A Historic Union: NESARA and GESARA Join Forces to Usher in a New Golden Age – Learn About the Global Gold-Standard Monetary System, Wealth Proliferation, and the End of Poverty
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“The End of Poverty, The End of Debt, The Beginning of a New Golden Age!”
Get ready to say farewell to poverty, hunger, and debt as we know them! The most epic financial transformation in history is unfolding right before our eyes. With NESARA and GESARA joining forces, we are on the cusp of a new Golden Age that promises global prosperity and lasting peace for all! A revolution is brewing, and it’s like nothing you’ve ever imagined.
NESARA Joins Forces with GESARA: A Union for a New World Order
In a development that could only be termed groundbreaking, NESARA (National Economic Security and Recovery Act), a long-proposed but never-enacted financial reform plan for the United States, has finally found its true match—GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act). Yes, you read that right! These two comprehensive reform plans have converged in a monumentous union that will shake the very foundations of our global economy.
By unifying their destinies, NESARA and GESARA are setting the stage for an unprecedented metamorphosis that will reverberate across 206 sovereign nations. Think about it: Two incredibly ambitious plans focused on creating a better world are now united under a single banner. If that doesn’t get your pulse racing, I don’t know what will!
A Global Gold-Standard Monetary System: The Game-Changer
Picture this: the International Monetary Fund (IMF) makes an epochal announcement that a “global gold-standard monetary system” is now operational. What does that mean? No more paper money! All remaining fiat currencies will be exchanged for gold-backed currency, effectively replacing the debt-based financial system that has plunged nations into insurmountable debt for years.

This seismic shift means the end of currency manipulation and a complete overhaul of the global economic framework. But what’s more exciting is the accelerated push toward digital currencies—cryptocurrencies that are also backed by gold. The Bitcoin freaks and blockchain nerds have been preaching this for years, and finally, the mainstream is catching up!
Transition Rooted in Simplicity: Making The Complex Simple
You might be wondering, “How can such a gargantuan shift happen seamlessly?” Oh, you skeptics! Rest assured, the architects behind this transformation have ensured that the transition is rooted in the utter simplicity of a well-oiled machine.
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Imagine a financial system so secure that it is hosted on a quantum server, virtually unhackable and immune to unauthorized access. That’s not science fiction; it’s the backbone of the new financial world. This system has been quietly operational for months, undergoing rigorous testing and refinements to ensure that when it’s time to flip the switch, everything will unfold like a perfectly choreographed dance.
Wealth Proliferation: When Money Meets Humanity
The transformation goes beyond mere numbers. Wealth proliferation is the cornerstone of this new era. With a gold-backed financial system, we are likely to see the rise of new wealth holders who are more inclined to invest in humanitarian efforts. That’s right: money doesn’t always have to be the root of all evil; in this new paradigm, it becomes a tool for uplifting communities and nations.
By redistributing wealth and resources more equitably, we can finally tackle poverty and hunger, once and for all. This is not a utopian fantasy; this is a pragmatic strategy for a new Golden Age where prosperity becomes the new normal.
If you’ve made it this far, you’re already part of history in the making. Get ready to ditch those debt shackles, wave goodbye to poverty, and embrace a world teeming with opportunities, harmony, and above all—wealth for all!
The End of Poverty, The End of Debt, The Beginning of a New Golden Age! This is not a drill, people! NESARA and GESARA have joined forces, and the dawn of a new world is upon us. Buckle up, because this is going to be a hell of a ride!
The Ground-Breaking Wealth-Building Mechanisms
A tidal wave of change is approaching. The demand for skilled workers may shoot through the roof, and while some may see this as a challenge, it’s truly a disguised boon. This demand will invariably push up wages and salaries. Think about it: when workers are paid more, they spend more, and when they spend more, economies flourish.
What further amplifies this economic renaissance is the revolutionary drop in prices resulting from tax cuts. Imagine products becoming cheaper by up to 80% just because of reduced taxation. But that’s not all. Energy, which forms the backbone of most industries, is about to see a monumental shift with the introduction of free-energy technologies. This not only means more sustainability but also contributes significantly to deflation.
A Future So Bright, It’s Blinding!
When you picture the future, don’t just think about the predictable advancements. Instead, envision a world where suppressed technologies of yore see the light of day. There’s talk about the untouched waters of Antarctica being channeled to arid regions. Such pristine waters have the potential to give life to barren areas and completely revamp ecosystems.
As if that’s not exhilarating enough, imagine living in a world where Replicators can manufacture just about anything! And what if I told you that the true potential of our mind, its ability to bring our deepest desires to fruition, is about to be universally recognized? We’re not just talking metaphysics here. Tangible, palpable changes like real healthcare that can rejuvenate our bodies, even reverse aging by decades, are becoming realities.
Breaking Free from the Financial Quagmire
Over the centuries, money and conventional banking systems have been cleverly wielded by a select few to manipulate the masses. But the winds of change are howling. With the introduction of NESARA and GESARA, these age-old tools of control are set to become obsolete. Interestingly, coins will remain relevant.
Picture this: a world where the towering national debts that have loomed over countries are eradicated. And instead of the complicated and sometimes draconian tax systems, a straightforward flat sales tax of around 15% on new items is introduced. Sounds like a fantasy? Think again.
Crumbling the Global Elite’s Pyramid
There’s an age-old structure that has silently governed the world – a pyramid where the global elite sit comfortably at the pinnacle, with governments and corporations just beneath them. This structure is an antithesis to equality, ensuring that scarcity and division remain constant realities. But its days are numbered.
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Spiritual evolution isn’t about accumulating wealth or material possessions. It’s about transcending them. With free energy, groundbreaking transportation means, and Replicators becoming universally accessible, the dream of true equality is within grasp. No longer will individuals be shackled by mundane concerns. The pursuit of passion, self-reflection, and creativity will become the norm. The concept of hoarding? Rendered utterly obsolete.
Envisioning an Advanced Civilization
When the concerns of food, shelter, and transport become tales of yesteryears, you know humanity has taken a giant leap forward. With NESARA and GESARA as the driving forces, we’re on the precipice of entering an era of unmatched prosperity, boundless freedom, and uninhibited innovation.
Picture a world where the human spirit isn’t burdened by materialistic woes. Where every individual, irrespective of their background, has an equal shot at success. That’s the promise of this transformative shift.
Exciting News About QFS: All Banks are Transitioning Over Into the QFS – Start Getting Hold of the ISO 20022 XLM and XRP – 7 Billion People Will Inevitably Transition to the QFS
The world is on the brink of an unprecedented financial revolution, and the powerhouses of the banking sector are quaking in their boots. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is here, and it’s changing EVERYTHING. Prepare yourselves, the revolution has begun!
In the grand tapestry of time, every once in a while, humanity faces a seismic shift. A revolution so profound that the world is never the same again. We’re standing at the precipice of such a moment. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is not merely a new buzzword – it’s the dawn of a new era. The big banks knew this day would come, but they tried to hide it from us. No more!
Read the full article HERE:https://amg-news.com/exciting-news-about-qfs-all-banks-are-transitioning-over-into-the-qfs-start-getting-hold-of-the-iso-20022-xlm-and-xrp-7-billion-people-will-inevitably-transition-to-the-qfs-video/
Also: A New List of Banks That are Connected to The QFS System or are Being Connected – QFS + RTGS Trust The Plan! – https://amg-news.com/boom-a-new-list-of-banks-that-are-connected-to-the-qfs-system-or-are-being-connected-qfs-rtgs-trust-the-plan/
WARNING: Watching The Following Video Will Give You Access To Knowledge The Government Does NOT Want You To Know About
It’s BQQM Time. The Great Finale. Cryptic Message (Must See)
As the ominous clouds of a possible ‘Scare Event’ gather over our horizon, it’s high time we, the citizens of this global community, unite. With potential threats looming – a nuclear false flag, a strategic blackout, cyber attacks – we need to keep our resolve unshaken.
We must trust in the benevolent force, in God, and stay on mission. Indeed, the storm is approaching, but so is the dawn of a new era. It’s ‘BQQM Time’ and it promises a grand finale. Brace yourselves, for we are entering a phase of immense transformation. . .
Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/its-bqqm-time-the-great-finale-cryptic-message-must-see/
Also: BOOM! The Trump Political Revolution Has Truly Begun: Deep State gone, Declassify Assassination Documents on JFK, RFK, Malcolm X, and MLK Jr. (video) – https://amg-news.com/boom-the-trump-political-revolution-has-truly-begun-deep-state-gone-declassify-assassination-documents-on-jfk-rfk-malcolm-x-and-mlk-jr-video/
Good afternoon:
I want to know how I can find out if I need to get KLM and XRP ISO 20022 from QFS / GCR
You can help me please ! I am in Germany!
Thanks you very much for your kind help !
Yours Trully
Rosita Welcker