The Globalists Lost – They Did Not Anticipate the Mass Awakening of Humanity – Nothing Can Stop the Golden Wave
Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!
Nothing can stop the golden wave
Folks, the globalists lost.
They did not anticipate the mass awakening of humanity.
With this tremendous dissemination of awareness, millions of people took to the streets, mainly in Brazil.
Klaus Schwab, the chairman of the Davos conference himself, said that globalism is over.
Because people are fed up.
Because, thanks to the BRICS, Western sanctions on Russia have only encouraged gold-backed currencies and real wealth.
Soon there will be a 1:1 exchange of money from the 209 countries that have adopted NESARA/GESARA.
All truth will be revealed.
Globalist bankers are no longer free to issue money.
Countries (and peoples) are regaining control of their money.
And over time, it loses its current importance and ceases to exist.
We already have a new Quantum Financial System, which is completely unbreakable.
And on the bright side, bankers won’t be able to touch our money anymore.
The central banks (which are actually privately owned by these clans) can’t figure out how to turn off the money tap whenever they want.

Nor can we print money for free for our own convenience.
Commercial banks and central banks will disappear.
It’s already happening.
And those exorbitant profits they so proudly flaunt will never return.
Trump, Qi Jinping, Putin and Bolsonaro are working together to rid the planet of dark hats.
They are part of the Earth Alliance.
And they are not working alone.
Know in your heart that our victory is certain.
All we see now is the big theater.
As far as I know, NESARA/GESARA has already been implemented in 209 sovereign states that signed this law and will be officially announced soon.
Your milestone is to bring the abundance of God the Father to all humans on this planet.
To this end, the 200-page Nesara/Gesara brings:
Due to practices and activities of banks and governments, all debt waivers related to credit cards, mortgages, credit, etc.
Withdraw income tax.
Treasury transfer billing office such as US IRS.
Create a flat 14% tax on new and non-essential consumer goods and pay it to the government.
Used food, medicine, houses and cars are not taxed.
Electoral monitoring to prevent illegal activities by specific groups around the electoral process.
Create a new currency “Rainbow Dollar” backed by real wealth.
Prohibit issuing birth certificates as state-owned bonuses.
Search the internet for ‘warashibe choja’ and you’ll see what I mean.
We present a new financial system, in this case the QFS – Quantum Financial System.
Restore prosecutors and judges to the constitution.
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