Exposing the Global Predators: The Elite Strategy to Physically Ruin Our Brains, Minds, and Willpower
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Is it possible that the elite of the world, for almost one hundred years, have been knowingly damaging the brains and minds of billions of us to make us more docile, dependent, and easily controlled? Did they start in the mid-1930s with lobotomy, which earned the inventor a Nobel Prize, and then follow up with electroshock, which still goes on?
Then in the mid-1950s, did they intentionally continue assaulting us with lobotomizing antipsychotic drugs like Thorazine and Haldol, crushing the brains of hundreds of millions of souls confined to state mental “hospitals”?
Are they now purposely continuing to damage our brains, minds, and spirits with newer lobotomizing antipsychotic drugs, such as Risperdal, Invega, Zyprexa, and Abilify, as well as the SSRI antidepressants? Is it possible that their greatest achievement is the continuing assault on the brains, minds, and spirits of all humanity with the spike protein of COVID-19 and the same spike protein that the jabs make our bodies produce against ourselves?
I begin our examination with a recent malpractice trial in which I was the medical expert in a death case involving antidepressants.
On Thursday, September 14, 2023, I testified as a medical expert in a malpractice trial in Upstate New York. James Townsend,1 44 years old, had hanged himself less than 24 hours after being discharged from a psychiatric hospital. His wife, Serena, brought the case. She had told doctors, including the hospital psychiatrist, that antidepressants had changed Mr. Townsend from a loving and responsible family man into an emotionally withdrawn, extremely anxious individual with violent tempers (without harming anyone) and suicidal reactions, but none of the professionals seemed to listen or care.
John DeGasperis from Kingston, New York, a dedicated and insightful attorney representing Mr. Townsend’s wife and family, asked me to evaluate the case. After I confirmed that malpractice had caused the suicide, we worked long, hard hours preparing for the trial.
The success of my testimony had special personal meaning for me beyond the usual satisfaction of helping the injured individual or family and spreading the truth about the medications. The remarkable immediate impact of my testimony at trial reassured me that I had indeed fully recovered from the severe case of COVID-19 pneumonia that caused me to be hospitalized earlier in April of this year.
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My recovery from COVID seemed rapid to my experienced and sophisticated physicians who were a volunteer committee from around the nation, but to me, the “brain fog” that lasted six months seemed potentially interminable. It alerted me that many people might not ever fully recover.
There were many insights from the case, from my first live appearance in court for several years, and from mulling on the meaning of it all for the future of humanity. The death of Mr. Townsend occurred in 2017, but the lessons for COVID-19 and for the future were only beginning to fully dawn on me, leading to this presentation of my ideas.
My Background
The Townsend tragedy centered around the so-called “miracle drugs,” the SSRI antidepressants, including Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, and Lexapro. Trintellix and Viibryd are among the newer additions. The Townsend case is one of many times that I have testified about violence, suicide, and psychosis from these psychiatric drugs, and I have written about them in many books and scientific articles. Some of my legal cases and all of my scientific publications can be found in my resume at www.breggin.com.2
My publications included many books that involved these drugs, including Talking Back to Prozac (a big bestseller coauthored with my wife Ginger Breggin in 1994) and Medication Madness in 2008, which drew upon 50 clinical and legal cases of drug-induced severe mental and emotional disasters caused by psychiatric drugs of all kinds.
In 1993-1994, I was selected by a consortium of attorneys and approved by a federal judge in Indiana to be the single scientific expert for all approximately 150 cases against Eli Lilly, the manufacturer of Prozac (fluoxetine). My extraordinary task was to examine and testify about all the discovery materials.
First and foremost, it empowered me to thoroughly examine Eli Lilly’s otherwise private and proprietary documents about the development and marketing of Prozac. In addition, I would gather every relevant piece of information from the FDA and from the scientific literature about Prozac and the class of SSRI antidepressants. I would interview key FDA officials, attend conferences usually reserved for drug companies and FDA officials, and learn about the relationships between drug companies and the FDA.
As one of the first to identify the dangers of SSRIs, I also testified about them before the FDA on two occasions when Ginger and my public education campaign helped force the agency to consider increasing their warnings about SSRIs in 2003-2004. Most importantly, the FDA provided every one of its drug committee members with a copy of my 2003/2004 article on SSRI antidepressants in the International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine.3 In my article, I introduced the concept of a stimulant syndrome that the SSRIs frequently create in varying degrees:
Mania with psychosis is the extreme end of a stimulant continuum that often begins with lesser degrees of insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, hyperactivity, and irritability and then progresses toward more severe agitation, aggression, and varying degrees of mania. At the lower end of the continuum, an ordinarily shy young woman acted silly and more outgoing on fluoxetine, and then developed suicidal feelings when she missed doses. (Pp. 32-33)
My article also provided a lengthy analysis and literature review of akathisia.
Echoing my scientific paper, the stimulation syndrome, more euphemistically called activation by the drug advocates, appeared in various parts of the official Full Prescribing Information for Prozac, Lexapro, and all other SSRI drugs.4 As a result, doctors, and especially psychiatrists, should be well aware of the SSRI antidepressant risks; but, instead, psychiatrists, especially among all medical professionals, have a long history of ignoring the well-being of their patients while defending their own malfeasance.
Psychiatry as an Evil Force in the World
How badly has organized psychiatry behaved? For several centuries psychiatrists directed and staffed giant state hospital lockups and totalitarian institutions, housing thousands of victims, where they perpetrated unspeakable atrocities against their “patients.” The inmates were subjected to various methods of poisoning, straitjackets, isolation, freezing, lobotomy, and the still common electroshock (ECT). No more than one or two psychiatrists even voiced objections in public, until I came along, and systematically criticized the institutions. The relative demise of these institutions resulted not from concern for the patient, but because the drugs made them so apathetic and docile they could be housed almost anywhere, including on the streets.

In Germany in the 1930s, high-ranking psychiatrists established a formal murder program for “useless eaters” using starvation and poisoning in the state mental hospitals and then gas chambers in newly built highly organized special “euthanasia centers.” These efforts became a feasibility test before Hitler initiated the Holocaust. Once again, no American psychiatrist publically denounced psychiatry’s role in the “euthanasia” murders and wrote about their relationship to the Holocaust until I did, although the facts were well-established at the Nuremberg trial of physicians and a few other sources in Europe.5
In general, as my lifelong reform work confirms, nearly all psychiatrists, especially those in influential positions, think nothing about routinely drugging people, even into near oblivion. Meanwhile, they will countenance anything from their colleagues, from electroshock to lobotomy, and on to ruining innumerable lives and killing many with their drugs.
Testifying about the Death of Mr. Townsend
During my testimony in the Townsend case, I demonstrated that the medical records confirm how Mrs. Townsend, from early on, had been warning doctors that the antidepressants had changed her husband from a kind and loving husband and father into a withdrawn, uncaring, and emotionally disturbed man. For the first time in his life, Mr. Townsend lost his normal caring and loving engagement with his family. This early change in personality came before the aggressive and suicidal tendencies emerged.
Each of the antidepressants given to him in succession were SSRIs — the so-called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors — in his case, including Paxil, Zoloft, and Lexapro. In addition, he was given trazodone, an antidepressant with SSRI functions that is routinely used as a sleeping aid.
When her husband was finally hospitalized, Mrs. Townsend again reported to his new doctor that he had become much worse on the antidepressants and should not be given them anymore. The response to her lacked any seeming awareness that Mrs. Townsend was reporting actual severe adverse drug reactions previously documented in the earlier medical record as well as in the scientific literature6 and in the FDA’s Full Prescribing Information for these antidepressants, such as Lexapro.7 Seemingly to mollify her without informing her, the psychiatrist replaced the offending SSRI antidepressants with another nearly identical SSRI antidepressant, Lexapro, which was given every day in the hospital, preventing his recovery and worsening his condition.
Based on details in the medical records, my testimony documented that in addition to a general mental decline since starting on psychiatric drugs, he was also experiencing a specific adverse drug effect called akathisia, or psychomotor agitation, that is commonly caused by the SSRI antidepressants. Some degree of akathisia may occur in 20% to 30% of patients, so it should be familiar to any professional working with people on the drugs. Even “mild” akathisia can be experienced as a dreadful condition in which the person feels tortured from the inside out, causing moving about, pacing, and fidgeting. Mr. Townsend, as many patients have done, described his torment as if he were jumping out of his skin, but the psychiatrist never identified it as akathisia.
A severe akathisia drives people over the edge into psychosis, violence, and suicide, a result recognized throughout the scientific literature, including the latest 2022 edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s official Diagnostic of Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5TM).8 The 2022 edition states:
The subjective distress resulting from akathisia is significant and can lead to noncompliance with antipsychotic or antidepressant treatment. Akathisia may be associated with dysphoria, irritability, aggression, or suicide attempts. Worsening of psychotic symptoms or behavioral dyscontrol may lead to an increase in medication dose, which may exacerbate the problem. (p. 813, italics added).
Mr. Townsend’s desperate akathisia probably could have been helped with a specific drug, propranolol, which is the best available yet still unreliable treatment for this drug reaction. More certainly, his drug-induced torment could have been quickly ended by simply withdrawing him from any and all SSRI medications, which could have been accomplished easily and safely within the hospital.
The treatment of Mr. Townsend in 2017 reminds me how psychiatric treatment has always smacked of a gross lack of concern for the patient. There is no other way to explain why it took my arrival in the profession for a psychiatrist to openly oppose atrocities such as lobotomy and electroshock. There is no other way to explain why I had to become the first psychiatrist to testify successfully in court against lobotomists and shock doctors.
Knowing the perfidy of my own medical specialty prepared me better than most doctors to see and criticize the untrustworthy and even dangerous and deadly behavior of physicians denying access to the best treatments for COVID-19 and then lock-step supporting the dangerous and too often deadly COVID genetic pseudo-vaccines. Nowadays, the vast majority of physicians from every specialty deny how the current official narrative deprives their patients of life-saving treatments such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and sometimes even prednisone, while insisting on deadly “treatments” like remdesivir and the “vaccines.”
In COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey,9 with my wife Ginger as coauthor, we have described the fraud behind most or all of COVID-19 and the global predators who perpetrated it. Meanwhile, the global predators continue to profit from the harm they continue to spread throughout the world. The highly toxic spike proteins originally attached to SARS-CoV viruses in Chinese and American labs are being made, usually without their knowledge, within the bodies of people jabbed with COVID pseudo-vaccines.
The Perfect Storm of Negligence Before Mr. Townsend’s Death
After 11 days as an inpatient, Mr. Townsend was discharged despite evidence in the medical record that his release was dangerously rushed. It was much too premature to let him go home. On the day before discharge, he remained suffering from multiple adverse drug effects, including akathisia with pacing and severe anxiety, and displayed difficulties taking care of himself. Much as we see happening surrounding COVID, a health insurance company had a hand in the neglect of the patient by refusing to pay for continued hospitalization.
Once again, at the time of her husband’s discharge, Mrs. Townsend told the psychiatrist that the antidepressant her husband was taking was not helping him. In response, the doctor stopped the Lexapro cold turkey the day before his patient’s discharge with no warnings to the patient or his wife and no attempt at safely withdrawing him under direct medical supervision. Much like akathisia, potentially severe withdrawal from SSRI antidepressants is well-documented10 but commonly ignored by psychiatrists and other prescribers.
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Unknown to the patient or his family, Mr. Townsend was sent home in a very dangerous state of combined ongoing drug intoxication with Lexapro complicated by the first day of an acute drug withdrawal from the same drug. That, along with the drug-induced akathisia, led to his suicide less than 24 hours after his discharge.
Conclusion of My Testimony and the Surprising Settlement
After the conclusion of my time as a medical expert on the witness stand, instead of waiting for several more witnesses and a jury verdict, the defendant’s psychiatrist and her insurance company settled the case against them. The insurance provider agreed to pay $825,000 in compensation to the family, which was near the $1-million limit of the doctor’s malpractice insurance. As I mentioned earlier, in addition to helping the family and addressing the dangers of psychiatric drugs, it reaffirmed my sense that I was mentally recovered from the “brain fog” induced in my mind in early 2023 by COVID-19 pneumonia.
After I returned home, the trial continued for a few days. The hospital was the only remaining defendant, and the jury found in its favor. The evidence for negligence in my testimony had been almost entirely focused on the psychiatrist rather than the facility. Suing the drug companies — for example, the manufacturers of Lexapro — was not possible because the doctor’s use of the drug had been outside the “safe and effective” standards. These standards are established in part by the Full Prescribing Informations for the medications, which are written by the drug companies and approved by the FDA and also by the DSMs written by the American Psychiatric Association.

Marketing the SSRIs: A Prelude to the Marketing of COVID “Vaccines”
The marketing of SSRIs, beginning with Prozac, was probably the most successful and fraudulent PR campaign in the history of medicine — until the COVID-19 narrative and the genetic COVID “vaccines.” Eli Lilly, the manufacturer of Prozac, claimed that depression was caused by a “biochemical imbalance in the brain,” characterized as too little activity of the neurotransmitter serotonin. The drug company vigorously advertised that blocking the removal of serotonin from synapses where the nerves connect to each other would increase serotonin’s activity and overcome depression.
The flaws in this theory were and remain monumental. They are Big Lies. First, there are no known biochemical imbalances at the root of depression. Second, the intrusion of Prozac into the brain immediately begins causing potentially horrific biochemical imbalances, starting with its disturbing effects on serotonin, followed by disruption of dopamine, and finally, disruption of the whole brain. Third, the brain fights back in multiple ways against these drug-induced neurotoxic biochemical abnormalities. The result is an unstable, unpredictable continuum of adverse effects such as irritability, anxiety, and insomnia and, in the extreme, psychosis, violence and suicide, as in Mr. Townsend’s tragedy.11
SSRI Rapid Destruction of Normal Brain Activity and Electrical Rhythms
A paper published in 2014 confirmed the immediate destabilizing effects of SSRIs on the overall electrical activity of the brain. I was not surprised, since I had already reviewed scientific literature demonstrating that the brain reacts to the first dose of an SSRI by shutting down its production of serotonin for a week or more. A Press Release from the famed Max Planck Institute graphically described the effect of the SSRI antidepressant Lexapro:12
Escitalopram alters functional brain architecture in a matter of hours.
Anti-depressants reduce connectivity between resting-state networks in some areas of the brain and increase it in others
A single dose of one of the world’s most widely prescribed drugs for the treatment of depression causes quantifiable changes in the global brain functioning in a matter of a few hours. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig have discovered that the active ingredient escitalopram, which influences the availability of the neurotransmitter serotonin, causes major changes in connectivity between functional networks at rest – in other words, the synchronous brain activity in various areas of the resting brain.
Subtle Brain Injury—an Enormous Escalating Threat to Humanity
Subtle damage to the brain caused by psychoactive drugs or by anything else that interrupts or damages the function of the whole brain or the frontal lobes, produces changes in the character, personality, and finer mental abilities of people. The harms can sometimes improve on their own, and strong-willed people may learn to partially compensate, but the damage can remain permanent and disabling. A subtle, profound, and usually overlooked change in the victims is to make them less engaged with themselves, other people, and life — leading individuals to become docile and more subject to the sources of their suffering, including authoritative manipulation and political abuse.13
This tragedy common effect share by all psychoactive substances, including all psychiatric drugs, consists of the loss of fine-tuning for personal relationships and especially for loving relationships. Along with it, these psychoactive substances, when taken long enough, will dull all the higher human capacities, including overall engagement with life, awareness of spiritual values, self-understanding, motivation, judgment, and energy.
All Injuries to the Brain Cause Subtle Losses of Our Humanity
Mr. Townsend’s case was a gross tragedy. Most people who take antidepressants or any other psychoactive substances are not going to suffer a gross adverse effect or die from them. However, my experience and research confirm a personal tragedy that every person experiences during the use of all psychoactive substances, including the use of marijuana, nicotine, and alcohol. It includes all illegal substances that affect the mind and emotions. But most dangerous, deceptive, and sinister are the psychiatric drugs that are supposed to help us.
All psychoactive substances disrupt the highest aspects of brain function, and hence they stifle individualism, personal creativity, and the love of freedom, and so all psychoactive substances make us more amenable to authoritarian control.
Knowledge of the ultimately subduing effect of all psychoactive chemicals cannot have escaped the global predators who make, market, and enforce these substances through fraud on enormous numbers of people, draining humanity of energy and higher values, while enormously increasing their wealth and power. Damaging, disrupting the brains, and dulling the minds of billions of people around the world make them less engaged in life and unable to fight for their freedom from predators in both their personal and political lives.
This, in part, accounts for the vast involvement of the global predators in both the psychopharmaceutical industry and in illegal drug cartels alike. It’s not imply about making money, it’s about keeping the population in a mental state the inhibits insight into their oppression and rebellion. It one of the reasons they want to keep the southern border open, to increase the uptake of illegal drugs by America, killing an estimate 100,000 or more annually and dull the brains, minds and spirit of many millions more.
Because it kills so many people, we hear the most about the fentanyl that has been produced by Chinese Communists or by Mexican cartels using Communist products. But all the illegal drugs can dull the brain, mind and spirit, molding us into docile subjects for political control.
This subtle brain injury, leading to mental dysfunction, is almost never mentioned in any discussion, review, or textbook about pharmaceuticals or psychiatry. Hardly anyone seems concerned that drugs are destroying or inhibiting the ability of so many people to care and to love or to engage life. This incredibly important observation is one I had to reach on my own. It is a forbidden subject, perhaps because it afflicts all people who regularly take a sufficient dose of a psychoactive substance to impact on their brain and mind, and therefore is a global tragedy too remunerative and also horrifying to recognize. This vastly important reality has barely begun to be investigated but its rapidly escalating, especially with the jabs, and needs many others to join me in spreading the word. There are rendering us more suitable to totalitarian control.
Medication Spellbinding
In retrospect, the patient’s families are more aware of what is happening to the patient’s themselves and also to the drug addicts in their families. When I mention these drug effects, they often realize that these were seen at the very beginning of the drug use, including both psychiatric and illegal drugs, but they especially did not imagine that the medications given to them by trusted physicians and others prescribers were so harmful.
These personal tragedies that weaken our character and personalities are a covert plague upon humanity, but most of the people exposed to these drugs do not even know what’s happening to the more subtle and sensitive aspects of themselves. In scientific articles and in books,14 I have labeled this phenomenon “medication spellbinding.” The harm done to the highest centers of the brain in the frontal lobes blunts the victims’ insight into their more subtle mental and emotional losses.
Implications for COVID-19
Billions of people worldwide — most of humanity — are similarly at risk of harm to their brains and minds from the mistreatment of the COVID pandemic and the extremely dangerous and highly experimental COVID pseudo-vaccines. Under the umbrella of treating a “pandemic,” the global elites are damaging people in ways to make them less resistant to their growing authoritarian and totalitarian control.
The toxic pike protein, whether from the disease itself or the genetic vaccines, crosses the blood-brain barrier and is causing the “brain fog” that people are suffering from, and that lasts for months after my severe case of COVID-19 pneumonia. In addition, there is growing concern about the toxic effects of substances added to the blood by vaccines, including lipid nanoparticles and graphene oxide15
There is a mountain of evidence that the so-called vaccines are causing a great deal of neurological harm, such as dementia, stroke, and cerebellar ataxia, and psychiatric harm, such as anxiety, depression, severe psychosis, and suicide.16 Google Scholar has a limited number of pertinent scientific studies. And a good popular review in The Epoch Times looks at the range of psychiatric harms from COVID vaccines, in an article titled, “Psychosis, Panic Attacks, Hallucination: Bizarre Psychiatric Cases Among the COVID Vaccinated.”17
But the concept of subtle harms first seen in the finetuning of human relations—including capacities for love, caring, self-determination, spirituality, and engagement with life in general —are rarely if ever considered in medicine, including neurology and psychiatry, and go completely ignored. For that reason, in 2011, I published an article on suggested new ways of defining brain injury, “Psychiatric drug-induced Chronic Brain Impairment (CBI): Implications for long-term treatment with psychiatric medication.”18 I included these more subtle harms as one of the criteria for brain injury, including from psychiatric drugs:
Apathy or loss of energy and vitality, often manifesting as indifference (“not caring”) and fatigue. The individual commonly loses interest in creative activities, as well as other endeavors requiring higher mental processes, sensitivity to others, and spontaneity. The loss of empathy seen in these patients is probably an aspect of apathy as well as an aspect of the overall affective worsening
Both COVID-19 and the genetic jabs produce these same effects and are sometimes described as “brain fog.” It’s really brain dysfunction and damage.
Summary and Conclusions
The deluge of psychiatric medications, recreational drugs, and illegal psychoactive substances has combined with the neurological and mental impact of COVID-19 and the “vaccines.” Increasing numbers of people are being rendered unable to love and to care, to stand up for themselves in their personal lives, and unable to resist the escalating oppression in the world today. Along with other physicians, journalists, and attorneys, I have been expressing this overall concern about the short- and long-term consequences of improperly treated COVID-19 and, even more so, the experimental and too often deadly pseudo-vaccines,19 but the issue is much broader in light of the similar effects of all psychoactive substances.
Even without including all the other possible environmental and governmental threats to our brains, it is clear that everyone on the planet must think—while they can still think—about protecting the integrity of the brains and minds.
Keep in mind that the same exploiters of humanity who flood the world with legal and illegal psychoactive substances have escalated their efforts under the guise of treating COVID-19 and preparing for future pandemics and related emergencies. The assaults with legal and illegal drugs, and now the brain damage inflicted on humanity through the fraudulent mishandling of COVID-19 and the pandemic of pseudo-vaccines, exposing multi-billions to the spike protein, will continue to have an enormous personal and political impact in the form of a citizenry too physically, mentally and emotional wounded to fight for their freedom.
There are, of course, other forces that are making the citizens of the world almost universally passive in the face of the growing worldwide totalitarianism, including threats, coercion, the potential loss of professional identity and income, and a deluge of fraudulent information. Ginger and I continue to write about these multiple assaults on the personal sovereignty and freedom of individuals throughout the world. But the harm to higher mental and emotional capacities caused by psychoactive substances, from psychiatric and street drugs to COVID-19 and COVID jabs, requires considerably more attention.
Most personally important, with the knowledge in this report, we can better protect ourselves in the future by rejecting substances that compromise our brain, mind, and spiriting, causing the potential loss of our higher faculties, including our overall engagement with others and with life.
1 This name is fictional, made up to protect the family from unwanted publicity or attention. The lawyer’s real name is John DeGasperis from Kingston, New York.
2 Dr. Breggin’s Resume: Microsoft Word – Steve edits of Resume-FN.docx (breggin.com)
3 Breggin, Peter. Op. Cit.
4 Full Prescribing Information for Lexapro: label (fda.gov) and the 2022 DSM-5-TR, p. 818-819.
5 Breggin, Peter. “Suicidality, violence and mania caused by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs): A review and analysis.” International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine, 16: 31-49, 2003/2004. Simultaneously published in Ethical Human Sciences and Services, 5:225-246, 2003. https://breggin.com/admin/fm/source/6905_breggin/uploads/2008/01/suicidalityviolence.pbreggin.2003.pdf.pdf
6 Ibid.
7 FDA-approved Full Prescribing Information for Lexapro, typical of all SSRIs. label (fda.gov).
8 The 2022 DSM-5-Text Revision has a little more than 100 pages of additions or revisions over the 2013 DSM-5. The 2013 DSM-5 had expurgated all the gory details about akathisia but some are reinstated in the Text Revision. The best edition for adverse effects of SSRI akathisia is DSM-IV. I believe they may have cut these sections because I so often have used them in my writings and in malpractice and product liability cases. Why they resurrected them in 2022 is a mystery to me, unless they mistakenly thought I was no longer writing or testifying in court.
9 Our book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators, can be purchased directly from the Breggins at www.WeArethePrey. It can also be obtained through all bookstores, including Amazon.
10 See the Full Prescribing Information for Lexapro: label (fda.gov).
11 Breggin, Peter. Op. Cit.
12 The press release: Escitalopram alters functional brain architecture in a matter of hours | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (mpg.de). The actual scientific report: Serotonergic Modulation of Intrinsic Functional Connectivity: Current Biology (cell.com)
13 See, for example, seem medical book on the effects of drugs and ECT: Breggin, P. (2007). Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex (2nd Edition). New York, Springer Publishing Company. Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock, and the Psychopharmaceutical Complex: 9780826129345: Medicine & Health Science Books @ Amazon.com and also see my popular book, Breggin, P. (2009). Medication Madness. New York: St. Martin’s Press. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Peter+Breggin%2C+Medication+Madness&crid=3D1YK0O1V4S60&sprefix=peter+breggin%2C+medication+madness%2Caps%2C80&ref=nb_sb_noss
15 https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/blurring-lines-nanotechnology-vaccines
18 Breggin2011_ChronicBrainImpairment.pdf
19 Reiner Fuellmich, Naomi Wolf and Peter Breggin Discuss Stunning Personality Changes Due to the mRNA Covid Jabs (rumble.com) and (74) Plague of Psychiatric Drugs and Illegal Drugs (substack.com)
1 Comment
Important information. Thanks, Medeea.
Time to leave allopathic medicine – and its monster, the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex – behind, and concentrate on naturopathy. As in, ‘First, Do No Harm’.