Are You Awake, Or Are You Still Sleeping In The Matrix? It’s Time To Wake Up Now!
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Are you awake or dozing off in the comfort of your artificially simulated reality, oblivious to the orchestrated symphony of global events? It’s high time we jolted our consciousness and pierced through the clandestine operations at work, fabricating our reality.
In a world where digital media pulsates with fear-inducing headlines, where global events echo ominously similar patterns, and where unseen hands are relentlessly toying with our realities, it’s not just imperative, but existential, to question, to probe, and to WAKE UP.
Underneath the veneer of the mundane, there’s a whirlwind of socio-political maneuvering and machinations that’s shaping our future – one that’s closely tied to Climate Change, the Great Reset Agenda 2030, and a series of uncanny coincidences that are too conspicuous to be just ‘coincidences.’
A couple of weeks back, amid a barrage of partisan bickering, the global powers passed a controversial Bill targeting the Climate Change Agenda. Almost simultaneously, the World Economic Forum (WEF) announced its decision to expedite its ambitious Great Reset Agenda 2030. Suddenly, the global weather patterns escalated to what are being termed as ‘NEVER SEEN BEFORE’ conditions.
Coincidence? Perhaps. Or maybe not.
Only a short while back, Tucker Carlson, the famed political commentator, dedicated an entire episode on his show discussing the audacious proposal of Bill Gates – to Dim the Sun with Chemical Clouds. Sounds like something straight out of a dystopian sci-fi, right? Yet, that’s precisely what Solar Geo-Engineering is all about – Altering our Climate using toxic clouds to eclipse the sun.
And as we look up into the sky today, across Canada and the USA, it seems as though the whimsical proposition has turned into a stark reality. The sky is shrouded in ominous toxic clouds that are relentlessly blocking the sun.
Eerily, this echoes the tactics of the media during the COVID-19 pandemic. Then, the media outlets unabashedly leveraged fear-mongering and scare tactics to control the masses. The result? A frightened populace, eagerly clutching onto any solution thrown their way by their government. It’s the age-old stratagem of Problem, Reaction, Solution.
We saw it with COVID – a panic-induced problem, a desperate public reaction, and the solution? Vaccines, lockdowns, travel restrictions, and more. Now, with the smokescreen of the Fake Fires, the media is reverting to their fear-mongering playbook, inundating us with dire predictions of attacks by dangerous toxic smoke.
So, why this apocalyptic portrayal? To instill fear. To make us plead for their prescribed solution – the Climate Change solution, the Great Reset, the Green New Deal, Social Carbon Credit schemes, and a host of other initiatives designed to further their goals while stripping us of our freedoms.
Let’s delve deeper. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Governments, the WHO, and Big Pharma (Big Diabetes Lie Presentation From the Doctors), found themselves grappling with the side-effects of the vaccines. They were a hodgepodge of maladies – cancer, respiratory illnesses, heart conditions, headaches, to name a few. Now, in an uncanny twist of fate, the side-effects of the ‘Fake Fires’ smoke bear an eerie resemblance to the aftermath of the COVID vaccines. A bizarre overlap, wouldn’t you say?

With COVID, we saw a flurry of unprecedented restrictions – ‘Health Emergency’ declarations, ‘Stay Home, Stay Safe’ mandates, lockdowns, mandatory masks, and a significant shutdown of our everyday life. Now, as we reel under the ‘Fake Fire Smoke’ event, the script reads eerily similar – only now it’s termed as a ‘Climate Emergency.’ They’ve even got the same narrative playing out in the media: ‘Stay home to stay safe, wear a mask, fear the air you breathe…’
And in the middle of all this chaos, it’s Ascension time – the period of the Great Solar Flash event also known as the Great Awakening. This is when the LIGHT returns to Earth, brightening our world and enlightening human consciousness.
The sun has been brighter than ever since the solstice on the 21st of June. Yet, since that exact time, there have been reports of ‘supposedly’ massive fires in Canada that are blocking this very light all over Canada and the USA.
And what do we get in the end? A dangerous, hazardous smoke that eerily resembles scenes from the 2007 movie “The Mist.” Predictive programming? Or just another of the many ‘coincidences’?
When you start seeing too many ‘coincidences,’ it becomes impossible to simply shrug them off as mere happenstance. More likely than not, they’re all part of a planned scheme, and we’re merely pawns on this global chessboard.
The bottom line is, we’ve been scammed! Now, more than ever, it’s time to shake off our apathy and WAKE UP. The question is, are you awake or still lulled by the deceptive tranquility of the matrix?
So, let’s break free from this fabricated reality, this deceit, this illusion. Let’s reclaim our world, our freedom, and our future. The time is now.
Remember, the ultimate rebellion in a world of deception is the truth. It’s really time to WAKE UP NOW!
Are you awake, or are you still sleeping in the matrix?
Woke up years ago and now totally fed up with it all. Just get the truth out, those who refuse to believe it will never believe it so just get on with it already.
beyond time to wake up..if your still sleeping you deserve all you get!
Another Excellent presentation . . . THANK YOU Meedea!
I woke up a long time ago and I see this stupid and endless theater from the White Hats. They seem to be at war with someone. And this has been going on for four years now. They have made people’s lives worse. With all sorts of gambling games on the Internet, they deceive people on an unprecedented scale. It’s impossible to win them. They are controlled by AI programs. All governments have long been replaced by doppelgänger actors. They kill people with vaccines. The mass death of people will begin soon