Bombshell!!! UPDATE 2025: DECLAS, Indictments, Arrests, and Executions – Unraveling the Deep State Agenda – ‘We Have It All’ ~Q”
Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!
BOOM! The date is January 5th, 2025, and it’s time to unveil the monumental update you’ve all been waiting for: The List of Indictments, Arrests, and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles for the Entire Year of 2023! This is not just another report; this is DECLAS at its finest, the Great Awakening in full swing.
With Trump firmly in control of the nation, the wheels of justice are turning like never before. Military tribunals are packed to capacity, delivering verdicts on treason of the highest order. The guilty now face the fate they have long evaded, and the storm is hitting with unrelenting force.
Stay tuned—this explosive update will leave no stone unturned. The truth is here, the reckoning is now, and the Deep State’s time is up. Welcome to the Awakening!
All Royalties Have Either Been Removed, Arrested, Or Executed Around The World
All Prime Ministers Have Either Been Removed, Arrested, Or Executed Around The World
Start Looking For An Honest Conservative To Elect Prime Minister In Your Country
In a world shrouded in secrecy, where hidden powers have manipulated and controlled the course of history, a seismic revolution is unfolding beneath the surface. The fall of the Cabal, an elusive group that has held humanity captive for decades, is not a spectacle for the masses, but a covert operation that will forever change the course of our world.
Welcome to the age of truth, where the secrets are unveiled, the traitors are exposed, and justice is served – even if the world remains unaware of its own transformation.
The darkness that has loomed over humanity for far too long is finally being dispelled, revealing a sinister network of conspirators who have orchestrated crimes against humanity on a scale unimaginable. As whispers of treason and covert operations circulate, a list of indictments, arrests, and executions emerges from the shadows, offering a glimpse into a realm previously hidden from the public eye.
The list stands as a testament to the heinous deeds committed against the innocent. Those who once wielded power with impunity now find themselves facing the consequences of their actions. This compilation includes figures once revered by society – politicians, celebrities, and influential individuals whose crimes have rocked the very foundations of trust.
Unveiling the Justice: Arrests and Executions
The wheels of justice may turn slowly, but their momentum is unrelenting. The revolution against the Cabal has resulted in a wave of arrests and executions that have sent shockwaves through the deepest corridors of power. The intricate web of betrayal is being meticulously unraveled, laying bare the true nature of those who swore to protect and serve.
In the darkness of the clandestine operations, a whispered deal emerged – a pact with those who possessed damning information. In exchange for divulging critical intelligence, a promise of a merciful end awaited them. Death with dignity or a life confined to a cell, the traitors were left with a choice that would seal their fates.
No one is safe from the reckoning that is sweeping across the globe. Even the most powerful figures, who once believed themselves untouchable, have been unmasked and held accountable for their actions. The revelations expose the extent to which the Cabal’s influence extended, reaching into the heart of governments and institutions.
As the walls close in, even the most iconic figures have been brought to justice. A notable example is the shocking unraveling of Michelle and Barack Obama’s legacy. The betrayal and treachery that lay beneath the surface were exposed, leading to a series of events that ultimately sealed their fates.
The shadowy world of clandestine operations took an unprecedented turn with the activation of AI clones and doubles. The deep state’s minions, once puppets in the hands of the Cabal, now find themselves at the service of an unexpected leader – former President Donald Trump. This surreal twist in the narrative marks a turning point in the revolution.
Decoding the Truth: DECLAS and the Awakening. As the masses remain blissfully unaware, a grand spectacle unfolds before their eyes – a carefully orchestrated performance meant to expose hidden players and unveil a reality previously obscured. The DECLAS initiative serves as both a testament to victory and a revelation of the intricate power dynamics that have shaped our world.
What’s The Most Powerful Manifesting Force On The UNIVERSE? “Is it vibration?” “Visualization?” “Gratitude?” NO, IT’S THIS…
“Crime of the Century”: Reclaim Your Natural Immunity: Rise Against Mandatory Vaccines, Toxic Food, Contaminated Water, and Crush Big Pharma’s Tyranny – Reclaim Your Health Now!
EXCLUSIVE! Try Nikola Tesla’s Divine Code “369” for 30 Seconds & Watch What Happens Next…
Guides and Angels: Embracing the Presence of Spiritual Guides in Our Lives!
How does Melania Trump stay beautiful? All the First Lady’s beauty secrets REVEALED!
Do you Remember George H.W. Bush’s Funeral?
Do You Remember When all The Members of The Cabal Were Handed Envelopes?
A New One Theory Just Surfaced…
We are watching a movie! Enjoy the show!
Conclusion: A World Transformed
The revolution against the Cabal is a testament to the power of truth, justice, and the indomitable spirit of humanity. As the secrets crumble and the darkness lifts, we stand on the precipice of a new era – an era defined by transparency, accountability, and the unyielding pursuit of justice. The crimes against humanity will forever serve as a reminder of the lengths to which some will go to retain power, but they will also stand as a testament to the triumph of light over darkness.
There will be no civil war and patriots have no colour! United We Are Strong! Thank you for reading, like, comment, subscribe. Please join the conversation it’s free!
The End of the World as we Know it – The Fall of the Cabal: ‘Arrests and Executions’. “We Have It All” ~Q!
To some here, the following will take time ..
But will certainly give context to why the OP here is plausible ..
Then check out Dr. Burton’s youtube channel ..
His stuff is not being banned because it is speculative history ..
When one begins to understand the ancient context, then these lists become the more plausible ..
The “underworld” is real ..
It is not fantasy ..
What people of history have done to achieve power and fame will shock most ..
The man had 4 years to at least get the “Clinton” off the board
take you don’t need 4 years. Press the “button”
We live in a society where politicians openly admit their crimes in the media and next run for president.
It’s us who allow the crooks to enslave and rob us, what an irony.
The judiciary has no interest in justice.
Justice comes from the television, everything else is fake news.
What,s going on in the real world is hidden and completely ignored, just like building 7.
Freedom costs, power cannot be obtained from the judiciary.
They are butcher-mass murderer-terrorist-traitor-cannibals (Hannibal Lecter is
an auxiliary student) among the top 300 families,Capital crimes and high treason requirement to get entry to the Club it is and contact, you can not come with general attorney lawyers.
The man was a submissive awkward boxing doll for 4 years everyone was allowed to
hit it without fear of consequences. They showed him off like one
School boys and now let him jump through hoops … no more
nice that, he has the entire power of the “JSOC” he only needs one hit
mark and the rest is Hilary ehh History.
Look at Prince Mohammed ibne Salman, he only needs a consulate
as a slaughterhouse and in the afternoon 3pm tea-time at Macron … that’s how it works.
They are butcher-mass murderer-terrorist-traitor-cannibals (Hannibal Lecter is
an auxiliary student) among the top 300 families,Capital crimes and high treason requirement to get entry to the Club it is and contact, you can not come with general attorney lawyers, they whistle the same song. They don’t even think about to commit crime.
Freedom justice costs blood Leonidas and his 300 already knew that
I can see a mask being made to put onto someone to make it appear that they are that person, but the fact remains, these people some of them are on tv every day, so this is so far-fetched! Joe Diffie, died of covid or complications thereof…last year…so there’s no way this list is accurate! Unless his death was to appear as though he died from coronavirus 19….George Soros, well I don’t know about that either, that guy has the clout to protect himself from being arrested and detained at GITMO…just saying…I think this needs to be Facts and where the facts came from, we need to see actual warrants for their arrest…just saying… and photos of them at GITMO, no photoshopping or anything, it be the legit deal!
Janet L Smith– when the US Military comes for you- There’s no fight.
I don’t think there are warrants when Military Tribunals are involved just like I’m not sure you can summon your Attorneys there & it’s like a bench trial where there’s no jury of peers.
There have been over 200,000 sealed indictments ready to be unsealed for 4 years and they’re getting more every day. Up to 99 people can be on each indictment. Secret Grand Juries have been cranking them out. You’re only now seeing famous names. There have been thousands of nameless creeps already executed for child trafficking.
Once they’re ready to be unsealed the Marines can arrest the person. Many have been very quietly done in plain clothes to prevent riots. These Covid deaths have been a cover for many of these creeps. They’re trying to maintain their phony reputations. Eventually it’ll all come out. McStain, RBG and GHW Bush had cover stories. Tom Hanks and his wife actually had a dangerous form of Covid but it was related to their use of Adrenochrome (that’s a whole other story). They’ve been executed.
Sorry to burst everyone’s bubble. I was hoping it was true but in addition to Biden and Schumer on the TV news, I saw Dershowitz on Laura Ingraham live last night. Risen from the dead? I think not. Probably a “Wish List” someone has put together to scare the bejeebers out of the guilty, thinking they’re next. Prince Harry and Megan? the Queen?
Mr. Steele, I wish you would check the integrity of your posts before you allow them to be posted. It would give you more credibility. I’m very disappointed.
PS I’m NOT saying that I don’t believe those people are guilty as sin! I firmly believe they all are from the research I’ve done. I just don’t believe they are all dead….yet.
MarySF-theres plenty of information here and plenty of lists.All of them have been gone for some time. Their either clones or actors etc.You can tell everytime Biden opens his mouth…I check in every 2 days to keep up with the info…
Hard for me to believe every one on this list is dead or waiting for trial..Nancy Pelosi still breathing and Chuck Schumer still walking aroudn
Sorry to burst everyone’s bubble. I was hoping it was true but in addition to Biden and Schumer on the TV news, I saw Dershowitz on Laura Ingraham live last night. Risen from the dead? I think not. Probably a “Wish List” someone has put together to scare the bejeebers out of the guilty, thinking they’re next. Prince Harry and Megan? the Queen?
Mr. Steele, I wish you would check the integrity of your posts before you allow them to be posted. It would give you more credibility. I’m very disappointed.
None of this is true. If you seriously gave this any thought and it left you disappointed, well, you also seriously need some help deprogramming on March 5, 2021.
Mary. You need to do better research and use your eyes. CGI, doubles and clones are everywhere. The Royals are dead. So is the pope. Disappointment without knowledge is for losers. Sorry to burst your disappointment.
Look s like nobody in the lists dis-agreed why I am dead? Am sure they have seen this lists also if they are alive and refuted if indeed they are alive. Can anyone comment that some are still alive in the lists and have seen them roaming around???
Looks like the entire cast of ‘Friends’ have been executed. I was a little bummed about Nicholas Cage, I liked him in ‘Valley girl’
Prunes assist in crop dusting.
I found a mistake Kylie Kardashian should be Jenner and where is Kendall Jenner’s name ?
I always did wonder why some of the celebrities looked a little different then before.
Keep us the great work!
What happens to the clones when it all is over
That’s my question!!! How do we know they didn’t trade places with the clone? Like in the movie “The Island.” These people need to be stopped and brought to justice. How do the clones continue running the business in congress? So many questions.
The Jewish Space Lasers come along and take them out! Poof, gone!
There are a few different kinds of clones. The clones don’t have souls. They don’t have full mental faculties and are controlled by handlers. They don’t last more than a year or two before they begin to physically and mentally break down. That’s why Biden was such a mess. He’s a little better now. That’s a clone and it’s been replaced more than once. They’ll either be executed, imprisoned or possibly reprogrammed depending upon what they’ve done. But they don’t live long either way.
I hope it is B.S.–but I learned about Satanic child abuse in 1996 when Dem Presidential candidate published a book no one else would touch called The Franklin Cover-up. Franklin was a failed savings & loan bank. The burning room, baby murder at Christmas, sodomy with Kissinger and George Bush, etc. Asked a psychologist about it–she has worked with cases and assured me it was real. It is NOT NEW–the Old Testament talks about murdering children for gods.
Here is my question in a totally different direction when questioning the truth of this article…I have seen this stuff out for a while, at least since November and have any of you asked yourselves “WHY HASN’T ANY OF THESE PEOPLE ON THESE LISTS RESPONDED IN COMMENTS TO ANY OF THE ARTICLES OR ON TV DEBUNKING IT THEMSELVES OR SAYING HEY HELOO THIS ISN’T TRUE AND I’M ALIVE??” or how about any of their close friends or family members debunking these articles ???? Anyone have proof that someone has I would like to see it 🙂
Because they don’t GAF about some murder fantasy porn website & the nuts that believe this shit
I believe it. I just want to know why President Trump hasn’t become the 19th President already if everyone has been killed? Who is trying him in DC? Do Lindsay Graham, Ted Cruz, and these others not know what is happening? Why were FBI agents killed today in Florida? Why is the military still in DC? Aren’t they supposed to be running the country right now?
March 4th is the inauguration date according to the Constitution, so we will see than.
Have you read the Constitution? I’m sure you are all for the second amendment, right? So then by that logic you must realize that the January 20th inauguration date IS constitutional via the 2oth amendment. You can’t cherry pick.
Passed by Congress March 2, 1932. Ratified January 23, 1933.
Note: Article I, section 4, of the Constitution was modified by section 2 of this amendment. In addition, a portion of the 12th amendment was superseded by section 3.
Section 1.
The terms of the President and the Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d day of January, of the years in which such terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the terms of their successors shall then begin.
Section 2.
The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall begin at noon on the 3d day of January, unless they shall by law appoint a different day….
Wake up!! The ORIGINAL US Constitution was bastardized in 1871 by Congess, who sold us out in return for bank funding because the country was broke. They CHANGED the US Constitution without telling the public. It was renamed the Constitution OF The United States instead of FOR the United States and threw a few wrenches into their agreement. At that point we became a CORPORATION. You became an ASSET of that corporation. You were SOLD the day they signed your birth certificate, and have been sold as chattel many times since. SINCE 1871 WE HAVE PAID 80% OF ALL OUR INCOME TAXES TO THE ROTHSCHILDS AND 20% TO THE BRITISH CROWN.
The United States of America under this bogus 1871 Constitution is again BROKE. DEFUNCT. GONE. China and the UA recently called in their loans. The only money the US had left was our Federal employees’ pensions. They’re GONE.
HOWEVER, Maestro Trump had already quietly placed us BACK on the ORIGINAL Constitution in 2019. We haven’t been under this bogus rule of law since then. Biden is PRESIDENT OF NOTHING. The military is currently in command along with DONALD J. TRUMP, our 19th PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. WAKE THE HELL UP.
OK, sure Qaren. So, I’m curious what your response will be when this does NOT happen.
To tell the truth, I never ran up against that corporation story until quite recently, you’re about the only person so far who’s given me some real detail.
By the way, I’m not one of those brainwashed sleepers, I scored 99 percentile in my ACT in history and CLEPped out of a couple history subjects with nigh-perfect test scores, and I had been lucky enough to run across John A. Stormer’s “None Dare Call It Treason” and Phyllis Schlafly’s “A Choice, Not an Echo” to known better than to trust the media or John Dewey’s public school system at face value (even prior to that, I noticed a disconnect between my history textbook’s worshipful attitude toward FDR and his New Deal and the lack of anything concrete that would show how these events ended the Depression). However, I am rather curious about this 1871 incorporation. I know that the U.S. and Great Britain warmed up amazingly cordially after the War of 1812 within a short time, that’s when the U.S.-Canada border was settled with an agreed-on joint occupation of Oregon Country, and the Monroe Doctrine enforcement was bolstered by the cooperation of the British Navy. However, it seems it didn’t take long for Anglo-American relations to curdle again, as General Andrew Jackson’s handling of Florida and his ascension to the presidency was a provocation to the British all by itself (Jackson never forgot or forgave the British for the suffering he and his family underwent under British occupation of the Carolinas during the Revolution), and his anointed successor James Knox Polk did some saber-rattling over Oregon before agreeing peacefully to split Oregon by extending the 1818 border parallel to the ocean, while actually going to war with Mexico to annex Texas and California (probably to ensure the British didn’t grab that Mexican territory for itself). It didn’t help that Americans tended to show more than a little sympathy for Ireland (and Irish invasions of Canada), while British grew ever more unhappy over America’s slavery (such as during Charles Dickens’ visit), particularly since Southern states tended to regard free black sailors on shore leave from British vessels as a provocation and tossed them in jail, which went over with the British just as well as it did with Americans when the British impressed their sailors into its Navy. Of course, the Civil War stretched Anglo-American relations to the breaking point. I knew that the U.S. bought Alaska as a gesture of friendship toward Russia, but even I wasn’t aware of until now WHY Seward was willing to endure critics storming about buying an “icebox” to satisfy Russian desire to keep Alaska out of Canadian hands, and why Seward must have taken great satisfaction at the angry storm of criticism he got from the British as well–the Russian Navy ACTUALLY PROTECTED AMERICA’S COASTS when both Great Britain and France were threatening to intervene on the side of the Confederacy, which Seward must have immensely appreciated, given his primary task as America’s Secretary of State was to avert such intervention. The point is, there would have been a lot of prominent Americans like Seward who wouldn’t have been in a mood to have anything to do with the British by 1871. I hadn’t heard anything about the American government being broke at that time–but on the other hand, it doesn’t sound inconceivable to me either. Both Washington and Richmond were unable to meet the challenge of financing the conflict at the start of the Civil War. The South never solved its financial woes, and ended the war destitute (and remained in poverty for decades after). Treasury Secretary Salmon Chase eventually put the war on a solid financial footing for the North–but at expense of future woes, such as issues in subsequent decades like Greenbacks and gold versus silver, and two major depressions. It’s not inconceivable for the British to take advantage of a nation’s financial woes to expand their colonial empire–even at the end of the century, as the U.S. and Britain nearly came to blows again over the British fleet trying to collect debts from Venezuela (it wasn’t until Anglophile Woodrow Wilson came to the White House that the Anglo-American superpower rivalry started to cool down again).
In the White House in 1871 was Ulysses Simpson Grant, who had been the general mainly responsible for winning the Civil War–while infamously burying and maiming a great many of his troops while doing it, so it wouldn’t figure he would want to give up his nation’s sovereignty and liberty after the price just paid to keep it. On the other hand, Grant may well have been an honest and well-meaning man who was simply way out of his depth as president (superb military man, but a total failure at civilian life). To lose American independence through sheer incompetence would not have been out of keeping with his scandal-ridden administration. Grant’s naivety in financial matters would end up reducing him from riches to rags a few years later, and Grant had to hand-write his memoirs while a fatal tumor swelled under his jaw, to assure his family would be provided for. But I’d really like to know more about how this incorporation came about.
P.S–While you might want to hope that all this talk of execution of European royals might prove out to be exaggerated–anybody acquainted at all with European history would be all too aware–it’s not like it hasn’t happened before.
Oops. Didn’t happen. What will the next excuse be?
First, there are still black hats all over the place in every level of society. They’re not even close to rounding them all up. We’re talking hundreds of thousands of criminals. That FBI agent was set up probably from within the agency. Second, as you can see from many of the responses here, a lot of people are still in a narcotic state of oblivion. The truths still to come out will shock the world and cause panic everywhere. The white hats are waking people up incrementally. The whole truth all at once would cause mass suicides and riots. They also want the leftist morons to wake up and see for themselves what insanity they voted for and feel the consequences so this never happens again. It’s also smoking out the cockroaches still hiding in the dark cracks. Biden is NOT in control of anything. It’s all a puppet show. You can’t tell most people hard truths. They have to discover it for themselves. Almost show time…
What is the date of the show? I’ll be sure to put it on my calendar.
Graham at one point was arrested and let go to help Trump. He asked Kavaugh during the confirmation hearings if tribunals are legal. Cruz may be in it himself, as he was believed to involved in a gang rape with other members of congress. It is believed that 93 of the 100 senate members have indictments.
I have read in the past they will all have due process under the law…….but when you put all the evidence of their crimes before them there is not much they can deny supposedly so in that case the trial is probably very quick…they can mount a defence but the evidence would be overwhelming I would expect………..the pedophiles charge would be “Crimes against Humanity” which would warrant Execution surely.
Start doing your own research. Take a dive into the rabbit hole. These people are sick. This is darkness to light. Did you see the Ship Mercy in NY amd California. It was not for covid. It was for the children in tunnels underground the military was bringing up. The mass graves in NY were the ones that didn’t make it being buried. Not the homeless from “covid”. This has been going on for decades. Children missing that were put on cartons of milk? Remember? Once your eyes are opened , you can never un see. Pray for our world. This is not just us it is world wide. The Vatican? wow.. I know I felt the same way some of you do. Like this can’t be real about what I was hearing. But I took the plunge . I needed to know. Look up pedophile symbols on duck duck go. Research pizzagate…It is real. God Bless us all… Thank you to our military and our President who was chosen by God and our military. We are in Biblical times. PRAY to our Lord and Savior. Hold on to your babies.
What a bunch of crap.
This reads like a movie script. People stop being so, so gullible. Confusion is the work of the enemy and this is exactly what this is intended to produce.
There is no ONE WOLRD bliss coming without Jesus Christ being physically present and that is NOT going to happen until after the great tribulation.
All this clone crap just tells me that many of you have been watching to many sci-fi movies.
May God really help us all to come back to reality.
That my friend comes from the media twisting and brainwashing everyone’s mind. Do not Google this stuff, try as your search engine and look up any of this stuff. You have to search and then other sites will reference other sites. Trust me, it all sounds like a sci-fy movie, but it has really been going on. Haven’t you ever wondered how these actors never get old? It is not all cosmetic surgery. Trust me, after a while, some things just don’t work. I saw Cher in Burlesque and she looked good, right down to the fact that she is still thin and no saggy skin. She is is almost 75. Sure she has had some botox and some facelifts, but that woman still looks good for her age and can still get around like someone much younger. That is the effect of Adrenochrome. Look at Jennifer Anniston. That woman is in her 50’s and hasn’t aged a bit. Her skin looks gorgeous and no wrinkles. These people do not age like we do and it is from the Adrenochrome. One pondering thought for you. How many children go missing each year? There are a lot of pedophile rings out there and they are quick to snatch up kids and then they are gone.
You don’t have to take anyone’s word here. That choice is up to you. That is what is great about being an American and having our rights right now to have our own opinions and able to speak our minds. I sure hope we never lose that. When it all comes out that we are right, then I would like for you to buy me a hot chocolate….lol. I hope you have a Blessed Day!!! May God Bless you and keep you and your family (children and grandchildren) safe and protected. Guard them and watch over them, because they are precious. Please teach them about God and Jesus and how he loves all of his children. That is what is wrong with this world now. No one teaches their children about God, love, peace, and respect. That is what the world needs now.
Epstein is long dead. C’mon peeps
He was wheeled to the ambulance on a stretcher, not in a body bag and his face was not covered.
You do not need to believe it, but make sure the kids in your life are protected and safe. Trump and the military are taking care of the rest of it for you.
Do you really think Satan and his minions are not real and rule this world? How have they done it all these years? How have they hidden in plain sight? Start questioning things instead of people who try to enlighten you.
I believe in the Lord but there was no direct intervention when the Holocaust was taking place. What about the piles of bones particularly of innocent Children.
Ok, here’s another possible shock for you. There are 777 books in the original Bible. Most of them were secretly removed, but they’ve recently been recovered from beneath the Vatican. The Catholic church hid these books to control us. They will be made public eventually. The Bible validates reincarnation. We choose the life we will live before we are born. These courageous, beautiful souls who choose to die young or horrifically are fulfilling their life course. That is NOT to say that what happens to them is in ANY way acceptable or those that hurt them will be excused. That’s where karma comes in. Many of those who died in the holocaust are back living on earth again.
The satanists couldn’t completely get rid of the Bible because they MUST disclose some truth. It’s karmic law. Many of our movies and shows (like those satanic Superbowl halftimes, for example) actually reflect their evil truths and intentions against us. They’re forced to “warn” us of their plans but if we don’t protest, they figure the karma is on us. Yup, all our fault. They’re sneaky bastards. Take a look at the 2012 Olympics show. They threw the Covid virus right in our faces.
Theresa 77 – can you point me in the right direction to find out more about the 777 books? Thanks.
Did you ever think maybe this is the tribulation and Satin will be bound for 1000 years after God wins. Jesus will return to bring us into the 5th dimension of purity and light. Those who choose to follow him will ascend to heaven without death (rapture). Our understanding of the God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will become much clearer after Satin has been defeated.
and may you, Homero Ferreyra, be able to handle that reality when it does…..
This is all b. s. If you ask me I mean how dumb can you people be to believe this shit
You will be awakened soon. Prepare to be shocked.
So this World is totally on the up & up where there are no such things where mad scientists & evils exist? Everyone does not live in other’s reality. There’s more to life, gruesome as it is, than the common Man going to work to pay the bills & support their Family. There’s “things” going on. Why do you think the rich are not hanging around with the common Man since the beginning of time. They are elites that consider themselves superior & have their combined power to do things we aren’t privy to & these things are not for the good of mankind.
In other words, these people who constantly rant about Trump and his supporters as “racist”, “racist”, “racist” are actually the genuine article (no wonder they want a nation dedicated to the proposition that all are created equal to be long gone), and have been projecting themselves onto others all along.
You know I like when egnerint people talk My mom had to have two back surgeries and her back was fuzed together she had about 10 pounds of nuts and bolts and she had to go on pain pills but you want to know the best part the DR didn’t tell her the truth about pain pills that when you take them for a long period of time your body becomes amauned to them and now you have to take two just to get it to work and then it goes up to three and on and on and before you know it thay got YOU because the fucking DR,s get a kick back from the drug companies lots of money and as far as The other stuff look at what just happened and you don’t know where some of this people have been Or Ben through just like me for 47 years I keep IT to my self about what happened to me when I was 6 years old and then for that 47 years I thought it was My falt and that I put Off a signal I wanted it or I was gay and I am not saying that to hurt anyone or anything like that but that is the way I was thinking and so I had to prove to my self I was a man and so I sleep with every woman I could and the bad part I was married for 18 years but I was so fucked up I didn’t know Up from down much less how to be a man then GOD said to me son you was only 6 years old how could you put off that kind of signal you didn’t even know what any of it meant and I finally talked to someone and from that day GOD showed me how to be a man and I know this I know nothing so I have know right to condem anybody because A man hurt A man cry’s a man fills and it is not weakness to ask for help. And I WANT EVERYONE OUT THERE TO KNOW GOD SAID I NEW YOU BEFORE YOU WHERE BORN I KNOW THE NOMBER OF HAIR’S ON YOUR HEAD I NEW EVERYTIME YOU WOULD SCROW UP AND I DID A LOT BUT YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE HE SAID. GOD SAID EVEN THOUGH I KNEW EVERYTHING YOU WOULD DO YOU WAS STILL GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME TO SIND MY SON SO YOU CAN HAVE LIFE AND MORE ABUNDANT LIFE AND IF YOU WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME THEN HOW IN THE HELL CAN SAY YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH TODAY!!?! MABBY PEOPLE NEED TO STOP AND THINK ARE YOU REAL THAT SPECIAL THAT IMPORTANT I KNOW I AM NOT BECAUSE I AM ONLY SAVED BECAUSE OF GOD’S MERCY AND NOT BECAUSE OF HOW SPECIAL I AM NON OF US IS THAT SPECIAL BUT WE ARE THAT LOVED.. THANK YOU MY LORD AND SAVE YOUR JESSUS CHRIST
Amen!! God bless you always ~~~
You ain’t heard nothing yet, child.
Arrest all soon !!!
How are all these celebrities “executed”? What did they do that warrants execution? The only crime that would warrant that would be treason – if they are pedophiles then they would still be put on trial which would take years. Why is there no due process? Please enlighten me. If the goal is a great reset you’d end up scaring the shit out of people with all these “executions” for non-treasonous acts. Talk about sparking riots!
Confused, Tribunals are done by the military. Because our judicial system is so corrupt, they had to be done through the military courts. Celebrities, were taking part in pedophilia and torturing of kidnapped children and sacrificing them to Satan for their blood. If you were caught with Adrenochrome in your body, you were arrested right away. You could choose to come clean and either get life in prison or choose the death penalty, which would have been firing squad. Remember how no trial wanted to hear any cases of the voting fraud, not even the SCOTUS? This is why Trump decided to enact the Treason Act in November 2018. He made it to where anyone who is caught committing Treason would be tried by the military and executed in front of a firing squad. He knew this was taking place and he gave them a chance to come clean last year in regards to the voter fraud. He was given all the evidence of the fraud tampering, right down to a Christmas present from the PM of Italy admitting that he committed the tampering of the Dominion voting system. Also, the Crimes Against Humanity Act is also punishable by death, or you can give a statement via video in order to get a life sentence. Well, you and I both know, that no celebrity is going to want to live with their name being marred, so they chose not to give a statement and they were executed. When the military does the trials and executions, they are carried out swiftly. Besides, they had to make room for more people. Once this Adrenochrome starts to wear off, these people start having serious side effects and start deteriorating quickly, and without more doses, their life expectancy runs short. This drug is like meth except meth ages you, and Adrenochrome makes you younger. Think about it, these people were looking good for their age. True, you can get lots of plastic surgery, but think about how much damage, after a while, it does to the body. Innocent children that were being kidnapped and tortured so these people could practice Satanic worshiping for their blood. They were being sex trafficked for this as well. They were breeding these young kids and then taking the babies and torturing them for this blood. I am sorry, but they all deserve everything they get. My heart goes out to the families who have lost their children to this and to all the babies that had to suffer for their enjoyment.
Can some one tell me why Borris Johnson is on there
Crimes against humanity.
Christine Bevan,
Yes, I can tell you why Borris Johnson is on “the list”… don’t need me to…..It took me less than 45 seconds to ask the question and to sift through several responses to find the answer. I will tell you that my search also made me think of 3 other related questions which I’ll research tomorrow.
Happy hunting. You can do this…and you’ll be more satisfied. I use DuckDuckGo. There are lots of search engines. I agree with the other folks here… won’t go far with the responses that Youtube or Google allow. And Google tracks you every entry. Also, if you find a video and like it, it is possible that it will have been removed the next time you try to bring it up. When you search, it has helped me to keep a record of date of search, link (urll), any info that will help me find it if it is removed… will learn of Rumble, Bitchute, amg-news,,, many, many, many others. And you will become part of a group who will appreciate your search, help you, make suggestions, and welcome you to share with them, also.
I’ve never been big on the “clones” aspect as others are for some reasons but they are the lest important concern to me compared to everything else. You say that the elites and Politicians are mostly only able to be charged for treason? If I may?
I have been researching and hunting down traffickers and online pornography rings for a very long time. With the evidence of social media, Tweets, Wiki Leaks emails and what we the people have gathered and turned on our own accord. I can promise you this. With what I have seen them do to children is the worst sin you could commit. And because we are already under the insurrection act it makes the whole process smoother as was planned. Don’t forget, a lot of the judges are swamp and will be charged as well. The military will run the show and take care of the Cabal. They are purely evil and satanic, there is no fixing them. Just pray, keep researching and you will see.
pedophilia esp in the cases of execution usually include torture and murder as well as pedophilia acts which are all CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY esp innocent children and are SUBJECT TO EXECUTION to answer your question.
You need to do some deep dive research into the massive involvement of Hollywood. Not just in pedophilia, but trafficking and child sacrifice. This is a major money making industry for these people. It’s global, it’s underground, and you’d be shocked and sickened to learn what they actually do to kids and babies. Research adrenochrome. They harvest it (in underground “factories”) from children and sell it like a drug to the elites. The process is horrifying and demonic. They also harvest organs from them, sodomize them, “hunt” them for sport, just to list a few. And trust me, they aren’t going through a regular court system. They’re doing military tribunals. They can be tried and convicted in a matter of hours. It all sounds harsh and too gruesome and unimaginable to be true, but unfortunately and sadly it is true. I encourage anyone to do some real research into this before dismissing it as made up lies. I wish it were made up lies. One of the many sick parts is that these people use all kinds of symbols. They put it out there for the whole world to see. If you learn what some of the symbols are you’ll start to see them everywhere. Look up “panda eyes”. Lady Gaga has used makeup to make “panda eyes” on herself. She was also invited to sing at the fake inauguration on 1-20-21. Come to think of it, I was hearing how she was dressed like she just stepped out of “The Hunger Games” movie. Wasn’t that about hunting kids for sport? That’s real life for these satanic monsters.
Military tribunals do not require trials. This is why these people were not allowed to use their high-profile lawyers to protect them and drag things out for years. Basically, if they were involved in child trafficking and partaking adrenochrome, they were executed.
Trump signed an Executive Order putting Crimes Against Humanity under the jurisdiction of military tribunals. These monsters don’t just diddle kids. That’s the LEAST of the horrific things they do to kids. Once the public awakens to their crimes these tribunals will not only be approved by the public, many will be screaming for them.
I been trying to search the list with no luck BUT I have noticed that NO new movies are coming out! Where can I go research? Is this part of the Declassification file? I heard Tom Hanks was dead before the fake inauguration but he was not there maybe his death in true? Also, I did check out AI Clones but I still don’t know how a clone is created?
Liz Dimler
Do not use Google. Use DuckDuckGo.
Ask your question….”How is a clone created?”
Push “Enter”
Read the results. Ask more questions to clarify.
And you have started your search! Congratulations. Stretch your mind.
>Every bit of this story IS believable! I’m 85, as a child watched newsreels showing starved, tortured, murdered human bodies lying stacked in piles. The Holocaust!!!
I knew immediately that this info is true. WAKE THE HELL UP!
PRAY FOR WISDOM….do not deny any of this. I understand this info seems illogical. It is not. Our President Trump ran for office because he was informed of all the horror happening in our beautiful country of America! He told us he’s going to drain the swamp. He is doing this via our military. Pray for our warriors.
Dear Sandra Lane,
God bless you for sharing your experience and your heartbreak.
What did Bruce Willis do? I thought he was pro Trump…
Jennifer Aniston?, I can’t imagine that being true, Adam Sandler, Demi Moore, Nicole Kidman and her hubby, Will Smith, after thinking about some I thought more than likely, but those people? WTH?
They get trapped into satanic rituals and are forced to murder, rape and eat children, sacrifice loved ones, submit to sodomy and do many other extremely disgusting things if they want to stay in the business. Everything is recorded. If they try to get out they’re either killed and replaced, or out come the hideous blackmail files to keep them in line. Ever wonder why you see so many “stars” “tragically lose a loved one” right around the time they get a huge contract? That’s a blood sacrifice payment to satan. Happens all the time.
Look up Adrenochrome. Then take a look at Cher. She’s 74 years old. Then look at her mother… She’s in her 90’s and looks half her age. You think that’s all Plastic surgery? Now look at recent pics of Johnny Depp and Celine Dionne. That’s what happens when you can no longer get your Adrenochrome fix. They were both slowly dying. They’ve both been executed now BTW.
Did you all know that death records are “SUPPOSED” TO BE Public record—i suppose this could not be the case since it would be such a bomb shell______i need another source to verify
Look Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates up in Ancestry. It shows that they died on July 29, 2013 in India.
Because they did! They were hung by a village that they administered vaccines to where immediate deaths resulted.
You people talk about how Americans have been lied to for ages and now all these Q people are spreading lies to (obviously mentally challenged or very gullible people if they actually have to ask if this BS is true). What about the damage to fellow Americans you people are doing with this fantasy stuff as well as making the rest of the world see Americans as being mentally challenged? You and the people that run this site should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves for taking advantage of people that cannot think clearly for themselves.
Will you change your mind when you see multiple confessions on the Emergency Broadcast System?
ABSOLUTELY! – Until then, I do not believe a word. What should WE do if everything you are telling us is true? I have yet to see an answer other than to get some popcorn and watch the TV. It seems there isn’t anything you can do about these conspiracies, whether they are true or not. So in that respect, to me it’s all just a waste of time.
They never will because they have been totally brainwashed by the cultural-Marxist educational system!
I think you will appreciate this:
Wolfie. You point finger accusingly at others for telling the ugly truth. It is an affront to your nice life of blissful ignorance. You are the perfect nazi sheep… dull-witted, malleable and lazy. That’s EXACTLY how we got into this horrific mess. If it weren’t for Trump, Q and our military heroes we’d be enslaved or dead by now, WORLDWIDE. The facts and evidence is everywhere for those who aren’t too lazy to open their minds, get off their asses and do the research. I’ll bet you wear a face diaper too. God, people like you are the poster children for eugenics.
It’s your choice. Wake up or stay in your stupor until you’re forced to see the truth.
Well Said
Are you for real or is this fake and made up ! Can you please verify that what you put out is actually true ?
Some people are never happy. If The French people were not Asleep for so long then you wouldn’t be in this mess. Likewise if my people were awake we would also not be going through this. But.. at the End of the day, in comparison to the suffering our ancestors went through this is a breeze, you should be God damn thankful
Your absolutely right I believe this list and know for a fact that John Travolta new of the evil doings going on. He gave this information to a friend of mine. John’s massage therapist in Fl. The information that was given to me was heard then forgotten as most information is if it don’t pertain to you. Looking back I remember everything. Travolta mentioned a Superior that would ruin your life or end your life if you crossed them in anyway. My friend would also go on in telling me that John favored men and would of liked to have sex with him. I was creeped out. This was 23 years ago. No one would of known then that John Travolta was bye sexual.
he bien si tous ces gens sont décédés ou exécutés, comme macron par exemple : pourquoi laisser le peuple de France dans la souffrance ? est-ce que ça vous plait de voir souffrir des gens, de voir la police les massacrer dans les manifestations ? obliger nos enfants à subir les masques, et si on refuse la police inflige des grosses amendes !si c’est un clone pourquoi lui faire imposer des vaccins dangereux pour l’humanité ?? vous pourriez au contraire lui faire faire moins de mal : ils continuent de tuer des vieillards dans les maisons de retraite !! donc vous vous rendez complices de ses crimes en laissant une âme satanique gouverner la France sous les traits d’un clone !! pour l’instant vous ne rendez pas service à l’humanité je n’y crois pas !! et dire que DS travaille avec le président Trump !!!!!!! c’est antinomique et ce n’est pas concevable ! tout ceci rendez le public vraiment car des déclassifications qui ne sont pas vraiment publiques ou des informations graves qui sont publiées presque en secret cela ne sert à rien !! ayez le courage d’aller jusqu’au bout de votre démarche !merci
Oui je pense la même chose, a quoi à ça sert de supprimer les gens si on les remplace par les d’autres qui font les mêmes crimes contre le peuple ? Ce n’est pas cohérent. Il y a bien eu des rumeurs de sosie pour Macron mais rien de plus.
Il faut les preuves vidéo des exécution et emprisonnements pour attester ces documents sinon ça n’a pas beaucoup de valeur. Et aussi révéler publiquement leurs crimes et dire qu’ils ont étés remplacés et que les doubles soient aussi supprimés.
On ne peut rien affirmer avec certitude tant que les choses ne sont pas rendus public et officielles, trop de fausses informations circulent partout.
When is the world going to hear this?
Unless I actually see these persons put to death, I don’t believe a word of this, just wishful thinking.
I am unsure of what to think, process……at a total loss. Their children! Wow just Wow.
Most of these monsters have been raised in very closely linked cabal families. They’re brought up to be prominent people. Their family names differ but they’re all related in some way. They start life being tortured, raped and mind controlled. It splits the mind into separate compartments for easy control. They’ve done the same to their children for hundreds of years. The children are encouraged at a very young age to sacrifice other children to encourage their psychopathy. It’s a horrific, twisted system; the programming starts around age 3. An example of this is Nicole Kidman. Her father was very high up in the Australian Satanic church and she grew up to be a really nasty piece of work. Unrelated but highly talented people are occasionally brought into the cabal because they can make scads of money for them, but they get mired into the same satanic trap through bribery and extortion.
The little ones in the families who are still innocent have to be taken away and hopefully can be somewhat deprogrammed. CPS at the top levels is satanic so they’re not going to be involved with these children.
This is just the tiny tip of the iceberg, folks. Prepare yourselves for real horrors. Luckily it’s all being taken down by President Trump and the white hats. You can face the truth now with courage or you can go back to sleep and be shaken awake to the nightmare.
Sherry, that is my question. All, including clones and doubles, should go the same path as the originals.
So if these people are the clones, how are they allowed to have a life of freedom and influence our life in such a way? They are doing horrifying things! Pelosi. Biden. Etc.
Anybody can make an Excel list.
you are 100% right but why would someone do that. i mean its called do your homework, why do you think these people would be doing the stuff to our children.
It’s extremely complicated. Here’s the short version: They have worshipped Satan/Moloch/Lucifer for many centuries. Their “god” demands sacrifices in the form of blood and ‘loosh,’ which is psychic pain, terror, anger, etc. These people have been MK-Ultra programmed since childhood and they have lost both their humanity and their consciences. Children are to be used like assets. Many are born specifically to be sacrificed. Others become sex slaves. Those groomed into adulthood will go into public office or other influential areas of power. But they ALL are programmed using torture, sodomy and terror. All decisions regarding their childrens’ futures are carefully made by people who control the families.
Your absolutely right I believe this list and know for a fact that John Travolta new of the evil doing going on. He gave this information to a friend of mine. John’s massage therapist. They information that was given to me was heard then forgotten as most information is if it don’t pertain to you. Looking back I remember everything. Travolta mentioned a Superior that would ruin your life or end your life if you crossed them in anyway. My friend would also go on in telling me that John favored men and would of liked to have seen with him. I was creeper out. This was 23 years ago. No one would of known then that John Travolta was bye sexual.
Your absolutely right I believe this list and know for a fact that John Travolta new of the evil doings going on. He gave this information to a friend of mine. John’s massage therapist in Fl. The information that was given to me was heard then forgotten as most information is if it don’t pertain to you. Looking back I remember everything. Travolta mentioned a Superior that would ruin your life or end your life if you crossed them in anyway. My friend would also go on in telling me that John favored men and would of liked to have sex with him. I was creeped out. This was 23 years ago. No one would of known then that John Travolta was bye sexual.
Tom Cruise? Isn’t he just finishing up a new Mission Impossible movie? I find this all hard to swallow.
I bet you still wear a mask, don’t you? WAKE UP FOOL. Stop watching CNN.
CGI and green screens are very real. They are in almost every movie. Why would they not be able to make an entire film with CGI?
Think about this…prior to the election of Trump, they were all out in full force supporting HRC (concerts, telethons, etc.) and bashing Trump. Where were they for Biden and why were they not still bashing Trump?? They are gone, just as they should be.
I think you need to look inward and not call others fools. You really believe this??? LOL
You’re looking inward and seeing your colon. Get your head out and do the research. It’s there if you’re not lazy.
Qisqrazy. just for fun!
What I believe is there are a few people out there that voted for sleepy creepy basement Joe
I believe there are a few people out there that think good is evil and evil is good.
I believe there are a few people that think their views are the only views.
Frankly i think you think I’m stupid!
Where is this intel from and how can it be verified?
This list says updated 11/2020. Where are the promised 1/2021 updates?
Blynn, here you go!!
List seems logical..although i could add take it military tribunals are much faster then civillian trials?? Must be if these people really are executed..If they do abuse,torture, murder and eat kids I’d give them a slow painful death!! That’s God’s duty though. We need a Public Broadcast soon. Enough people have awakened, those who aren’t will be once our President(Trump), announces everything..So let’s get this show started!!
Military tribunals are extremely quick, if you get to that point then they have everything they need to put you away or execute you. They just go before the judge and the evidence is laid out and the judge hands out a sentence and that sentence is immediately carried out. There is no jury or trial, you are already guilty if your stankin ass is there!
Yes, this is how it had to be done in order to keep these people from using their high-priced evil lawyers.
Crucifixion in Death Valley in August. That is what these people deserve.
Not one of them should be serving life, especially the politicians.
Linda you said you could add some to this list? Could you share that please? Thanks! Take care. May GOD give us peace when this is all over! I’m so very surprised with a lot of names on these lists. WOW
I’m agreeing with you! But I also know that this cannot be rushed. The mills of the gods grind slowly, but EXCEEDINGLY FINE! The tribunal will get one chance to scoop up the garbage and “carry it to the curb”. Any rotten bit of refuse allowed to escape will be lost forever to justice and will be free to reinfect our world. That is how I understand it.
Imagine what the wait must be like for President Trump and for those whose time to shine their particular light on issues has not yet come. We wait but we don’t know exactly for what we wait….while those intimately involved with the plan and the script are likely counting lines until their entrance. I pray for them! They are in constant mortal peril, as are their family members and friends.
Still waitin for ol’ Trumpy Dumpy to get it together. Didn’t happen before Jan 6…Didn’t happen on Jan 6…Didn’t happen on March 4….what’s the next date guys?
What an idiotic joke!
if you want to see an idiotic joke, look in the mirror, janet barletta… PERFECT!
You wouldn’t know the shit from shinola, or flyshit from pepper…
Ever heard of a DNA test?
Where did you get this information? I see no references to any actual verification.
mccain put to death military tribunal
Why does the list show already dead people as arrested and executed?
Epstein and RBG??
I do not believe Epstein is dead Sir. But if he has been executed then he is now. I hope so. I truly believe the world needs to see something desperately. So I should have typed, I do not believe Epstein was dead. Well maybe. xo
Hi Jim, Epstein is alive. His death was faked so that the Clinton’s Secret Service or the Mafia would not find him and kill him before they could get all the info from him. He turned over evidence and got life in prison.
Jim; many people say that Epstein is alive and cooperating with authorities. The executions have been going on for quite a while, such as with John McCain and Bush Sr. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is also on the list, so that’s why you see dead people that we knew were dead, but didn’t know it was because they were executed. John McCain was said to have died from cancer, so I can only suppose they aren’t releasing the information on executions until they can do it all at one time, after the confessions can be aired.
Epstein cut a deal to hand over extremely important damning info in exchange for a life sentence or delayed execution. That death scene in his cell was all theater. He was about to be Arkancided and they got him out of there to another prison for protection. This type of thing happens all the time. Killery was taken to a high-security prison in Greenland. She reportedly died of kuru before she could be executed. John McStain got the needle. His “cancer” appears to have been a cover. RBG was executed.
Then again, an 80 something year old woman (RBG) who’s had multiple cancer episodes for over 10 years does have an extremely good chance of dying naturally. John McCain also had a glioma brain tumor…yeah…he’s gonna die within a year. I’m going to bet on that outcome for both of them.
This site is a ridiculous idiotic joke. All these people are truly bat-shit crazy.
If a person is arrested and executed, that does mean that they are dead.
Perhaps if you would state your question another way I would understand.
Thank you.
Who will feed their cats?
They are clones. If you read the above article or previous page.
I agree
I don’t know what’s true. But….if this isn’t true, why wouldn’t all of these people be coming out showing to everyone that they are alive and kicking? I would be. They would all LOVE to discredit these platforms. Where are they all? Don’t tell me that none of them know about these “lists”…we know, so they know.
@Keirston Williamson….BINGO!
You have common sense….unfortunately it’s not very common based on some comments in here by people who are completely manipulated by the Mockingbird media
Cloning has been around for decades … Do your research
Yeah but look at the size of that list. Are they trying to tell me that all those people are clones or doubles? In the words of Joe Biden…..C’MON MAN!!!!
Dex, have you noticed that the COVID-19 has kept people in doors and masks on? Tom Hanks has not tweeted on his Twitter since May 2020. He was arrested in May 2020 and Executed in June 2020. A lot of these people have not been seen since lock downs and most of their films coming out, were taped 1-2 years ago. I looked up some of the names on the list and some have already been reported as dead due to COVID-19. Do some research, and you will find some of this stuff out. I, too, was skeptical until I made an effort to dig a little further. I was broken hearted about some of the names on this list, but I started to think about how these people did not age like the rest of us. Their skin looked good and most of them were athletic and built, and that was due to the Adrenochrome they were consuming. That stuff is like meth, except with meth you age, with this stuff you look younger and healthier. It is just unfortunate that it comes from tortured children’s blood that is being sacrificed to Satan. I could not believe that all these people were either pedophiles or Satanic worshipers that drank little children’s blood or took the powder formed Adrenochrome that was made from real blood. Many of these people had children of their own, so it makes me sick to know they had children that they would have killed someone for hurting their own child, but could allow someone else to hurt a child for their addiction. I read that once you are addicted to this drug that you have to have it or you will start to have withdrawals from it and you will start looking like death. While in prison at Gitmo or whereever they were, they had to supply them Adrenochrome in order for them to live long enough to be tried and executed, but they used animal blood instead of human. There is all types of intel you can find if you stay up lots of nights and search and make sure that your sources are legit. Like one person said on here, get your popcorn because when all of this comes out, you will find out that a lot of the elites, especially politicians, had clones or look alikes that would attend functions for them while either they were at their Satanic rituals, or at other functions. Actually, Hilary Clinton had one that was paid thousands of dollars to pretend she was Hilary. Most of the elites had clones made so they could harvest organs or parts from them in case they ever needed them. That is factual proof, as well. When you do your research, do not use Google as they will not let you find them nor will Youtube. Actually, I think Google’s owner might be on the list here, I know Bezos is who owns Amazon, and so is Zuckenterd. I really hate that guy. Anyhow, happy hunting. Keep coffee on hand….lol.
Can you supply your sources? I have 3 small children and would like to look it up on my own but barely get any sleep as it is.
Thank you so much, Ashley
You need help.
This is the biggest pile of rubbish i’ve ever read .
” Do your research ” means sit up all night trawling through nutty websites and forums until your brain is fried.
DON’T do research, go outside and go for a walk , catch up with family and friends , leave this rubbish behind and don’t return to it
I want to search so can you give me some idea of what websites will work because I know google will not!
@ashley….Don’t pay attention to Fred. He is a Pedophile & they protect other pedophiles. They DON’T want you to learn about the TRUTH. Do your research as suggested. Just look at how far the media has been going for Decades to keep the truth coming out. Don’t use Google, they are in on it. Use DuckDuckGo instead. Google manipulates keywords & hides info accordingly.
Also go to & type in Fall of the Cabal & watch all 10 episodes (they continue if you don’t stop it) about 2.5 hours total. You will find a lot of videos on that site that were removed from YT because they are in on it too.
@ashley….also go to & watch the Documentary called Out of Shadows
Absolutely correct!
I have been asking since Jan 6 ” where are the jerks that are ALWAYS putting their two cents in anything Trump” I also noticed at the ” inauguration” that HRC had shrunk a foot. I saw in a speech that Obama was giving that his image kind of wavered and then disappeared, a hologram maybe? If this list is accurate and this is true, Im sick over some of the names on it.
That’s right, Fred. Don’t bother your brain with all this. Staying ignorant is how things like this have been happening for 60 years. Not caring about the 800,000 US children per year that disappear is how you make it easy for the monsters to continue. That’s not your problem. But when your kids are taken from you by government officials and you end up in an internment camp simply because you disagree with their decision, don’t ask why. Just wander the compound and hope your children don’t end up in pieces on some pedovore politician’s dinner table.
Wow just wow, yes there are many clues
1. ask yourself why was Donald Trump choose to be our 45th president. Did anyone notice his confidence while he was campaigning. He knew his next 4 years was in the bag the military put him there.
2. Did anyone really research as to why children were missing in the USA I did
3. Do you even care about others, I do and the Hollywood elites have been missing for a couple of years.
4. What is so hard to accept is that in America drug addiction is not the only problem we have.
5. Why would our whole government go after a president that had worked 4 years and accepted no income and donated the income he received to well deserve causes. Seems to common sense folks that
would be fantastic gesture to our republic. They had to be after him for a reason. He is taking their evil power away.
6. Lots of research will give answers, Americans have to open there minds and just accept that we do not live in a great America. We live in the evils of hell.
7. God created us and now we have folks that have done enough scientific research to try and remake us, the only thing is they can not make someone have a soul and so there you go.
For one if Selena had Keneeka Jenkins killed to take her organ ( or kidneys ) then she is as bad as the rest !!! And two if you look at the list it does have Rothschild’s on it and Rockefeller’s !!!! Tom hanks was one and Zuckerberg was one and Ellen degeneres was one !!!! Why can’t Y’ALL do your own research without asking us !!!! Just don’t research on google ( liars ) they won’t let you know nothing cause they involved too !!!!
Try duck ,duck go or somewhere !!!!
You say it is true and do your own research. Where will i find some verifications?
News Sources AWK And We Know Redpill78 These Are Good Sources and a Good Start for Research About NWO/ Deepstate/ Illuminati Jewish Bad Guys Free Masons also words to look up Do not use google deepstate cia Owned, as is fb, twitter what’s app All CIA bad sites
Some Information coming from @GhostEzra on Telegram (Ezra Cohen Watnick was Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security. Information released, if not from him, then from his office under his name, to keep awareness growing.) He recently posted confirmation of the execution of Biden and all of the other recipients of “Envelopes” (including partners) received at the funeral of G H W Bush. Bush him self having been executed by lethal Injection, for Sex trafficking of children, drug trafficking and a whole lot more. It is believed that the envelopes included a note from GHW Bush saying ” They Know everything. Sorry” He had apparently “rolled over” on them all, for an easier execution rather than hanging, and no public announcement of his crimes. Scum to the end.
Agreed Lu. I have found the same research myself.
When Hillary was arrested she passed out and they had to go to her daughters apartment to get her some adrenochrome. They sent out a double and took Hillary out the back door. Youtube has a post on Celine Dion and how she looks now, it will scare the beejeezzusss out of you. Since Trump has worked on getting some of these kids out of their clutches, many have had to do without and look terrible.
Excellent analysis, Lu. You’re absolutely correct. I’ll add to your story a bit because I heard this from more than one source. Can’t verify it yet, but it’s interesting.
The synthetic Adrenochrome is pretty much all the “celebrities” could get at first unless they actually could find kidnapped kids. It’s nowhere near as powerful because it comes from clones but it keeps the addicts alive. It’s manufactured in Wuhan at the same lab as Covid. There is a deadly strain of Covid, known as Cv-17. Very nasty. THAT was the one intended for US. Some white hat at the lab secretly switched the labels on the vials and then infused the deadlier CV-17 virus into the Adrenochrome supply. That’s what caused Hanks and his wife to get deathly sick. Anyone with a blood test showing antigens of that specific strain are proven to be Adrenochrome drinkers, which means they’ll be arrested. I love a happy ending…
I read this switch too.
My comment was deleted. I’m going to assume it was because I copied/pasted a link. So here goes again. There are sources all over, including an interview with Steven Colbert on his show a month ago, that he’s alive and well, as is Steven Colbert, who supposedly has been arrested. So, why? Clones, you say? Then why isn’t Tom Hanks tweeting? This is the kind of big holes one can poke into every single one of these arguments I’ve read here. Not one person on this list has been executed. LOL.
People are asking for sources, very few are being given, except to go watch videos. Videos that hold zero proof. Any video or picture can be manipulated, voices can be manipulated, and all of you are following a single entity, “Q” who is feeding all of these lies to others who create sites that regurgitate the lies, and make up fake evidence to support those lies. The only links I have found are picked up by my anti-virus software as malware sites. Not one of you have convinced me of any truth. It’s sad, really. Cults are so terrible on the mental health of people. Someone here said to go out and get fresh air. He was right. Get off the internet and live your lives.
@QisQrazy….why don’t you give us PROOF that Colbert is alive. And don’t send us to see a video of him as proof.
@QisCrazy….You stated:
-“Any video or picture can be manipulated”, (you are right, just ask the CIA)
-“voices can be manipulated”, (you are right, just ask the CIA)
-“and all of you are following a single entity”, (you are right, people like you are following MSM your single source of lies) -“who is feeding all of these lies to others who create sites that regurgitate the lies, and make up fake evidence to support those lies”. (Right there in that last sentence you just described the CIA who been doing THAT for decades & weaponized the media EXACTLY like that. Lies. Fake evidence & more lies to cover up the lies.
-“Not one of you have convinced me of any truth. It’s sad, really” (no wonder, the Operation Mockingbird media made sure you can no longer think for yourself)
Well, folks I got to see ALL this crooked garbage in person….so instead of running after they made several attempts on my life, just opened-up on another front and visited them with ” gusto “. Me and my magical brief case made them very, very nervous over time. Now these bastards had an entertainment ‘Place’…. They hired off duty big city police to make things look legit.
When these Owners got desperate they put two off duty police to shake me down outside the place. Told them was looking for stolen bike of a retired cops, that was stolen. When the senior officer saw the name, address of the victim…..He loudly states ” Hey that’s my old car partner to the younger guy!! Then proceeds to fill me in on ” things ” and the one older fellow I asked to speak with alone! Told him the other businesses we had discovered. Like a modeling agency for under age girls, that was run by a woman connected to these Pimps. So this attractive blonde whore (and family mother) slowly pulled in. The Money Pimps, had also been recorded selling-out MAJOR Players in other areas to protect themselves from the ” RATH of ” Old School Mob Rules…..”
Don’t EVER get caught dealing in Pedophilia Items, photographs, films, etc., etc. Or END Up dissappearing and sure enough several of these THINGS died painful deaths. Once YOU understand just how sick these ‘ THINGS ARE’ YOU will learn to how to battle them like a Mongoose toying with a Cobra before killing it. This is a no brainer if You are sincere in getting U.S. of AMERICA back!!! Lets invite our good CANADIAN neighbors to Join-US in our Clean-UP of scum and dangerous elements. Go to David Zulicks – to Complete Your Study on DEMONS & Fake Religions that ARE NOT HOLY….There IS Nothing HOLY in the MIDEAST after the Romans and
the 12 Tribes retreated into Northern Europe. Then things went Wrong as the Khazarian’s split southern Russia under treat of death from Russia, Iran and Mongolia for satan worship, so off they went to conquer others for devilish
It is true that cloning has been around awhile now but also as we all know that everyone of us has a double somewhere on this planet and with today’s technology the doubles can be located quite easily.
Some white hats are actors. But they have to be willing and able to step into a dangerous political situation. They must live as that person, sound like them, give speeches, cultivate their mannerisms, etc. The black hats prefer clones. They’re weak-willed and highly controllable. They always have a handler close by. They’re also easily replaced. No leaks, no witnesses.
Qisqrazy. just for fun!
You may be Qazy if you watch CNN
You may be Qazy if you believe Nancy and Chuck
Your probably Qazy if you think Biden is doing a good job
I know your Qazy if you think BLM and Antifa are are peasefull
Q has told you nothing and asked you everything. Just because you will not or cannot understand doesn’t mean Q is a liar or unimportant.
Some people think Dr Suess is bad. So the he’ll with you.
I’m white so there! I’m a MAN you cannot change that. I appreciate our history so stop trying to erase it. Boys will be boys and girls wil be girls, God intended it that way! You people that think you are woke have no idea what woke means.
There is a battle between good and evil. If this list is real then I’d say evil is loosing and I’m estatic about that!
All you haters here and afar do something different, stay the f outa other people’s business. Go havs your 9 month old abortions. go decifer what your Dead president is trying to tell you. Buy your soy burgers and watch your CNN. O and dont forget your VAX. Just stay out of my life. Its not yours to change.
Where are their children? Who is caring for them?
These children and many women are being sought after and rescue missions active.I work directly with Advocates for Freedom,Veterans For Child Rescue and End Human Trafficking Task Force. We Are Winning this war,only by God’s grace and Mercy.
Morpheus One- I’m so relieved to hear that!!! Great job to you & your organizations!!! Wow that’s so awesome!!! May God bless you & your teams & His protection over you all
Grace, there are no rescue efforts going on to save the children of the people on this list. Please tell me you don’t think this is true! I can speak for JSOC at the 24th STS at Pope AAF. There are no rescue attempts needed or made by any veteran or active group.
@John…Melanie Taylor & Morpheus One are talking about 2 different things. Melanie Taylor is wondering about the children of the “people on the list” & Morpheus One is talking about the children being rescued that belong to the same group of victims that the reason those people are on the list for. Why attacking Grace Opio???
@Morpheus One- I’m so relieved to hear that!!! Great job to you & your organizations!!! Wow that’s so awesome!!! May God bless you & your teams & His protection over you all
These children and many women are being sought after and rescue missions active.I work directly with Advocates for Freedom,Veterans For Child Rescue and End Human Trafficking Task Force. We Are Winning this war,only by God’s grace and Mercy.Coordinating efforts to build 4 safe homes in Gulf area.
Why? You don’t believe it now so why would you have believed it sooner? Just pay attention to the emergency broadcast system, when they start broadcasting soon. They are supposed to be showing some, if not all, of the confessions made by these people. As Americans, we have been kept in the dark for decades upon decades. We have been lied to about EVERYTHING!!!! Now, we are learning that we have to question everything we have come to know as fact. We have also had important inventions and medical cures and equipment, kept from us …hidden from us because it would have made big Pharm obsolete. One more thing to make your brain hurt…… Aliens have been here for a very long time now . This is only the beginning, lol. Perhaps all of our minds will be blown!!! Get the popcorn because this movie is getting really good!!!!
Michele Strong, Well put. Sadly though people are too cynical for their own good.
Facts…..upon facts…….upon facts….✊
What should I do if everything you are telling me is true? I have yet to receive an answer other than to get some popcorn and watch the TV. It seems there isn’t anything you can do about these conspiracies, whether they are true or not. So in that respect, to me it’s all just a waste of time.
Stock up on groceries, preferably non perishables, and let food. Prepare as if a cat 5 hurricane is going to come through is the best way I can explain. May not have power, so make sure your vehicles are always full, get cash as atms/banks go down. After the dark there is light. Be prepared to protect yourself and family and lay low when shit starts to happen. The best way is to keep an open mind and research this stuff so you can be mentally and physically prepared if this stuff is true. I am personally on the fence but as a mother I will be prepared as best as I can.
Billy Bob, Do your research … it’s right in front of you.
Start by watching “The Fall of the Cabal!”
Then come back here and comment after you are visibly shaken by what you’ve learned!
Billy Bob, You need to watch this … it will open your eyes
Then come back here and comment after you are visibly shaken by what you’ve learned!
BILLY BOB. your mentality (it’s all a waste of time) and complacency and those like you is what got this country where it is. You are part of the problem.
I’ve been a political journalist for nearly four decades and I’ve been personally attacked by MSM by three news outlets. The threats and harassment didn’t begin until I came out in support of candidate Donald J Trump. They didn’t bother to hide who they were because they knew if I complained there wouldn’t any repercussions because “fake news” couldn’t be touched at the time. I can assure everyone these charges are genuine and even more horrific than may ever be known. The chilling reality is the volume and heinous depravity with which these crimes were carried out. The fact is we aren’t wired for our minds to accept the information at hand.
Please do your independent searches!
This is Carol with a message. ATTN! ALL SLEEPERS!!WAKEY, WAKEY, RISE AND SHINE!
Exactly!!! There will be those who refuse to see the truth even when its in their face. I learned about the advanced technology, free energy, handheld devices that can charge a whole block with power. Devices that can heal any Disease. All the new cell phones that people run to buy are actually Ancient technology. I learned about this years ago from David Wilcox Cosmic Disclosure with William Tompkins, Pete Peterson ( Both Deceased now) Corey Goode, Emery Smith (Secret Space Programs ) David Icke, Dr. Steven Greer just to name a few…Everything we have been taught (like peeling back layers of a onion) has been Draconian, Annunaki Agendas. Every aspect of our lives including Religion is a lie……Many will not want to part with their indocturated belief systems. We are way more powerful than we know. We have been taught Not to listen to the cells in our bodies, and trust medicines that don’t benefit us. Big pharama can’t get rich off of well people………………
Seriously u guys? I know they can creat doubles. There are even movies about that. Plastic surgery can do so much. But I don’t believe all these people have been executed. Biden is ruining our country and we’re all still sitting here waiting on a broadcast system to chime out that we’ve been told will happen for months. Instead of talking about all this and letting our imaginations and those who are everywhere online invade our own, how about we DO something. United. The people. And come up with something peaceful that works, to Dave this country we love?
Please let me know… What is the use of a double If they’re still causing problems, treating American people like crap…lying? Why not leave the original?
Exactly.., people question the truth, while accepting lies as fact. At least do your own research and you’ll be shock to learn for once the truth, but not from those professional liars.
Seriously? You know there are doubles because of Plastic Surgery??? be serious. You think they do Plastic surgery overnight? Then you think 260 arrests were too much? 260??? Where’s the other 999,740? and you’re worried about Biden ruining our country??? You’re missing the BEST SHOW ON EARTH. You need to catch up on the news before you even listen to the EBS. If you can’t find TRUTH with all that is disclosed now.. you won’t believe any of it when you get the official new with PHOTO evidence.
Cujo.. I’ve skimmed some of this stuff and it’s wonderful to see something totally worth the time to make happen. I’m ending my night, as well as my time with ALL MEDIA , with your words as the last thing I see or read or pay attention to for the rest of my existence. Im all in for your idea above ALL ELSE. THANKS FOR THE INSPIRATION AND IDEA SHARING THAT IF NOT SEEN ID BE CRAZY ILL FULL OF THOUGHTS UNABLE TO SLEEP. YOU SAVED ME FROM A SLEEPLESS MELTDOWN OF AN OVERWORKING BRAIN.. APPRECIATE THIS AND FUCK YEAH ABOUT TIME SOMETHING BRILLIANT IS SHARED
Everything you have stated Is true. I have followed those you mentioned and researched on my own going down the “Rabbit Hole”. There seems to be no end. Thank You for your comment
My comment was related to Aileen Douglas’s comment
So who’s side are these clones or standins on?
you might be right but this says this AMG is fake so I dont know. This story seems pretty far out there but who really knows ?
Your so right, no different when my son was robbed at gun point and when he called 911 that lady who answered his call told him
I don’t believe you!!!
We called back and she has blocked all 3 phones from calling in, so I called the FBI and told them what happened, as soon as I got of the phone it was’nt 10 minutes later that an officer showed up. I told them then you take him and anything happens to him it’s on you!!! When he was taken they took pictures of him and his friend who was pistel whipped. Found that the barrel was imprinted in his skin under his jaw, and my son pick the guys responsible for murder and robbery. 5 of them picked out. They killed 9 people and my son would have died that morning but his life was spired by grace of God! So you see know body believes the truth because media has lied disgracefully to people, even caused lost of family and friends seperation. Media? I never listen to I fact check and search till I do find the truth!
Yup. People get stuck in their tiny little paradigm and refuse to consider anything outré or unsettling to their normality. They see these outrageous lies we’ve been fed for centuries as business as usual and just want their “facts” spoon-fed to them by monsters they thought they could trust. They’ve got some horrific shocks coming about EVERYTHING they have assumed to be real. Humanity, science, religion, technology and even anthropology are going to be turned upside down. I feel sorry for the sheep. It’s going to be very difficult to accept.
The whoring mainstream media is going down. They’ve lied and swindled the public and been paid to do it by their satanic cabal masters way too long. They’re complicit in murder and human trafficking among other crimes.
Awesome, I see that Your Awake 🙂 LOL
@Aileen,thanks,great comment!.
Yes, finally. Been reading thru this conversation, and you’re the only one I see point out the missing part of history that’s still being hidden to this day from the public, it is still causing the holdup fixing this mess.
This is a battle between Good and Evil. Remember “on earth as it is in heaven?” What is missing is, “under earth as it is in Orion Galaxy.” Eisenhouer sold us out to the Archons, let them secretly experiment on humans underground in exchange for all of their advanced technology. He chose the wrong group to deal with. What we don’t see is, the bloodlines of the Kahzarian Mafia mingled with reptilian Archons that rule the underground, what most people would envision that to be hell, Satan, and Lucifer. Above ground we have “our” spiritual leaders, GTF, Jesus, Allah, etc. We also have “The Galactic Federation” (Andromedians, Pleiadians, Arcturians, and the Sirians), aka our “NEW SPACE FORCE” Us human beings, those of us that aren’t having our DNA ignorantly, genetically modified or murdered, are in a proxy war with the Transhuman, Lucifarian wannabees, lovingly known as the CABAL The lines have been drawn, it’s time to choose sides….The Great Awakening is upon us! I have chosen the side of a loving diety, my natural immune system, President Trump, our earthly Alliance, the Federation, and our outstanding (unsoiled) Military. The good and evil ET forces are going to be exposed before this is all over. From what I understand, the Light has overcome the darkness, dangerous clean-up has begun, and we’re nearing NESARA/GESARA. The best is yet to come! Love to All!
I have known ALL ABOUT this Criminal, Evil Venture since 1973. Was almost killed in several accidents, one caused by a Police Dept., run by Satanic CATHOLIC Church run mayor (who was a Killer for Knights of Columbus…..Who discovered GOD’s WRATH is NONE STOP, when You Are Following SATAN’ SECRET CHURCH, then a Horrible second car wreck Caused by a Drunk Ukrainian. Seventeen Plastic Surgeries to face over ten years and a busted-up body that has over “Fifty Years of Purim owned and run Opiate pushers”. Then THESE BASTARDS two years ago DECIDED TO MURDER OFF OLDER AMERICANS by FORCING Them to WITH DRAWL (Really Murder BY TORTURE over these years!!!!) IT’s REALLY About THE LEADER Of THIS SATANIC NATION gets – OFF by HUMAN SUFFERING……MY Family and Friends have WATCHED THIS and Agree it IS DEVILISH MURDER… by the Children of SATAN who have engineered a complete HELL HOLE for the Goy!!! Millions of US are HIP To Your EATING OUR CHILDREN, Torturing THEM for Perversion and Getting HIGH OFF THEIR BLOOD…. NOW, the Real ANGELS from HELL are Back to REVERSE This SICK SATANIC CULT….CALLING the Goy, OUT For Using YOUR various EVIL NAMES Is OVER We Are AMERICANS & DO NOT WANT TO HEAR you refer to US as Goy, garbage, Names because the KM is the ENTIRE PROBLEM…. SOME of US HAVE MADE MANY ALLIANCES WHO ARE GOING TO “EAT YOur FLOCK, NOW” Leaders of DRACO, DRAGONS, and RE-DEEMED “DEMONS” Are Here To PAY YOU BACK “IF” YOU HAVE DONE EVIL To Any of US, ITS KARMA RETURNING, WE HAVE BEEN ASSURED……AFTER 9 / 11, You Should Go HOME?? But, you have no HOME Now. PALESTINE Is Taking Back Their HOME…..The BEARS are eating YOU DEMONS In Southern RUSSIA and More On WAY!!! FAKE HOMELANDS No More….
I agree with you 100%, it will take a lot of people a good amount of time to understand and comprehend what is going on. People need to wake up, get some fucking coffee people. Its happening and you can’t or aren’t open to seeing the clues all around you. They are smart to hide this but our military who chose Trump are putting the hammer down and everyone will see this. It will hurt but it needs to hurt so it never happens again!!!!!!
I want to SEE the EXECUTIONS and close ups of the dead bodies. I want to KNOW these criminals are DEAD. I am not taking anyone’s word without SOLID PROOF. I do not believe in doubles, clones, etc. WHAT WOULD BE THE POINT? GIVE ME THE DEAD BODIES!
Pray for discernment. Know that God wins. Truly, where we go one ,we go all. People realize this is happening to all groups dems, reps, liberts, black, white,red,yellow, blue,green& purple. Humans unite. Put an american flag on your mail box. If we do it they will see & there can be no fraud. Speak before it’s too late. God bless us all
Feel the same as you but wonder if they’re just taking the DOUBLES out? Seems like a lot.
MICHELLE STRONG – Let’s say Obama and all the other government officials and people in Hollywood (over 260 so far) are dead and replaced by CGI, holograms, AI clones & body doubles. This would mean that over 260 entire families would have to also go along with it without telling anyone: their 10 year old kids, their parents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles & grandparents would all have to go along with it. What about their friends & neighbors… if a person was killed and replaced somehow, wouldn’t their best friends know? What about their doctors & dentists that have their medical history, x-rays and charts. The doctors don’t say anything about the body double’s medical information not matching the records? That would be considered insurance fraud at minimum and they could lose their license. Overall, that is A LOT of people that would have to keep quiet.
Most of these sick freaks are surrounded by sick freaks, so the related sick freaks are told of what they have on them. The NSA has it All. Notice how quiet hollywood has been this election cycle. You see what you see on TV. The pope has been seen disappearing after walking away from it’s window after waving to the mindless freaks below.
Billy Bob. These satanic monsters are EVERYWHERE. Doctors, lawyers, educators, scientists, celebrities, law enforcement, military, CIA, clerics, politicians, government employees, every aspect of society that can influence and control people. You say doctors could lose their licenses? Who do you think RUNS THE GOVERNMENT AGENCIES??? These people have been in this satanic cabal for centuries. They’re family. They cover for each other. They all descend from 13 original bloodlines.
Different last names don’t mean shit. Tom Hanks was a Rockefeller. Bill Clinton was Hanks’s cousin— also a Rockefeller. Hillary was an illegitimate Rothschild. They were all related to the Bushes, and distantly related to Queen Elizabeth. Angela Merkel and Theresa May were daughters of Adolph Hitler. You think he died in that bunker? Hell no! We were LIED TO. He was taken to South America. Operation Paperclip brought all the high-level nazis here to start up NASA. Why? Because they had alien technology we didn’t. Research how many nazis were executed at Nurnberg. It’s a joke. We didn’t win the war, son. It was all engineered. These bastards made $multibillions selling armaments to both sides while we got our sons sent home in body bags. WW-1 was planned too. And Vietnam. All the wars. It’s all about $$$$$ and power.
Here’s something to think about: The Titanic wasn’t sunk by an iceberg. Three very rich Americans were murdered because they opposed the Federal Reserve taking over the US Treasury. JJ Astor was one of them. JP Morgan invited them to sail the maiden voyage with him but then sneaked off the ship before it sailed. He purposely murdered around 1500 people with a torpedo just to get these three men out of the way. And he was so fking greedy he secretly switched out the Titanic for her older, slightly smaller sister ship Olympic so he wouldn’t lose his beautiful new new ship. That’s the Olympic at the bottom of the ocean. Are you awake yet? Do you see how soulless and inhuman these “prominent people” are? And THEY wrote our world history.
They’re like cockroaches. There are millions of them worldwide. That’s why it’s taking years to bring them down. BTW, clones are anatomically the same as humans. Only their brains are different.
Thank you Theresa 77, I been doing my homework on all this for going on a year and I just learned a little more thanks to you. When Trump said the swamp was bigger than he ever knew he wasn’t kidding. I’m 62 years old and have learned more about our wicked world in the past year then I ever knew. I was so sick seeing what I have and crying for these poor children that I would have to walk away for a few days before going back to finding out the truth. I tell my sister and she is like many on here who don’t want to know or believe the truth. I have been before doctors who almost killed me, Judges that were corrupt, Cops who lied, I learned so much first hand. This how ever just shows how deep the swamp really is like Trump said.
Yes my thoughts exactly!!! When I first heard that they were going to do this I was like ok that’s awesome but now when I look at the list I thought the same thing about their families, children (10 & up) , people who they are close with!!! I don’t know but what I can say, if it happens it happens but I know who my God is & He is not happy with how we are all suppose to be taking care of His creation…He gave the earth to us to care for it & we have not done so not by His ways!!!
BILLY BOB Their family already know they are Corrupt, so it wont be any great Loss for them 🙂 LOL
Wow. I don’t even know what to say to you people, except good luck with your delusional thinking. LOL, some batshit crazy here.
Good luck to YOU. If this is hard for you to swallow just wait. You’re soon going to find out things that will scare the living sh*t out of you. This is 100% true and you’ve been in a stupor. Wake the hell up, sheeple.
Says the person who follows and believes what “Q” says. Who’s the sheeple?
The Bush’s real name was Scherff from Nazi Germany Check on it
just so you know, most of us do not want to believe this….but sadly, imo a lot of it is true….go research the people involved with pizza gate….look at the “art” they display….look up their “spirit cooking” …..I dare you……otoh…..most people are not evil….most people are not pedos…..most people are good…….
Nesara/Gesara money system to go online within days. 3 kinds of Med-beds already set to go after that starts. Texas first, Florida next and also other world locations. Won’t be long before they are everywhere as military released the patents a few weeks ago in a document dump. Heard of a new company near me to make medical beds. Probably that new technology.
You are delusional if you believe this is happening.
NHTPC You have been living in delusion for decades and programmed by msm. But don’t feel bad there are many other clueless ones out there like you. You are not unique just dumbed down.
When is “soon”?
What emergency broadcast system? The one used for natural disasters? You think they’ll use this for political reasons? Wow!
Big Pharma wanted to bank big bucks off of everyone to line their pockets with billions. That they did, but a lot of us who have been awaken have gone back to using the old remedies our grandparents used on us when we were children. They work! I use to take 5 medications, but back down to 1 for my hypothyroid. Got to do more research to find out what I can do to get off the medication for it.
God gave us natural herbs on this green earth for every disease to cure. We just need to go back to the old ways.
The mind control and brain washing of people was brought to us by the German scientists.
And the good old Catholics took out multiple chapters of the Bible they did not want the people to know about. Who are they to decide? They will burn in hell for what they have done!
This is not the first time this list has been published.
Where can I get my daily updates… or …updated lists of the arrests… executions…and waiting for their TRIBUNALS…
I appreciate your assistance Bella……have a beautiful and blessed day…
The updated lists of the arrests, executions and those who are waiting for their Tribunals are listed toward the top of this page and are updated by a moderator. However, I am not sure how often the updates are done.
Bella…where can I obtain my updates… or …daily updates list of…arrests…executions…waiting for their TRIBUNALS…
Thank you…for your assistance Bella……and have a beautiful…amazing…and blessed day…
Have you seen or heard anyone on the list come out to file lawsuits, these people love attention. If we mortal earthlings are aware of this you can bet your bum EVERYONE KNOWS!
What are they going to file lawsuits against? Some unknown kid in his parents’ basement calling himself Q? They don’t have time for that. LOL.
Even the top military are calling Trump out for his actions after the insurrection. Do you REALLY think he is in control? Again, LOL.
Who ?
The rich and famous accused of trafficking and crimes against humanity would be standing in line knocking on attorneys doors screeching their denials.
President Trump has always been in control, and that fact burns your biscuits and keeps you up at night doesn’t it.
President Donald J Trump
Is living rent free IN YOUR HEAD!!
How would we know this by now? The info is out there if you choose to find it.
LC exactly. I was dumbfounded by that stupid comment of that poster myself, but you could just feel that low IQ that person had and I didn’t bother to comment. But you nailed it. These idiots still don’t get it that the media(Globally) is owned by the very people who want all of this information hidden.
What I don’t get is if trump is in charge of the elites now why is the fake news still going on?
The Khazarian’s are here in USA controlling our entire system and came into this Nation along with the Nazi’s with this plan to wipe out 90% of mankind. They also invaded so called Israel mixing right in with them. They made sure no one there got the CV19. They faked those claiming to have caught it. After VETERANS TODAY brought out this giant fraud, these people plane to kill off the Ukrainians and replacing them. The Russians know them well as the BOLSHEVIKS that murdered over 30,000,000 Russians and that is the reason U.S. MSM is always provoking wars with the USA & Russia. This Dr. Fauci, was one of the KM members out to kill off Americans, including our Military, They are putting another KM member as PM of England, again after murdering The Queen. Both of our Leaders are connected with the KM and both pushing the CV19 even to our Military Branches. This IS a planned genocide operation it now appears to many of our citizens the death rate of our dual passport citizens is tightly controlled and now they have our military in another of ” THEIR PLANNED WARS “. We can no longer afford Leaders always run by ethnic Khazarian Mafia members! We always lose or waste time with pre-planed Political Party disputes as we are right now. See Jordan Maxwell’s last speech, as he revealed the Satan worship on Saturn and how that Planet is going to invade Earth to assure only the KM & Israeli are going to destroy the rest of Earths population!
I understand waiting proof. But to say it isn’t true because we would’ve heard of it by now is what’s wrong with the world. You honestly think the media, entertainment and education tells us the truth and offers full disclosure? The people and organizations we trust are the ones doing it. You’re not gonna hear it from them. Dig deeper.
In war, there is some deliberate misinformation. Some of these folks could be in ankle monitors, still alive… out for a time until their tribunals. Television shows are obviously filmed before they’re televised. If you watched the inauguration carefully, you’d notice Roy Blunt being arrested in plain sight. If you watch the video of elder Bush’s funeral, notice the fear and shock on George, Laura, and Jeb Bush’s faces when handed a note from the Secret Service. Look up the photos of children being removed at night from the White House. People in DC have said explosions have happened there, the streets are flooded for some reason, and normal activities are not happening there like before Trump left. Ask yourself why all the big tech companies CEO’s suddenly stepped down, and research the foreign royalty who’ve been removed from their positions, including Benjamin Rothschild, who died of a supposed heart attack. How about Hillary’s former aid who “jumped” to her death from a building (naked) holding her infant. Look up the 4.0 or similar earthquakes that have happened in recent months. Watch Monkeywerx as he explains how many unusual flights have gone on to Gitmo and other places. Find Megan McCRain’s televised statement of how “they” killed her father. Check out how Angela Merkel resembles Hitler’s family members — there’s a good reason for that. There are many instances out there of abnormal things happening. One just needs to be awake and paying attention.
Mate there has been list that have been getting updated all last year. what proof do you want CNN to tell you, get your head out your ass.
We do know this by now. Do your research!
@Private….LOL. Where have you been? Who are you waiting on to disclose it to you? The ones that are involved? You must be kidding right?! The naivety is really Sad.
my question is can this site be trusted?
You can look them up on their states arrest database. Some do show they have been arrested.
They were not arrested by their states. This a federal and international sting.
Pray for discernment. Know that God wins. Truly, where we go one ,we go all. People realize this is happening to all groups dems, reps, liberts, black, white,red,yellow, blue,green& purple. Humans unite. Put an american flag on your mail box. If we do it they will see & there can be no fraud. Speak before it’s too late. God bless us all
Don’t trust ANY one site. But don’t automatically dismiss it like some of these brainwashed rubes. Research and work out the correlated info. There’s a ton of resources out there.
Well said, Theresa. I know for a fact that some of the people on the list HAVE been arrested.
NO this is a parody site. It’s not real.. It’s a joke.
No it’s not a parody site. You don’t have to believe anything. You can keep your head in the sand. The world is perfect and full of roses.
A lot of people have doubles/look a likes!
You should research before you say it’s a parody and lies!!
Search for Adrenochrome pedophilia cabal & pizzagate!
If you look in the right places you’ll see the truth.
NHTPC you must think you are on the CNN site. You know the parody site? Nothing they say is real and they are ALL a joke. Especially Down Lemming next to Fredo. I don’t know which is the bigger joke! However they programmed you well and you proved it that Operation Mockingbird is alive and well.
@Quisno Rodonovich, I trust that’s a question you ask from CNN & the rest of the criminal networks
I find it hard to believe. So who is the person I seen on the news that you said has been killed?
a double its called a mask, or a clone. duh. do you think that they are like us. come on man they are elite people they been doing this for years.
They can’t be clones because clones have to be born and raised the same as any other person. Therefore, a clone can’t possibly be the same age as the person they got their DNA from.
Billy Bob – yes they can. Clones are born but can be the age of the adult within weeks/months. We have been shielded from the technology the aliens underneath in the DUMBs has been using. Down there a train can travel at 17000mph using electromagnetic fields. You need to research Gene Decode videos on bitchute. He used to work on submarines and knows all about the deep underground military bases and what is down there.
Clones have been around in successively improved biological formats since at least the 1940’s. They can nowadays age a clone to match the original within months of creation. They used to have to use certain body cells. Now all they need is a few drops of blood.
Do you REALLY think Dolly the sheep back in the 80’s was a scientific anomaly? An experimental new technology?? Hell no! They were testing the concept out openly to measure HOW WE HUMAN SHEEP WOULD REACT TO THE IDEA OF CLONING. Apparently we didn’t take it too well. Notice it all kind of retreated back into the dark after all that public hoopla?
Is this what a year of lockdowns has been about? Rounding these people up? If so, it was worth it!
Theresa 77 – can you point me to a couple of sources on the subject? Also I am very interested in the Bible news you dropped in your other comment. Thanks.
@Theresa77….TRUTH! All of it! When I read posts from well researched people as yourself, I always find it so hard to believe that there are others out there live in the Dark.
Glad to see someone on here knows what has been going on for decades that has an open mind. Seeing some of these comments on here makes me shake my head. And the cloning of sheep started back in the early 60’s. After that the scientist went crazy!
All the scientist need now to Clone and duplicate a human being is their DNA from a sample of their blood. It only takes a few months to grow another human being from that DNA. They get DNA samples from people who participate in clinical research trials. When the patient signs an Informed Consent Form voluntarily to take investigational study drugs, so data can be gathered on the safety, efficacy, side effects, and how well the patients responses are to the study drug, etc. for which the study is being done for. It could be a study for high blood pressure, sugar diabetes, various types of cancer, various vaccines, etc. The informed consent form process asks if the Principal Investigator(MD) and/or researcher can take the patients blood samples to do other studies on their DNA/Genomics. And this is where they are doing all kinds of crazy sh*t that people don’t know about.
Also, there is more than one species on this Earth, but some people on here would call us a bunch of crazy lunatics for saying it. Now I know and understand the full blown term of “ignorance is bliss”.
We already know they can’t be clones because clones have to be born and raised like any other person so a clone can’t possibly be the same age as the person they got their DNA from
What are you saying Billy Bob? Do you remember the movie with Michaell Keaton when there were multiple of him. I think the name was MULTICITY. You think that was just a movie? They was showing us then what kind of technology that had. And that movie was out back in the 80’s. This is exactly why they are using the Clones, Double and CGI right now to show you individuals who have not AWAKE yet just what these DEMONIC FORCES have been doing for over DECADES right up under our noses. Some of you still don’t GET IT!!!
Amazing what one can do with CGI nowadays. Biden, the copy, is sitting in Castle Rock studios siging executive orders, not in the Oval Office.
Think “The Matrix!”
Easy to say clones, doubles…. or Deep Fake technique….
But those supposed doubles are so real, they are playing their part so perfectly,
even worse than the Originals,… 🙂 🙂 🙂
Can then they be doubles really ?
The looks, the voice, the talents, all the subtle nuances… And the ability to keep this from getting out when so many have supposedly been cloned, that no power monger has taken any of the more obvious opportunities that this “technology” would provide. Why should we fear a bloody war? Just send the clones.
Whatever, I give these worries to my Lord and savior, Jesus.
Remember when GTF created Lucifer he was the most intelligent of all creations that he was the second in.command just.below our Lord. In Tradition teachings.he has more wings than an ordinary Seraphims. So when he fell from grace God can not get back what powers He gave him. He much powers you can imagine that only God can stop him. It is possible that he can create doubles or any illusions to fool us. The only thing he can not do is to make man with a soul. Doubles have no souls I think. Besides someone told me one day that GTF told her the evil ones are making clones. This was a long time ago before Trump ever came. Now I read about. Do I think this is possible. Yes it is possible because of the immense power of the evil one and God.permits it because He is too much offenfed by our sins by my sins and He is to come back to our senses to go.back to Him our only God and Creator. Let us also pray for these people to convert them too one is praying.for them.
Deo Optimo et Maximo.
To God Most Good and Most Great.
For me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Pax tecum.
So the fake Biden’s EO’s will not be enforced, right? They are unconstitutional to say the least.
Vicky, you are so right! The fake Biden has no legal right to say anything or do anything. He has zero power. All the members of Congress that certified the 2020 Election all committed treason and will never be seen again! The last 3 years has been a total farce!
Have you ever heard of Cloning? Well, what do you think they did after the scientist found out they could Clone sheep in the early 60’s? They started scewing around with Cloning people!! Bill Gates had a Clone. And there are masks that are made now that they can use to put on that look like anyone they want. Does this turn the lights on upstairs yet?! However, one needs an open mind in order to think outside the box. I have to pray for people who cannot do any critical thinking.
I this is true, and I’m super hopeful, when will we see their crimes stop, i.e. sensorship on line?
everyone is smoking crack. we are doomed.
Not everyone is smoking crack, we have a meth problem that’s far worse than a crack smoker!!!
Stopping the drug wars as man made shit will kill you far from any pills mill as they call it. Stop blaming Drs. For meds needed but hard to get because people have abused the priveledge that a chronic pain sufferer can’t get the help. I’ve never seen the likes of meth users in all my life as here in my home town and that’s a shocking disgrace, for I never thought this from a small town in the middle Tennessee!
You know I like when egnerint people talk My mom had to have two back surgeries and her back was fuzed together she had about 10 pounds of nuts and bolts and she had to go on pain pills but you want to know the best part the DR didn’t tell her the truth about pain pills that when you take them for a long period of time your body becomes amauned to them and now you have to take two just to get it to work and then it goes up to three and on and on and before you know it thay got YOU because the fucking DR,s get a kick back from the drug companies lots of money and as far as The other stuff look at what just happened and you don’t know where some of this people have been Or Ben through just like me for 47 years I keep IT to my self about what happened to me when I was 6 years old and then for that 47 years I thought it was My falt and that I put Off a signal I wanted it or I was gay and I am not saying that to hurt anyone or anything like that but that is the way I was thinking and so I had to prove to my self I was a man and so I sleep with every woman I could and the bad part I was married for 18 years but I was so fucked up I didn’t know Up from down much less how to be a man then GOD said to me son you was only 6 years old how could you put off that kind of signal you didn’t even know what any of it meant and I finally talked to someone and from that day GOD showed me how to be a man and I know this I know nothing so I have know right to condem anybody because A man hurt A man cry’s a man fills and it is not weakness to ask for help. And I WANT EVERYONE OUT THERE TO KNOW GOD SAID I NEW YOU BEFORE YOU WHERE BORN I KNOW THE NOMBER OF HAIR’S ON YOUR HEAD I NEW EVERYTIME YOU WOULD SCROW UP AND I DID A LOT BUT YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE HE SAID. GOD SAID EVEN THOUGH I KNEW EVERYTHING YOU WOULD DO YOU WAS STILL GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME TO SIND MY SON SO YOU CAN HAVE LIFE AND MORE ABUNDANT LIFE AND IF YOU WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME THEN HOW IN THE HELL CAN SAY YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH TODAY!!?! MABBY PEOPLE NEED TO STOP AND THINK ARE YOU REAL THAT SPECIAL THAT IMPORTANT I KNOW I AM NOT BECAUSE I AM ONLY SAVED BECAUSE OF GOD’S MERCY AND NOT BECAUSE OF HOW SPECIAL I AM NON OF US IS THAT SPECIAL BUT WE ARE THAT LOVED.. THANK YOU MY LORD AND SAVE YOUR JESSUS CHRIST
Thomas Haines. I was the same victim like your Mom, i worked in ICU at a local hospital for 7 years with nursing school lined up letters of recommendations from out top cardiologists,and thought i was at the top of my life working at a job that you truly enjoy is not often.But as i was working i got injured by a mental patient ery large and strong i suffered 3 herniated discs permanent sciatica nerve damage. Basically i couldnt even shower without the help of my family!!! What a mess anyhow the hospital insisted they since it was a workmans comp injury i had to see their doctors so as i did for the first time in my life i was seeing a Dr. Feel GGood is what i call him he was prescribing me 120 percocets a week prn so istarted with 1 pill at a time by the time i was into my fourth year i remeber counting up to 20 percocets a day and that is because on that pill bottle they dont tell you that as your immune system gets used to these narcotics your body will need more!!! If i could only go back i wouldve never taken one to make a long story short this pill started my opiod addiction and i found myself in and out of jails rehabs and yes i even died!!! Fnally after years of torturing myself through this addiction i laid my addiction to rest i am now 14 years clean and sober and wouldnt wish this addiction on my worst enemy!!! I blame the doctors and myself for being so naive!!! I wish your Mom the very best for me today i try top help other addicts my famous line is i didnt just wake up one day at the age of 25 no police contact ever and say hey i wanna be a junkie today its sad what some of us have to go through but if my life story saves one person than im happy, ya see Thomas i made it im alive there are so many others that have died to this disease of addiction !!!God bless you and your family!!
Wow, we’ll said I think. Pain sucks, don’t kid yourself. If you don’t have it your lucky
God bless you Thomas ❤️
Thomas Haynes, It was never your fault you were only a little boy. I am so glad the Lord is in your life and helping you through this. You suffered long enough enjoy life and try your best to move forward. I will Pray for you.
Beautiful, thank you for them amazing words, none of us are worthy, but by the grace of God he save us
Please people open your eyes and minds! There is so much evil around us and our government has become so corrupt because of the greed and money – they’ve become power crazed/ no human feelings left.
Little children have no value- just something to use and discarded- how they are suffering!
Researching I do believe these things to be true- we must enlighten and encourage our friends and
families and be ready to help them and our nation when this is revealed! God is still in control!
Soy un forastero,soy casi un simple ciudadano,como tú,como otros,como aquel que ya no esta’.Soy la. Mes la de una sangre africana con una española,nacido en Juana,ciudad Havana,
Soy sobrevivient doble de la dictadura que por más de6 décadas azota y empobrece a mi patria; Y digo sobreviviente doble.pues a los 15 años me enviaron al África.
Y ahora vivo aqui’,vivo aqui’ y aquí dare’ mi vida para defender esta bella y hermosa tierra(mi Babilonia).y aunque no e leído nada referente a mi patria y a sus DICTADORES;espero que por la misma base de guantanamo,bajo tierra puedan llegar hasta ellos y aplicarles la justicia militar a ellos,y a sus hijos,(a),Esposos(a) y demas familiares,amigos,,y todos los cómplices que an apoyado o participado en la destruccio’ spiritual,moral,familiar de nuestra patria.
Meth is cheap to make. Cocaine is expensive.
go to roku burrow app you will see every vidoe of the corruption including CIA leaked files how the cia helped jfk jr diana and mj fake there death pedo ring is from scotus down to hollywood its crazy
I hope it all goes down
Were just an Alien Experiment gone horribly wrong*
Human ant farm guys
Sorry to burst the bubble
But very true
Rotten to the core politics media and financials
Warped demented twisted evil.socipaths at work
Go have fun
Screw these psychopaths
Well the person who wrote this seems to be…
As a Canadian i really hope this is happening
Trudeau and they can come and get the rest!
Yes !
Soon we hope. Before he call Election!
Derek Sloan for new Prime Minister!
Fake site. No way these people were executed and we don’t know about it.
Its not fake. When was the last time you saw any of these ppl?
The truth will out about arrests/executions soon.
These people murdered, raped, and drank the blood of millions of children. Did we know that it was happening? Probably could execute a lot of murderers without anyone knowing it as well. Just saying.
Stay asleep you. Your just whats holding the world up from “the truth”
Rest assured they are gone. They all deserve it. Millions of children hurt because of these no good s
You will see
My dad was an admiral and one of Reagan’s top advisors. He knew alot of things, some of which he passed on to me. You can take it to the bank that TONS of stuff happens that the people do not know about. If I told you some of what I know for a fact to be true, you wouldn’t believe me. Right now, this is the biggest problem we have – that there are too many people who simply dismiss what they think is unbelievable without ever doing any research on it. I’m elderly and have watched the whole deep state shite show since 1960. I’ve seen far too many events that are connected for me to dismiss any of it. I’ve also seen plenty of evidence. Please do some research – the entire world is about to be freed but first ALL of us need to wake the hell up and realize that a cabal of the most evil people ever created are here and are ruining our world. This world doesn’t at all resemble the world I grew up in.
Its not fake
go to their social medias and see for yourself… a lot of them are not active or have deleted social media account’s! check dates of activities and also strange behavior!… do the research!
You hit the nail on the head. I have a friend who is a good friend of Reese Witherspoon and she was with her at the Oscars. This is so phony…..
It’s been happening quietly so the good people are not vexed by evil hired gangs. Prepare for the 10 days of darkness when the last are gone.
It is not a fake site! What do think would happen if they just let all of this out? Think about it if you can when God puts Trump in the WH then you will see some of it come out perhaps all but right now it is not possible THERE WOULD SEE RIOTS AND KILLING IN THE STREETS AS IT IS THE THINGS THESE ANIMALS DID WOULD BE HARD FOR ANY HUMAN BEING COULD HANDLE!
You are the only smart one here..!!!
I agree.There are too many that were so call executed…and it was that secret? There are so many in the list that seem like they are still doing shows ..and tweets…etc. WTH?
yer,i think so to,trumps playing sleepy joe biden,still.Trumps pulling the strings,for sleepy joe biden,thats the name gave him.Trump sign America over to the milatery.Biden is playing prisdent..for Trump..Trump is givin the thous Fema camps are ready…for the American people..negro’s lambs to the slaughter..then fema coffin’s all stacked an ready…the make up Artist,are well paid..pedoscums
Cause ur sleep that’s why
You would be an idiot to think the MainStream Media isn’t hiding information. Find out who controls and owns the Media and you find the truth.
They are executed !!! Believe it !!
Not fake. Open up your eyes. Look up Katie Grove listen to her Confession on what they made her do in the trafficking. People need to open up your eyes. Trump will be President like he should have been
Bill Gates is dead????????? No hs not he is at Guantanamo Bay. Gates is scheduled to hang by the neck until dead on October 5, 2021.
Your in for a big surprise sir! Do your reasearch.
well done girl! keep searching the truth, and say it
soon all will be reaveled, i think we ll have the best christmas in thousands of years
the awakening and ascension is happening with or without the majority of the sleepers. but the wake up call is so well planned that i think we can make the ascension together, gradually until 2030
Also I think that NESARA is implemented or will be soon
QFS free energy no more taxes
wonderful times to be alive
well done girl! keep searching the truth, and say it
soon all will be reaveled, i think we ll have the best christmas in thousands of years
the awakening and ascension is happening with or without the majority of the sleepers. but the wake up call is so well planned that i think we can make the ascension together, gradually until 2030
Also I think that NESARA is implemented or will be soon
QFS free energy no more taxes
wonderful times to be alive
This is GOD , Trump and John Jr. for us. What a trio . They saved our world .
Praise the LORD.
Bill Gates et Melinda Gates sont mort exécutés en Inde, en 2013. Les Clinton sont mort exécutés à gitmo en 2022, et leur fille Chelsea, fur exécutée en 2023. Les mondialistes vont être tour exécutés. C’est pourquoi ils se cachent dans les Dumbs. Qui possèdent la listes complète des toutes les VIP, exécutées, à ce jour ? avec la date de l’exécution et identité de la personne, éventuellement, le lieu de l’exécution. Merci de me faire parvenir ces informations en pdf.
If it’s not fake, then Trump and only Trump is having this war because someone has to be the leader if Biden is a fake.
Theres pieces and puzzles with Truth these Sick Bastuudz are gone
Letsss Gooo! I’m waiting on Ralph Northam to be hung! He signed the hit in Virginia- Larry Hogan signed it in Maryland! They sent letters to medical facilities telling them to use Remdesivir and Medicare would pay 50,000 per dose! They murdered Americans to push the jab!
I want to believe this with every fiber of my being, but how can we with no date ever given and no significant proof.
The same way you believe in God and that He has your best interest at heart. You have faith and you look forward to what’s around the next corner I can’t imagine not having faith in the world today It would be oppressively crushing.
E. Grogan. Thank you. My elderly Father (85) is a former Canadian Armed Forces Veteran and he knows much of what you are saying. People label but refuse to get off of their lazy butts to do their own research. I call them indoctrinated and therefore extremely limited in intelligence, self awareness and curiosity. They call me insane and a conspiracy theorist but how would they actually ever know when they do not bother to read? People of great awareness that lashed out against this have been brutally tortured/murdered to keep this info quiet. The evil enjoy that many ignore the truth and selfishly live on…for now.
You can’t and you’re stupid if you do !!! How in hell is Gitmo going to hold 200,000 prisoners plus the thousands of military to guard them??? And Oh yeah isn’t Cuba in a state of civil war ??? I believe documented proof not sugar plumbs and fairy tales !!!
@alias1026 the date is at the very to of the 1st green page, November 4, 2020
If you look back you will see all these people suddenly disappeared with the excuse of having covid. We were told if any celeb goes missing saying they have covid its because they have been arrested. A lot of what you are seeing is either lookalikes , clones or CGI. They have gone. If they said these people were arrested or executed and it wasn’t true, these people would be suing this website for false information, so if its not true, why aren’t they suing? They are not suing because they are either dead or in prison/house arrest.
I do too. and call me whatever names you will, but where is this information coming from? who owns/controls this site? how to verify any of this info? is this–this site & it’s information–in and of itself fake/disinformation (like a triple-or quadruple-cross) to throw us (the ‘we the people’, us) off track…while really all the same nefarious shit is going on, that has been going on? how can anyone confirm any of this?
Maybe this has been asked, I don’t know…. But if this is all true, and covid is a distraction, then what are the vaccines? And why are they being pushed? If Fauci and the Gates are dead, then who’s behind the vaccines and why?
Kyle – Why should you know? We’re at war – they don’t do obituaries for Treason, Crimes Against Humanity…. There are many prisons (not in US) that are being used! (3+) in Iceland; one at Terceira; one in San Juan, GITMO, one along the coast of Argentina….and many of these are executions, not imprisonment.
Toute exécutions à était filmé au momment vennue ils y aurra sur toute vos chaîne de vos ils y aurra que sa qui passerat en boucles pendent des jour et des nuits sur tout nos écrant télévision Mondiale de’ leur executionde masses passera e’ boucles pandantt des jours et des nuit complète jusqu’au derniers executés de tout ces criminels mes paroles ils le sont au enfer et belle et bien executés seux que vous voiyer et de la technologie et masque acteures pour les gra’d événement publique bientôt la verite tombera sur le monde les vrais vérité choquera aussi le monde entier que le monde métra plusieur mois pour s’en remétre de tout ce qu’ils o’t pue faire a des innocents et à nous même sans que nous le sachions le monde serra choqué oui mes pour la BO’NE cause cette foit si pour notres vrais liberté du nouveaux monde celui que toute l’humanité a toujour voulue avoire la ou toute pauvreté serra abolie la ou tous serra en parfaite égalités et harmonie du tout vivants que dieu soit prier pour le remercier car lui est lui seul à envoiyer ses anges comptent pour détruire le mal sur terre et préserver sa créations MERCI PÈRE. MON DIEU TOUT PUISSANT A TOI QUI APPARTIENT GLOIRE ET PUISSANCE DE TON AMOUR POUR TA CRÉATIONS AMÈN
trump is een monster de leider van de nieuwe wereldorder
This is 100% untrue. MAGA fukks believe anything.
This is 100% true. They had to build 2 more Gitmo’s and they have prison ships. And they always have executions. They all aren’t there at the same time. Bill Gates and his wife were hung in Africa. They we’re giving kids their vaccine, most of the kids died and the ones that didn’t were paralyzed. The parents hung them. The military will put out an EBS and tell everyone everything.. the world is going to be in shocked . It won’t be long now. The world will know.
So true! I can’t believe people really think that Biden is President! The real Biden was executed for raping and killing babies! If you put an older pic of Biden next to the “present” Biden, they look nothing like each other! Besides that, the military did a complete audit of the 2020 election and found that Trump won by over 80%! These actors and politicians all have doubles, actors, clones or other things to fill in for them depending on their crimes or deals they had to make! That is why the people who are still in a coma think everything is fine! Everything that has been told to us since we were born has been a LIE!!!
Bill and his wife were actually hung in India in 2013!
You are correct Theresa! I read up on what Bill & Melinda Gates did to the kids in Africa and the parents went off the chain crazy on them and didn’t hold back. The Gates found out real quick the Africans weren’t going to put up with their sh*t like parents do here in the US.
please come and get Whitmer
She been executed by Lethal injection
Whitmer has?
Which link has the updated list?
How do you know that?
Look up the name and scroll across it will tell you
It tells you
Why hasn’t Governor JB Pritzker been arrested yet?
Yes she has I’ve been doing my own research for the past few years and yes there all gone and think God cause they have been doing some very very evil things!!!
Strangely Swift Taylor had given a Swift Taylor Themed party on dec 10. Don’t tell she was replaced! To replace someone, a clone or not, a singing voice is very unique. You can hear if it’s not the same prson. I sing as well, so I know some about it. Not to brag, but you really can hear that. And she’s still the same.
Yes, get communist Whitmer
Well Adam Schiff was crying at the Congressional hearing on J6 so i guess he wasnt arrested and executed. Makes the entire list look like a CNN document. Media is still spewing lies so these articles are most likely a psyop and nothing more.
Adam Schiff is on a list I saw, as arrested/executed. True or not, it’s what I read.
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY< Pedo activities – to get anywhere in Hollywood, you have to be a fully paid up member or they do not trust you.
Ive always been awake. Im losng all faith in this now. If Fauci and Gates are Gone dead a buried.
Why is the world being vaccinated. Many against their will. I’m being forced into getting the vaccine. I’m not in my own country. To travel home i have to get two vaccines. I read these vaccines are dangerous. So answer me, why is it happening?. Why the mass vaccination program? .
I dont know where the truth is.. If Boris is gone why is Britain Being suppressed by a Tyrant leadership?
If these arrests are true. How come the world hasn’t been told officially? We’re still being held down against our will. This is the biggest disaster of man kind. To prove what? Who is the mighty powerful one? Is it the Chinese to prove they can stop the world if they want to? By dropping a mad made virus on us.
Or Is it the deep state Shadow Governments proving a point. That they still rule the World.
Ive always been awake. Im losing all faith in this now. If Fauci and Gates are Gone dead and buried.
Why is the world being vaccinated? . Many against their will. I’m being forced into getting the vaccine. I’m not in my own country. To travel home i have to get two vaccines. I read these vaccines are dangerous. So answer me, why is it happening?. Why the mass vaccination program? .
I dont know where the truth is.. If Boris is gone why is Britain Being suppressed by a Tyrant leadership?
If these arrests are true. How come the world hasn’t been told officially? We’re still being held down against our will. This is the biggest disaster of man kind. To prove what? Who is the mighty powerful one? Is it the Chinese to prove they can stop the world if they want to? By dropping a mad made virus on us.
Or Is it the deep state Shadow Governments proving a point. That they still rule the World.
I do believe this to be true! I want to know WHY each of the criminals have done. How they caught them. I can’t wait for all of this to be exposed! I am sad that I am a different person now being aware of how evil people in power, government & money have been! SICK!
Could you make a current listing please.
I’m not a creep person but I will want to see these murders expected. I think the entire world needs to see it!
hi Angela I’m sorry to hear what’s goin on with you just now ,I am Scottish living in Edinburgh, you cannot be forced to have the vaccine in the uk….so point blank refuse.
join telegram and you will find plenty of useful legal and lawful information and contacts too…look me up
I will give you the invites
Hi Angela Haines. Problem is while many satanists are dead and gone, the legacy lives on through others like relatives etc. Follow the money. The more that federal bankers are arrested and elitist assets seized the better!! Never forget that Health is Wealth!! Trust in God. Peace be with you.
Feel the same. Want this all to be true but if this is to ‘wake people up’, then people put under pressure to have vaccine and dying is not my idea of pantomime.
Your not being held down. Stand up for your rights. Do your research.
This is a Worldwide Sting Operation. Massiven arrest and Executions been going on there are M0re Prison then Gitmo. Mant Tribunels been going on, media will not tell you there run by the Cia and Mossard.
There are still tons of lower level people who need to be arrested; also, there aren’t enough people who are awake yet. We need to be patient, Trump and military ARE getting the job done.
Her name is already on the list that is a double check out her status whether she is executed house arrest or at GITMO waiting for her tribunal not all names are listed just the well known names
Okay, but that is very long list of extremely famous people. The world would notice. How can they be gone? I’m in, just I think it’s hard to believe. You seem so sure.
Need to keep some to hang around to leak out information too the military. After that, they will be faced with something also, But will be given keniency. Because they did minor crimes, but helped authorities prosecute the upper crust, ones.
I know! What in the world could Anthony Hopkins have done to be executed? Doesn’t make sense to me, nor they could make doubles for everyone listed here!
Just keep thinking ….it’s only a movie. If you think this is unbelievable!!!!! Wait until you find out everything.!!!!! You won’t sleep at night.
They don’t need doubles for those who are not often in the public eye. MANY of these people a) Sold the US for $$; b) Way too many used children for their adrenochrome addiction; c) Many used the massive amounts of children to sell, or use for sex; d) Go check out (above) Mike Pence – he was doing much of the raping/killing children while Gov of Indiana…and he helped the CIA traffic children….(such a Christian guy…).
CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY< Pedo activities – to get anywhere in Hollywood, you have to be a fully paid up member or they do not trust you.
Totally agree with you. If this is all TRUE, then Why are we still having to take this experimental drug, don’t know the side effects from now till 10 yrs from now. Many Scientists, Doctors, Nurses, Lawyers, Politicians are starting to talk about this and how this is dangerous.
Lockdowns and masks “do not work”, yet these people are suppose to be arrested. Then WHY ARE THESE CRIMES AGAINST THE PEOPLE STILL HAPPENING???
They only have doubles or clones for the ones seen often. Sometimes it is a hologram they use. Finishing up make sure they get the job done completely. This is why Kennedy was taken out. JFK JR said he would finish the job his father started. Then his plane goes down. We are lucky to jave a wonderful military and a true Patriot i. President Trump. That is why tbe left kept up with trying to get him out of office and get Americans to hate him. They were so scared of him. Because they knew he would not stop till he stopped them. So much info to come. Be patient and pray to your God. Good will win over evil. These people worship the devil. Stay strong America. This has been going on world wide not just in America. There a 4 men, leaders of our world that have helped to make sure this was a complete job done well. Trump is a true blessing. It will take time for people to see. But I believe they will. Obama and Michael Lavaugn Robinson ( Michelle) are gone as well as the Clintons. She was arrested at the Suv when we all saw her collapse.
JFK JR. Is alive an in witness protection program along with his wife Carolyn Besette Kennedy. It’s all going to come out just keep the faith !
You DO NOT have to take the 2 shots! You are being PRESSURED to by what is left of the DEEP STATE! You HAVE to have the COURAGE to resist. Screw what your Family and Friends say—BE YOUR OWN PERSON–
There are a ton of extremely Gullible people on this site obviously tons of these people that are listed as dead or seen in public all the time I’ve personally seen two or three of those people since that says their dad has seen them in person there’s no way in hell 200 300 of the most famous people on the planet could all be arrested and executed and it’s some kind of secret that only these secret squirrels know that are in the know because they know about Q in the white hats these people are gullible as hell. And their argument is always that the person telling them that this couldn’t possibly be true there are the dumb one there the uninformed one according to these people oh you just don’t know because you’re uninformed be ass I spent all day in forming myself this is utter garbage
Folks remember this Donald J. Trump visited the CIA headquarters prior to his inauguration, and promised that his administration was going to war to end human trafficking, that alone in my mind was huge because it took someone with his intelligence, and perseverance to accomplish such a task, one that we now has gone on for hundreds if not thousands of years, and to me this is extremely important if you love your family your kids and your friends. In my mind no one has ever, if you look back in the history of the world, has done so much to heal and preserve the world actually the health health of humanity. His generosity speaks for itself as he did the smartest thing instead of engaging the military immediately to remain in power ,which would have gotten a lot of our brothers and sister killed with the civil war that would have broken out, no he took the higher road and instead of transferring power to Joe Biden a well known criminal pedophile who we ultimately found out was also a traitor including his son, he decided to transfer power to the military and after the attempt on his life with Saudi Prince in Las Vegas he put the plan in place, by creating the required executive orders and getting them approve in the International Court I’d Brussels so they would be enforceable worldwide, in turn the Alliance he created has been working extremely hard to removed the worse evil known to earth, in addition it was very easy for him to notice all the treason being committed nationally because as he stated in his inaugural address it was not a transfer of power from one party to another no his inauguration was transferring power back to the people as such it was very clear all the treason that was taking place the names referenced above is only the beginning of what’s to come because if 500,000 indictments have up to 99 names each this whole operation could arrest over 5,000,000 people. So now you understand the meaning of draining the swamp. This will initially is going to be tough as there will be shortages of food, fuel but once the country gets moving again we will be better than fine have faith and trust the Plan, you are living through the largest military cover operation in the history of the word.
Could you make a current listing please.
I’m not a creep person but I will want to see these murders expected. I think the entire world needs to see it!
SHhhh IMO __It’s a SY-op ! The Good Guys are Putting out Distorted News – JUST LIKE THEM!!! To Brainwash Them into panicking and acting like fools and making bad choices and in complete haste and waste. They’re doing to them the same things they did to us, because it’s very effective as you can see with the BLM wars they promoted!! They are tweaking out bigtime , cuss the cat is out of the bag.. Soros is deeply entwined in all of it as much as anyone and many bad guys back him and likewise! These gluts are a cult &* think they can mind control everyone! Or at least the majority.. The Tables have turned and could be that these are proceedings they hope to bring soon , some may be a trickle but I trust deeply it is happening somehow. They are clever – we arm the foot soldiers going door to door – Great Job don’t give up!!!
Look up the list Of Arrested and Executed Also The Digital Soldier Press lists some of the arrested and executed,Anyways they did
Angela, I think part of this chaos is to wake up the people and the other part is to show us all where we were heading to with the New World Order. We have become too complacement in letting the world take care of us and not be involved. I was never really into politics, but I do have a pulse on our small community that I volunteer and make a news letter for the past 19 years. We all need to be aware of who we elect and when they don’t do their job, that we kick them out. From small towns , school boards and up. Unfortunately we get casualties in this war. We all have free will and will have to stand up for what we believe in. If that means you don’t want a vaccine, then fight back with the rules. They are experimental and should not be mandated.
I agree completely with you. This is losing all credibility. Its looking more like horseshit every day!
Citizens cannot be forced to do ANYTHING much less vaccinate you. They can try to threaten, but there is no mandate to allow forced vaccines! If anyone attempts to begin force vaccines there will be 150 million Patriots lined up to protest
Everyone of us are brother and sisters in the good fight for freedom, justice, and liberty for all. We ALL want the same thing. These rights are color blind, we are family!
We will never ever let anyone to control or tell us WHO TO HATE! That’s a tool meant to divide family.
It gets worse every day . There are no mandates at the moment where I am but every damn store still says put a mask on . I see 10 with masks for every one without . Worse , half of those with masks are showing various degrees of aggression , from ugly stares , to threatening harm , to “accidently “bumping into me . They think they have the support and permission to bully anyone . The employees side with the aggressors . It is true relief to get back in my car . I’m 6-4 , 230 lbs and have never taken crap from anyone . But I see that I cannot win this fight . If a train car full of people can watch a woman get raped for almost an hour and do nothing , what help can I expect if a mob attacks me in Walgreens ? I make it home and it hits me . I am the only one I saw in the last hour who was fighting back and was openly defiant . No wonder they act so boldly . I’m almost 70 and friends tease that I am the Clint Eastwood character in Gran Torino . That is gonna get me hurt if I continue . I’m going to try having things delivered but it sure feels like I’m giving in to the mob . Wouldn’t feel much worse to get my ass kicked .
And Phil Murphy too. He is wrecking havic on the citizens of New Jersey.
Bunch garbage posted by disinfo moron. How would Selena Gomez be a criminal on par with Satanyahu and Bnai Brith FREEMASONs who arranged 911 and endless wars in M.E? Not a single ROTHSCHILD, SOROS or GATES on here. Why dont they execute Miss Piggy too and Kermit?
Because she likes Adrenochrome !
I pray this isn’t true. I pray that Jesus saves them. If this many are involved , can it be that we are too?
God loves these souls and we all need to pray for them. “Vengece is MINE!”saith The LORD.
c’en est peut-être un de plus!!?
car on aimerait voir ces listes remises à jour… avec des commentaires aux bonnes dates de mise à jour également !
Utter rubbish. The people who write these fairy tales believe in God and the Bible as well so 2 fantasies for the price of one!! Research? How the hell is anyone meant to research the ‘truth’ when the internet is so full of bullshit. How do you know what’s real? Or fake, like this. ‘research’ anything and you’ll find “proof” that everything is fake .moon landings, the Holocaust, racism, you name it.
Yes, Bill and Melinda Gates were hung in India by parents of the children who died by their evil hand, in 2017 or 18, it’s all over the place!!!
I believe they were hung from a tree I think 2013 cause they have shots to over 40 thousand children killing them all so the parents took things into their own hands! has bill and melinda death dates july 2013. The bill and melinda gates foundation has paraded Actor Kevin Kline as Melida all over foxnews. pretty disturbing
you americans honestly believe anything never laughed so much
No! Nothing more than someone’s wildest dream!!
This is a fantasy league of “Most Likely to Be Killed If We Could.”
The people who claim these deaths happened would be the last people to know about them. There’s no legitimate source of this “information.”
Don’t tell me they’ve all got “clones.” That’s very convenient, but it could not be done on such a large scale without the public knowing.
It’s true, you will accept it eventually
Barbara, Have you checked the size of Gitmo and that it grew 5 times it’s original size. It is for all those that have come for treason , crimes against humanity , child trafficking and other bad things. Most sentences are for the death penalty. If they give more intel, they may get life in prison. From what I know, clones and other things have been around for a long time. We the normal citizen have been kept in the dark too long. Come out to the light and research things more. There is alot to learn.
Has anyone taken note either of all the earthquakes the past couple years? A lot are 4-6 point and 6.2km down. These are the D.U.M.B.s. where all the children have been kept and there’s 1400 of them around the world. Did you question why the White House is sectioned off. This was one of the worst places on the planet where the Cabal tortured children and trafficked these children.
Yuttman: Hi Thank you! I have heard of this from a knowledgeable person: Just want to know D.U.M.B.s. meaning what? And are they the clones?
Deep Underground Military Bases
The children who were there are called “black-eyed children” because they’ve never seen the sun, ever. They’ve been down there for decades. These tunnels in the USA connect to every state and many are underwater and connect continents. But the killing of children in satanic sacrifice goes back thousands of years. The plan to end it IS God’s plan. It will succeed. Please pray for those bringing this to an end.
We have no idea who these people really are, just know them on TV or movies. Where do you think Adrenochrome comes from? Most Celebs were buying it and involved with satanic cult. Do your research. People who gripe the loudest are those who are to lazy to do any research. Search the truth before you speak out.
I learned about blood a month ago and have been having nightmares ever since!
Butterfly you are so right and they should be hung for all they have done.
I agree 100% with you!!!!
Joseph, how do you know who deserves to be on here or not. President Trump fixed it where people who committed crimes against humanity would be arrested and tried in military court, our political courts and judges were part of deep state, they are protecting their own. So under military courts they are tried and if found guilty they are put before a firing squad immediately. If their blood tested positive for adrenochrome automatic guilty and firing squad. Same for commiting treason, death penalty. Unless they had some kind of information to help the Trump people then they get life in prison no parole.
You will be amazed at the things you are about to see and hear.
I’ve said for the last two years , that’s Not Carrie Underwood. When she had her accident they said her face and hands were ruined so they did extensive surgery. That’s not her. Also, if you watched the Grammy’s the first thing I said was why does Jay Z have a body double there. Absolutely Not Jay Z. Makes you think this coronavirus is all fake bullshittt to get everyone out of the spotlight also to wear masks so we can’t recognize anyone. We will find out soon
Clones, actors replaced people who were executed to give Americans who still believe Biden won the election time to wake up. The clones are now being taken down. That’s not even the half of it! Gullible Americans? Hardly! There’s much more yet to come
Makes total sense there would be so many hollywood scum. They constantly f*ck up their faces with surgery. So desperate to look young, of course they’d want this adrenochrome.
I want to believe this with every fiber of my being, but how can we with no date ever given and no significant proof.
Hey Butterfly…..I sell adrenochrome.
$75 for a Mason Jar full.
$150 if you want some baby toes in it like the Mexicans do with a worm in tequila.
Buy 12 & get an authentic shrunken baby head to hang from your rear-view mirror.
EXACTLY – so much easier and satisfying to call us fantisists…
What’s funny is, some of you individuals (JOSEPH) cannot READ…It says Clones, Doubles and CGI. Nowhere did it say that all of them were cloned. That’s the problem right there, people don’t pay attention to things going on around them and take everything as a JOKE until it happens to them. Research and find out the HORRIBLE things that most of these people did before you LOL!!!
Well stated!
They may already be 6 feet under
Remember when GTF created Lucifer he was the most intelligent of all creations that he was the second in.command just.below our Lord. In Tradition teachings.he has more wings than an ordinary Seraphims. So when he fell from grace God can not get back what powers He gave him. He much powers you can imagine that only God can stop him. It is possible that he can create doubles or any illusions to fool us. The only thing he can not do is to make man with a soul. Doubles have no souls I think. Besides someone told me one day that GTF told her the evil ones are making clones. This was a long time ago before Trump ever came. Now I read about. Do I think this is possible. Yes it is possible because of the immense power of the evil one and God.permits it because He is too much offenfed by our sins by my sins and He is to come back to our senses to go.back to Him our only God and Creator. Let us also pray for these people to convert them too one is praying.for them.
Deo Optimo et Maximo.
To God Most Good and Most Great.
For me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Pax tecum.
You’re right.
Wow. So what do I do with this information??
If you researched these people, would it say they are deceased. I did a few, it didn’t say that, or I don’t know how. Also would it tell you all the bad stuff they’ve done? What I know about the WORD of GOD, I believe all this to be true unfortunately. GOD tells us the heart of man is desperately wicked and deceitful who can know it. Im sure it would take a long time to take all these people out, but I sure wished it’d come to an end!!
I agree this info is hard to accept…I was the same, disbelieving the actions attributed to the actors that I loved and admired, especially John Travolta, until I found out that when he was first becoming famous he BOUGHT A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL TO USE AS A SEX SLAVE! Then I woke up.
AMEN Please never stop Oh my gosh I cannot believe what I am reading he bought a 13 year old girl for a sex slave. That is disgusting. I have myself experienced much more than this type of violation, sexual ritualistic abuses and these stars, political figures, people royalty and prime ministers and police, feds, all kinds of positions of authority have become corrupted by sexual and satanic perversions that are not of the will of God in many ways and are brutally breaking down our nations and so many families of these victims and it is very disturbing that nothing is being done on a level where people can just accept what has happened change many aspects of accountability and real transparency not in failing to answer all questions and completely diminishing the audit department mr justin castro you communist sadistic and quite realistically queer puppet. But really see people not for the amount of money that they have but to allow people to really be exposed for the evil and sadistic and cruel organized crime rings in places of authority thirsting literally for flesh and blood of the innocent and all of those whom they can devour and really make that the main stage so people stop pussyfooting around about what they cannot believe that they are hearing. Yes there are many pedophiles, cannibals, vampires or men and or women doing gross inhumane crimes against humanity that laugh and regukarly commit treason and purjury and think nothing of it they contradict their statements judges acting in a conflict of interest police and social workers gang stalking sexual ritual abuse victims taking their kids to sexually abuse them as well and damage the family to the point that the original victim the parent may just go and off themselves leaving only the children left to beclome more disturbed and abused and broken. What the f kind of people would be filtering their own blood with kids blood and drinking the blood of children to get high. Well for starters “people who are ascending the mount of stardom who have no talent but lying who live empty and vacuous lives they are exalted by man and they have added no positive contribution to society whatsoever yet they are adored by many” – from a sermon on sermon jam called the pearl of great price. Consciously and previously it was seemingly without consequences until Mr Donald John Trump the business legend and one of my own favorite leaders, winners and someone who I would like to follow for some lessons in integrity because he has warmed my heart somewhat up to man and the will of God colliding for the best possible outcome of society and i am honored to be alive during this time in his life. I praise God for his parents and siblings and spouse and children and him for being brave enough and courageous enough to lead so powerfully on the world stage and not let himself down by not speaking his mind but loudly and sometimes quite bluntly and abrasive even maybe at times and it is strength and a sharpness of mind with a charismatic level of confidence. I believe that if we all had that level of integrity abd devotion to mankind this world would be a very different place and his best quality is his willingness to surrender to Jesus and to pray for the nations of the world to see that he is not seeking to be the man but just a man under the leadership of the alpha and the omega the king of kings the prince of peace the lily of the valley the living word of god and the light of our world the lover of our souls and the savior of all of the souls of men. Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and Donald John Trump is not afraid to admit that and I am honored as a follower of Jesus to see the strength of God rise him up and the willingness of man where his strength meaning the strength of the Almighty God which is made perfect in the weakness of men and this is something that is more precious than gold because God knows each of our capacity but if we are willing to challenge this then we have the ability and spiritual strength and physical intellectual competence to surpass far greater battles that the likes of the demon possessed satanic perverse lovers of the darkness and their horrifying trafficking children for sexual labor and ritualistic abuse victim careers they did not ask for and would not consent to and this is beyond wrong, so is all of the people blindly trying to live in disbelief of reality falling into the great falling away that is predicted in the book of revelation. However I stand with one and if I had too I would stand alone but strong in the fruit of the spirit and the love of God within my heart and that by itself shall cause me to live and i shall not want and to be abounding in grace and mercy and an abundance of love and joy and hope and goal setting and achievements obsession hoping that as the days go on more of you will wake up and seek first ye the kingdom of heaven and all of its righteousness and god shall add unto you the desires of your heart after you surrender your will to him learn to take up your cross daily and follow him and be the masterpiece he created you to be after all you are the precious priceless price of Jesus who is the lover of your soul and you shouldn’t ever forget that either.
Sounds like something one might read in the Babylon Bee.
I really hope true. I really do. But those executive orders are still being implemented. Crisis at the border, lost jobs, not energy independent anymore, murderers receiving stimulus checks, money laundering in the stimulus package for other countries, declined stock market, rapid vaccine rollout, etc, etc, etc! Also, I don’t know if I buy the “white hats” are controlling things. Could it be the white hats are a different section of the deep state with the same endgame as the goal? Are the patriots being held stagnant, demoralized, just waiting for something to happen to keep us from acting? I have studied the deep state since the mid 90s as a hobby. B4 most people knew about the deep state. They plan YEARS in advance and have some of the smartest people in the world on their side. I won’t be surprised either way this situation goes. I pray good overcomes evil!! I hope all this is true above and our country is purged of these evil people. But we must be VERY careful as well. Just sayin
That makes you sound like someone who watches Babylon Bee!
Look up the D.U.M.B Facilities around the World which are larger than ANYTHING above ground. That is where they have been doing this stuff for Decades. Where you think all the money goes to. You can now easily find the info on the Vatican Raid where a tunnel went from Rome to Jerusalem in which 34.5 Quintillion Dollars worth of Gold was seized. It’s Time to wake up to the Real World. You think the Perimeter Fence in D.C. is there for looks. The locks and razor wire are on the Outside meaning it’s to keep them in and not us out.
So right….All the doubters on here, how do you explain the hundreds and hundreds of earthquakes world wide…Compare the earthquakes to the DUMBS locations and bingo! To the doubters, how do you explain the unusual number of fires across the country in wintertime? There you go again, compare to DUMB locations and once again we have a match. Check out Monkeywerx on YT; he’s been talking about extraordinary number of C30 Freighters flying all over the world to Air bases and other locations, yet there’s no active war, so what’s up with that? Because they’re flying out all of the rescued children, recovered dead children, etc. from the DUMBS world wide. People need to do some research and open their eyes instead of just assuming…..NONE OF US KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THESE PEOPLE. THE TV PORTRAYS THEM AS NICE, LOVING PEOPLE, BUT THEY’RE ALL DEMONS. How do you explain them all with the Satanic hand signals, coded messages, black eyes, boots for “twisted ankles”, photo’s of them looking 100 years old, and then others where they look 20 years younger. It’s all in front of us. And then all of the movies about satanism, killing children, eating humans….It’s the satanists telling us what they’re doing because it’s part of their “code” where they have to divulge their schemes for our approval, which is us watching this crap. Wake up people!!!!
The truth shall be revealed.
There’s A LOT going on behind the scenes that you can’t even begin to comprehend nor want to even witness. I know God, our divine Creator has our backs and light always eradicates the darkness.
I want to believe this . Because it makes me feel better. But how can so many actors that I see on tv now like John legend he is on the voice. Last night. I will hold out 100 % convinced until I see more
They may already be 6 feet under.
Wanda, if you want to believe it, then do your own research. Don’t watch TV, it’s all BS and lies. They have masks that look life like – look it up on YT and Bitchute. Or google on Duck duck go. Look up Robert David Steele. Look up Gene Decode. Look up Simon Parkes. Look up the Marshall Report. Look up Polly St. George, Kerry Cassidy. Numerous people writing about pedophilia and more. The gov’t. doesn’t tell us anything. The media only reports what they want to influence us with. They don’t report the news. There’s a whole world out there we don’t know about because they keep us blind and dumb. Our gov’t doesn’t work for us; It’s got to go. The Caball rules the entire planet – a group of about 3-5k people. They have all of the money and power over the entire world. There’s technologies out there that the gov’t has had for over 4 decades that we don’t know about. Technologies that could save lives, improve our lives, end poverty and hunger. Look it up….It’s all out there on the web and not just by 1 source, numerous.
Dtrain 1230 YOU’RE absolutely Right!
You nailed it! Couldn’t of said it any better.
The funniest part of this is that Dtrain thinks duck duck go is actually a secure platform. How stupid do you have to be. Also, why are you all so blood thirsty? It’s a disgrace to the men and women of our armed forces to think this way. We want to keep people safe even if they don’t believe all the same things, even if they have differing ideals, that’s what America is all about. Republicans are truly losing their way once again.
Wanda, remember these shows are videoed and shown at a later date. Look at the date it was videoed.
I believe the things I have read about the illuminate and Hollywood. So many pictures have been posted on clouthub showing thesecpedophiles w ith the children.
What has happened to all of these adults. Now they desire sex with childre n. This is extremely sick. This has got to mke Jesus want to destroy all of those who are harming little children. My heart brakes for each child that has suffered through these monsters. My prayer is Jesus come and save the children. I first heard about Pizzagate when Trump became our President.
O couldn’t believe what I was reading. A little boy excapes and tells what is going on in the WH. It started with President Bush Sr. The children thought that they were invited to the WH for a special party. Not for a pedophile party. SO SICK. The boy tells what was sexually done to him.
These pedophiles are possessed with demons. People that are in there right mind wld never harm a child. Especially sexually.
Media are the enemy and part of this shit wake up
Agree . The MSM is used as propaganda for elites ONLY…and also to distract us with shit like turdashian Goss etc
These vaccines VIOLATE 10 points of the NUREMBERG CODE..LOOK IT UP
Then you have not seen the light yet. These people were CONVICTED of CRIMES. Just because you are not aware doesn’t mean they haven’t been raping children or something…
Shouldn’t be…but sadly they are. This is how the high of Andrenochrome is that they can’t and won’t stop, as it also increases longevity. Good talented people gone wrong. Many celebs who we were told died are alive or just come out of witness protection.
No we all don’t. Some of us have common sense. Unfortunately there are so many that get on camera who make us all look like idiots.
I do believe it. I do my research, I dig a d dig until I find information. Haven’t you noticed that all these people are quiet? That alone should give you a clue. Suddenly they all got Covid when it’s all a cover up. What you see is either look a likes, CGI or actors wearing fake skin to look like some of these people. These celebrities and other people are part of the deep state. They are Luciferians who have committed horrific sacrifices using innocent children. Right now in central park , NY they are rescuing children who have never seen the light of day. Do your research as you will not find this info in the news. Search through duck duck go. I do not know when this info will be shared with the world, but it will be done since there are those who need to see it in order to believe it. Good always wins. May God help and save our nation and save the world.
Well stated! It’s rewarding to know that so many are awake and not just being fooled by the outlandish boldness of these arrogant elites rubbing our noses in their atrocities! I think you may be more alert if you had a missing child. Dear God such a nightmare! So insidious I pray history never allows this to be forgotten. Wake Up! This is not a Jackass Show starring Steve O, although you would think so.
It’s actually called Deep Fake. It can be looked up.
Janet you are so right. Since finding things out my P.T.S.D. has been much worse but my eyes are open at all times.
I’m watching Boris Johnson right now talking about lockdown and he looks very much like him and very much alive!
At Dee and I’m watching bugs bunny. It doesn’t make it real. I think there r many trolls on this comment board. Btw not my job to do u work for u. Why do u think everyone spreading truth is being banned from the internet?! If we’re all nuts, than what’s the problem hmm??? Btw that’s an actor playing biden with a mask-lol, made from castle rock in California at the white house set. U ppl want quick proof? Watch the live stream of white house on youtube. Lights out at 11 pm on the dot. And…dc…I have yet to see ppl walking down the street. I didn’t see many cases cngress ppl at the impeachment. Also, some of these traitors got a slight plea bargin if they pretended on tv. I think that is schumer acting for the movie that’s been put together.
Yes, it is horrific and hard to believe but the signs are there if one goes back and connects the dots.
At some point in time during 2020 or 2019 most all the celebrities on the “list” can be seen in photographs wearing ankle casts – covering up an ankle monitor, most likely. You cant tell me that many during the same year all had “accidents”.
It was also publicized that Angelina Jole and Billy Bob Thorton drank blood during their time together. More recently gastly looking photos of some on that list, faces like they just received the shock of their life. …I guess, getting caught does that.
If someone hasnt been aware of the corruption in the vatican or the royals since the beginning of time, they do not pay attention in history class.
Rising wealth, embracing corruption and engaging in activities that smoke screen what is really happening are a given sign that illegal activities are in play.
People are blind to what is happening just because it does not directly affect them in the moment.
The shock of their lifetime is about to awaken them!
It is part of history, just something that has not happened on this grand scale in most everyone’s lifetime, so it makes it hard to believe. They do not call this period of time “the great awakening” for nothing.
The info needs to be handled delicately and in a timely matter or a different sort of chaos will errupt. I actually feel sorry for the non believers. They will feel as victimized as the victims to these crimes.
It is time the house was cleaned. What an undertaking. My heart goes out to those serving the duties of such and witnessing the effects.
Please Janet help me to do the research. I got Duck Duck Go as my search engine . My sister had been telling me a lot she told me to follow Ghost Ezera I do and he brings a lot to light. I’m so sick of how the AMERICA I grew up in is not what I thought needs to be cleaned up . I was so disappointed that my President Trump’s Presidency was stolen and the fraudulent election was allowed! I need to become an active researcher and help spread the truth! I’m 70 and can’t imagine a world that my grandchildren will have to survive in will remain the same. Anyone out there we need to research and spread the truth throughout our nation! God Help us all
I agree 100%
Same here; Been doing research since 11/3/20…Nothing on TV is real or truth. It’s all lies, all of it. Even local news….It’s all a show. We think we know these people. We don’t. We know nothing about them. It’s all theatre. You have to search deep and many. If you find something, you search more until you find numerous sources saying the same thing. So many things going on right now don’t add up, but these stories make sense of it all. The deep fakes, the masks, the clones, etc….It’s all real. Numerous video’s on this. Numerous photo’s of side by side before and after faces that show the distinct differences in the faces and ears, which is a dead give away. The white hats are in control. So many people still asleep that need to wake up. White hats put the clones in to act irrational to show the country how these people are/were. It’s breaking soon…Can’t wait. Also can’t wait for Nesarra Gesarra.
I have heard that Brave is better than duck duck??!
Just stupid, Now McCain maybe.Just the logistics of it. This is hundreds of People, simply not possible. What do You have a 100,000 sq ft. clone factory, and those clones are just f-ed as up as the original. No, shame on You. Now I have seen some convincing double looking pics, but this is fantasy. Biden would not be doing all this kill America crap if He had been toasted. No, He’s still busy killing the USA.
Biden’s not in control of anything. Do some research instead of watching MSM and then just dismissing a different opinion. I’ve got over 600 hours of research on this since 11/3/20. Look up “Marshall Report – Act of 1871”. Biden’s not even in the WH. It’s a Hollywood studio. It’s not even Biden. The military is in control; Trump is running a shadow gov’t. How do you explain the fences around DC? Look at maps on-line – Most have taken out DC from Washington…Look at Washington DC from Google Earth…DC is a giant owl design for the satanists. Look at the Vatican… They have a church that is designed like a gigantic snake…There’s a photo of the Pope sitting in front of artwork that is so satanic; Looks like it came right out of “Devils Advocate”. And this is for the Catholic church? Are you kidding me? Do the research. Dig deep. You’re going to be amazed at the stuff you find. This stuff is real and they’re all satanists. It’s a holy war. Hope you’re on the right side.
You seriously need to wake up Steve – Seriously. Biden is digging his own hole – exactly as it’s supposed to be. Read all of Dtrain1230’s comments. Every single thing he says is the TRUTH. I just feel sorry for everyone who is asleep. They will not be able to handle it when it happens. SHEEPLE …. baaaa baaaah
Not “Now McCain maybe!!”! He and GHW Bush both have been gone for quite awhile now and its NO coincidence that they died so close in time to each other either! They were two of the most evil & corrupt in this thing they call our govt.! They were given the order to admit to all their crimes in detail, in writing with a signed confession then they were given a choice to either have lethal injection, or go to trial where their crimes would be out for the whole world to see & hear and without a doubt~ spend the rest of their lives in prison while their families would have to live with the embarrassment & humiliation of finding out with the rest of the world what they had done. Some of the worst of the worst were & are given that option thru military tribunals because they are quicker & they military courts that are now in place cant be bought or bribed or blackmailed like our supreme courts most obviously can and are!
Does anyone know what the Kardashians were with, was it the adenochrome, child abuse and/or Satanism?
Includes Kris, Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kyli and Bruce Jenner
@Steve, Is it possible in 2021 to be this ignorant & clueless as you ? Just wow!
You are correct…
You are a moron Ingrid. Calling people sheep while you buy the biggest pile of bull shyte I can think of. You Q people are pathetic
Good GOD; How many times do we ‘truthers’ have to say this to the unawakened… research it!! These dark powers have – and have hidden (check under the Vatican!) – all this knowledge from us ‘folks’ for thousands of years. THIS is the power they have over us. Also, they have hidden extremely advanced technology from us normies .. putting us at a great disadvantage. In my experience, I have only learnt the truth from psychics. That’s right – the ones that ‘they’ will have us scoff at – AND also plant wholey unbelievable and farcical examples in order to totally annihilate the psychics actual truth and power.
Your so wrong! This has been ongoing Ops since before took office & expidicted Plan !
Save the Children is For REAL! Research!
You sound ignorant! . Too lazy or can’t stomach the Truth?
Amen….With this subject matter, people are either dishonest or just lazy. The truth is out there and you’re on top of it. This stuff is real. All of these people are truly evil and have reaped what they’ve sown. They’re satanists who are kidnapping, raping, murdering and eating our children and must be stopped and exterminated. There is no room in society for them. This is a holy war that we must win. The politics is secondary to the humanitarian aspect of this. People, do your own research. Shut off the TV. It’s a brainwashing tool, that’s it. It’s all lies….Lies, lies, lies…The media just lies to us. Why would anyone believe anything they have to say? If you find one lie, how could you go back? How do you know when they’re telling the truth? You can’t so you must not watch them. If your spouse or mate lied to you all the time, you’d get rid of them (and this is someone you know). Do the same with the MSM. You don’t know these people at all. They’re actors. They’re paid to lie to us.
Keep laughing
I’m watching Boris Johnson right now talking about lockdown and he looks very much like him and very much alive!
Disagree. Compare the current Biden with the past and he’s completely different. The ears are very noticeably
I’m reasonably convinced that Boris Johnson is not the original Boris Johnson, and that he was swapped when he was “admitted to hospital” with the “virus”. The clone is visibly 10 to 15 years younger.
Some still wouldn’t believe it even if Adolf Hitler was a guest on “The View” (as appropriate as that would be). Consider how many in the beginning were believed when the se of oven’s and gas chambers in Germany were discovrred and exposed.
Praise God that he is fighting this spiritual battle for us. These people on this list are disgusting. Trump is in control and alot of this is going to start coming out.
Boris is GONE!
We will see who is believing what, when everything come to Light. I will offer a sincere “You are Welcome” to You and the rest of the world.
I believe Boris Johnson also arrested and executed at Gitmo
There is a very long list of arrests and executions up to mid March.
Yes he was
Buy your popcorn now.
Enjoy the show.
Be alarmed at nothing!
Maybe u will believe it when u see the videoed confessions.
As with all things, I will wait until I see actual proof, this makes some pretty remarkable and specific things that are to come in early 2021. We’ll see soon enough. If what this article claims will happen does not, the lie is revealed. If it does happen then the truth is revealed. Honestly, experience has taught me that the latter is the more rare of the two.
They could gather more in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Plenty of Devil worshipers, child molesters, drug addicts, thieves, DARK WEB participants…the recipe. Right Shanna Lamore, Robbie Melton, JB William’s, William “Rick” Roger’s, Andrea Roger’s, Ricky Rogers Jr, Jimmy William’s, Kyle Fugate, Becky Fugate, Becky Bartholomew, Martin Bartholomew, Steve Riable, Billy Gilbert, Dennis Nix, Eddie Virden, David Gilliland, Ron Sweeten, Kelly William’s, Rachel Hoppock, samantha Hoppock, Billy St. John, Mike Miller, Kenton McBride…
May Peace and Love to all. God bless America and God Bless the World. ✌❤️
@Steve Miller. Then you must be still waiting for the proof like the rest of us that biden got 80 Million votes!
Jeff, don’t sit on your ‘laurels’ and wait…start looking into who controls the msm…that will lead you to other info, and then you will see that plan to take over the world has been going on for a long time…I first heard about the Ill*m*nati in 1973, when I was in high school. The info I have found since then is mind-blowing; the Rothschilds, Rockefellers,
The royal families and how they are intertwined, and on and on…The last time I looked into it, all the news was controlled by 6 corporations. Your assignment is to find out which corporations own which news organizations! Happy hunting.
Us Americans set the pace for the rest of the planet. If it wasn’t for our strength, bravery, Courage, and our GOD, this world and the freedom you enjoy in it would have been gone long ago! So your welcome. Be glad we are handling these sick people before they come get your children. Again your welcome!
Thank you Military for the fine job, and a very difficult one. God bless you and the good people of Earth. God won and will always continue to do so. The arrogance is their undoing. I hope that the reveal is soon.I took the shot. Many did, even my Grandchildren. I told them not to. I found out to late, but I was not believed and couldn’t stop them. I am hoping for a miracle. World peace after the reveal
I pray for you and everyone that took it!
I agree. We need to be awake, not deceived. And just because we wish it to be true does not make it true.
Oscar is delusional
The truth shall be revealed.
There’s A LOT going on behind the scenes that you can’t even begin to comprehend nor want to even witness. I know God, our divine Creator has our backs and light always eradicates the darkness.
Sir, we Americans are about to have the last laugh. Sorry you don’t believe us, all you have to do is some research to find the truth. Sorry you’re too lazy to try to help the effort. That doesn’t say much good about you does it?
We will all be able to see the video of each trial one day when this show is over. But not today. There’s the coming clean up during the 10 days of darkness.
All crimes that they did are listed next to their names
Check out the charges against the person they list it will tell you the crime they were arrested for
We all must wrap our heads around the fact that Hollywood was created by the CIA and funded by China and the Luciferian establishment. You must research the 13 families ( Kharzian mafia). The evil that exists. Example..Tom Hanks is a Rockefeller ( Michael). He was the primary source ( drug dealer), for adrenocrome for the elites in Hollywood. Alot of actor’s names were changed to hide who they really are. Research Ellen DeGeneres….. These actors we adore are NOT our friends. Research the show ” Friends”….. the elites laugh at us. Think about why they hate Trump soooooo much. .has nothing to do with politics. Trump’s job was to EXPOSE their evil. That is exactly what he did. Everyone needs to research what the Freemasons really are, and what their true religion is. Research what the Washington monument really stands for, then research that religion. It all revolves around Luciferian beliefs. Once everyone understands this, you will then understand why they stole, trafficked, abused, tortured, raped, sodomized, and organ harvested our children for a very very long time. We have been lied to for centuries. Anyone who was involved in this, are on these lists. You have to remember cloning has been going on since 1938……really think about that. ..between clones, doubles, and CGI, it absolutely looks like these people are still around…..I believe they have all been dealt with. Our entire existence has been put in a box of lies. .from our history to our enslavement. Research what happened in 1871. All of this to say, if you want to understand this, you must research. We are NOT alone in the universe. All will be revealed, its happening slowly to avoid mass panic, rioting and death. It’s this way for a reason. Our lives are about to change for the good for the first time in our history. Slaves no more. . Our children and grandchildren will flourish. This is a global issue. The entire world will be free instead of A.I. slaves. We will unite in love and peace. Evidently we are very important in the universe.. love and light to each of you. Do your homework. Stay in high vibration.
You poor dear, delusional person. LOL.
Yes, we have been lied to big time. The curtain is about to go down. Keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ because the shaking in about to begin!
Citizens cannot be forced to do ANYTHING! They can threaten, but there is NO MANDATE that allows forced jabs!
some of the doubters on this site are about discernment
I believe we as a country had a satanic spell placed on us because so many are gullible and brainwashedI think the sexually exploited celebrities like miley cyrus whose dad raped her on stage when she was a child at the molach /child sacrifice event because she was a child victim she received a life prison sentence for what she did I think it was treason Then huma did the frazzledrip horror with hillary ,she was executed I pray for truth and against deception I heard poppy ‘s speech and I could feel his evil I pray the tribunal videos come out soon
Think again Oscar!!!!!!!
Not everyone is stupid or asleep!!!!!!! You are no one’s judge!
My 80-year old mom died the day the pandemic Start March 22, 2020. I had visions for many years. Everyting you are seeing, our mother told rate up to her death bed. I am Canadian and feel Justin Trudeau is Blackmails by NWO folks. God Bless if you got your faith, you got nothing to worry about!
Just look up latest list of Gitmo arrests and executions. AMG
Hello are you serious???? OMG this is a parody. IT IS NOT REAL.
NHTPC, you will know in your heart when you have done some of your own research. Please, do not scoff or burn any bridges to some you are certain are stupid or crazy. Watch The Fall of the Cabal by Janet Ossebaard (; search words such as “adrenochrome”, “Pizzagate”, “Biltmore mansion swimmingpool”, “what was in the cards at Bush Sr funeral?”, “asbestos at World Trade Center”; learn that President Trump and John-John were close friends. As you search and read and watch videos you will be led to others questions, BIG questions, and suggestions of answers….you decide for yourself. Take advantaage of Duck Duck Go. Do NOT use Google. Stay away from Chrome. Remember that this is not a Democratic vs Republican thing. It is not a Liberal vs Conservative thing. This IS Evil vs Good…. Just please, if you are certain that this is a parody and that the cabal and deep state and sex trafficking and torture and murder and mind programming are not real, allow grace to those who do believe it. If you can prove that these do NOT exist, then please do share (I speak for myself) your research and your informants so that I can review and “recalibrate” my brain’s decisions. Please don’t harrass and attempt to humiliate even if you are armed with facts supported by facts….each person needs to be treated with dignity and respect. And thanks for listening.
Fall of cabal was made up to mess with your head lol
I’ve been researching the deep state for 25 yrs – it IS real. Do your own research.
@NHTPC. You must be referring to CNN & the rest of the mockingbird media. You are 1000% correct! THEY ARE A PARODY! Nothing is REAL that they say!
Yes it is! You will be shocked when the military shows videos of the arrests and some of the exicuitions.
I Pray it is also. I knew we had bad people but until last year when someone told me about this and said do your home work I found it had to believe. Not any more. For months I have did my home work and been Praying every day for our children and justice. So many sick sick people in the world.
Do your own research and you will find the truth. FAKE news has been covering this all up for decades and many of them are complicit! God bless the world for the devastating actions of devils and vile humans! It’s horrific!
Thank you, Cat. You encourage me. I have had no less than five of my “friends” “cancel” me because of my researching this and because I am certain that we are victims of a horrible and deadly experiment led by Gates and Fauci…in fact, a video by Dr Judy Mikovich, started me on my search and “gained” me an offer of “help to be deprogrammed”! At that point I didn’t realize that that is the tactic used to convince someone that the truth is false…. but I do now…..God’s blessings on your journey.
Sharhon, bless you for doing your own research. Dr. Mikovich is a true hero – my husband has 50 yrs experience as virologist and immunologist and really loves Dr. Judy. She’s brilliant and everything she says is true. Try not to get discouraged, I’ve been researching for 25 yrs – it is possible to research and still survive! LOL
I have never read so much bullshit in my whole life. To those who think this is all true need to be put in a Fema Camp and then buried in one of those plastic coffins.
Praying for you! I hope you see the truth. I personally have read through the lawsuits and watched and listened to the military tribunal hearings. The deep state are horrific monsters
Where did you get access to those?
DED, you need to get a clue….you are totally blind to child trafficking! Do your research!!!!
DED is just a misinformation TROLL
Toni where did you find tribunal trials? I have been researching all this since Trunp was elected. Many were gone in 2017.
nothing would be possible if we had a vigorous and honest media…..we don’t….everything is covered up…….as of now, they can report that “buyden is going to…..” and people believe it… and so stated this….and its just accepted……
DED, you need to be red pilled & wake up to the reality of all this. Do your own research~ the true facts & answers in this research does NOT lie!!
Good or Evil. Choose your side. These folks are demonic in nature. They SOLD their souls for game power and money. They WORSHIP the beast… Do you think all the stories in HIS STORY about human sacrifice were BS. ?. Or that these cults just stopped. ? One example of being deceived …bible says call no man father but thats exactly what catholics do. Call pope father who forgives them. They even changed their bible 1977 one way. So instead of folks going hum…they dont think ….they just comply. … My God wants to see your face as you praise him… I find it highly unlikely GOD wants to look down and see asses in the air and faces to ground….get it. Use discernment… THINK.
I didn’t see Commie Kaye Brown, Govenor of Oregon, on the list. I’ve seen her on other lists. Does anyone have any info on her?
They said it was a conspiracy theory when we told everybody about all the missing children. They said it was a conspiracy theory when we said they were lying about the number of Covid deaths. They said it was a conspiracy theory when we said the vaccine is killing people. They said it was a conspiracy theory when we said the Dems were behind all the rioting. When the fuck are you going to wake up?!?! What’s it gonna take for you to see what’s truly going on?!?! Did you know the term “conspiracy theory” was coined by the CIA when people started questioning what they were doing? Did you know that the CIA run by George HW Bush was trafficking humans and drugs? Did you know he, his sick son and the cabal were behind 911? They did that because NESARA was supposed to be implemented at 10:00am that morning. You need to do your research because you are very much coming across as a dumbass. Good luck.
Yes. Absolute truth and our entire population has been deceived by those with authority.
The time will come—sooner or later this year— when all will be revealed. The reason for this slow leak as was said the information to be released is so devastating and the response will be biblical so much of the world are going to be in utter shock. It’s really going to be mind blowing… believe what you will. The fact that you’ve heard about it at this point should help your brain process it when it is revealed.
If you’re at least open to looking at the information out there, challenge yourself to use DuckDuckGo as your search engine. It’ll show you completely different links than Google, Yahoo, etc. which hide them or spin you off into the direction of one of their “independent fact-checkers”
… then, search the topics such as: DUMBS, Adrenochrome, Pizzagate, Epstein Island, and let the white rabbit lead you—I dare you to. ⏱ #savethechildren
You are spot on. Unfortunately there will be a lot of shock to some people. If they were smart they would see what is really happening.
What do you think now??? It’s been almost 3 years since you believed all would be revealed. Just curious if you still think this is a show?
well said!!
I live in a town well known for child grooming/trafficking, a country where the home secretary admitted to over 2,500 missing children while she was in office. The sheer volume of children that have been raped abused and murdered in the UK alone gives me nightmares for my grandchildren and my little Grt granddaughters. This is all about the children…..they have been used and abused and led astray by the media and governments, The Children must be protected and saved they are the future they are the innocent, they are and can be what will put us back on the right path if they are saved now
DED…. Wow!! you’re a horrible disgusting person to say something like that! Maybe you should be buried in plastic or just in dirt! Or even better a military tribunal, you know how those are done!
Think about all the tortured children! Or maybe you like torturing children for Adrenochrome and pedophilia!!!!
Are you missing your fix?!!
Do your research … it’s right in front of you.
Start by watching “The Fall of the Cabal!”
Then come back here and comment after you are visibly shaken by what you’ve learned!
Biden’s not in control of anything. Do some research instead of watching MSM and then just dismissing a different opinion. I’ve got over 600 hours of research on this since 11/3/20. Look up “Marshall Report – Act of 1871”. Biden’s not even in the WH. It’s a Hollywood studio. It’s not even Biden. The military is in control; Trump is running a shadow gov’t. How do you explain the fences around DC? Look at maps on-line – Most have taken out DC from Washington…Look at Washington DC from Google Earth…DC is a giant owl design for the satanists. Look at the Vatican… They have a church that is designed like a gigantic snake…There’s a photo of the Pope sitting in front of artwork that is so satanic; Looks like it came right out of “Devils Advocate”. And this is for the Catholic church? Are you kidding me? Do the research. Dig deep. You’re going to be amazed at the stuff you find. This stuff is real and they’re all satanists. It’s a holy war. Hope you’re on the right side.
Hi Dtrain1230! I believe your postings. The only question I have is – where do they do the White House Briefings from, with Circle back Psaki? The news media would have probably spread it around by now about the fakeness of everything.
Good question- The news media would have spread it around if they were the news media- but they’re not being CIA driven and in on it. And if you ask what about NewsMax or OANN, them too? I’d conjecture those outlets are told by the White Hats to go along with it for a little longer as the take-down continues. I hate the wait. Middle-of-the-road souls are succumbing to the take the vax and shut-up mentality so the military must know of the casualties that we’re taking yet still believe the take-down must be complete and final.
Get a clue; Where’s Tom Hanks? How come Oprah has an ankle monitor on? Or Ellen? How do you explain all the differences in past and present photo’s for these people? You’re a blind sheep being led to the slaughter. Shut the TV off cuz you’re brainwashed by it and do some research on your own. The media is owned by the Caball. They’re complicit. Some are even part of this pedophile network. Look up Act of 1871. Look up Trumps EO’s. Look up all of these people involved in satanism. Look up George HW Bush and 9-11. Do some research instead of being a pompous idiot and thinking you know stuff, but judging from your ignorant remarks, you don’t have a clue. You are so wrong about all of this. I’ll tell you this, nothing is what it seems. The news is all lies. We’ve been lied to for generations….It’s all lies and it’s all about to be exposed. It’s coming. This is over 200 years of BS shoved down our throats and it’s all coming out. If you’re informed now, the blow will be less when it all happens. Don’t be a lazy slug….Start searching and researching this stuff. Good luck cuz it’s going to blow your panties off.
Ok there is no way in hell that Gwen Blake Sheldon girlfriend has been arrested and executed if that was true why is Blake on the voice if they had executed Gwen he would be a nutcase and John legend they said he was arrested and executed hell the man is on the voice looks like he is alive to me iam sitting here now watching the voice I don’t believe non of this
And I have never seen such an idiot as you in my life. You need to pull your head out of your ass! It’s not complicated. Oh, that’s right, you are waiting on cnn to tell you when you can do it.
The good news is … You are not G*d.
If you begin to wonder, just switch from Google to Duck Duck Go.
Search for World trade center asbestos and implosion; search……….well, nevermind……just wait — and see!
1. I’m WAY ahead of you. I have used Duck Duck Go since it’s beginning but ironically, reading some of your comments you are new to the research field.
2. I’ve been spreading the truth about 9/11 since 2002 so I don’t have a clue as to WHY you wrote ME that message you did. None of it apply to me nor make sense. You seem confused.
You and people like you are a huge reason for why we are in this mess – you do no research, believe everything the TV tells you and don’t know a damn thing because you’re brainwashed by TV fake “news”. My dad was an aide to a president and found out way more than he wanted to – THIS IS REAL.
What is wrong with you !!!? To say something so gross like that? Why are you people that are brainwashed by the left so hateful and rude and so absolutely against at least putting a few minutes into researching to see that we are not the crazy sick people! The people you defend & their lies are beyond most peoples comprehension when it come to the evil things they have been responsible for along with your future that they want to control & destroy! If you think you are so right then you should not be afraid to come up with some proof that we are wong We have all kinds of proof from several sources! We are not just playing follow the leader like most of your kind. and if you are a troll> Good effort but not convincing anybody here that you even have nor do you want a clue about the true reality you refuse to accept! Sad & pathetic really!
Roadangel IGNORE GROGAN! You know the unbridled truth that will stand when the world is on fire! Obviously he wants attention, Don’t give it to him. Don’t let anyone put you on the defensive!
For all the rest of us that have been doing our homework know the truth. We are prepared warriors for decency and a new proud and safe WORLD. We KNOW GODLY CHANGE is coming!
@DED… you must be one of them. Satanist pedophiles cover for each other & pretend non of this is true. Sick!
YES, YES, YES, We should consider those in opposition to truth are ONE WITH THEM. They are on here to defend their own evil ways.
DED… You are the only smart one here… other than me..!! The commies have set this up to appease the simple minded readers… Thinking things are going to get better now… WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS..!!
Wow so you want millions dead. I guess we the people know where you stand. After everything you have read, it may be too late for your soul. Sorry, but I believe that times up. I have been trying to wake people up for years. I knew that school books lied since Grammer school. Einstein said that if the facts don’t fit the theory, throw the facts out. Tesla tried to give the world free energy. So he died broke and alone. Many including President Kennedy tried to do what President Donald John Trump is doing and died. There’s been many attempts on his life and his little son Barron’s life also. Monsters are real.
DED you are hateful. Be careful what you wish on others because KARMA is a REAL BITCH.
Can I just say did anyone notice they called Michelle Obama big mike!?!! Like wow I always wondered!
And Joan Rivers died 2 weeks after she told the press Obummer was gay because Michelle is a tranny.
LOL, ya, that was a big eye-opener for me…but when I saw the video of her ummmmmmm uh “arranging herself” and then saw the video of Joan Rivers–prior to her (Joan’s) death-without-warning. Poor Joan.
Was Al Sharpton not in on it? I know it was on the news that Kelly Preston died from breast cancer, so why does it say arrested and executed? What about Dick Cheney?
Dick Cheney owned Haliburton. The company used to build back Iraq after we went to war there. The war that was started from Cheney and Bush orchestrating 9 11
@Denice, exactly! The sleepers don’t get that ALL of the wars were created to make money. Huge money is made in wars & they don’t care about human life! All of the deceit & corruption is covered up by the media that is owned by the same players who make money off the wars!
I am seeing lists like this, omg I was so frustrated, This seems to be accurate, can’t wait for the final reveal!
When we will kill the California governor?
Scott Gee LOL. You mean Emperor Nuisance?
because you believed the conspiracy claims
Seriously I dont know where to start… fucking people are stupid because they were taught that way is one thing…but if your one of those who’s completely ridicules this info laughing off… then what the hell are you doing even posting a comment get the hell on with your life…you all look pretty stupid claiming everything is false but yet here you are reading and acting on the power of all these peoples voices. because I’m sure you didnt get to this site by mistake go ahead keep digging you almost there… just have some common sense and an open mind… it all seems like fantasy when indeed that’s the whole intent on there part. [Elite] how ever this stuff runs deep deep deep deep..just like the world below… goes deep deep….world wide under deserts lakes mountains cities even under sea bases….. yeah I know it’s a fucking joke right??? Um well no its not.. the only joke there is today is those unaware distracted. Claiming to have a voice
Wow! This is incredibly hard to believe! Supposedly, there are body body doubles for all!?! Really?
Color me skeptical.
@IraMad…. you sound exactly what one would expect from those who watch Operation Mockingbird media (CNN & the rest of the Cabal owned media)
At this point it’s embarrassing that people are still so asleep to what is REALLY going on.
It’s real. Look at Joe Biden the real ones ears are attached to his face. The fake Joe has ear lobes. And in curtain videos you can see his mask coming off. And to make them sound real, they put a chip on or in their vocial cords. I have been doing investigations since before elections. A word to the wise, don’t watch the video of Killery and Huma Adeane. YOU CAN’T UN SEE it. My niece watched it about 6 months ago. She still can’t sleep and every time he even closes her eyes she sees it. Hillery and Huma rape, tourture,. Kill drink there blood and eat her flesh. They cut her face off and wear it as a mask. Make sure you know what your watching before you watch anything.
I don’t give a damn my life is still being ran by evil if it’s the fake president or not if it’s the fake Nancy Pelosi or not my Governor Northam is on this list he’s supposed to be under house arrest and his wife but he just made a speech out in front of our Monument I call BS wish it was true but there’s no evidence just hearsay from one person who’s put this info out still being forced to wear a mask doesn’t sound like freedom they’re going to come door to door to make you take the vaccine doesn’t sound like freedom sounds like these evil people are still in charge if Trump was in charge this wouldn’t be going on that’s how I know he’s not cuz the people and the children are still being murdered our border is being over ran the s*** that just happened in Afghanistan looks like evil still running the world
I don’t see Dr Tam on that list.
As a canadian, i hope your not apathetic and gullible enough to believe its happening…smmfh.
As an American, I hoping this for the WORLD!
It’s happening….. think about this: how many new films have you seen since lats year? and this year? do you see singers singing new songs ???? how many times have you seen the pope (Sundays, Easter…)?….
it’s just examples….
All these comments are more psychotic than flat earth BS. None of these people are gone. They are all alive and doing their same old stupid crap. And you must be joking about clones? Just how would they age them, make them function and pass as the people to their friends and family? The whole notion is absolutely delusional sci-fi gibberish. If anything, the evil people are setting US up using sealed indictments to get all the orders they need at once so they can cut the power and round up all the patriots and haul them off to gulags just like the Judeo-Bolshevicks did to millions of Russians. Hopefully Putin will knock out our power with an EMP. At least that will give us a fighting chance against the Zionist Deep State.
So do I.
I don’t believe that list is 100% true. Brittany Spears was just on tv the other day. Mike Pence is alive and well. He spoke LIVE at a conference last week. I don’t believe BHO is gone either. He is the puppet master behind Biden. AOC and Pelosi are unfortunately still in Congress.
Sara, Pence was executed years ago for trying to kill Trump, they have a body double for him. BHO was executed at Gitmo by firing squad! Pelosi was hung at Gitmo on12-27-2022, Trump was there as a witness just like he was for Hillary’s hanging!
EXECENT SITE! I only wonder if some of my friends doubting about your posts, news article you posted on this site. Where can they send their doubts/ questions to clarify it is true news?
listen you people.If all these nasty humans have been executed and i would assume that their peers know something happened to their friends and relatives and would be running scared and hiding in a way only money can do. WHO IS GIVING US THE VACCINES STILL. WHO IS LOCKING US DOWN, WHO IS MANDATING PASSPORTS???? 1 and 1 is 2….not that hard to see this is all BS and you look really stupid repeating this stuff
Jeżeli to wszystko prawda to jestem szczęśliwy!!! Trzeba raz na zawsze zrobić porządek z ustawiaczami świata! To chorzy psychicznie mordercy!
Can anyone tell me, is Justin Trudeau a clone, the beardy one? He is our criminal leader v- corrupt to the core!!
I sure appreciate all you bloggers on here. I’d like to hear from some American friends what’s happening with Trudeau, can’t the handcuff him before final election??? What’s the score with QFS?? when will we switch over to gold currency??
QFS this is full of B/S has well
I know everything is true, I done my research and everything was totally true also I realized there are lots of clones
What a freaking liars the Deep State Communists
How can someone believe this? Just take a look at today. We are on the brink of a totalitarian system. And most people don’t even sees it. How can you replace most of all those people with a double or clone? Just impossible. And until when were these arrests? After Trump’s administration? No of course, that’s why those behind the pandemic still rules. No not dead at all. How did they arrested a queen or king in Europe? Far too many have witnessed it. I’m Belgian, absolutely heard nothing or read about it. I know that our prime minister was in quarantine for being positive to covid. Strange since the PCR-test is fake. Was not made for testing a virus. But our PM was recently at home in quarantine. So, Trump doesn’t have that power. He is ridiculed over here in the media. He has no power over countries military forces in Europe. C’mon. How replace so many of them?
Soy un forastero,soy casi un simple ciudadano,como tú,como otros,como aquel que ya no esta’.Soy la. Mes la de una sangre africana con una española,nacido en Juana,ciudad Havana,
Soy sobrevivient doble de la dictadura que por más de6 décadas azota y empobrece a mi patria; Y digo sobreviviente doble.pues a los 15 años me enviaron al África.
Y ahora vivo aqui’,vivo aqui’ y aquí dare’ mi vida para defender esta bella y hermosa tierra(mi Babilonia).y aunque no e leído nada referente a mi patria y a sus DICTADORES;espero que por la misma base de guantanamo,bajo tierra puedan llegar hasta ellos y aplicarles la justicia militar a ellos,y a sus hijos,(a),Esposos(a) y demas familiares,amigos,,y todos los cómplices que an apoyado o participado en la destruccio’ spiritual,moral,familiar de nuestra patria.
if this was fake you would hear of defamation of chachter lawsuits and you have to ask ur self why trumps cdall had something to do with the speaker of the house
I’ll be so happy when finally revealed. The people need to hear and see the evidence in order to believe it. Such a shame not everyone is wide awake to see what they’ve done to the world. God speed! Protect President Trump, his family, the Military and all who are involved with this dangerous mission. We thank you for all that your doing.
lemme ~♡~ 2 years later 26Feb23…nothing is happening except more turmoil. ByeDone is still in, CamelTow is still VP, despite what certain weblogs state…people are still dying from a ‘HELPFUL’ man-made vaccine.♀️ If……then it could be done…under lies
Hallujah!! Glad the evil satanic government is off our streets forever. The world is going to be great again. Love our military and President Trump for saving our country and JFK Jr etc. We love you all.
@Lemmy — Oh, it’s happening! Military-sourced REAL RAW NEWS provides many of the same names as Medeea published, but not nearly as many.
Real Raw News
MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2023: Jerome Adams (hanged), Liz Cheney (hanged), David Cohen (self-drown), Brian Deese (hanged), Stephen Hahn (hanged), Ivan Kovalenko (sniper-shot), Lori Lightfoot (hanged), Simu Liu (self-drown), Chance Saltzman (hangs Monday, May 22), Moncef Slaoui (hanged), Richard Tillyer (hanged).
MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2022. Alec Baldwin (hanged), Stéphane Bancel (hanged), Bridget Brink (hanged), Dick Cheney (homicide), Francis Collins (hanged), Shannon Corless (hanged), Jennifer Brigid O’Malley Dillon (1 chest-shot), Michael Donilon (hanged), Anita Dunn (hanged), Anthony Fauci (hanged), Avril Haines (2 head-shots), Valerie Jarrett (hanged), Loretta Lynch (hanged), Denis McDonough (2 head-shots), Gavin Newsom (hanged), Nancy Pelosi (hanged), Sonia Sotomayor (hanged), Brian Stelter (hanged), Michael Sussman (1 chest-shot), Thomas Vilsack (hanged).
MILITARY EXECUTIONS IN 2021. Huma Abedin (hanged), Bill Barr (hanged), Hunter Biden (hanged), Joe Biden (1 chest-shot), Deborah Birx (1 chest-shot), John Brennan (hanged), George Bush Sr. (euthanized), George Bush Jr. (hanged), Bill Clinton (homicide), Hillary Clinton (hanged), Chelsea Clinton (hanged), James Comey (guillotine), Andrew Cuomo (hanged), Bill Gates (hanged), Tom Hanks (euthanized), John McCain (2 head-shots), Marc Mezvinsky (hanged), John Podesta (1 chest shot), Colin Powell (suicide), Susan Rice (hanged), Donald Rumsfeld (suicide), Adam Schiff (3 chest-shots), Peter Scolari (hanged).
MILITARY DETENTIONS IN 2021–2023. Carolyn Ainslie, David Axelrod, Bill Ayers (life in prison), James Baker, Amy Coney Barrett, Maria Barret, Miguel Cardona (20 years prison), Patricia Conrad, Amy Eshleman, Ashish Kumar Jha, Carole Johnson, Ron Klain (20 years prison), Kevin Kline, Harald Kraus, Jack Lew, Michael Malanoski, Paul Pelosi (life in prison), Eli Roth, Tom Shimabukuro, George Soros, Mark Suzman, Rochelle Walensky, Elijah Wood, Shalanda Young, Jeff Zients, Howard Zucker.
MILITARY REPORT Senators Dianne Feinstein and John Fetterman died in hospitals in March 2023.
MILITARY DESTROYED CLONING LABS IN 2022-2023: Alaska and Missouri.
I’m tired.
Said I’m supposed to be here at this time. It’s dragging on.
Trudeau was nabbed by US Marshals in Ottawa. Canadian Law Enforcement didn’t have the backbone to do it. Enjoy the show
Done a long time ago, we are watching a movie with many masked actors, playing out to wake up the sheeple. The best is yet to come. Prepare for full disclosure, 10 days of everything shutdown. Have cash, food and water for 10-14 days. The best is on the other side of disclosure