The Currency Revolution: Nesara Gesara Law, ISO 20022 Wealth Transfer, QFS, GCR/RV, Gold-backed Currencies and Blockchain Exposed – The Untold Story! - - American Media Group

The Currency Revolution: Nesara Gesara Law, ISO 20022 Wealth Transfer, QFS, GCR/RV, Gold-backed Currencies and Blockchain Exposed – The Untold Story!

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The Currency Revolution: The implementation of NESARA GESARA, ISO 20022, and the emergence of Quantum Financial System (QFS) herald a new era of monetary stability and wealth distribution. This article delves into the intricate tapestry of global financial reform, exploring the transition to gold-backed currencies and the pivotal role of blockchain technology. As we stand on the brink of what might be the greatest wealth transfer in history, we uncover the layers and stakeholders involved in this complex transformation. 

The Matrix, as we know it, is on the brink of extinction, soon to be replaced by the Nesara Gesara Law, backed by the Quantum Financial System (QFS) that operates on a blockchain, along with the ISO 20022 Wealth Transfer, also known as the RV. It’s time to take the leap into a brighter, freer future. Join us as we unveil the secrets behind this monumental shift, and let the old system crumble into oblivion!

The Old Order’s Demise: For far too long, a shadowy group of elites has maintained a stranglehold on the world’s financial systems, keeping the majority of us locked in a never-ending cycle of debt and servitude. This has been The Matrix – a complex web of manipulation, secrecy, and control. But the time for change is upon us, and it’s happening faster than you might think.

The Rise of Nesara Gesara Law: Enter Nesara Gesara Law – an acronym for the National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) and the Global Economic Security and Recovery Act (GESARA). These revolutionary legislations are designed to bring an end to the corrupt financial practices that have plagued our world for decades. NESARA was originally introduced in the United States, but GESARA takes its principles global.

Under Nesara Gesara Law, we can look forward to:

  1. Debt Forgiveness: Say goodbye to crippling debts and predatory lending practices. Under these laws, your financial burdens will be wiped clean, giving you a fresh start.
  2. Financial Transparency: No more secrets behind closed doors. The financial system will become transparent and accountable to the people.
  3. Abolishment of Income Tax: Your hard-earned money will stay where it belongs – in your pocket, as income tax becomes a relic of the past.
  4. Prosperity for All: A fair redistribution of wealth ensures that everyone benefits, not just the select few.

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The Quantum Financial System (QFS) – Powering the Revolution: One of the cornerstones of this financial revolution is the Quantum Financial System, or QFS. Unlike the outdated systems of the past, the QFS operates on a blockchain, guaranteeing transparency, security, and efficiency like never before. No more manipulation or hidden agendas; your finances will be safe and sound within the QFS.

The ISO 20022 Wealth Transfer (RV) – A New Dawn: The RV, or the ISO 20022 Wealth Transfer, is the key to unlocking your financial potential. It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for – an opportunity to exchange your old fiat currency for assets of real value. This wealth transfer will give you the financial security you’ve longed for and the chance to participate in a fairer, more prosperous world.


Join the Revolution – Abandon the Old Matrix: The time to act is now! The Matrix has held humanity in its grip for far too long, but we can break free. By embracing the Nesara Gesara Law, QFS, and the ISO 20022 Wealth Transfer, you can reclaim your financial freedom and be part of a global movement for positive change.

Don’t wait for the old system to crumble on its own – it’s time to push it over the edge! Join us in the fight for transparency, accountability, and prosperity. Together, we can bring about the end of The Matrix and usher in a new era of financial empowerment.

The old system’s days are numbered. The Nesara Gesara Law, backed by the Quantum Financial System and the ISO 20022 Wealth Transfer, is the dawn of a new era. It’s a revolution that promises to free us from the chains of financial manipulation and control, and it’s happening right now.

Embrace the change, join the movement, and let’s collectively say goodbye to The Matrix. The future is bright, and it’s time to reclaim what is rightfully ours – financial freedom and a world built on fairness and equality. Don’t miss out on this opportunity for a better tomorrow. Switch to QFS NOW!


Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA)

Today, we stand at the precipice of another such moment – the advent of the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA).

But this is not merely a standalone event; it is intertwined with the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV), International Organization for Standardization 20022 (ISO 20022), the Basel III international regulation, Protocol QFS 20, and DINAR. These powerful forces combined are propelling us towards an era of unprecedented financial liberation and abundance.

The Rise of Decentralized Finance Shattering Chains of Traditional Banking

Picture a reality where wealth is the birthright of every global citizen, not the select few, and prosperity is not a dream but a norm. This vision is not some far-off utopian dream; it is a change that is on the horizon, waiting to be embraced. We stand at the precipice of an extraordinary transformation. This is not a mere fluctuation in our economic compass; it is a tectonic shift that aims to dismantle the financial tyranny and to construct a decentralized, transparent, and equitable world.

“None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand.” (Daniel 12:10)

“Never Ever Give Up. Keep Going Forward” …President Donald Trump – the man who with God’s help, will bring down the corrupt political class…GOD BLESS AMERICA !!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!!

Section I: The Traditional Banking Chains: A Relic of the Past

For far too long, the global financial landscape has been dominated by banking institutions that operate with a high degree of centralization. These banking monoliths have established a system of financial control that benefits a select few at the expense of the many. It is a system where the wealth of the world is concentrated in the hands of the few, leading to unprecedented levels of inequality and injustice.

These financial Goliaths have long acted as the gatekeepers of wealth, manipulating the financial system for their gain. They’ve used money as a weapon, holding nations and individuals hostage to their whims. But the time for change is nigh. A revolution is brewing. The chains of traditional banking systems are rusting and set to be shattered by an inevitable force: The rise of Decentralized Finance.

Section II: Decentralized Finance: The Harbinger of Global Prosperity

The shift towards decentralized finance or “DeFi” is much more than a mere buzzword—it signifies a complete paradigm shift in our approach to money. DeFi aims to take the power out of the hands of the few and distribute it amongst the many. It is the very definition of a financial democracy, a system that empowers every individual with control over their wealth.

DeFi projects, built on the backbone of blockchain technology, enable peer-to-peer transactions, cutting out the middleman, and returning control of financial assets to their rightful owners—the people. It’s not just about freedom; it’s about fairness and about creating a system that puts people first.

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In this grand financial renaissance, we are witnessing the emergence of decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, and even insurance protocols that operate independently of traditional financial institutions. These platforms provide a transparent and secure way for individuals to interact with their finances. This change is not incremental—it is radical, groundbreaking, and it’s reshaping the world as we know it.

Section III: Break the Chains, Embrace the Future

We are at the cusp of a new era, an era where money serves as a tool of empowerment rather than a mechanism of control. The age-old structures of power are trembling, and the walls of financial fortresses are set to crumble.

But this revolution does not come without resistance. Traditional financial institutions will not go down without a fight. However, the people’s will is the most potent force. When the many rise against the few, the outcome is inevitable. It’s a fight for financial freedom, a fight for a better world. This revolution will not be televised; it will be decentralized.

Don’t be a passive observer in this transformative period; be an active participant. Break free from the shackles of financial oppression and embrace the power of decentralized finance. Become a part of this revolution and be a catalyst for global prosperity. It’s not just about securing our financial future—it’s about reclaiming our financial freedom.

Section IV: The Time is Now – Join the Revolution

We are not mere pawns in the grand chessboard of global finance. We are the players. The future is here, and it’s time to seize it. The revolution is not coming—it’s already here. It’s a rebellion against the old order, a movement towards a new world. A world that is decentralized, equitable, transparent. A world where prosperity is not a privilege, but a right.

The GESARA Revolution: Financial Utopia

Are you ready for a financial revolution? A storm is brewing on the horizon, a tempest poised to sweep away our antiquated economic systems and lay the groundwork for an equitable global community. This harbinger of change? It’s known as The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act, or GESARA, the gleaming beacon of hope, heralding a new era of economic liberation. It’s time to unmask this revolution in disguise, and expose the utopia that waits just beneath its surface.

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Imagine, if you will, a world free from the shackles of crippling debt, where poverty is merely a fading memory in the annals of human history. Picture a global society where prosperity is not just an illusion for the privileged few but a reality for all. Is it a dream? No, it’s GESARA!

Section 1: GESARA – A Revolution in Disguise

Now, you might be wondering: What on earth is GESARA? Don’t worry; it’s not an alien invasion or a secret society. No, it’s much more powerful than that. The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act, or GESARA, is the battle cry for a new world order, an economic revolution that will shatter the traditional paradigms of wealth, power, and privilege. This isn’t your grandfather’s fiscal policy; it’s a radical vision of a prosperous future, and it’s gaining momentum every day.

Section 2: Decoding the Financial Utopia

GESARA isn’t just a proposal or a piece of legislation. It’s the blueprint for a world that guarantees economic justice and equity, a financial utopia where everyone matters. Imagine a society that recognizes your value, not by the size of your wallet or the digits in your bank account, but by your innate worth as a human being. That’s the world GESARA is building, and it’s a world we should all strive to live in.

Section 3: Eradicating Debt and Abolishing Poverty: GESARA’s Battle Cry

The harsh realities of debt and poverty have been the bane of human existence for centuries. But what if I told you that GESARA could wipe the slate clean? That’s right! The mighty arm of GESARA is primed to crush the chains of debt and abolish poverty once and for all. No more worrying about loans, bills, or starving mouths to feed. With GESARA, prosperity is everyone’s birthright!

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Section 4: Ensuring True Prosperity For All: The Heart of the GESARA Revolution

But it’s not just about eradicating debt and poverty. GESARA is on a mission to redefine prosperity, to make it accessible to all. It seeks to reset the foundations of our economic structures, fostering an environment where wealth is not hoarded but shared, where everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive. It is a visionary blueprint that will usher in an era where every individual is recognized as an essential part of the global economic fabric, ensuring no one is left behind.

Section 5: The Dawn of the GESARA Era: A Future Worth Fighting For

The GESARA revolution is not just a dream; it’s an inevitable reality, an event horizon we’re hurtling towards at breakneck speed. The world is on the brink of a radical transformation, one that will see the birth of a new era of economic justice and prosperity. With GESARA at the helm, we’re sailing towards a future worth fighting for, a future where every human being is valued and prosperity is the norm, not the exception.

There is no turning back now. The winds of change are blowing, carrying with them the promise of a world reborn in the image of GESARA. It’s time to shed our fears, to step into the light of this new era. The GESARA revolution is here, and it’s time to embrace it. The future is in our hands, and with GESARA guiding the way, we can look forward to a world where economic security and reformation are more than just ideals; they are our reality.

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So, the next time you hear the term GESARA, don’t dismiss it as some far-fetched dream. Instead, remember that it’s a call to arms, a demand for change. This is the GESARA revolution, and it’s time to rise and take our place in this brave new world.

The Quantum Financial System (QFS): Ah, the enigmatic Quantum Financial System (QFS) – the heart of the GESARA revolution. Behind this cryptic name lies a powerful concept: a financial system that operates on the principles of quantum mechanics. Picture a system where information is instantaneously transmitted and transactions are secure and immutable. This cutting-edge technology will protect us from the clutches of financial manipulation, ensuring the integrity of every transaction and fostering an ecosystem of trust.

The Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV): No revolution is complete without a reset, and that’s precisely what the Global Currency Reset/Revaluation (GCR/RV) brings to the table. As the winds of change sweep through the world, currencies will be revalued, aligning their worth with true economic indicators. No longer will governments manipulate their currencies, leaving citizens to bear the brunt of economic uncertainty. Instead, the GCR/RV will herald a new era of stability and prosperity.

International Organization for Standardization 20022 (ISO 20022): In this interconnected world, communication and coordination are vital. ISO 20022 is the universal language of financial transactions, ensuring seamless communication between financial institutions worldwide. With ISO 20022, cross-border transactions will be faster, more secure, and devoid of the cumbersome bureaucracy that has plagued the current financial system.

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The Basel III International Regulation: A revolution without regulations is like a ship without a captain. The Basel III International Regulation is the guiding light that ensures financial institutions sail on the waters of transparency and accountability. No longer will we suffer the consequences of reckless banking practices. Basel III will set a new standard, safeguarding the interests of the people and fostering a stable financial environment.

Protocol QFS 20 and DINAR: At the forefront of the GESARA revolution, Protocol QFS 20 and DINAR play pivotal roles. Protocol QFS 20 is the latest version of the Quantum Financial System, equipped with enhanced security and efficiency features. Meanwhile, DINAR, a once underappreciated currency, will take center stage, rising to new heights of value and significance, symbolizing the potency of a restructured financial landscape.

The Human Touch: Amidst the technical jargon and cryptic acronyms, it’s essential to remember that this revolution is not just about algorithms and machines; it’s about us – the people. Our collective consciousness is driving this change, demanding a better world, where financial freedom is a birthright, not a privilege. So, let us embrace this opportunity, for this revolution is a reflection of our spirit, resilience, and determination.

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As we sail into these uncharted waters of financial transformation, we need the courage of trailblazers and the wisdom of visionaries. Embrace the unknown with a resolute heart, for it is the daring and audacious who shall lead us into a brighter future. Let us unite as a global community and embrace this opportunity to break free from the chains that have bound us for far too long.

The New Earth, born out of the GESARA Revolution, beckons us with its promise of economic empowerment, equality, and abundance for all. We stand on the precipice of history, witnessing a complete paradigm shift that will redefine our relationship with currency, wealth, and prosperity. The winds of change are upon us, and it’s up to us to seize this opportunity and build a future that is truly worthy of our collective potential.

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Hello there, beautiful souls! It's me, Medea Greere, and if we haven't crossed paths before, let me assure you it's no coincidence that you've landed here today. I've spent every sunrise and sunset of my life on a tireless quest, seeking out the radiant essence of truth in this vast, dazzling universe of ours. You see, life is a cosmic jigsaw, a symphony of mysteries that sometimes seem so complex, it's hard to grasp. Each piece, each note, is a fragment of the story - a vibrant thread in the tapestry of existence. But fear not! It's been my life's work, my singular passion, to weave these fragments into a narrative that not only makes sense, but fills your heart with hope and your soul with purpose. That's exactly why this website was born. Together, let's unravel the mystery, and embrace the Victory of the Light! With all my love, Medea Greere

1 Comment

  1. Patient4Him2 on

    Medeea, elder Americans have listened to the speeches of wealth transfer since babyhood. Elders leave hopium conversations to the youth and gullible. The way out of the NON-HUMANS’ web of theft, democide, and genocide is to fight back, and pray to Father God Jesus for strength and endurance. Therein is the path of hope and change from Hell on Earth; and it might be from decades to centuries before Hell on Earth is lifted.

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