There Are 4200 World Religions, But There Is Only One Empty Tomb. He Is Risen!
There is a scientific article about the death of Jesus, published in 1986 in one of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world—the JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association.
The article is titled “On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ”.
In it the authors prove that the Roman flogging process was horribly cruel. Technical details are outlined, which, along with the Biblical narrative, provide a comprehensive overview of this entire process, from the trial to death on the cross.
Before judgment, it is narrated in Luke 22 that Jesus was in deep distress and sweating blood. Although a rare phenomenon, doctors recognize this feature as hematidrosis, which can occur due to high levels of stress.
After being judged, Jesus was violently whipped with a leather whip, with tiny balls of iron on the tips and pointy bones. The balls of iron caused internal injuries and bones tore apart flesh, exposing skeletal muscle and causing major blood loss, which probably left him in a pre-collision state.
After severe flogging, Jesus was mocked, spat on, and forced to carry his own cross to Golgotha.
During the crucifixion, the accused was thrown on the cross on the ground, and nailed with nails as long as 18 inches long on the wrists and feet.
Crucifixion was a process that produced intense pain and caused a slow and suffocating death.
Breathing was extremely painful. With every breath, Jesus had to lift his back up in live flesh, dragging it across the wood, and supporting all the weight on the feet, which were nailed. Fact that it increased blood loss and caused terrible pain.
The causes of death by crucifixion could be several, but the two most common were hypovolemic shock and suffocation from exhaustion.
When the Gospel of John narrates that after Jesus’ death a soldier transfered him with the spear and came out “blood and water”, the scientists explanation is that the water probably represented pleural fluid and serous pericardium and habr It was preceded by the flow of blood and it would be less volume than blood. Perhaps in the scenario of hypovolemia and acute heart failure, pleural and pericardic flashes could have developed and been added to the apparent volume of water.
Only by analyzing Jesus’ physical suffering, do we realize how terrible it must have been to endure all this.
Intense stress, sleepless night, unfair judgment, inhuman lashing, mocked and still having to carry his own instrument of death.
But even MORE So!
What “weighed” on His shoulders were our sins.
Isaiah prophesied:
Isa 53:5: “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” {King James Bible}
He was the sacrifice. Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Only God who became a man could reconcile men to God.
That’s why we say sacrifice was for love, because He had no sin, we did. If sin begets death, it was us who were to die, not Him.
So all your rot, all your evil thoughts and actions, all your rebellion against God.. this was all on Christ’s shoulders.
And He overcame not only sin but also death!.
When you think your life is too hard, that nothing is working, look at this picture and remember all that Jesus went through for the love of you. The punishment that brings us peace was upon HIM. THERE ARE NO EXCUSES!
Happy Easter Everyone! Christ is Risen, Alleluia!
The stone has been rolled away. Jesus is risen and reigns as the Prince of Peace forever. Enjoy celebrating the risen Christ with your loved ones today. Celebrate, knowing that He has come that we may have life; life to the full.
May this Easter bring joy and happiness to all my beautiful friends.
YOU! Yes you… this is for you! 💗
You all are a special part of me, and I want to appreciate you on a triumphant day, like today.
May God bless you with the immense happiness of the world upon you and your family for now and always! Amen.
Yours truly,
Medeea G.
the Bible is a lie too. Jesus is Issa who was a Buddhist and Hindu monk and teacher.
The Bible is not perfect nor complete, e.g. the uninspired “Song of Solomon” in the Old Testament and the many inspired books to which reference is made, but that are not contained in the Bible. However, despite these imperfections and the fact that it has passed through the Cabal’s satanic religious order, i.e. the Vatican, it still contains much of the word of God and is beneficial for positive, religious instruction.
Your statement regarding Jesus (Yeshua, or whatever you want to call Him) demonstrates a lack of historical knowledge. I now see the wisdom in God bringing forth a second witness of Jesus Christ, i.e. the Book of Mormon. This book is a religious history of a branch of the House of Israel from about 600 B.C. to roughly 421 A.D. These ancient prophets knew of the coming of Jesus, who subsequently visited them after His resurrection. It is the greatest testimony of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, that can be found on the Earth. I strongly recommend that you prayerfully read this inspired book that was written by prophets of God and translated into English by a modern day prophet of God. You can find it online at:
There is only one God. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit acting as one God. Welcome to the real world.
Read the New Testament. The Nicene creed was a pagan concoction with Christian names attached to it. If you’ve ever read the New Testament, you can’t possibly believe that the three persons in the Godhead are one substance. What did the Savior say to Mary when she discovered the resurrected Savior: John 20:17 – “Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.” There are examples after examples after examples in the New Testament that demonstrate clearly that the three members of the Godhead are three individuals. They are one in purpose, but NOT one in substance. I’ve read the New Testament dozens and dozens of times – cover to cover. Give it a try; read the New Testament!
We have many interpretations of scriptures here, both in the article and the comments. What is wonderful is that we all agree that He is risen. His Atonement, which involved pain and suffering beyond the understanding of man, appeased the demands of justice, such that the repentant, that come unto Him, are forgiven of their sins and will inherit a glory with our Father, and His Son, and the Holy Ghost. All He asks of us is that we have a broken heart and a contrite spirit, which leads to a serious life long effort of repentance of our sins, both sins of commission as well as sins of omission. Happy Easter to all. Let us rejoice in this day, for He is Risen.
Wow, The amount of Indoctrination of religion. The religious Industrial complex has brainwashed you. Jesus never was crucified That was a lie by the Roman’s. And his name is not even Jesus. It’s yeshua, We’re his teaching was great but he was a MAN. never said worship Me, Be Like Me. be unconditional loving, but yall worship this MAN. If you actually did research you would have known Jesus came from the word Hailzues, who was who Zues who also has been know as Enlil from the sumerian tablets Enlil who has also gone by the name Yahweh. Yahweh an evil person who hated humans. who pretended to be God. Some of yall don’t know what you are worshipping. All biblical scriptures come from tablets, Sumerian tablets, apocrypha texts, and the person who made your canonized Bible plagiarized and took bits and pieces and made into a book that has lies, with fear, darkness,sprinkled with tiny bits of truth. There is some good stuff but alot of dark. Alot of brainwashing. Alot of stuff left out on purpose. The purpose to control the masses. People don’t do research or ever apply themselves or ever question. When your born your given a name, race, and usually 9 times out of 10 a religion, and you spend your entire life defending a false identity.
Please learn English. In your last sentence you stated: “When your born your given a name…”. Had I written something like that – even in grade school – I would have been soundly corrected and/or receive an “F”, if it were a submitted paper!
The word “your” is a possessive pronoun, whereas “you’re” is a contraction of “you are”. An educated person would have written “When you’re born, you’re given a name…” Also note that a comma is used to set of a dependent clause.
Your childish illiteracy begs the question as to the veracity of anything you wrote above that illiterate statement. Had I written in such broken, poor English when I applied to MIT, I never would have gotten accepted. P.S. I graduated in Physics from M.I.T.
He is Risen Indeed Madeea!! This time HE will stay with us for a 1000 years! We love you dear Jesus!! Thank You for love and forgiveness!!
Hate to break this bubble of worshipping the risen Christ, but the Bible nowhere in it says to worship the risen Messiah. Easter is NOT Biblical. Read it and all will see that Christ was Jewish and followed the Jewish Holy Days. This time of the year we are to look to WHY Jesus was sacraficed and that would be the PASSOVER AND DAYS OF UNLEAVENED BREAD. Christ was the Word from the beginning with GOD the Father. He was the second Adam . He had to become SIN for us and die a HORIBLE DEATH for the forgivness of our PAST SINS to reconcile us to The Father, who is the Head of the Son. So many of man’s holidays as worshipped as God’s true Holy Days (Easter, Christmas especially). These Holy Days of God were given to Moses to give to the people thousands of years ago. We are to honor Christ’s sacrafice not by focusing on His rising from the dead BUT being HUMBLED by what He and the Father did for us pathetic humans. The Father had to sacrifice His Only Son who suffered and died for us puny sinful humans who are just ‘worms’ with satan’s nature in a world being destroyed by the god of this world (satan). We all need to be humbled and contrite before God and His Son so that we can be resurrected from death if we die to be part of the God Family Vision. Christ was just the first of the firstfruits. Many sons will be forthcoming soon into the Family. Please need to know that the Roman church has defiled the Truths of God. People need to understand that Sunday is NOT the Sabbath. God and the Word, who was God (there were 2) created man in their image (Elohim) means 2. They both rested on the Sabbath, the 7th day of the week, not the 1st! Mankind has been following these things for over 1500 years because the Roman church changed everything and all the churches that came out of her (all denominations) are really still following along. The vatican is SO EVIL and has been. Read Revelations and hear what this church is called: MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT. This church has fornicated with her lovers. It has been a church-state combine through the centuries and is called The Holy Roman Empire, which has risen 6 times on to the world scene and is getting ready to rise again today. There will be a 7th soon oon the world stage and
Germany will lead it again just as in WWI and WW2. This is Bible prophecy in Revelations. Most local ministers don’t want to talk about this because many don’t understand. We all need to understand. Christ wants us to know in the latter days perilous times will come. We are in those latter days. All of us need to humble ourselves and ask forgiveness of our sins NOW and not to sin. We are suppose to be growing and learning to think DEEPLY on what God wants us to be. May God have mercy on us all.
Wonderful story Medeea, thank you!
He Lives and sits at the right hand of YHWH!
Have a very blessed Resurrection Day!
The AMA was created by big pharm elites, why in the world should anyone believe any of the propaganda that organization says? “Jesus was in deep distress and sweating blood”, that would be a sin. That would mean he didn’t believe his father wouldn’t save him. They say that phrase to have all readers be held captive and fear those who enslave/dictate. I would think he would have been happy knowing his mission was almost complete and he would be heading home to the father very soon. I have also read that the “sweat of blood” was the crown of thorns piercing his head, bleeding and combining with his sweat. It’s been warm this week, so it must have been for him too 3 days before this date of his rising.
“doctors recognize this feature as hematidrosis”, of course they did. Big pharm told them to give such a concept a name to legitimize it, and validate the experience they are dictating of his mindset, his fear. I wonder if big pharm still dictate to doctors today? hmmm….
That pic of the “sculpture” of his back exposing his back bones, if all his muscles were torn like that, there’s no way he would have been able to carry anything, let alone a huge thick cross like that. Certainly part of the church’s over dramatization and fear installation.
Happy Risen Day to you and family Medeea, we all appreciate all that you do, even though some, including myself can be harsh at times, but we know often, you are just the messenger, and operations are still underway. Your constant dedication is seen and appreciated. In the end, you help others to know, because knowledge is power and the truth shall set us all free, especially by all of us coming together and loving one another and working towards a common goal of freedom and prosperity!
@GB – Yes, there are many messengers, but most messengers “project their opinions” rather than scriptural facts.
We, the living, can speculate the outcome of Jesus’ death based upon the “words” and “visions” written by our ancestors in the Bible, the people who were eyewitnesses to Jesus’ death.
People today, as people centuries ago, sweat blood by “intense pain.” The intensity causes blood arteries to burst from the dermis (layer 2) and hypodermis (layer 3) skin layers.
I speculate Jesus bled by “PAIN of GRIEF” after Father God revealed to Jesus the human suffering from 33AD to end times. Father God sacrificed Himself / Jesus in the flesh for His “beloved offspring humans.”
Father Jesus is perfect and humanity is imperfect, therefore, humanity repents by prayer to be cleansed before approaching Him in dialog.
Father Jesus said He imaged Himself and His laws upon His “beloved offspring humans” brain, heart, and spirit. He also says He lives in humans’ brain, heart, and spirit IF Satan is not present there. So, closeness to Father Jesus is reading His Holy Word, discerning Truth, asking Him questions, and obeying His laws to embrace His “imaged” morals, ethics, values, beliefs, and behaviors.
Father Jesus PROFILED seven (7) evil behaviors that He warns His “beloved offspring humans” not to imitate in Proverbs 6:16-19.
Humanity should memorize the seven evil behaviors; firstly, to avoid imitating the evil behaviors, and secondly, to know instantly whoever imitates evil, SATAN lives within them, not Father Jesus.