The United States of Terror!
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
When examining the intricate dance of global politics, few alliances stand out as odd or controversial as the one postulated between the U.S. Government and the Communist Party of China (CCP). While many label it as conspiracy theory, an increasing number believe that the connections run deep and nefarious. In this article, we’ll dig deep into a side of history not often shared by mainstream media.
It’s a well-documented fact that after Mao Zedong’s reign, Henry Kissinger, in his capacity as National Security Advisor and then Secretary of State, took historic trips to Beijing in an attempt to open relations with the CCP. This was an important move from a geopolitical perspective. However, one can’t help but question: was it merely diplomacy or the beginning of an underground bond that has dictated the course of history?
Fast forward a few decades, and George W. Bush’s travel to China comes to mind. While many saw it as a diplomatic endeavor to open international markets, the more discerning may wonder if it wasn’t another clandestine meeting to further strengthen this unholy alliance.
The tragic events of September 11, 2001, changed the world in irreversible ways. It was a pivotal moment in modern history, a date imprinted on the heart and soul of every American. It was also the day that became the catalyst for the Patriot Act. Ostensibly designed to combat terrorism, its sweeping powers have ironically been used to target the very patriots it promised to protect.
The narrative took another turn when, on September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld, then the Secretary of Defense, announced that the Pentagon couldn’t account for a staggering $2.3 trillion. Just a day later, the heart of the Pentagon, especially its financial offices, were hit. Is it mere coincidence? Or was it a convenient way to silence the uproar over these missing trillions?
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Banks, Markets and the Great Disappearance
The repercussions of the 9/11 attacks were vast and varied. Markets shuttered, with doors closed for two whole weeks. When they did reopen, the missing $2.3 trillion had almost faded from public memory. Amidst the chaos, grief, and anger, banks across the nation were reportedly shutting down. The money vanished, never to be discussed again in earnest.
One of the most chilling claims surrounding 9/11 is that the destruction of the Twin Towers was not merely a result of the plane crashes but instead a series of controlled demolitions. Mainstream channels and officials were quick to dismiss this, but the lack of a thorough investigation into the debris further fueled these suspicions. In a twist that’s either ironic or revealing, the debris from this American tragedy was shipped to China.
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The timing was, once again, suspicious. A mere three months later, on December 11, China officially joined the World Trade Organization (WTO). Was this their reward for playing a part in an elaborate geopolitical scheme?
The narrative of the U.S. Government and CCP China being arch-enemies is convenient. It’s easy to digest and fits neatly into the worldview many have of a democratic West and a communist East. But when you look at the sequence of events, and the secretive dealings that have bridged the two nations for over half a century, the black and white narrative begins to gray.
Is it so hard to believe that these global giants might be working hand-in-hand behind the scenes, dictating international events and narrative to meet a shared objective?

Millions of Americans lost their jobs as many factories were outsourced to China
As factories once vital to the American workforce shifted overseas and employment numbers took a nosedive, we now find ourselves at the precipice of a more ominous scheme, one that starts with a simple white balloon and may end with a devastating EMP. This article dives deep into the trenches of conspiracy, uncovering a plot that not only ties the U.S. with China in the most alarming of ways but also reveals how a global currency reshuffle might be on the horizon.
Millions of American dreams were shattered as factories, once the lifeblood of the nation, closed down and moved to the far East, predominantly to China. Families, who once boasted of generations employed in the same factory, watched in despair as their sources of livelihood vanished. The narrative we were sold? Cheaper labor, global market dynamics, and the competitive spirit of capitalism.
But was that the entire story?
Fast forward to our present scenario. With the sudden onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the globe came to a standstill. But while many saw it as a natural catastrophe, there were those who started connecting the dots between the U.S. government and their unlikely collaborators, the Chinese.
Was this virus a mere twist of fate? Or was it a bioweapon designed to further crumble the American economy?
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As nations locked down, economies faltered. But the American spirit was not so easily subdued. Or so it seemed. With “experimental vaccines” being released at an unprecedented pace, concerns arose about their safety. Reports emerged, linking these vaccines to fatalities, including among children. The debate about public health versus government control raged on.
But was there more to this lockdown than just a preventive measure?
Amidst this chaotic backdrop, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics released a startlingly optimistic job report, claiming over 500,000 new jobs had been birthed. But whistleblowers and independent analysts begged to differ, pegging the real number closer to a mere 80,000.
While Wall Street might paint a rosy picture, Main Street told a different tale. The once-booming real estate market now lay in ruins. An astonishing 41% of small businesses, the backbone of the American economy, found themselves in an abyss, unable to meet their financial obligations. The looming U.S. debt, staggering at $31 trillion, seemed like an unstoppable ticking time bomb.
The EMP: A Specter of Doom
Amidst the doom and gloom, a peculiar sight caught the public’s eye – a large white balloon drifting slowly across the American sky. As speculation grew, the common man’s discussions veered towards EMPs (Electromagnetic Pulses). An EMP attack could potentially cripple a nation’s electronic infrastructure, plunging it into chaos.
Was this balloon a harbinger of the EMP doom? Were the U.S and their “partners”, the Chinese, setting the stage for the greatest heist in history?
The Imminent Threat and the Birth of a New Villain
Just as Osama Bin Laden became the face of terror post 9/11, China seems poised to become the new “villain” in this unfolding drama. With the banks possibly looking for a reason to shut down, there’s speculation that an EMP might just be the perfect excuse to vacuum the last vestiges of American wealth.
China’s digital currency program has been in the limelight for a while now. With the American economy faltering, is the stage being set for the Yuan to replace the Dollar as the world’s reserve currency?
It’s evident that there’s more than meets the eye. From factories in China to the looming threat of EMPs, a narrative is unfolding.
Is the U.S. government really as hostile to the Chinese communists as they claim? Or are they playing a two-faced game?
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The warnings are real. The dangers are imminent. A storm is brewing, and we’re on the verge of something catastrophic. General Saltzman, Chief of the Space Force, brings a chilling message of looming conflict. This isn’t a drill – this is 2023 and SHTF is NOW!
Read the full article HERE:
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