The Q Clock – Deep State Connection Map – The Great Awakening Connections Map: Optimal Timeline Reality – Widespread Elite Pedophilia Connections Map & More
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The Q Clock (Updated 2022 Edition):
QAnon is an international collective group of awoken anons, ascended beings, light workers, starseeds, citizen journalists, researchers, whistle blowers, truthers, digital patriots, and keyboard warriors working together to expose the Khazarian Freemasonic Luciferian Zionist Fascist Jesuit Illuminati Globalist Deep State Cabal. Only when their darkness is brought to light can they be defeated. Symbolism will be their downfall.
This article seeks to act as a guide with resources to help you get started on your awakening research journey. Where we go one we go all.The QAnon movement is being provided intel drops online from a mysterious figure known as Q, who is believed to be JFK Jr. by a fast majority of the movement.
Although he is believed to be the main face behind the Q movement there are additionally a group of no more than 10 individuals who consist of the entire “Q Team” including trusted military generals like General Michael T. Flynn and Donald J. Trump (known as Q+). ⇒ Visit the Official Website of QAnon Card
The Q Team has formed an international white hat military alliance with what is rumored to be some 170 countries worldwide, in coordination with their militaries and organizations like the International Human Rights Tribunal, Interpol, the NSA, and Space Force.
The Q plan has supposedly been in the making since the fake CIA Cabal assassination of JFK, where he used a body double to secretly survive and continue his plan to takedown the cabal once and for all. Like father, like son JFK Jr. has been heavily involved in the Q plan to takedown the Cabal and therefore also had to fake his death in a plane crash in order to evade many assassination attempts that Hillary Clinton was conspiring against him when they were competing for a 2000 New York senate position.
The movement initially began receiving intel drops on the chan boards back in 2017, first on 4chan, then 8chan, followed by 8kun. These drops are known as “Q drops” and were most notably archived on Qmap.Pub, which was targeted and unfortunately shutdown. Within this guide you will find several alternative Q drop archivers in the upcoming lists.
To demonstrate, the following image below is an example of what a typical Q drop would look like. Q drop 4881 is a more recent and particularly relevant drop as Q points out the importance of distinguishing and knowing the difference between “Q” “Anons” & “QAnon.”
The fake news media can only target the additional theories coming from anons and not Q’s intel drops as they are way over target Q clearance military intelligence partially determined with the assistance of quantum computing programs like project looking glass. – QAnon Project Looking Glass: Area 51/S4 Level 4-2 – It All Makes Sense Now! (video)
In Q drop 34 we received a drop starting with the phrase “Q Clearance Patriot” which relates to Q clearance or Q access authorization which is the United States Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance level required to access Top Secret, Restricted Data, Formerly Restricted Data, Secret Restricted Data, and National Security Information.
Which could only imply the Q Team has access to the highest level of security clearance, Q.
The Q Clock (Updated 2022 Edition):
The Q-Key Connections Map

COVID-5G Novel Bio-AI Weapon Global False Flag Plandemic Connections Map

COVID-5G Novel Bio-AI Weapon Global False Flag Plandemic Connections Map

Quantum Financial System (QFS) Connections Map

Alliances & Traitors Within The UFO & Truth Communities Connections Map

D.A.R.P.A. Connections Map

Alphabet Agencies Connections Map
George Soros Connections Map

The American Media Empire Connections Map

6 Companies Who Control The Media
Energy Connections Map
The Healing Web

The Green Pill

Avatar Optimization

Life Force Connections Map: Love vs. Fear

The Real Political Spectrum

Black Nobility Papal Bloodline Jesuit Order Pyramid

Black Nobility Papal Bloodline Jesuit Order Pyramid

Lucifer’s Pyramid of Gnosticism

Jesuit Hierarchy

Octagon: The Empire Of Darkness

Jesuit Hierarchy

Sovereign Military Order of Malta Connections Map

Illuminati & Black Nobility Papal Bloodlines

Structure of Freemasonry

The Masonic Structure

Degrees of Freemasonry

Masonic Family Connections Map

Satanic Organized Pedophilia Connections Map
Widespread Elite Pedophilia Connections Map

PizzaGate Connections Map

The Orion Lines Connections Map
First Seeding Connections Map

Deity Connections Map
The Great Awakening: We are Witnessing the Destruction of The Old Guard
This is one of my all time favourite videos….
It lifts your positive consciousness vibrations to another level….
The magnitude and enormity of what’s been going on….
This video says it right here and right now….
It’s Biblical….
It’s so exciting….
It’s Time….
Article here:
The Fall of the Cabal: ‘Arrests and Executions’. “We Have It All” ~Q!
The End of the World as we Know it – The Fall of the Cabal: ‘Arrests and Executions’. “We Have It All” ~Q!
I know this post could get me in trouble, considering the power of the entities that I am writing about, but it’s important for me to share this anyway. I have long had a problem with them, culminating with their surveillance of me in my private life and attempts to censor my writings in various platforms. If they are under the delusion that I am going to shut up due to their intimidation and harassment, they have thought entirely wrong.
Read the full article HERE:
Also: GITMO: Which Presidents Are Going? Deep State, Treason, Military Tribunals, Official Documents, List of Indictments –
Wow, do you not know what Q is or understand it! You don’t WANT to, don’t want anyone else to. (No, most do not think John Kennedy Jr is still alive. Q has said, several times, he isn’t.) What are you afraid of? Of course: truth. How many things the high military intel+ group has told or hinted at come true! The anons are highly informed, but they are differing opinions and calculators. Original Q quit posting a couple years ago. Said we have it all (info/proofs), and to continue finding truth ourselves, think for ourselves. Obviously Q still shakes fake news up. But thank you, anyway, for posting so many excerpts.
Please delete. I did something I hate…I SKIMMED a tiny portion of your post, jump to conclusion. YIKRS!
merci…! many thanks for your great work…! warm greetings from snowy Switzerland…