caught on camera escaping a Lahaina road blockade on the Aug. 8 Wildfire date. Those same twelve busses were recently discovered empty and parked in locked containers sitting on the Lahaina Dock.
- The estimated 2,000 missing Lahaina School District children of the Maui Massacre were believed by some to be safe (likely under protection of the White Hat Military), though no one seemed to want to talk about it.
- The Biden Administration and FEMA have been less than helpful to the victims of the Maui Massacre and now were actively attempting to evict them from the lands of their inheritance.
- On the other side of this War Against Good and Evil being fought in Maui, FEMA operatives have been taken out by the White Hat Military.
- Sun. 10 Sept. From Democracy to FEMAcracy! Knock Knock: It’s FEMA, We’re Here for Your Guns and Stockpile! – American Media Group (
- On August 29, a White Hat-controlled Arleigh Burke-class destroyer shot down a State Department 767 carrying 180 FEMA personnel from Honolulu to Florida. The FEMA supervisors and personnel who had been determined to have created the Maui Massacre were on their way to take advantage of the Florida Hurricane victims. WHITE HATS SHOOT DOWN FEMA PLANE LEAVING HAWAII (
Maui Massacre
An Urgent Plea For Help
The capitol of the Sovereign Nation of Hawaii in Lahaina Maui has been destroyed. Hundreds of men, women and children were presumed dead. Over two thousand children were still missing. At least 4,500 displaced. Any aid you could give to help those suffering tremendous losses would be greatly appreciated.
Be Careful Where You Donate
The Kingdom of Akua Foundation’s Malama Lahaina Website was the only official and authorized site solely dedicated to and run by the Hawaiian Native Peoples
Donate: Malama Lahaina – Pūpūkahi i Holomua Donations (
The Black Swan Event: Maui Massacre, Charlie Ward
- The Massacre that happened on Maui has to do with many Deep State Operations, but one of the many reasons Maui was attacked is because of the UNITED STATES SPACE FORCE operations that is in Maui.
- Maui Space Surveillance Complex is a U.S. Space Force operating location for the 15th Space Surveillance Squadron. This base was attacked hours before the fires happen and a huge Cyber attack took place against the United States Space Force.
- Fortunately USSF was well prepared months before and weeks before removed all important computers, Programs, Servers and data. USSF left only fake Dud systems and computer systems behind. Counter surveillance and operations were in place long before the fires.
- The Deep State US Military Operations were collectively monitored.
- The Military intervention 11.3 of 2024 and following Military Tribunals will use the Maui Fires and attack on the US Military Space surveillance Base as an Act of War that will lead to procedures and protocols pertaining to Military intervention.
Hawaii To Be The Kingdom of Hawaii as 50 Indigenous Nations Unite To Begin a New Earth.
- Over the past year around 50 Indigenous Nations united in an Alliance of Indigenous Nations (AIN). AIN added the Sovereign Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands to their platform and recently met with officials of that Kingdom of Hawaii at the site of the Maui Massacre to formally organize. Click Here To Learn More About Alliance Of Indigenous Nations – AIN
- Hawaii was also included to the Council of Sovereign Nations after Sir Don Kauli’a was Knighted into the Hospitaller Order of St John of Jerusalem of Malta in 2021. Sir Don Kauli’a represents a Continuity of James Kauli’a’s government who originally introduced the KU’E Petitions on September 11, 1897.
- Mon. 11 Sept. 2023 makes it the 126th year of authenticity that there was never a treaty, consent or decree on the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to US Inc. In other words, the people of the Hawaiian Islands have never agreed that they would become a state of the United States.
- Those native Hawaiians were represented in The Kingdom of AKUA and invite you to sign a Petition to restore Hawaiian Lands to Hawaiian Hands: Malama Lahaina – Pūpūkahi i Holomua
- This AIN uniting of the Indigenous Nations had been predicted by ancient Prophecy called the ‘Eagle and the Condor’ which stated in part, “When people from the four directions of the world come together, they will begin a New Earth,”
- AIN welcomes more to treaty with them. “Our higher purpose is to recover the sacredness of Mother Earth and to once again honor Great Creator for the magnificence and brilliance of creation. Our objective is to recognize, respect and reciprocate all people’s sovereignty, our right to self-govern and self-determination.”
- Sir Don Kaulia has been a leader in uniting the Indigenous Nations, especially after the Maui Massacre. “The ongoing issue of Hawaiian lands being illegally occupied weighs heavily on our hearts, as Hawaii’s people. This issue strikes at the very core of our Hawaiian identity and cultural heritage. It resonates deeply within us, the Kānaka Maoli, the indigenous people of these islands, who have endured historical injustices, including the illegal overthrow of our monarchy in 1893 and the subsequent annexation of our beloved homeland by the United States.”
- “I have been blessed to get support from the Sovereign Prince of Malta, the Alliance of Nations and now President Putin’s Medical Supply Ship anchored in International Waters outside of Maui,” said Don Kaulia. “Several South Pacific Sovereign Island Nations are heading this way beginning with Sovereign Princess Moana from Aotearoa (New Zealand).”
- “The world watches, and we implore you to act now,” Don Kaulia said. “Restoring Hawaiian lands to Hawaiian hands, as called for in the Kūʻē petition, is not just a matter of historical rectification; it is a step toward reconciliation, justice, and healing for us, the Kānaka Maoli, and all who have come to cherish Hawai’i as their home. It is a testament to our enduring spirit of aloha and our belief that, together, we can forge a brighter future for Hawai’i and its people.”
- You can help by signing a Petition to restore Hawaiian Lands to Hawaiian Hands: Malama Lahaina – Pūpūkahi i Holomua
Speakers at the Indigenous Nations Conference:
Kevin Annett – A Candid Interview On The Crime of Genocide in Canada
Hawaiian clan mother tells government enough!
Trudeau’s Campaign to Genocide the Indigenous,
Assertion of sovereignty’: Mississauga Nation delegation to U.K. makes history
Maui Fires not an accident
OP-ED: Falsehoods contaminate searching for the remains of murdered indigenous women
AIN Contact: Zesesaapi Mukwa [John Cipolla] cell (808) 206-2221
Evidence Chinese Communist Party Satellites Overhead Maui At Exact Time of DEW Attack:
The latest episode of The Prather Brief on AMP is an absolute bombshell, with his guest, computer programmer and advanced robotics developer, Steve Favis, who provides not only stunning evidence that indicates Chinese satellites caused the Maui fires but also a simple and reproducible method for others to confirm his findings and to then apply his method to investigate some of the other, suspicious fires of the past, such as the Northern California “wildfires” of 2017 and 2018.
Steve tells Jeff that when people started claiming that Maui had been attacked by DEWs, he wanted to determine if there had been something above Maui at the time of the fires. He used a commonly-used science and engineering program called Mathworks MATLAB, which has a very accurate program called the SGP4 orbit propagator, and he found two orbiting objects that passed over Maui at around the same times that three fires were initially reported. Then, he backdated publicly-available telemetry data from NORAD, which tracks all orbiting objects and he found that there were two satellites that corresponded to the initial reports of three separate fires on Maui.
Both objects are categorized by NORAD as “Unknown” with unknown payloads and both unknown objects are owned by the Chinese Communist Party. One satellite’s pass over Maui corresponded with the Lahaina fire and the other satellite’s pass over Maui corresponded with the Olinda fire and then it orbited back along the same path 24 hours later, corresponding to the Kula Fire.
He says that if it were one satellite, that would be one thing. But when there are two satellites and three fires – and they’re always above Maui when these fires start – it’s not an accident.
Steve also mentions how, just three days after the Maui fires started, on August 11th, Space Force launched its first targeting squadron, The 75th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron, which was activated out of Peterson Space Force Base, in Colorado. Steve says he hopes this activation was in response to what he is convinced was a series of Directed Energy Weapons attacks in Maui.
Steve says that he has open-sourced his code on his website, at and he encourages people with access to MATLAB – a lot of universities use MATLAB – and he encourages people who are programmers to run his 25 lines of code – and they will be able to validate that the telemetry data is exactly what NORAD has posted on their SpaceTrack website.
Steve says once you get the telemetry data and you input the data into the program and you Convert the UTC Time to local Hawaii Time, they line up exactly at the same time that fires were reported. He says you just need the aerospace toolbox and aerospace plugins and navigation plugin and you can just literally copy and paste his code into MATLAB.
On his website, you’ll see that he did the math for what it would take for lasers capable of melting cars and flash-charring people’s bodies into solid black sculptures, like this.
This was not a wildfire, Folks. Steve estimated that it would take a 70-gigawatt laser to do this, which would require a rocket that can launch a 44-ton payload into space, which lines up with China’s Long March line of rockets, which have that payload capacity. Steve says Chinese lasers are currently more advanced than ours and that they’re powering petawatt lasers in short bursts in the lab. A petawatt is a million billion watts. That’s 15 zeros.
When Steve pointed all of this out on Twitter/X, he was de-platformed. Because, of course he was! Twitter is back to its old, censoring self again.
Now, remember how back in January, the green lasers seen over Hawaii, that were reported by The New York Post to be Chinese LIDAR scans for geospatial mapping of terrain? It is thought that this mapping may have been necessary, in order to carry out successful DEW attacks.
And then, we find out that a few months later, in April through June, the Army Corps of Engineers did their own LIDAR scans of Hawaii. And let’s not forget the Chinese balloons that the Pentagon and the Biden Regime were only too happy to allow to invade our airspace for a week earlier this year.
So, as Jeffery Prather said, The question then becomes, with the green lasers from a Chinese satellite in January and the DoD’s LIDAR scans between April and June, who could have been responsible for the DEW weapons and the attacks?
In Jeff’s assessment, it appears that elements of the DoD may have collaborated with China to do this. In other words, it’s the Deep State, the Globalists, whatever you want to call them, who control both militaries – or at least, aspects of them.
Sun. 10 Sept. BOMBSHELL! First MED BEDS 5D Setup: Revolutionizing Health and Healing! – American Media Group (
Accessing the Healing Abilities of Med Beds 5D
- Health Benefits: Med Beds 5D offer a path to optimal health by correcting a patient’s medical problems, restoring their body to its peak condition.
- New Organ Growth: These remarkable beds can facilitate the growth of new organs, providing hope to those in need of transplants.
- New Bones and Healing: For individuals with dentures, Med Beds 5D dissolve dentures and promote beneficial healing processes.
- Surgery: Med Beds 5D perform surgery with astonishing efficiency, ensuring rapid recovery. Imagine a baseball pitcher undergoing surgery and returning to the field in record time.
- VAX Damage: These beds can reverse the damage caused by vaccinations, prioritizing those with natural injuries.
- Heart Patients: Med Beds 5D cater to various heart problems, offering hope to heart patients worldwide.
- Addiction: Yes, addiction can be cured through the innovative treatment methods provided by Med Beds 5D, though the root causes are yet to be fully understood.
- Surgical Residue Removal: Any leftover surgical residue can be surgically dissolved and repaired, restoring the body to its pre-problematic state.
- Chemotherapy: Med Beds 5D not only heal the damage caused by chemotherapy but also restore overall health and eliminate unnatural growth states.
- Allergies: Bid farewell to allergies as Med Beds 5D work their magic in eliminating them.
- Dentistry: Dental problems are no match for Med Beds 5D, which can renew teeth and make necessary adjustments.
- Weight Management: Achieve your ideal weight with the help of Med Beds 5D.
- Vision and Hearing: Restore your vision and hearing with these innovative medical marvels, even correcting lens blindness.
- Scar Healing: Say goodbye to scars as Med Beds 5D promote their healing and disappearance.
- Schizophrenia: Mental health issues, including schizophrenia, can be effectively addressed through the healing capabilities of Med Beds 5D.
- Autism: Children with autism can find healing and support through this groundbreaking technology.
- Orthopedic Solutions: Med Beds 5D address orthopedic issues, offering changes and corrections as needed.
- Depression: While not an instant cure, Med Beds 5D can help individuals struggling with depression by providing a positive pathway to healing.
- Personal Growth: Med Beds 5D can enhance a person’s compassion, intelligence, and more. Additional languages can also be learned, though it’s essential to have a purpose for such updates.
- Optimal Health: The ultimate goal of Med Beds 5D is to restore the body to optimal health, ensuring individuals can live their best lives.
- Healing the Mind: As the saying goes, “When you heal the mind, you heal the body.” Med Beds 5D embrace this philosophy wholeheartedly.
- Age Reversal: While not guaranteed for everyone, Med Beds 5D can potentially reverse the aging process, allowing individuals to experience the best health possible for their age.
- Birth-Related Issues: Problems that occurred at birth can be corrected with the help of Med Beds 5D.
- DNA Transformation: Med Beds 5D have the remarkable ability to reverse discontinued gene expressions and address issues like MTHFR, estrogen dominance, and more through detox and DNA cleansing.
The Real News for Sun. 10 Sept. 2023:
- BREAKING: G20 Announces Plan For Digital Currencies & Digital ID’s.
- Morocco: Multiple buildings collapsed and damaged, several people reportedly trapped after massive earthquake hits Marrakesh, Morocco.
- We’ve had 7 million illegal immigrants under Joe Biden. So, seeing Eric Adams complain about 100,000 is cute, but he still doesn’t bother to put the blame where it belongs. It really is astonishing hypocrisy. You’ve got Eric Adams, the Governors of New York and Massachusetts, and the Mayors of Washington DC, Chicago, and San Francisco. All of them are suddenly discovering the burden of Joe Biden’s open border and illegal immigration. … Sen. Ted Cruz
- In 2012 Former DARPA director and now Google executive, Regina Dugan, explained ID Microchips. The pill has a small chip inside of it with a switch and when you swallow it, the acids in your stomach serve as the electrolyte and that powers it up. And the switch goes on and off and creates an 18 bit ECG wide signal in your body and essentially your entire body becomes your authentication token.
- Climate Change: Contrary to propaganda pushed by geology deniers, ice core data has repeatedly shown that temperatures were considerably higher in the past than those of today, utterly disproving the politically motivated, human-caused “climate emergency” narrative.
- Sovereign countries that have been colonized will change it’s name. America will be changed to Kingdom of America. Africa will announce it’s name. Canada which has been renamed as Kingdom of Canada. Philippines will change to it’s biblical name land of Ophir or Kingdom of Maharlika.
- Secret Service agent who was with JFK on day of his assassination breaks silence with claim that blows up the ‘magic bullet’ theory and suggests there WAS more than one shooter.
- Jan 6: The Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, who was recently sentenced to 22 years in prison for his participation in the Capitol Riots, has come forward with bombshell accusations that the Department of Justice told him to falsely tie Donald Trump to the events of January 6 in exchange for a plea deal. “They asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him,” Enrique Tarrio said. “I told them to pound sand, and because I refused to lie about President Trump it cost me twenty-two years of my life. The truth is, I could have been home,” said Tarrio. “I could have been home a long time ago. I could be in my warm ass bed right now, laughing at the world, without a problem and all I had to do in order to do that WAS LIE ABOUT TRUMP. All I had to do was confirm a lie.”
- Navarro Conviction: There was MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, evidence and findings that the Unselect Committee DID NOT WANT SEEN. This deleted and destroyed evidence is a big part of my defense, and the defense of many others. They should be the ones who are prosecuted, not Peter Navarro who, by the way, was single greatest trade negotiator against China, who paid the U.S. hundreds of billions of dollars during the Trump Administration (never paid ten cents before us!). Only China is celebrating the Navarro conviction!
- Underground Tunnels Walmart Underground Tunnel System: Wal-Mart Underground Storage Facilities (child trafficking). I’m a truck driver and I entered a Walmart underground tunnel system to pick up a 42,000 Pound load. (They love their Numbers: 42=6). This place had a endless Tunnel system. It was cold under this facility. Got lost for awhile but found modular office picked my bill of lading and headed out. We were there for about 3 hours.
- The Dark Truth About the CIA! The CIA was created by British Intelligence during WW2, when MI6 came over and taught Americans the ruthless tactics they had been developing for centuries. Many people think that the CIA is a patriotic organization that protects Americans from danger, and informs the President about what’s happening in the world so he can make good decisions. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. The truth is that the CIA is a vicious paramilitary mafia, that rigs elections, overthrows governments, kills people, and manipulates presidents into doing their bidding. They are the world’s foremost experts in lying, cheating, and stealing from other countries. They sow chaos, degeneracy, corruption, and violence everywhere they go.
– Uses Terrorists & Criminals as Assassins
– Blackmails & Bribes Politicians Worldwide
Funded By Slavery & Drug-Dealing
Uses Authority of the British Crown
15 Signs You’re Under Mind Control
1. You think TV shows and movies are made to entertain you.
2. You think medical doctors are health experts.
3. You think the government steals your money to build the roads.
4. You think that they spray poisons on your food because of the bugs.
5. You know mercury thermometers are banned because mercury is extremely toxic but you also believe mercury teeth fillings are completely safe in your mouth.
6. You think your vote counts.
7. You think the news is there to inform you.
8. You think the government is there to protect you.
9. You think alcohol is healthy for you in moderation.
10. You think it’s OK to research and ask questions about a new car purchase, a new house purchase or a new appliance purchase but you also believe it’s not OK to research or ask questions when the TV tells you to inject something under your skin that’s killing and crippling millions worldwide. That of course you need to trust, no questions asked and full steam ahead.
11. You think a society of cowardly order followers, run by clinical psychopaths, will keep moving ahead into the future without any interruptions.
12. You think that working for the clinical psychopaths, as a government employee, is the ultimate dream job even though big brother is actively trying to remove you and your family because your pensions are already stolen and they don’t want you to find out. “If I can just push one more dose of poison under my skin, maybe I can get to my pension, which is already stolen…” It only makes sense if you don’t think about it.
13. You think a society of perpetual pleasure seekers, who don’t want to work in order to earn their keep, will always survive and that having fun is one of your first amendment rights.
14. You don’t notice that any time tyrannical authority tries to destroy you and your family… they keep telling you that it’s all for equity, equality, freedom, human rights or for your safety.
15. You think poisons pushed your skin and taken into the mouth, prescribed by a person wearing a white butcher coat, is the only way to achieve optimal wellness and better health.
WARNING – side effects of being under mind control include but aren’t limited to being broke, being overweight, being depressed, feeling powerless, being addicted to substances that numb you to your harsh reality, hanging around other mind-controlled people so you avoid facing your spiritual weakness and more recently…., heart attack, paralysis, Myocarditis, dying suddenly and parroting the phrase “trust the science.” Talk to your doctor today to see if mind control is right for you. Some conditions apply. See your local government official or TV news channel for full details of your first class/5-star ride into the abyss.
Phil Godlewski’s History Lesson on the Global Banking System
- In the early 1900s, the United States had gold-backed securities, currency backed by gold. Many people probably know that the dollar bills that were once printed they ere backed by the U.S. Treasury Department and somewhere on the bill was written, “The value of this bill is…”showing it’s worth in the value of gold backed money.
- In other words, a $20 bill was worth 20 dollars of gold. Currencies appeared in the 1800s and gained popularity in the early 1900s. Around 1912, a group of foreign bankers, not yet called the Central Bank or the Federal Reserve, was making a presence in the banking industry. There was JP Morgan and Prescott Bush. There were other big names in the banking industry such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Kissingers, and others from all over the world who were in banking.
- Around 1911 or 1912, a group, foreign or domestic bankers tried to stop our gold-backed currencies because they wanted to introduce a Central Banking System to the United States as was already being done in other countries round the world.
- The Central Banking System would become the backer of our currency through the U.S. Treasury rather than the gold held, by the U.S. Treasury, which had previously kept in reserve to backed up our currency. If you had a $20 bill in 1905, for example, it was backed by the U.S. Treasury, who had $20 dollars of gold on deposit to back the value of that $20 dollar bill. The Treasury Department was required to keep enough gold on deposit to cover every bill in circulation throughout the United States.
- The Central Bankers came in and said: Let us back you up. We can provide you will all the money you need beyond what you have in gold deposits. We can also provide funding to the banks. So, instead of the local banks lending out their own money, let them borrow money from us and they can lend it to their customers, whether it’s a mortgage or a personal loan. The Central Bankers basically said they were going to come in and completely take over our currency system. Many politicians liked it because it was an opportunity to put money into their pockets through a variety of ways.
- But there was a group of very rich people, John Jacob Astor, for one, and two others whose names you’ll recognize. Astor and his associates were completely against the Central Bank idea. They foresaw that the path America would take would be very different if we began relying on foreign interests to back our currency.
- They believed that backing our currencies with precious metals was the only way to survive. Astor did not want to introduce a Central Banking System to the United States because he was afraid of increasing debt and had great concerns what would happen if a default would ever occur. These three men were powerful enough to influence Congress to prevent the proposed Central Banking law from being passed because at that time there was still a House of Representatives, a Senate, and a President with the separation of powers to make laws. Astor and his friends strongly opposed the Central Bank, and prevented it from being passed into law.
- It just so happened that in 1912, John Jacob Astor and some of his rich friends, along with many others, decided to go on a trip across the ocean in an unsinkable ship. Ironically, that unsinkable ship was made by a company owned by one of Astor’s competitors and his competitor was also one of the people who opposed Astor’s idea of not introducing a Central Banking System to the United States.
- That unsinkable ship that Astor decided to take sank “after hitting an iceberg.” That ship was the Titanic and Astor and his friends died at sea. A few months later, surely by coincidence, those Central Bankers who wanted to introduce a Central Banking System in the United States abolished the gold-backed currency and backed it with their currency.
- The Federal Reserve needed $20 trillion in backing to implement the Central Banking system, which was provided and placed the U.S. under financial bondage. The Federal Reserve through the Central Banking System is still being operated today.
- More than 100 years have passed since it was implemented in 1913, and 110 years later, the same system still operates. This is your history lesson which we covered in about 5 minutes. The Federal Reserve System is not part of the federal government. In fact, it is owned by foreigners. Many Americans came to America and said they wanted to implement the Federal Reserve System. JP Morgan founded his own bank and Prescott Bush sold his interests. He does not participate in the Federal Reserve System. Only the Rothschild family remains in the Federal Reserve System. A foreign organization is operating under the guise of a federal organization right under our noses. Virtually every loan you have now is backed by that foreign organization.
- All interest you pay is given to a foreign entity.
- Canada has a central bank, Trudeau and Dominion. They are doing the same with their parliament as in Europe. European Central Banks, Indian Central Banks, Brazilian Central Banks, Chinese Central Banks, all over the place. We’re all in the same position. Therefore, the National Economic Stabilization Revitalization Law was enacted. It was designed to eliminate all accumulated debt from the Federal Reserve Board (Fed).
- You may have borrowed money from your local bank or credit union, but where are they getting their money? Do you think we just keep handing out money to get mortgages every day? No, it’s not their money. We got it from the Federal Reserve Bank. Everyone is. Credit card companies, personal loans, car loans. The companies making these loans all receive funding from banks, local lenders, and the Federal Reserve. This means, under NESARA that all loans received from the Federal Reserve will be written off.
- It was actually scheduled to take place on September 1st – we received notification of what was going to happen. I had to write this down. I was shivering when I got the information.
- A $21 trillion check was written to the U.S. Treasury with instructions to repay every dollar of the national debt. Pay it off. Eliminate the national debt for America. – Now we hear that the same thing is happening in other countries with their national debt. Pay off $21 trillion?
- I’m a little vague as to who the check is from, but I have an idea. The person I’m pointing to is in charge of that alliance. (Mr. Phil points to a photo of Trump in the background.) $21 trillion is going from the global alliance to the US Treasury Department. Not the Federal Reserve, not the IRS. The Ministry of Finance is the Ministry of Finance. It’s a government agency.
- $21 trillion. You’ll say, “Phil, the country’s debt is more than that.” Over $30 trillion. That’s right. But how can it be recovered? There is also a considerable amount of debt that cannot be recovered. I’ll explain that later too. If the national debt is paid off, no, it should be said that the national debt is paid off at the same time. – Then a lien will be filed against the Federal Reserve Board of the United States, US Internal Revenue Service. Corporations acting as all states, territories, or geographic locations within the United States. Liens are filed against all of these entities for $999 trillion. “What do you mean, Phil?” A lien against the federal government, a lien against the state of Pennsylvania, a lien against the state of California, and a lien against my house.
- Forget about the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve System has been abolished and America no longer owes money to anyone. Loans can also be made freely available to ordinary citizens like you and me. The Ministry of Finance can start lending to citizens. The Treasury Department can begin lending to states. The Ministry of Finance can start lending to businesses. The Ministry of Finance can make all loans. The 9/11 false flag was to stop the NESARA exposure. Now let’s see what they did to stop the NESARA exposure. Donald Trump was about to reveal NESARA’s true identity in January 2021 after being re-elected to his second term. Do you know what they did? They stole the election. Far from stealing the election, he did it blatantly.
- I know the White Hats had a huge amount of work to do. He (Trump) needed time to (get control of the Federal Reserve and put someone in place who could/would cancel the National Debt) line up all the dupes before he could exercise his $999 trillion lien against all the rogue organizations.
- We’ve been talking specifically about the United States today, but this is happening all over the world. At the same time, the operation is so massive that it is almost impossible to comprehend how there are so many moving parts happening all over the world at the same time. I can hardly understand how so much work went into this.
- So, when exactly is EBS coming? As I mentioned last time, EO13848 will expire on September 12th.
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[Note: Sensitive content in this report has been redacted. See redacted content in the full report attached below.]
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