The EBS, Benjamin Fulford: Emergency Broadcast System, Pentagon exposé linked to worldwide Plandemic lockdown, Agenda 21 2023
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In a world teetering on the edge of uncertainty, an imminent revelation promises to expose the hidden agendas of the shadowy Cabal and Deep State. The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is about to play a pivotal role in unveiling the truths that have been shrouded in secrecy. As we stand at the precipice of unprecedented change, it’s time to brace ourselves for a journey that will reshape our understanding of reality and pave the way for a brilliant future.
Unveiling the Veil of Secrecy: The EBS and Benjamin Fulford’s Exposé. The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is poised to usher in a seismic shift that will echo across the globe. In the crosshairs of this revelation is the Pentagon exposé, a revelation that holds the potential to unravel the intricate web of worldwide Plandemic lockdowns and the elusive Agenda 21. At the helm of this exposé is none other than Benjamin Fulford, a name synonymous with unearthing hidden truths that challenge the status quo.
A Call to Arms: Unfolding Deep State Agendas. Prepare yourselves, for the unraveling of a covert tapestry is upon us. The Cabal’s Deep State Agendas, woven over decades of shadowy machinations, are about to be laid bare. The forthcoming events are not mere happenstance; they are meticulously orchestrated chapters in a narrative that has been concealed from the masses. These revelations beckon us to cast aside anger and panic, for they are a necessary prelude to our collective transition into a future that gleams with promise.

Embracing the Unfolding Drama: The Last Phase of Awakening. The tapestry of reality is woven with threads of experience – some painful, others illuminating. As we approach the crescendo of the awakening journey, the unfolding drama heralds the last phase of this transformative process. Like characters in a movie, we find ourselves at the precipice of realization, where we must stand as witnesses to the unveiling of long-guarded truths. This is the pivotal juncture where the masses are invited to open their eyes and engage with the world’s unfiltered reality.
The Script and the Revelation: A Painful Awakening. Why must we endure this painful awakening? The answer lies in the script of our shared reality. The intricacies of this script demand a final act of revelation, a climactic unveiling that shatters the illusions we have clung to for far too long. Through the lens of this revelation, we witness the dismantling of falsehoods, cover-ups, and manipulations. The EBS emerges as a conduit through which every home becomes a front-row seat to history in the making.
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The EBS: Gateway to Truth and Transparency. As the stage is set and the curtains are drawn back, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) emerges as the gateway to truth and transparency. The impending broadcast is poised to pierce the veil of secrecy, allowing unfiltered access to revelations that span national and global dimensions. This monumental moment beckons us to ponder the intricate implications that resonate far beyond the surface – implications that demand alignment with protocols to ensure the precision and integrity of this paradigm-shifting event.
Precision and Perfection: The Rehearsal for Humanity’s Transformation. Consider this broadcast as a dress rehearsal for humanity’s grand transformation. The test and review that precede the main event serve as a crucible for assessing answers and precision. In this crucial stage, humanity collectively grapples with the nuances of truth and change. The significance of this practice run cannot be overstated; it mirrors the forthcoming upheaval and recalibration that will echo through our societies and reshape the course of history.
Unlocking the Mysteries: The Scheduled Unveiling The buzz is undeniable – whispers of a schedule that has finally cemented itself. But, bear in mind, I am merely the messenger in this enigmatic saga. Adaptability is key, for the sands of time might shift, and adjustments may be required. Only a chosen few hold the sacred knowledge of the exact and precise timing of these events. Security dictates that this information remains veiled, ensuring that the moment of revelation is free from external influences.
A Dramatic Symphony of Change: Be Ready to Tune In Picture this unfolding narrative as a dramatic symphony – an opus of change resonating across the annals of time. The crescendo approaches, a crescendo that will demand your attention, engagement, and contemplation. As you circle the date on your calendar, let the anticipation wash over you. The vibrations of change are palpable, a testament to the grandiosity of the revelations that await.
A Journey of Self-Discovery: Adding Personality to the Unfolding Drama In this journey of unmasking hidden truths, we find an opportunity for self-discovery. Just as the world awakens to new realities, let us also awaken facets of our own selves that have remained dormant. It is within the folds of this grand narrative that we encounter the rawness of humanity’s essence – fear, hope, curiosity, and resilience. The unfolding drama invites us to infuse our unique personalities into the collective narrative, to become active participants rather than passive spectators.
Unmasking the Secrets: EBS Unleashes the Truth During 10 Days of Darkness Communication Prepare for an experience unlike any other – an event that promises to strip away the layers of deception and reveal the untold stories that have been hidden in plain sight. The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is poised to thrust us into 10 Days of Darkness Communication, a period during which the truth will emerge from the shadows. Buckle up as we delve into the harrowing details of this enigmatic revelation.
The Trumpets of Revelation: EBS Text Messages Ignite the Awakening Imagine your phone buzzing with an unprecedented urgency, urging you to tune your TV to a channel that will redefine reality as you know it. Seven “Trumpets” in the form of EBS text messages will ring out, calling upon us to gather around our screens. These messages, cryptic yet compelling, are poised to be a rallying cry for individuals across the globe to witness the truth, in all its raw and unfiltered glory.
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A Digital Isolation: The 10 Days of Darkness Communication Unveiled As the EBS broadcast plays on a loop, our phones will lose their usual functionality, save for emergency calls. The digital realm as we know it will undergo a transformation – the Internet will be severed, and ATMs will lie dormant. But do not mistake this for chaos, for within this digital isolation lies a calculated plan. The Signal app, a military-grade encrypted communication tool, will serve as a lifeline for connection, ensuring that amidst the darkness, a beacon of truth remains.
The Cinematic Unveiling: 8-Hour Films Addressing Dark Realities Imagine being entranced by three explanatory films, each delving into the most unsettling corners of society: prisons, courts, fraud, corruption, and the deeply disturbing realm of pedophilia. These documentaries, aired in an unbroken loop, will act as a mirror reflecting the darkness that has lurked beneath the surface. Brace yourself, for these films will pull no punches, shining a light into the depths of depravity.
Rising from the Ashes: The Promise of a New Quantic Internet As the 10 Days of Darkness Communication conclude, a new dawn rises – one bathed in the glow of the quantic internet. A network built on the foundations of advanced quantum technology, this new internet promises to revolutionize connectivity, transcending the limitations of the past and thrusting us into a future where information flows unimpeded.
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Preparation for the Unthinkable: Stockpiling Resources for the Unveiling The whispers of change hang heavy in the air, a tangible reminder that preparation is not just wise – it’s imperative. Stock up on essentials, ensuring you have a supply of food and water that can last for at least three weeks. The storm is approaching, and survival in the aftermath of revelation requires foresight and readiness.
The Promise of Transformation: Dismantling the Old for the New As the broadcast concludes, a seismic shift awaits. The old systems, entrenched in corruption, will crumble before our eyes, making way for a new reality characterized by peace and prosperity. The very foundations of governance, education, finance, health, and commerce will be overhauled, replacing the darkness with a beacon of hope.
Golden Redemption: The Birth of USN US Note Backed by Gold A new dawn ushers in a new currency, a currency backed by the undeniable value of gold. The USN US Note emerges as a symbol of financial redemption, a departure from the shackles of manipulation and deceit that have plagued our monetary systems for far too long.
Sounding the Alarm: Spreading the Truth Amidst the Chaos As these monumental changes loom on the horizon, it becomes imperative to sound the alarm. The goal is to awaken others to the impending upheaval, even if it means braving skepticism and disbelief. Remember, it is the duty of the informed to guide others through the tumultuous waters of change.
Into the Abyss: The Storm is Here, and It’s Unstoppable We find ourselves in the eye of the storm, a maelstrom of events converging towards a climax that will redefine our world. The orchestrators of this historic event are toiling tirelessly to ensure that the EBS unfolds flawlessly, free from interference. Every moment of anticipation, every flicker of unease, serves as a testament to the gravity of what lies ahead.
URGENT EMERGENCY MESSAGE: PREPARE for SHTF NOW! This Isn’t a Drill – This is 2023 and SHTF is NOW!
The warnings are real. The dangers are imminent. A storm is brewing, and we’re on the verge of something catastrophic. General Saltzman, Chief of the Space Force, brings a chilling message of looming conflict. This isn’t a drill – this is 2023 and SHTF is NOW!
Read the full article HERE:
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Pluto is a major part of the alien solar teaching system that stimulates the chakras of humans and creates emotions. It is NOT actually Pluto that does this but rather one of its moons which is dark colored. All of Pluto’s other moons are normal colored. This dark moon sends out energy that stimulates the root chakra once per week and makes humans feel sexy/horny. You can exactly plot this time each week with astrology. Look up the exact degree of Pluto in your natal chart. The conjunction, opposition, and squares of our earth MOON at this natal Pluto degree in your chart today will be the 12 hour window when you will feel especially sexy and horny. Use a current ephemeris of 2023 to look up these once per week transit of the MOON over your natal Pluto degrees. Other extreme sexy/horny times are the conjunction, opposition, and squares of the other transiting planets over your Pluto degree which will last for often days or weeks at a time depending on the planets and how fast they move over this natal Pluto degree. — J.E. Ante.