Bombshell!!! UPDATE 2025: DECLAS, Indictments, Arrests, and Executions – Unraveling the Deep State Agenda – ‘We Have It All’ ~Q”
Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!
BOOM! The date is January 5th, 2025, and it’s time to unveil the monumental update you’ve all been waiting for: The List of Indictments, Arrests, and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles for the Entire Year of 2023! This is not just another report; this is DECLAS at its finest, the Great Awakening in full swing.
With Trump firmly in control of the nation, the wheels of justice are turning like never before. Military tribunals are packed to capacity, delivering verdicts on treason of the highest order. The guilty now face the fate they have long evaded, and the storm is hitting with unrelenting force.
Stay tuned—this explosive update will leave no stone unturned. The truth is here, the reckoning is now, and the Deep State’s time is up. Welcome to the Awakening!
All Royalties Have Either Been Removed, Arrested, Or Executed Around The World
All Prime Ministers Have Either Been Removed, Arrested, Or Executed Around The World
Start Looking For An Honest Conservative To Elect Prime Minister In Your Country
In a world shrouded in secrecy, where hidden powers have manipulated and controlled the course of history, a seismic revolution is unfolding beneath the surface. The fall of the Cabal, an elusive group that has held humanity captive for decades, is not a spectacle for the masses, but a covert operation that will forever change the course of our world.
Welcome to the age of truth, where the secrets are unveiled, the traitors are exposed, and justice is served – even if the world remains unaware of its own transformation.
The darkness that has loomed over humanity for far too long is finally being dispelled, revealing a sinister network of conspirators who have orchestrated crimes against humanity on a scale unimaginable. As whispers of treason and covert operations circulate, a list of indictments, arrests, and executions emerges from the shadows, offering a glimpse into a realm previously hidden from the public eye.
The list stands as a testament to the heinous deeds committed against the innocent. Those who once wielded power with impunity now find themselves facing the consequences of their actions. This compilation includes figures once revered by society – politicians, celebrities, and influential individuals whose crimes have rocked the very foundations of trust.
Unveiling the Justice: Arrests and Executions
The wheels of justice may turn slowly, but their momentum is unrelenting. The revolution against the Cabal has resulted in a wave of arrests and executions that have sent shockwaves through the deepest corridors of power. The intricate web of betrayal is being meticulously unraveled, laying bare the true nature of those who swore to protect and serve.
In the darkness of the clandestine operations, a whispered deal emerged – a pact with those who possessed damning information. In exchange for divulging critical intelligence, a promise of a merciful end awaited them. Death with dignity or a life confined to a cell, the traitors were left with a choice that would seal their fates.
No one is safe from the reckoning that is sweeping across the globe. Even the most powerful figures, who once believed themselves untouchable, have been unmasked and held accountable for their actions. The revelations expose the extent to which the Cabal’s influence extended, reaching into the heart of governments and institutions.
As the walls close in, even the most iconic figures have been brought to justice. A notable example is the shocking unraveling of Michelle and Barack Obama’s legacy. The betrayal and treachery that lay beneath the surface were exposed, leading to a series of events that ultimately sealed their fates.
The shadowy world of clandestine operations took an unprecedented turn with the activation of AI clones and doubles. The deep state’s minions, once puppets in the hands of the Cabal, now find themselves at the service of an unexpected leader – former President Donald Trump. This surreal twist in the narrative marks a turning point in the revolution.
Decoding the Truth: DECLAS and the Awakening. As the masses remain blissfully unaware, a grand spectacle unfolds before their eyes – a carefully orchestrated performance meant to expose hidden players and unveil a reality previously obscured. The DECLAS initiative serves as both a testament to victory and a revelation of the intricate power dynamics that have shaped our world.
What’s The Most Powerful Manifesting Force On The UNIVERSE? “Is it vibration?” “Visualization?” “Gratitude?” NO, IT’S THIS…
“Crime of the Century”: Reclaim Your Natural Immunity: Rise Against Mandatory Vaccines, Toxic Food, Contaminated Water, and Crush Big Pharma’s Tyranny – Reclaim Your Health Now!
EXCLUSIVE! Try Nikola Tesla’s Divine Code “369” for 30 Seconds & Watch What Happens Next…
Guides and Angels: Embracing the Presence of Spiritual Guides in Our Lives!
How does Melania Trump stay beautiful? All the First Lady’s beauty secrets REVEALED!
Do you Remember George H.W. Bush’s Funeral?
Do You Remember When all The Members of The Cabal Were Handed Envelopes?
A New One Theory Just Surfaced…
We are watching a movie! Enjoy the show!
Conclusion: A World Transformed
The revolution against the Cabal is a testament to the power of truth, justice, and the indomitable spirit of humanity. As the secrets crumble and the darkness lifts, we stand on the precipice of a new era – an era defined by transparency, accountability, and the unyielding pursuit of justice. The crimes against humanity will forever serve as a reminder of the lengths to which some will go to retain power, but they will also stand as a testament to the triumph of light over darkness.
There will be no civil war and patriots have no colour! United We Are Strong! Thank you for reading, like, comment, subscribe. Please join the conversation it’s free!
The End of the World as we Know it – The Fall of the Cabal: ‘Arrests and Executions’. “We Have It All” ~Q!
Medeea….I am very disappointed in the changes you made to your whole site. This page for instance left ou the Pope. The guilty in greene and white and blacks NAMES are way too small. Also missing articles.
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I have a question. I absolutely believe all these traitors have been arrested or executed howeve r what really confuses me is. I know this is all a movie but. Simon Cowell is all over the press as he is getting married this week how can that be. Surely his wife to be must know it is not him. Same as Boris Johnson.
Confused from the UK
Do you know if we will be getting an up to date list anytime soon. Hopefully not as the real movie will be revealed very soon.
The people who are dead are kept alive in the story through doubles or actors in costume and CGI.
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The doubles replacing most of these political criminals, such as Pelosi & Schumer, seem to be continuing to commit the same crimes as the persons they are impersonating. Thus the arrests, convictions and executions have had no effect for the benefit of humanity.
What gives? Will the doubles be charged for fraud, as they impersonate elected public officials?
Do people believe this nonsense? If all those people were executed why would the Globalist agenda be able to continue on its merry way? And why would the executioner allows the body double to exist? Ridiculous
The globalists are allowed to show their asses in the public, so the public will wake up and learn. Trump already won this war. Now they are mopping up, and the public is being educated on what’s been going on. Trump one day will not be in office, so the American People must learn now what to look for and how to protect themselves.
You are so right. Spiritual knowledge is going to help us. And during the 1000 years devil will be chained up and his demon.
Some of you are understandably skeptical of actual draining of swamp.
Remember that primary military tactics are: careful planning, element of surprise and yes, sometimes actual disinformation to grab’em by their reptilian tails.
Trump and his loyalists ARE in control. Although sometimes its hard to believe it. Extend of cleanup is called “draining of swamp” for a reason. Be patient and pray…
I agree, we’re engaged in a war of truth and light! I can see after a couple years the difference in attitude and understanding where we have all have been blessed to see our world being cleaned up from the filth of the elite.
…an expose like this needs supporting documentation, aka ‘proof’…otherwise you look like an idiot having an extreme wet dream…
…get your shitake in order…there are not enough body doubles available for all these evil people…
John Hawk, Only the “constantly in public” need a body double. We’re at war right now, remember? They don’t do obituaries on Tribunal sentences/deaths. Sorry, but the Military Operations don’t report to you….
You are absolutely correct! No Wakes, no comforting music, no pomp and circumstance when you’ve been executed at GITMO!!
I doubt anyone tells you good bye, because if you have ended up at the Military Tribunals @ GITMO you have done something really bad that you had to pay for with your life!!!
Go to the execution lists posted on this site if you don’t believe what’s happening. Look up on u-tube and see where Simon Cowell just died.
When these people were convicted for their crimes of human trafficking, blood sacrifice or any crime against humanity you will be either hung, shot in the head, needle or a Rommel death, cianide.
Trump/Marine gave these criminals several choices for your death …. unless you hurt children.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t take the time to educate yourself, time moves on bud! And these punishments or deaths of these people are REAL … not knowing about it is your too bad! My goodness, these people are dropping like flies and you can’t tell who’s legit? Don’t play poker, it’s real as hell.
This reminds me of a few years ago when this site was first presented and nobody much thought this was truly happened. But ….. there were also a crap load of “believers” that was paying attention to the GITMO news and the exorbitant amount of planes flying in and out of the newly built and upgraded GITMO with criminals ON BOARD headed to their tribunal fate.
We’re talking about about loathsome creatures. Those convicted of treason by attempting to overthrow our government had to go … and GO THEY DID QUICKLY! All the lies about Donald Trump before and during his presidency are being unveiled with heavily classified information. Donald Trump did not actually run for president … this one will get ya … he was chosen by the Marines because he was the only man in DC that was rich enough to not be BRIBED! If Hillary had won we would all be in death camps or our heads would be chopped off at one of Obamas hundreds of thousands guiliotines he had ordered up during his administration. There was a sixteen year plan in place to destroy our government by the elite, eight years of Obama and eight years of Hillary.
Believe me, I will be back. I can tell you just how lucky you are to be here reading these posts!!!
Wake up America!
…this is somebody’s extreme wet dream…what’s that old saying that our moms taught us: ‘the proof is in the puddin’…
I wish that these criminsls had been tried and executed but this is all so much wishful thinking. Do I believe that there is far more going on behind the scenes that we may never know? Duh. But that doesn’t mean pipe dreams are true. First off, this makes no sense. If they had the goods on these criminals then they should be tried and executed very publicly. Body doubles? Seriously people?? Not dismissing the technology as what we see is 40 years behind what hss been developed but again it makes no sense.
Here’s a prophecy from a man of God, Dumitru Duddiman, a Romanian former communist soldier, who gave his life to Christ after seeing miracles firsthand. He was given a prophecy by an angel (Duddiman tested the angel first by asking him questions). Duddiman said the angel gave him the prophecy when he was wide awake, not dreaming. He said that the US would be in the midst of a civil war when Russia would nuke both the East and West coasts and that after China would invade. This prophecy was given to him in the late 60’s when China was not yet a world power and had no serious military. The US is Mystery Babylon and will be destroyed in a single day. Jesus will come to save his church when he’s ready. But until then we are to hold on and withstand the Tribulation. But Trump is NOT coming to save us. It wouldn’t surprise me if he turned out to be the Beast of Revelations. Not because I don’t like him but because the Beast could be anyone. We cannot allow ourselves to be fooled.
Did you know that the bible has been heavily altered by the freemasons? Especially the KJV?
Look up Mark Alan King and his gematria research that has helped prove this fact.
The book of revelation is one of the most tampered of all the books in the bible, because the satanists, wanted christians to sit back and do nothing as they tried to create an antichrist, lock innocent people up in concentration camps etc, because ‘it is biblical prophecy’ (when in reality it is predictive programming garbage).
Thank the most high, he WONT let it happen!
Great article. I will be experiencing some of these
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HI Medeea
I’m doing researches to have a clear view witch entities are at the top : the Controlers and the “Extra-Controlers” and what is their plans… I appreciate your work.
Can I translate some articles in french and pass to some french telegram channels. I can provide you the translated links of these translated articles.
I’ll share my researches soon with media like yours.
Alen, spread the news to the wider world. You can take any article you want!
You’re welcome to my words and thoughts I write here, we’re a family looking for TRUTH!
Oops! Those words were for Medea not me. So sorry!
I agree, we’re engaged in a war of truth and light! I can see after a couple years the difference in attitude and understanding where we have all have been blessed to see our world being cleaned up from the filth of the elite.
you fucking idiots, you can look up interviews with most of these people and see more current interviews than their supposed date of death. fucking bullshit, get a life. Especially the list of movie stars is comical. get a life.
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Thank you, so much! I’ve been a political journalist for over four decades and I love my work.
I come from a military family of strong women and men that for five generations chose to step up to the plate to protect and serve our beautiful country.
This comment section has been slow for almost a year but I still kept coming back a few times a week to see if it was up and running. I’m SO HAPPY to be back here doing what I love! I had so many followers, I missed them all.
Now that we’re seeing faces of people online that don’t look at all like themselves, such as Johnny Depp, we can be assured the executions are taking place. That one kind of bothered me (jd), even though he said he’d like to see Trump assassinated.
It did pee me off that he dared to criticize President Donald Trump, I’ve been following Trump since his fights with Rosie McDonald decades ago.
I always admired his strength and his TRUTH. Actually he was one of the first people who thought we were entering into a place where nuclear weapons could become a reality in our time.
Back then the elite didn’t like him so much because they understood he had their number down pat. The elite however, still wanted to make nice with him because his parties were grand opulent affairs where everyone wanted to be seen and hopefully heard. EWE! I just let Amber Heard cross my mind! I need to scrub my eyes!!
My home is directly under the flight plan that takes criminals to GITMO from DC. Last year and up to now you could hear the huge planes fly over every one minute and forty five seconds apart all night long … for weeks and months. Myself, I loved the idea of a plane full of unhappy criminals headed to GITMO.
I hope to talk to you again soon,
I think “The people” are finally waking up to the knowledge that the pond had to be drained. It’s just so hard for anyone to imagine the horrific truth of the elite!
Let me share my understanding of whats unfolding. Perhaps it will help those of you who are frustrated with, what often might appear, a lack of ACTION.
Like DRAINING OF SWAMP is not REALLY happening.
Remember both, Trump and Lynn often making Q gesture?
Which means Q is REAL and these 2 great patriots are a part of it.
And therefore, we MUST “trust the plan”.
Vast majority of military is on Trump;s side. They proceed SLOWLY with draining the swamp, because this is a PLANNED DEMOLITION of the monstrous evil network. And so, placement of every demolition charge (removal of next satanist in line) must be planned VERY CAREFULLY. Just like in PLANNED DEMOLITION, we want to see an IRREVERSIBLE and PERMANENT DESTRUCTION.
All the evil clowns like Clintons, Pelosi, Waters etc are the demonic puppets, a NETWORK of EVIL. These are the ones currently discreetly removed and replaced by body doubles.
Remember that success of every CONTROLLED DEMOLITION is a CONTAINMENT of DEBRIS. In this case, ANY OVERSIGHT might be a spark starting a BLOODY CIVIL WAR and massive loss of human live.
Just because somebody is demon-posessed or plain stupid, does not mean they must all die. This is an essence of Jesus crucifixion AND resurrection. He died to save as many of us as possible.
Remember that although transhumanism seems to have been initiated by evil Rotschields, its father is in fact Satan himself. He is the “light-bearer” and original REBEL. Genesis 3:4.
He was kicked out of heaven with group of renegade angels, because he wanted to be like the MOST HIGH.
He will continue deceiving and stealing both pure evil (Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Soros, Obama etc, etc) and “struggling” souls (the rest of us) until he is completely destroyed by Jesus, thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Final, Closing Act of cosmic war between GOOD and EVIL. Which many of us will likely EYEWITNESS.
Perhaps this glorious moment will look like this:
with all hardcore deceived victims actually crying seeing his ultimate DEMISE.
This kind of production is sometimes called “predictive programming” for a reason.
What can you do?
Remember ETERNAL TRUTH of TEN COMMANDMENTS. This is a guide for PERFECTION as defined by Jesus/ God.
You job is to adhere AS BEST AS YOU CAN. God knows we are not perfect and subjects to CONSTANT TEMPTATION. That is why HE sent Jesus to die on the cross. For our INEQUITIES.
Took me long time to find a KEY TRUTH of the BIBLE:
It is appointed for men to die once, then the JUDGEMENT.
So, live your life as best as you can.
Always remember that “Somebody’s watching me”…
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 NIV)
Hope this helps.
May LORD, help us all
Amen and Amen! Chris is giving you the full truth as ascribed. The real TRUTH is out there …. Just look! There is no longer any royalty, they have all been killed around the world because of ingesting the flesh and blood of our children around the world in centuries of their old traditions.
Let me go back a bit to a little six year old blonde boy named Etan Patz that was the very first face on the milk cartons. In 1970 He was waiting at a school bus stop in Manhattan when he was grabbed off the street into a bodega where he had been offered a soft drink by a bodega worker there. Instead he was taken to the basement, was attacked and then murdered. His parents would never see their son again, until 1979 his bones were recovered.
Haven’t you ever asked yourself what’s happening to ALL THESE MISSING CHILDREN? They’re being trafficked all around the world in ships, or anything these pervs can find. This pays well, but these criminals are being picked up and neutralized quickly. Churches are even found to to be trafficking stops.
I’ve been a political journalist for over four decades and if you don’t believe a word of this that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening in your community and the world. There are so many facets of child snatching …. and snatcher’s!
While we were going about our life and the lives of our children the elite discovered their secret fantasy of blood letting, drinking blood (adrenechrome), and satanic rituals. Queen Elizabeth and her castle was one of the most prolific traffickers and torturers in the world. I HAVE PROOF! Look up on real time Buckingham palace. The wrought iron with golden gates have been torn down.
These practices are found around the world.
Babies of Planned Parenthood that are born alive meet a horrific fate. Either their parted out for sale or end up in the hands of these blood criminals, their deaths are unimaginable.
Look at one of Hillary’s snuff films, she cut off the face of a child and put it on her face. Enough yet? There’s far more atrocities happening every minute.
By all means look it all up, it’s all there, and it will scare the living hell out of you!
bonjour, j’ai des doutes concernant cette liste concernant les personnes arrêtées et exécutées, Angela Merckel est censée être exécutée et elle se rend à Moscou chez Poutine ? je vois Obama fêter ses 60 ans ? je ne sais quoi penser ? nous sommes dans l’irréel.
OMG so long the damn f*cking list. These are evil parasites of the world ….. pray hard it will come true ASAP
This is a good list of the traitors. It will be great if AMG can provide references not hearsay, so we can decide for ourselves if this information is real or fake. The truth and solid information shall set us free, not hearsay.
How do you know all these people are traitors? I mean, just in amg-news alone in all the different articles, Hillary has died like 4 times. LOL. The lies can’t even be kept straight.
This fool has been trying to get attention for almost five years by playing devils advocate! She likes to insult … doesn’t play well with others
Ignore her!
All of the countries that are killing their babies are doomed. China will not survive. India will not survive. And, all the other baby killers will not survive.
which is correct??? amg says life in prison real raw news says hanged which is it??????? susan rice
It this site real or fake with all the fake news.? I really wondering
Wow that was strange. I just wrote an extremely long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t show up.
Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again. Anyways, just wanted to say wonderful blog!
I was recommended this website by means of my cousin. I’m now not positive whether this post is written by means
of him ass no one else recognize such precise approximately my trouble.
You’re amazing! Thanks!
You’d have to be stupid to believe this shit. Seriously are you people so retarded that you can’t see the people on these lists that are still going about enjoying their lives, not executed, not arrested. Wake up people you are being lied to and played, if you can’t see that then fuck this world is fucked.